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Cream Puff

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May 12th, 2020
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  1. I should've known the job to be too good to be true. The pay was too much, the expectations too low and by all means seemed a scam. Dropping out of college, I never thought they'd call me back, let alone get an interview and subsequent job offer. Maybe it was my looks? I wasn't bad looking, but I also still had my athletic form and that had to count for something.
  3. Everyone warned me about an office job 'softening me up', but I had a metabolism that could handle just about anything and a strict gym routine. That and my boss was even more cut than me. Obviously if he could avoid the fattening effects of an office job, shouldn’t be an issue for me.
  5. The first month went fine. I had my prepared lunches and I kept to my gym routine, everything seemed like it was going to work out.
  7. That was until one Friday my boss brought in his signature cream puffs. They were a vivid pink and looked so rich, if my boss hadn’t been standing there holding them out to me, I might’ve resisted it. I didn’t want to disappoint, so I took one and headed back to my desk. It looked so rich and sugary, but I owed it to him to at least try. I took one bite and the flavor was as intense as the color. It was amazing. I finished it immediately and my knee jerk thought was to get another but I was able to tame the temptation.
  9. Something about the week and capping it with that cream puff just made me feel like wasting the weekend being lazy. I skipped gym and spent most of the time on the couch. I told myself I had been good and deserved a break. Which if I had let it just be the weekend would have been fine, but that break rolled into the next week. It wasn’t till Thursday that I got back into some form of self control and discipline but Friday rolled around with another amazing cream puff that knocked me right off that horse.
  11. Still, I figured with a gym visit here and there I should be fine.
  13. I was wrong and in a month, I could see the consequences of my toned body softening into something average. Not chubby or fat, but my abs were gone for sure. My confidence in that I could turn it around was still unshakeable.
  15. But that confidence lead me to think that eating out at lunch for the entire week was a good idea. I wasn’t ordering anything huge, but everything was fast food or comfort food. It tasted amazing and I felt like having two cream puffs couldn’t hurt either.
  17. Not at all surprising, the gains kept coming and I had moved right into chubby as a starter gut filled in and attempted to overtake my belt. All my tone was gone and I’d have a hard time telling people I was an athlete at one point. I told myself that I had to diet and made that resolve to do so...
  19. Next week.
  21. I figured if I was going to go on a diet, that I should go out on a bang right? I ate out every lunch and even upped the portions with whatever upgrades or extras. Friday came and I ate 5 of those cream puffs.
  23. Only problem is that when next week came, I couldn’t turn down the thought of a big indulgent lunch so I pushed off the diet again and once again ate like I wouldn’t be able to indulge again.
  25. But I kept doing it, week after week. I just kept getting fatter and my meals ever bigger to match.
  27. As I eased into plain fat territory, the idea of a diet was sitting in the back of my head. I don’t know if it was denial or dumb optimism that I thought I could shed all this weight just as easily as it came on. Growing fatter wasn’t as pressing issue as some other things I noticed.
  29. I wasn’t a hairy guy to begin with, but I noticed my body hair thinning or even falling out. As I eased in on 300 pounds, from the neck down I was hairless and even my facial hair had all but stopped growing. This registered somewhat troubling, but it was an issue that I would address after my diet to give you an idea of where my head was at.
  31. While the rate of my gain was worrying, the way I was gaining seemed strange. Some men put on weight and just became burly or imposing. My weight was coming in soft and flabby, doughy. While my gut lead in terms of size, it was my ass, hips and tits that were close behind. None of this weight was in any way masculine. It made me self conscious and luckily, I found a new coping mechanism of overeating.
  33. Without asking, my boss had started to bring those cream puffs in daily and I was up to eating 6 a day now on top of my usual overloaded intake. While my boss had been one to bust balls or joke around, as I got fatter, his teasing increased with it. Either a ‘wide load’ here or a lil poke to my ever softening side. It was embarrassing and I knew I’d have a case if I went to HR, but the pay was too good to give up. That and stirring somewhere deep in me was an arousal every time he called me fat or touched me. As a supposedly straight guy, it only added more confusion to this job and my changes.
  35. The arousal just brought more humiliation as not to brag I was decently hung before this whole thing. But i don’t know if it’s because it got smaller or the rest of me got bigger, my fat pad was gobbling up inches and shortening it very quickly as I grew. As I settled into 400, I discovered that even hard it could not escape the fat pad that I had grown with my gluttony. It wasn’t just that my cock had essentially been made into a clit, but just trying to reach it beyond my massive gut and oversized tits was a task in itself. I was surprising myself with the excuses I made, but buying a vibrator because I had gotten too fat to do it manually should’ve been such a red flag.
  37. It should be no surprise that my cream puff intake was now a dozen daily. What did surprise me was when my boss put two boxes on my desk. I didn’t ask for more, but I never did to get to this point. I ate my usual and even broke into the second dozen, only leaving 3 by the time quitting time came around.
  39. “What’s this?” He asked as he passed my desk.
  41. I was caught off guard as I looked up from my monitor, “Oh, few leftover cream puffs...”
  43. “You’re telling me your fat ass couldn’t finish 2 dozen cream puffs? After you demolished that meatball marinara footlong at lunch? Hm.”
  45. “” I was struggling to find the words, I was embarrassed and I felt so much more...submissive with this weight that I genuinely felt like I had failed him despite how aggressive he was.
  47. “Listen, don’t apologize and just do what’s expected. That means if I put food on your desk, you finish it. I don’t want excuses or anything other than you stuffing your face with whatever crap I lay out. Are we at an understanding, cream puff?”
  49. I was speechless. I didn’t know what to say, but in those quiet moments he reached over with a strong hand to harshly grope my fattened tit. “Do you understand, cream puff?”
  51. I gasped, breathing faster as I nodded “Yes.. yes, sir.”
  53. He watched me stuff those last 3 cream puffs into my mouth, I was rushing and it managed to smear icing and crumbs on my cheeks and chin. I was still breathing so heavily as I gulped down the rich load. I felt so embarrassed and humiliated but I could feel my cock twitching deep down underneath the sprawl of my gut and inside the flesh prison that had swallowed it up. I was at a loss for words, but he just smiled and patted my shoulder. “Good Cream Puff. Have a good weekend.”
  55. What should’ve been the straw that broke the camel’s back, something that would have made anyone else quit, had sent me into a shame-fueled and out of control arousal binge for that weekend. I felt like I was eating a day’s worth of calories at every meal and still was inhaling snacks between those big, nearly gut popping sittings. I couldn’t shake that feeling of helplessness and utter weakness my boss washed over me demanding to eat those cream puffs. I was hard as a rock, but the fact that I had to dig my vibrator down between my gut and massive thigh to try and somehow reach the clit my cock had become in my fat pad was making me so much more aroused and desperate. I felt like I gained 10 pounds that weekend, but on a 450+ pound body it was more a drop to the wobbly ocean of lard.
  57. My boss just grinned at me on Monday, he didn’t say anything but there was three dozen cream puffs sitting on my desk. As I lowered my massive ass onto my chair, I knew that he was only going to get more aggressive about feeding me. I should’ve gotten back up, I should’ve quit on the spot, but it was as if my body moved on it’s own and as my brain processed all of this, my hand stuffed a cream puff into my mouth hungrily and it just cleared my mind almost instantaneously.
  59. My workload was starting to taper down, but that was because the amount of food on my desk was upping in it’s place. My morning routine already stopping by some fast food to inhale some empty breakfast calories on the way to work, but my boss was now leaving a breakfast waiting for me at the desk.
  61. “Enjoy it. Cream puff.”
  63. I should’ve cut out my morning stop on the way to work, but I couldn’t stop myself from pulling in to whatever greasy drive-thru to still stuff myself to make it to work. I would just pile on whatever he left for me on top of my daily cream puff requirement. Not that I expended a lot of calories at work, but the few times I’d heave my wobbly, wide ass up would be to head out for lunch. My Boss put a stop to that as he would drop a bag full of whatever calorie laden meal he decided for me to inhale just before lunch time, keeping my planted in my seat and eating for that hour. To make my workload even more minuscule, whatever tasks that might’ve needed me to get up, he had an ‘Office Tasker’ do that. Which means besides getting up for the bathroom, I’d plant my cellulite riddled backside down in the morning and eat until it was quitting time and waddle my way home to eat once again.
  65. This new workflow had an explosive effect on my body as the gains rolled in and even when I thought that I was buying clothes that would account for the gains, I’d still end up looking like I was packed into them. I don’t remember the day exactly, mostly because I was getting so wrapped up in my eating but my workload simply tapered off and I had nothing to do at that desk besides eat. My computer was only there to provide some entertainment as I mindlessly inhaled calories.
  67. Maybe the office was in on it too at this point? Some would drop off their own donations for me to eat, usually rich and fattening treats that would just get lost in the slop as I ate it all. There came the occasional comment or even poke or pinch.
  69. “Watch out, you might get fat if you’re not careful.”
  71. “Damn, you got tits bigger than my head!”
  73. “Can’t wait to see you on My 600lb life.”
  75. There was part of me that wanted to say something back to them or justify what had happened, but I could never sum up the power to do so. AllI did was just nod, blush and keep eating. Every comment made my dick get hard, but I was now at a point that I could never do anything about it. Even with a vibrator, I couldn’t navigate my fat hands and arms past my tits and gut, let alone try and stuff it deep enough to make contact with my lost cock. I knew how ridiculous I looked at this point, I was a doughy 600 pound food addict with massive tits, an even bigger gut and a backside that looked more feminine with it’s wide hips and shelf of an ass. The few times I made it out of the house, I’ve had the more polite people call me ma’m by mistake and the more aggressive hit on my oversized rump before realizing I was a man.
  77. The shame just made me eat more, faster and with more abandon.
  79. It all came to a point when I was working overtime one Friday, which for me meant that I was still eating my way through my workload so lovingly piled on by my boss and coworkers. I was so stuffed, but I knew that I couldn’t leave without finishing it all. I mean, I could easily not eat and just leave but my throbbing cock and life changing gut didn’t let me move from my desk. Well, one thing made me move from my desk and after disappearing to the bathroom, I was waddling back to my desk. I might’ve been in a hurry, one that such a small walk was exhausting to me and I needed the weight off my feet but I also still wanted to eat. In my urgency, I managed to catch my toe on a stray cord which tripped me up and sent me down to the floor. I had enough tits and gut to soften the landing but it sapped any air I had left in my lungs. It took me a moment to gather myself as I moved myself to my hands and knees.
  81. This was an eye opener for me, I hadn’t gotten into this position in a long time nor had I been able to most recently. I knew I had gotten so fat, but to feel how my tits not only weighed so heavily but they dragged along the tile floor barely covered by my overtaxed polo. I could feel my gut on the floor, not just making contact but pooling between my arms and legs. I could feel how my ass wobbled even after stopping, hips spread even wider in this position. Holy fuck, I was fat.
  83. “Have a little tumble, cream puff?”
  85. I snapped my head up, I could see my boss standing in front of me with that smirk. He started to circle me so very slowly, taking in the spread of my body. “I-I could-..”
  87. “Shut up. You’re staying right there and its not like you could do anything about it.”
  89. He was right, I was struggling to get myself out of bed these days and every single thing I did that required effort, I had some form of assistance in place. To get up off my knees without help would be impossible.
  91. That thought was simmering when I felt a tug at my clothes, I looked back and my boss was cutting away my polo. “Hey!”
  93. “No no, cream puff. Let’s see the damage.”
  95. He snipped away, able to pry the fabric from my folds and rolls, same with my pants and even my underwear. The pile of cut up clothing sat next to him as he stared down at my naked body.
  97. “I honestly thought you’d have a bra by this point, maybe that can be your bonus this year.” He laughed to himself, setting the scissors aside before standing in front of me. I looked up at him, I’m sure a mixture of arousal and fear.
  99. “You know what? I don’t think I ever gave you a review this year. No better time than now, I’d say.” He started undressing and for every bit of me that thought I was straight, I could feel myself getting hard seeing how strong, toned and hung he was. It felt like my body betraying me as my nipples grew thick, hard and warm on the cool tile floor. His thick cock, semi-erect dangled above my head and I could feel my mouth starting to water.
  101. “Cream Puff, exceeds all personal growth expectations.” He smirked, hand reaching down to rub at the girthy rod, starting to bring it to life.
  103. “Areas of improvement? Hm.” He had his cock ready, nearing a foot long and an intimidating girth that bobbled above me. “Capacity.” He chuckled, picking up a tall stack of cream puff boxes to set in front of me and then dropping another...I had never gotten close to reaching this many through a single day let alone in one sitting.
  105. “You’re aroused aren’t you? Not that anyone could tell...” He said, which I quietly nodded in response.
  107. “And you’ve probably eaten yourself too fat to do anything about it, haven’t you?”
  109. I bit my lower lip, before nodding again.
  111. “And just look at you, what woman is going to want a guy that’s got tits bigger than her? Even if you could get a woman to spread her legs for you, the ability for you to penetrate anything is so gone.” That realization washed over me, I had been so caught up eating and chasing whatever felt good in the moment that I had lost the ability to truly function as a man. My cock was so swallowed up by fat by my fat pad, I was neutered. I didn’t even realize that my boss had circled behind me. “Look at that, even your balls have gotten gobbled up by your fat pad back here.” I tried to look back, but i was so encumbered by my fat that I couldn’t see anything past myself.
  113. “I don’t think anyone would know you’re a man. Just looks like a fat, sloppy pussy back here.” He chuckled, I could feel him getting closer to me and I felt arousal pulse through me.
  115. “As I said, you aren’t going to be penetrating anything.” I could feel the tip of his cock brushing against my massive ass cheek. “Which leaves you to be penetrated then.”
  117. That gentle brush made me slip out the smallest moan. “Oh, somebody that desperate to get off?”
  119. I didn’t respond, I felt like this was my last shred of willpower.
  121. “Cream puff, I am going to ask you a question, so try and focus...” I could feel him set his cock between my wobbling ass cheeks for a moment. Another muffled moan.
  123. “You want this cock?” He ran it back and forth, one hand giving my wobbly ass a slap.
  125. I bit my lip, moan trapped as I tried to keep it together.
  127. “Do you want..” I could feel him drag it lower, rolling across my asshole. I tensed, but still fighting that moan wanting to slip out.
  129. “My cock..” It dropped lower, dragging it until I could feel it poking at the gaping hole of my fat pad. My toes were curling on my fat feet, my nipples were hard, dragging across the tile and only making things worse.
  131. “Cream puff.” He didn’t penetrate me, but he added the softest amount of pressure that I could feel my fat pad pussy starting to stretch ever so slightly to fit it. It was too much, I moaned loudly and to my surprise, in a higher pitch and...feminine.
  133. “That’s a yes. Perfect. We’ve established your goal.” He pulled back and I could feel the faintest disappointment in me as my body ached to be mounted by him. “You’ll get it if you hit a new milestone for me. In fact, you’ll get twice the thrill if you’re a good lil piggy.” He walked back in front of me, kneeling down with those cream puff boxes on either side of him.
  135. “You’ll get this cock and get fucked properly like the doughy cream puff you are if you can get off on stuffing that gut of your’s. Shouldn’t be too hard, you’ve only ruined your entire life by eating so an orgasm should be cake.” He smirked as he rubbed my chins, “Let’s start.” He immediately crammed my mouth full of cream puff, giving me the barest amount of time before I was ready for more. I don’t think I had a moment that my mouth wasn’t full, just chewing and making room for the next handful to be sent down my throat to add onto this already sprawling obese body.
  137. He kept feeding me, which I felt somewhat proud of my initial pace despite the fact I had been eating all day. But once I got past that first wind, my intake slowed and while he slowed ever so slightly, he kept my mouth full and I could feel my belly grow tight and the pang of pain as I hit my limit. He didn’t stop, I was so scared now as I could easily imagine him stuffing cream puffs down my throat till my belly split wide open. I was thinking about a million things all at once, about how I had ignored every red flag to this point. I had given up so many things that most people had taken for granted, like walking without feeling winded, standing up unassisted or even being able to see or touch their own dick. I was naked on the floor, being stuffed like a sow by my hung boss who had emasculated and bent me into his submissive piglet without me ever realizing it. Ever gulp sent a pang of pain through my stomach, but I also knew that every gulp that didn’t pop me like the fat balloon I had become would be making me that much fatter. I was so full, I felt so weak and helpless. I felt as though there was no escape, I was addicted to these cream puffs, the food and his cock. I wouldn’t be able to do anything except what he wanted and I knew that it meant me getting fatter and fatter and fatter...
  139. Something clicked, my submerged cock twitching as an orgasm rolled through me. I could feel my cock twitching weakly as it dribbled out the weak, watery load that had been building up for months. I was lost in the bliss, till the fog lifted briefly and I realized that I had just cum to the thought of being his fuck pig. I had cummed about how helpless I had become. How I had essentially turned from man into a weak, fat sow.
  141. “Knew you had it in you.” He stood up, still so rigidly hard as his cock bobbled in front of my face. “I know just about everything that’s in you. Those calories, appetite stimulants..” He ran his hand down my back until he had a big handful of ass that he used to shake my ass. “All that estrogen I’ve been stuffing you with.”
  143. I once again couldn’t see him, but it made sense. I was too out of breath and options to say or do anything.
  145. “Every cream puff making you softer, weaker and shaping you into this for me.” He took both hands and grabbed what he could of my ass to shake it heavily. I was breathing heavier, now because I could sense he was right behind me. “It’s what’s thinned your cum, sapped you every last bit of masculinity.” I shuddered as I felt his finger trace my fat pad pussy, which was dribbling out my load and down the bottom side of my gut. He then reached forward and stuffed that cum soaked finger into my mouth. “How’s it taste, cream puff? You’re going to be guzzling a lot more cum from here on out.”
  147. I wanted to spit it out, but I just suckled his finger hungrily and desperately.
  149. “Want to know why I wanted you to cum?”
  151. I could feel the head of his cock pressing against the drooling hole of my fat pad pussy. I moaned again, even feeling myself push back.
  153. “I didn’t want to bother with lube.”
  155. With that, I could feel him press into me and start to stretch the opening of my fat pad. I moaned louder, every inch he sunk into me and that humongous cock eventually bumping my own and knocking it out the way. I moaned, feeling him pump that girthy cock in my fat pad, knocking around my half limp cock more like a clit at this point. He grabbed ahold of my hips, the massive handhold allowing him to thrust harder which only made me ripple more.
  157. I could feel the ripple roll through me as my gut rocked and even the inertia making my tits sway, my nipples dragging on the ground. My moans kept growing louder but they were so soft, high pitched compared to his masculine, strong grunts with every thrust. I felt so weak, the true realization hitting me that I had been molded by my boss into this obese fuck toy that was barely mobile.
  159. It wasn’t long until all that friction produced another weak orgasm from me, just adding to the sopping mess of my fat pad that was just dribbling out my thin, watery cum only making it easier for my boss to fuck me. He kept thrusting, just the jostling was making me out of breath, but his stamina held true.
  161. I wasn’t sure how long he actually fucked me, the mixture of orgasms and my gut feeling ready to pop made it a blur. I was exhausted and I was barely doing anything, ready to collapse when he finally buried his cock deep into my fat pad with his muscular hips firmly planted against my quivering ass. I could feel each throb of his cock as it unloaded his thick, powerful load into me.
  163. It was too much as my arms gave out, rolling forward to leave me face down and ass up. I was panting, truly on the edge of my heart giving out from all the exertion and stimulation.
  165. With a sloppy wet pop, he pulled out of me and let his half flaccid cock drool out whatever cum was left onto my cellulite riddled and wide ass. My fat pad pussy just drooling his cum down onto my underbelly.
  167. It didn’t take long for him to catch his breath, stand up and look down on the obese, wet mess he had made of me.
  169. “Good Cream Puff.” He said with a smirk before giving a slap to my cum stained ass and left me there.
  171. It took me at least an hour for both my gut to settle and for my strength to slowly return. It then took another hour for me to maneuver myself to somewhere I could leverage and get myself to my feet.
  173. Once I stood, I could feel the remnants of the load my boss emptied into me seep out of my fat pad and down my thunderous thighs. By the time I waddled naked to my car, my legs were covered in sweat and cum. It was a long drive home...which was highlighted by a stop by a drive thru or two that my shame fueled hunger demanded.
  175. I ate until I was painfully stuffed again, came like the pig I had become and passed out at home.
  177. I was startled awake on my couch by my phones alarm, looking down at the mess of food covering me and remnants of wrappers and bags near me. The dull ache of my stomach and gas churning in there from the heavy load of empty and unhealthy calories still processing. I sat there a moment, still feeling the moisture of what was left of my boss’s load and my own deep in my fat pad. Had I really gotten this fat? This desperate?
  179. Every rational part of my brain told me to start a diet, quit that job and take control of my life.
  181. But 2 hours later, after eating enough to feed a family of four for breakfast, I was sitting at my desk in clothes that I poured out of and threatened to pop out of at any moment.
  183. I felt the clit of a cock twitch within my fat pad when my boss set down the cases of cream puffs on my desk.
  185. “Somewhat surprised you came back, cream puff. Glad you did. I think it’s time we started talking about working from home options...”
  187. My mouth was drooling, he barely had pulled his hands back before I was tearing into those pastries.
  189. “No worries, the office will give you a great big filling send off before you go off to those bigger and better opportunities.”
  191. He leaned in, one hand groping my tit and the other cupping what he could of my massive ass, “Savor these last few weeks of mobility, cream puff.”
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