
فريقُ المُترجمين -- موقع المعجبين-- AR > EN

Nov 2nd, 2017
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  1. "found in the line number %",
  2. "You didnt put %",
  3. "You didn't close % of %",
  4. "In the line %",
  5. "There is an error concerning the symbol %",
  6. "This error occurs due to many different situations, the most common is when using an elseif statement when it has no corresponding opening if.",
  7. "There is an unknown word",
  8. "You didn't close the variable correctly",
  9. "Brackets can't be placed inside other brackets ,[[...]] the brackets.",
  10. "--[[ This is brackets [[Inside brackets]] this is the end of the brackets]]",
  11. "--[[Inside brackets]]",
  12. "The numbers can get one decimal point, when you try to get more than one decimal point in one number an error will happen.",
  13. "The used function isn't defined or you haven't wrote it the right way.",
  14. "You've integrated % with % and this is wrong.",
  15. "It isn't possible to integrate two different types of data except texts and numbers.",
  16. "It isn't possible to use mathematics's operators with data except digital data.",
  17. "You've used % with % and % and this is wrong.",
  18. "It isn't possible to use mathematics's operators with data of the textual type.",
  19. "It is possible to use the < and > only when there are 2 data of the same type and are of a digital or textual category",
  20. "The function next() contains an invalid key.",
  21. "This error happens mostly when you try to remove an element from a table while repeating using pairs() which uses the function next().",
  22. "This error can be caused by serveral things, but the most common when the repetition of something for an unspecified time. Such as calling the function itself.",
  23. "In the function % and in the argument number % the value is null (NIL)",
  24. "There is no example",
  25. "The function % is dedicated to module team member you can't use it in your tribehouse.",
  26. "You have exceeded 40 milliseconds in 4 seconds !!",
  27. "You've crushed Lua with repetition !!",
  28. "This will cause an error",
  29. "Help with errors", <-- title page
  30. "The system didn't recognize the error",
  31. "You can whisper Turkitutu if you are sure what you wrote",
  32. "Thanks to translations team for their translation of the page",
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