
Suddenly, Omeglequest

May 25th, 2010
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  1. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
  2. Stranger: hi
  3. You: Greetings, stranger. Welcome to Omeglequest!
  4. You: What is your name?
  5. Stranger: j
  6. You: Hello, J! What is your class?
  7. Stranger: human
  8. You: So, your name is J and you are a Human, is this correct?
  9. Stranger: yes
  10. You: Good luck on your travels, J the Human.
  11. Stranger: thanks
  12. You: You stand in a grassy field. To the north is a dark forest, and to the south, there is a thin stream. To your east, there is a small house.
  13. You: What do you do?
  14. Stranger: i go east and to the entrance of the house
  15. You: You go east.
  16. You: You stand before the entrance of a small house. Actually, it's more of a hut, a ramshackle construction of corrugated iron and chipped bricks. A hanging cloth serves as a makeshift door.
  17. Stranger: Looking it over, my curiosity gets the better of me and i push the cloth aside and enter into the house.. or rather the hut
  18. You: The interior of the hut is dingy and poorly lit- you can smell damp earth, and streams of light trickle in through gaps in the roof. There is a faded rug on the floor, wrinkled in one corner. There is an old lamp hanging on the wall. There is a rotting wooden chest.
  19. Stranger: Everything seems abandoned.. so feel free to check the chest out and go up yo it to try and open it
  20. You: Opening the chest, you find a dirty but intact satchel, a trench shovel, and a water-damaged book. There is also a lumpy hessian sack.
  21. Stranger: bah it is late for me and although i enjoy this sudden RP.. my typing is getting harder to do correctly so i am sorry but i g2g
  22. You: Haha, no prob. You're awesome and should feel awesome.
  23. Stranger: you too!
  24. You: <3
  25. Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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