
legi0n goes on record for the Mueller investigation

Jan 18th, 2018
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  1. 7:31:45 PM+Simdlegi0n: You stated that only those with fear know they've done something wrong.
  2. 7:31:58 PM+SimdWe have see the GOP gripped with terror by the Mueller investigation for several months now.
  3. 7:32:13 PM+legi0nhardly
  4. 7:32:14 PM+SimdIs the most likely outcome, then, that Mueller will find the GOP complicit in a RICO investigation involving Russian money?
  5. 7:32:20 PM+legi0nwho is gripped?
  6. 7:32:26 PM+SimdDonald J. Trump.
  7. 7:32:30 PM+SimdDevin Nunes.
  8. 7:32:31 PM+legi0nha
  9. 7:32:35 PM+legi0nno he isnt
  10. 7:32:39 PM+legi0ndude is tweetin
  11. 7:32:43 PM+legi0nnot scared
  12. 7:32:52 PM+Simd"DO SOMETHING!"
  13. 7:32:58 PM+SimdRemember when he screamed that into the void?
  14. 7:33:08 PM+zorgDEM gripped in terror their base might get deported to mexico
  15. 7:33:11 PM+SimdOr, how about "It's time for the GOP to take over the investigation."
  16. 7:33:23 PM+SimdBy which he meant, "It's time for the GOP to kill the investigation."
  17. 7:33:47 PM+Simdlegi0n: Would you like to go on record?
  18. 7:33:56 PM+legi0non what?
  19. 7:34:02 PM+SimdI can save this conversation and then repost it when more indictments and or guilty pleas come in.
  20. 7:34:09 PM+legi0noh sure
  21. 7:34:10 PM+Drunk4dayBritfags can't overstay usa visa
  22. 7:34:12 PM+legi0nsave away
  23. 7:34:14 PM+SimdOkay.
  24. 7:34:20 PM* legi0n clears throat
  25. 7:34:24 PM+Simdlegi0n: Do you think any more indictments will come as a result of the Mueller investigation?
  26. 7:34:26 PM+legi0nthe gop is not scared
  27. 7:34:29 PM+legi0nthere you go
  28. 7:34:41 PM+SimdI will say, 'Yes.'
  29. 7:34:46 PM+legi0nsimd - significant ones? : no
  30. 7:35:07 PM+Simdlegi0n: Were the Papadapolous and/or Manafort significant indictments/guilty pleas?
  31. 7:35:09 PM+SimdIn your view.
  32. 7:35:20 PM+zorgfbi is running scared they are probably already investigation the dems
  33. 7:35:23 PM+legi0nnah
  34. 7:35:35 PM+Simdlegi0n: What would be an example of a significant indictment/guilty plea?
  35. 7:35:41 PM+zorgI expect hillary behind bars any day
  36. 7:35:41 PM+legi0nhillary
  37. 7:35:52 PM+SimdHillary is not under investigation by the FBI.
  38. 7:36:02 PM+legi0nrealiste - im wicked smaaahrt
  39. 7:36:02 PM+SimdWe're talking about the Mueller investigation of the Trump campaign and administration.
  40. 7:36:03 PM+zorgyou would not know if she was
  41. 7:36:12 PM+Simdzorg: Not with certainty, no.
  42. 7:36:16 PM+zorgfbi doesn't announce that, except in trumps case
  43. 7:36:18 PM+SimdDo you have any evidence she is under investigation?
  44. 7:36:36 PM+legi0nshe isnt, but your question was open ended
  45. 7:36:39 PM+Simdlegi0n: Are you finished?
  46. 7:36:46 PM+legi0nso i responded accordingly
  47. 7:36:56 PM+SimdI will be posting this the next time somebody in the Trump campaign/administration is indictment or pleads guilty.
  48. 7:36:59 PM+SimdThat should be in less than 30 days.
  49. 7:37:09 PM+zorgfbi said in past the the amount of classified on hillary's home computer exceeded gross, she had to be selling it
  50. 7:37:12 PM+legi0nok
  51. 7:37:17 PM+legi0nbut im a peon in here
  52. 7:37:21 PM+legi0nno on will care
  53. 7:37:29 PM+legi0none
  54. 7:37:36 PM+Simdlegi0n: Who in the Trump campaign or administration would represent a significant indictment or guilty plea?
  55. 7:37:44 PM+legi0nhmm
  56. 7:37:44 PM+SimdConsidering you don't feel the former campaign chair is an example of that.
  57. 7:37:48 PM+legi0ngood question
  58. 7:38:11 PM+legi0nsince no one in trumps cabinet is reaslly 100 behind him
  59. 7:38:13 PM+legi0nno one
  60. 7:38:17 PM+SimdInteresting.
  61. 7:38:24 PM+zorgaccording to the dems
  62. 7:38:32 PM+legi0ntrump is strong enough on his own
  63. 7:38:33 PM+SimdSo if the Vice-President were indictment, that wouldn't be a significant indictment.
  64. 7:38:35 PM+SimdIn your view.
  65. 7:38:39 PM+legi0nlolol]
  66. 7:38:42 PM+legi0npence
  67. 7:38:44 PM+zorgstandard for dems attaking every gpo president
  68. 7:38:49 PM Ignoring zorg!*@*
  69. 7:38:49 PM+legi0nthats just some hat dude
  70. 7:38:52 PM+Simdzorg: I put you on ignore.
  71. 7:38:55 PM+legi0ntrump needed a running man
  72. 7:38:58 PM+SimdReason: I found your chat uninteresting.
  73. 7:39:08 PM+legi0nits like the last guy picked in kickball
  74. 7:39:11 PM+Simdlegi0n: I have seen enough.
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