

Mar 27th, 2023
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  1. A - apple, all, and, at, afternoon
  2. B - book, but, be, by, bus
  3. C - cat, can, come, car, coffee
  4. D - dog, do, day, down, door
  5. E - eat, every, end, evening, eight
  6. F - fish, for, from, friend, four
  7. G - go, good, get, give, green
  8. H - house, have, here, how, help
  9. I - I, in, it, if, is
  10. J - just, job, jump, jacket, jelly
  11. K - kangaroo, keep, kill, kind, kitchen
  12. L - like, love, look, little, long
  13. M - man, my, more, make, morning
  14. N - no, not, now, new, name
  15. O - orange, one, of, on, out
  16. P - people, please, put, play, park
  17. Q - quarter, quick, quiz, queen, quiet
  18. R - run, read, really, right, road
  19. S - sun, some, she, see, say
  20. T - the, to, two, time, tree
  21. U - under, up, us, use, umbrella
  22. V - very, visit, voice, victory, village
  23. W - water, we, will, with, work
  24. X - xylophone, x-ray, extra, example, exciting
  25. Y - yes, you, your, year, yellow
  26. Z - zoo, zero, zebra, zipper, zone
  27. Keep in mind that this is just a small sample of commonly used words and varies greatly depending on context, dialect, and individual use
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