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Scareless tactics

a guest
Nov 21st, 2014
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  1. the ideal lane for me is:
  2. 1) we come first to lane so i hit the first 3 melee minions and we get lvl 2
  3. then if the ad is jinx varus kog corki engage on them
  4. if the ad is vayne lucian ezreal caitlyn graves engage on support
  5. if we are both lvl 2 and they are lvl 1
  6. engage on any of them that we have an advantage by position
  7. like if the support is inches close to us
  8. then proceed to winning lane as it is
  9. the jungler will be top / mid by 3:30
  10. the ganks to us happen 8:00-11:00
  11. and later on it depends on lanes like if their mid wins or top loses etc.
  12. until level 5-6 we're pretty much 100% safe
  13. 2) if we dont arrive in lane first
  14. try to save whatever lost
  15. like
  16. aa
  17. aa a a aa aaa a aa every minion
  18. both me and you
  19. avoid any engage on lvl 2
  20. not letting the enemy wave come to our turret
  21. like in last game the morg caitly were harassing you so hard
  22. under tower
  23. that happens because we have a wave in turret
  24. im practising on remembering any summoner spell
  25. i remember almost all flashes
  26. but i need to work on dem healzz
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