
Rin the Permaberry, Part 3

Nov 2nd, 2019
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  1. >2 weeks had passed since Rin had started his new job
  2. >he received his first paycheck, a small amount, but still decent considering his level of work
  3. >it was quickly spent on provisions the dragon had lived without for sometime
  4. >he hoped to build up his savings in the near future
  5. >work had been fairly routine since the beginning
  6. >Rin had kept to the same schedule and completed the same work tasks with little change
  7. >he had since yet to find a chair or other object that he could sit on while inflating, meaning he still had to stand about half of the time
  8. >he still spent his lunch and breaks inside of his cubicle, not yet ready to throw his presence around with the rest of the building
  9. >even if it was a small amount, Rin started to feel more comfortable with his position
  10. >he had since met two other co workers, a female rabbit and, like him, another male dragon
  11. >neither of them seemed to be thrilled with his presence
  12. >even though a year had passed, the dragon was still coming to terms that it was standard policy to avoid permaberries like him
  13. >the only furs here that he had regular contact with was his boss, Kyle, and his bosses assistant, Jo
  14. >Kyle was the only one here so far that didn't seem to be bothered by his condition
  15. >though he didn't know why, Rin decided it was best to not try and extract information about how his boss felt of his condition
  16. >"Hello Rin." a familiar voice came from behind the dragon
  19. >Rin took a pause from his work and turned around
  20. >he hadn't checked what time it was, but judged from the size he was that it was near the end of his shift
  21. >standing in the entrance of his office was his boss dressed in a sleek black business suit
  22. >"Helllo sssthurr." Rin replied the best as his bloated form would allow him too
  23. >"Ah, just the one I needed." Kyle said, "Something has come up."
  24. >"One of my clients suddenly needs a new batch of work done for one of their projects."
  25. >the dragon who had felt relaxed just a moment ago was now holding his breath
  26. >the bluejay continued, "And most of what they need is type of work that you do."
  27. >anxiety suddenly hit Rin as he realized what he was being told to do
  28. >he had still failed to explain his juicing schedule to anyone who worked here
  29. >"I know..." Kyle quickly followed up, "I don't like asking employees to do more than what they already do, but these situation happen now and then."
  30. >"And of course I will always treat my staff well. You will be paid overtime for every minute you work."
  31. >".......I.........Uhh......I....." Rin stammered, failing to construct any sort of response
  32. >"That work should be in your inbox by now." Kyle said, "And you can leave as soon as you finish it."
  33. >just as he stopped speaking, the bluejay quickly moved, disappearing from the office
  34. >Rin stood still, trying to comprehend the encounter that just happened
  35. >taking a deep breath as he turned around, Rin hoped what ever he was suppose to do wouldn't take long
  36. >just as the dragon came face to face with his computer, he felt a buzzing on his left wrist
  39. >the buzzing had caused him to instinctively move his inflated arm into his view
  40. >the small, integrated screen on the wrist of his berry suit displayed the alarm he had set for the end of his work
  41. >"...A-ah!...damn..."
  42. >he quickly looked back to his computer and began to fumble with the mouse
  43. >regaining his composure, he managed to open his inbox to find a new stack of work labeled "Priority" waiting
  44. >opening the new stack of work, he began immediately solving the tasks he needed to complete them
  45. >he failed to check how much work was actually there, feeling it would only cause him more panic if he did
  46. >he felt it needed to be done no matter what
  47. >as Rin continued his work, he began to replay what had just happened a moment ago
  48. >how his boss had suddenly appeared, assigned him new work, and quickly disappeared with barely a word in from him
  49. >he desperately wanted to explain his condition and the limitations that came with it
  50. >that thought, however, seemed irrelevant since he still hadn't come to fully accept his status as a permaberry
  51. >how could he work up the courage to tell others when he still felt conflicted about his own fate?
  52. >even so, none of that mattered at this moment
  53. >Rin was now determined to keep the job he had spent so long looking for, he wasn't going to let his own body stop him now
  54. >the dragon tried his best to ignore the sounds coming from his body as he worked
  55. >after some time the last task was complete, he gave his work a quick second look before submitting it and shutting down his computer
  56. >he somewhat reluctantly brought his wrist into his sight as he turned around to leave
  57. >it was now 35 minutes after his shift had ended
  60. >Rin bounced down the hallway as he made his way to the elevators, feeling quite bloated
  61. >even though he had stayed fairly late, his juicing schedule was not precise
  62. >he hit the button as soon as he reached the lift
  63. >Rin recalled the various times in the past he had been even more inflated than he was now and still made it to the juicing machine
  64. >as long as he could still move on his own and wasn't stuck, he could still make it
  65. >that brief optimism faded as the elevator doors opened
  66. >he looked inside, feeling as if the space was noticeably smaller than it had been before
  67. >Rin thought about how difficult it was just to fit his round body and over sized tail inside the lift
  68. >not to mention that he had brushed the sides of the door a few times already
  69. >today the dragon felt even more aware of the size and pressure of his body
  70. >after a moment the elevator automatically closed, leaving the dragon where he stood
  71. >Rin sighed, realizing that he had been defeated by an elevator
  72. >even if he was still mobile, there where some things that he couldn't overcome
  73. >the dragon felt a slight relief however, seeing how he wasn't technically stuck
  74. >the image of a swollen permaberry wedged inside an elevator was something he didn't want to experience, especially at the place he worked
  75. >the dragon turned around and made his way to the nearby reception desk
  76. >he was going to have to call for a juicing
  79. >the office seemed to be deserted as he waddled to the nearby desk
  80. >Rin had the option of using his 'Emergency Locator' device that was part of his suit
  81. >however using that device in this situation didn't feel like the best course of action
  82. >even though the office was empty, he didn't want emergency personal bursting into the building
  83. >he wanted to draw as little attention to himself as possible
  84. >reaching the desk he hit the speaker button on the phone and punched in the code for the juicing services
  85. >the conversation was brief, giving his name, location, and that he was stuck but not in danger of bursting
  86. >the call ended and he made his way back to in front of the elevators
  87. >the dragon decided to rest and sat down on the floor, the distance between his inflated body and floor wasn't far
  88. >he knew well that at this size it would be impossible for him to get back up until he was juiced
  89. >most berries at this stage of inflation would typically roll over, either on their front or back
  90. >Rin however, was kept sitting upright thanks to his bloated tail sticking out behind him, at least usually
  91. >the dragon sat in silence as the minutes ticked by, save for the occasional bubbling or stretching of his hide
  92. >even now the tightness and pressure he felt was immense, and he still had significantly more room to inflate
  93. >he wondered if he would ever get used to it
  94. >by now, juice was being forced out of almost every part of the dragon
  95. >where it had previously been contained by his suit, juice had begun seeping out of his maw and nostrils as well
  96. >at least no one was around to witness this absurd scene
  97. >"There you are." a voice said, suddenly breaking the silence
  100. >the startled dragon turned his head to where the voice came from
  101. >standing just to the side of him was his boss Kyle, with his talons stuffed in his pockets
  102. >Rin had completely failed to notice the presence of someone near him
  103. >"I just wanted to thank you for getting that work done." the bluejay said, "It was pretty important."
  104. >the dragon went flush, hoping that boss wouldn't react negatively to his rounded state
  105. >Kyle's gaze move from the dragons eyes down to his mid section
  106. >"So how often does this happen?" Kyle asked, quietly stepping closer to the dragon
  107. >Rin tried his best to swallow the juice that had built up inside of his mouth
  108. >"...It...uhh....oncthe in a....while"
  109. >Rin suddenly felt a new sensation
  110. >Kyle had moved his hand onto the side of the dragons stomach and was now caressing the outside of his berry suit
  111. >"Wow. You're so tight." Kyle spoke as he moved his talon back and forth
  112. >without warning, Kyle pressed his talons hard into the side of Rin, causing his talons to bounce back and the dragons body to slosh around
  113. >"MMMMMMPH!!" Rin shouted. The sudden pressure had caused juice to flow out of the dragons mouth and spill onto his rounded body
  114. >he quickly recovered, thinking he should do whatever he needed to put his bosses mind at ease over his condition
  115. >"Don't worry... sssthomeone is coming to juice....m-m...HUH!??" Rin was interrupted as he unexpectedly felt something new
  116. >Kyle had firmly wrapped one of his hands over Rin's inflated balls
  117. >"Wow even down here too." Kyle said as he bent down in front of the dragon
  118. >Rin's mind went blank. He was being molested by his boss and had no idea how to respond to it.
  119. >even if the area around his crotch was padded, it was impossible to hide the inflation of his parts
  120. >and now someones talons where grasping his inflated sack
  121. >the dragon already had enough problems with arousal, he certainly didn't need more, especially from the one he worked for
  124. >just as Rin fully comprehended what was happening, Kyle released his grip and stood up
  125. >as this happened, the elevator sounded and its doors opened
  126. >Rins view darted into the elevator in front of him, inside which stood two almost alien figures
  127. >the two wore dark blue hazmat suits, complete with life support systems in their backpacks, which fully encased them
  128. >their faces where covered by dark tinted glass which made it impossible to see any part of them. It was difficult to even guess what species they were.
  129. >they moved into the office carrying something with them
  130. >"Rin Serras?" one of them spoke with an electronic sounding voice
  131. >"Mmmhmm" Rin replied
  132. >the two immediately began to get to work, revealing what was behind them
  133. >it was a mobile juicing device, a large tank on a wheeled cart, along with a large suction cup connected by a hose
  134. >Rin was unfortunately more familiar with these than he had hoped to be, being used on him multiple times in the past
  135. >"A-Ah!" Rin exhaled as one of the suited figures brought the cup to his breast, starting the juicing process
  136. >though embarrassed, he knew that these two were professionals, likely having seen much more crazy situations than this one
  137. >but he quickly remember that his boss was also there with them
  138. >Kyle stood quietly in front watching the juicing
  139. >the juicing process went quickly and the dragon steadily deflated, allowing him to stand back up
  140. >the juicing device automatically shut off when it reached its limit and the medical personal quickly repacked it
  141. >"Do you know where the nearest juicing station is?" one of them asked
  142. >though just juiced, Rin was still quite bloated and would need to juice himself again soon. "Yes I do" he said
  143. >"We will follow out of the building" the hazmat figure said
  144. >Rin began to move into the elevator, happy this ordeal was over
  145. >"I will see you later, Rin" Kyle said as the dragon backed into the lift
  146. >"Oh..uh..yes sir...bye" Rin managed to reply
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