

Aug 19th, 2015
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  1. [QUOTE=Tarrnation]
  2. So I heard through the grapevine that you were the one who was complaining about not getting air support last night. I would like to hear from you why you decided to interrupt our ops to make such a complaint in the way you did. It was very rude and uncalled for. As I said during the op, that type of attitude will not be tolerated so please do not let it happen again!
  3. [/QUOTE]
  5. [QUOTE=littleshorts]
  6. Quoted from Roll Call thread:
  8. "I was one of the apparent dissidents in the armor squad last night. First, I'd like to apologize if I sounded like a dick. it's just my tone. (My name is littleshorts: I bought a Andy Dick voicepack and a fireworks pistol- I'm never seriously mad). I was, however, very frustrated with the leadership last night.
  9. It was apparent that the communication between armor and air was a one way street. Waypoint changes and redeployment orders were given many times last night and we listened. We tried to keep outfit coms clear except for important intel or support requests. When we would relay intel on the new waypoints (zone is too hot, blueberries have this covered, theres a sundy somewhere on the backside of the bridge, etc.) it fell upon deaf ears.
  10. *When requesting air support, we were told we needed to pull two skyguards before that would happen. we did- so we had two skyguards wandering around getting hammered by enemy armor; picking off opportunistic kill from another grid; and waiting for non existent air support agains a substantial enemy armor column.
  11. *We finally got the upper hand but were told to pull back for some reason, only to be redeployed at the original base minutes later which was now overrun. We were THEN scolded for not pulling armor even though we'd repeatedly relayed the fact that we WERE pulling armor and getting hammered upon spawn.
  12. *When I personally asked something like "hey is this waypoint actual? 'cause we're not seeing any blue air over here" I was told to change my attitude or leave."
  13. [/QUOTE]
  15. [QUOTE=Tarrnation]
  16. First of all, thank you for apologizing. Just so you know, that is the only reason you are not currently being removed from the outfit right now. Personally, I don't think there was anything wrong with the leadership Monday night. I think you just didn't understand the reasons why things were happening the way they were and that's fine but the way you reacted was not fine at all. Since you seem to have a hard time understanding, here's a breakdown of the situation from my perspective:
  18. Skyguards were were overextending which is why they were getting "hammered" and that's why the skyguards were told to hang back. The skyguards are not supposed to be on the front lines so if they're getting "hammered", they're doing something wrong. They should always be in positions with plenty of cover and retreat if the enemy gets too close. If the skyguards are unable to do their job, it has a chain reaction down the line as air cannot support armor without efficient AA, armor cannot hold back an overwhelming force without air support, and infantry cannot advance with no protection from armor/air. Another thing you failed to realize is that the entire air squad only consisted of 4 reavers at the time. They were doing the best they could against 10+ TR aircraft and were getting shot down so much (apparently due to the skyguards getting "hammered") that only 2 had enough nanites to spawn an airplane at the time of your little outburst so there was a good reason you weren't getting any air support. It's also apparent that the armor squad was facing a similar situation on the ground. Right now, our armor commander (Maverick) is on vacation and we have yet to train people for spec ops armor so the armor squad is a bit unorganized at the moment but that will change soon.
  20. We got rolled during that alert - plain and simple. We were dealing with overwhelming numbers both in the air and on the ground and we weren't getting much blueberry support either. The other fronts were doing fine at the time though, so it was our job to try and hold them off as best we could and slow their progress in gaining access to the tech plant. We were doing a pretty good job at that considering the circumstances - until you decided to start placing blame and ranting about it in outfit chat which lowered our morale and caused people to quit in the middle of the alert.
  22. I do not recall a "scolding" being issued upon the armor squad. Are you talking about something that was said over squad chat? I remember asking where our skyguards were so I could have the air squad try and lure some enemy aircraft towards their location in an attempt to thin out their air support. Perhaps you mistook this as a "scolding"? I'm not sure but that's really besides the point. The point is that the way you handled the situation was completely unacceptable.
  24. During ops, ONLY officers are allowed to use outfit chat. There are no exceptions to this rule and if it happens again, you will be permanently removed from the outfit as that is considered a serious infraction. You don't have to like your orders, but you will be expected to follow them without giving us any shit about it. If you have intel to relay, you relay it to your squad leader and if they deem it necessary, they will relay it over outfit chat. It's called a chain of command and it must be followed at all times no matter how frustrated you get.
  26. There's a time and place for discussing "leadership issues" and in the middle of ops is NOT that time/place. We have forums for a reason - use them! We're always looking for ways to improve but bitching about it solves nothing and only makes a bad situation worse. You've got to learn how to control your temper or you will get tossed out with the trash. This is your one and only warning - do not let it happen again!
  27. [/QUOTE]
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