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Sep 11th, 2018
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  1. Here's a list of all the content in PR3R. This isn't everything of course, just the main types of content.
  3. Hats
  4. Police Hat: Adds an additional 2 shots to laser guns.
  5. Ushanka: Immunity to ice. Full stats while standing on ice.
  6. Toque: Damaging players causes them to freeze for a moment.
  7. Fez: Rotation blocks are 10x as fast.
  8. Witch Hat: Attract hats on the ground. Pedro is pushed away.
  9. Halo: Start the match with Angel Wings. Getting damaged causes you to lose them.
  11. Items
  12. Bow: Shoots an arrow that arcs based on the amount of time that you charge it.
  13. Napalm: Become engulfed in flames for a few seconds and damage anyone who you touch during it.
  14. Super Teleport: Like PR2's teleport, allows you to teleport past 3 blocks instead of 2.
  15. Snowball: Three throwable snowballs. Does no damage, fires quickly, freezes whoever it hits like Toque.
  16. Freeze Ray: A long beam that captures whoever it hits in a block of ice. The player in the block of ice slides around and can't move for a few seconds. Getting damaged breaks the ice early.
  17. Heart: Heal 1 HP in deathmatches. Allows you to heal above the max HP amount.
  18. Lightning Cloud: A cloud of lightning appears above your head. Touching players passes the cloud to them. Whoever ends up with the cloud after a few seconds gets zapped by lightning.
  20. Game Modes
  21. King of the Hat: The level creator chooses a hat and chooses where to place it in the level. The players have to wear that hat for a certain amount of time to win.
  22. Damage Dash: The players gain points by dealing damage. When the time runs out, whoever dealt the most damage wins.
  24. Blocks
  25. Heart Block: Heals HP in deathmatches.
  26. Reflector Block: Reflects projectiles.
  27. Weak Block: Slowly crumbles as you stand on them.
  28. Glass Block: Acts like a weak block on top, and a reflector on the sides.
  29. Code Blocks: Allows you to do various cool things with its own custom coding language.
  30. Checkpoint Block: Overrides safe blocks. Safety nets teleport you to these instead if they've been touched.
  31. Buttons and Reactors: Touch a button to shatter the corresponding reactor.
  32. Dispenser Block: Dispenses coins in coin fiends.
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