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Oct 23rd, 2019
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  1. Nowadays Social Media plays an important role in our life, we are using it to keep in touch with our friends and make some new friends. Besides that we want to show the world what we are doing by means of posting pictures or videos. These tools are all very useful when we talk about business too.
  3. A few years ago Social Media wasn’t that big yet, but nowadays people are able to use it for almost anything in their daily life.
  5. Social Media has got to the point where it shapes our life and makes a great impact in it.
  7. In every era, cultures go through numerous changes, and in recent years ours has been more impacted than anything else by social media. Large media companies are not likely to go away overnight, nor will the need to communicate by phone or meet people in person, but social media is providing yet one more means of engaging with people on this vast planet of ours, and if used effectively can give all of us greater choice in how we live and what happens in our world.
  9. I think that the effects of social media have been somewhat balanced, to be honest. There are many good things about it, and many bad things. In the end, if you can keep your own life centered in reality and use social networking as a small part of it, you should be just fine.
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  13. Денес социјалните медиуми играат важна улога во нашиот живот, ние ја користиме за да остане во контакт со нашите пријатели и да направиме нови пријатели. Покрај тоа, ние сакаме да му покажеме на светот што правиме со објавување на слики или видеа. Овие алатки се многу корисни кога зборуваме и за бизнис.
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