
Summary Story 202205

May 20th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - New names are mostly not official and I will write their Japanese pronunciation for your interpretation. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  4. - I usually try to follow global names except Marubom which I refuse to use Boomer.
  5. - Refer to Incinerator's post in #jp-spoilers for localised names.
  6. - Link:
  8. > Chapter 4
  10. >> Rain
  12. Vanharma remarked that the fact that Rain felt sorrow from the ruins meant he was special, and proceeded to recite what happened 1000 years ago. He introduced each member in Taivas group and how they were being used in King Lonto's Snowdrop plan to use Omega to conquer the continent. Nini wondered how Vanharma knew so much details since the official record only mentioned that Elmont activated Omega and failed, and thus the country was destroyed. Rain was surprised since he remembered Rhus knowing more about it, since he once mentioned how the people with power once tried to use Omega but was stopped by one stupid man. Nini said it was the story of the people who survived Elmont (descendants?) but never confirmed. Nini speculated Vanharma to be someone associated with the army to know so much details, but he did not answer. Instead Vanharma offered to let them meet some people. Rain wondered about the outcome of Taivas's fight, but according to Nini only two people survived in the tragedy in Elmont.
  14. >> Taivas
  16. Scene returned to Yshe confessing to Taivas. They went to face Omega and managed to unleach Omnivus. The force of Omnivus was so strong that their weapons broke. However, Omega could still move. Tahto, watching afar, laughed as they failed as expected. He mentioned how Snovlinka and Riddar were not humans to have achieved that. As Taivas and Yshe wondered about their Omnivus, they were surrounded by Omega species. Since their weapons were broken they could only face them bare-handed.
  18. Runda and Haveh watched what happened and rushed to help Taivas and Yshe. Runda was surprised at Haveh's growth. Haveh managed to get Yshe and Taivas out of the situation but they were already injured by Omega species and thus infected. Taivas told Haveh and Runda to flee without them, but Haveh and Runda refused. Haveh eventually managed to escort them to a safe place. However Taivas told him to leave before he and Yshe go berserk. Runda decided to stay since he was Taivas partner and would not be infected anyway. Haveh reluctantly conceded but believed they would meet again. As soon as Haveh left, Taivas broke down in agony. He was already weak from fighting Omega so he could not resist the Omega seed as well. Taivas asked Yshe to kill him if he were to went berserk. Yshe agreed and would kill herself afterwards. As Taivas attacked Yshe, he was using the combo from Omnivus. Yshe was impressed that while berserk he was still intent on fighting Omega, and proceeded to practice Omnivus with him.
  20. Scene shifted to Haveh wanting to face Omega to stop it while he knew he could not defeat it. Tahto still remarked that humans cannot do anything to Omega. Kylma said that Tahto's tone was like he was not human. Tahto reminded her that she should know the best. Scene shifted back to Tahto instructing Kylma to research Omega seeds to let them be implanted in humans without going berserk since people who became infected also became incredibly strong. He told Kylma to experiment on him so that he could become the world's only Omega human. His ambition was to become the king of the world, while being neither human nor Omega. Haveh managed to land on Omega and kept encouraging Lehftia inside it to fight, while being burned by Omega's green flames surrounding its body.
  22. A voice kept whispering to Taivas to destroy everything and all lives. Eventually a thing (? boss name is the impulse of destruction) showed up and whispered to destroy all things, whether they are shaped or shapeless. Taivas remembered his wife and daughter and would not allow his memories to be destroyed. He managed to defeat the impulse and woke up in reality. Back then, Yshe managed to defeat Taivas and knock him out. However she was also about to go berserk so she decided to leave the place as she would definitely kill the unconscious Taivas. She believed Taivas would overcome the infection and she would do the same. She would return to Taivas once she overcame the infection. After hearing that, they decided to chase after Yshe to help her overcome too.
  24. Eventually they found the berserk Yshe. Taivas tried to stop her but with Omega seeds removing her limits he might not be able to win. As Taivas desired more power, he activated an aura (same graphic as blood awakening) and felt an incredible power. He managed to made Yshe unconscious, hoping that she would end up overcoming like he did. However as he was tired from stopping Yshe, he was surrounded by Omega species. As he ran out of strength and his mark of transcendence, Yshe woke up and rescued them with her mark of transcendence. Taivas became hopeful that with their new strengths they might be able to defeat Omega, but worried about their weapons that they just picked up randomly. Yshe reassured. that she prepared two swords for them to fight Omega.
  26. >> Rain
  28. Nini added that even the official records are only known to the top people among the countries. In Sherna, only up to Caledfwlch were informed. In Rain's time, it was known that Snovlinka overcame Omega seeds to obtain the mark of transcendence. However apparently it was not known in Taivas's time. Apparently it was only known after Sherna was established. Rain inferred that Vanharma was protecting Ihana the way Taivas protected Lehftia. Vanharma asserted and revealed that Ihana was artificially created as a substitute of Lehftia. Rain questioned why Vanharma killed the children and he explained that the children were also research subjects. However they were deemed not to have the same power as Snovlinka and were to be disposed. Nini mentioned even she did not know that. Then, the people Vanharma wanted Rain to meet were the children he supposedly killed. Back then when Vanharma was facing the children and the caretaker employee, the employee revealed everything, like how traces of research remained in the children and there were risks of them being known to other countries. Vanharma killed the employee the saved the children. He faked that the children were killed so that they would not be pursued. Rain questioned why Vanharma decided to tell him not Rhus or Oscar, then Vanharma answered that he would understand by listening to Taivas's story to the end.
  30. >> Taivas
  32. Haveh's voice managed to reach Lehftia however he was finally blown away by Omega. As he wanted to get back up onto Omega, Taivas and Yshe arrived. Tahto was surprised to see Taivas and Yshe achieving the mark of transcendence. He thought that it was a power unique to Snovlinka and Riddar. Then he deduced that it was actually a power one gets after overcoming Omega Seed. Tahto still had faith that Omega would not lose since Lehftia was riding it. Runda found Haveh heavily burned. Haveh told Runda that if he were to die, tell the rest that he lived on and would meet them after everything settled down. He did not want Taivas and Lehftia to blame themselves for his death.
  34. Taivas and Yshe managed to unleashed Omnivus and released Lehftia. At the same time, Runda noticed Haveh already closed his eyes and promised to honour his final request. Tahto ordered Kylma to gather soldiers to chase after them and scene ended.
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