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a guest
May 26th, 2018
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  1. Feature: Viewing client index
  2. As a team member
  3. I want to see client index
  5. Scenario: No client accounts exist
  6. Given I am logged in as team member
  7. And no active client accounts exist
  8. When I go to clients index page
  9. Then I should see "No active client accounts exist right now." message
  11. Scenario: Client accounts exist
  12. Given I am logged in as team member
  13. And following active client accounts exist:
  14. | John Doe | |
  15. | Jane Doe | |
  16. When I go to clients index page
  17. Then I should see a table with active clients
  19. Scenario: Pending invitations exist
  20. Given I am logged in as team member
  21. And following pending client accounts exist:
  22. | |
  23. | |
  24. When I go to clients index page
  25. Then I should see a table with pending invitations
  27. Feature: Creating client account
  28. As team member
  29. I want to create client account
  30. So additional account information can be provided after visiting specified link
  32. Scenario: Invalid email address provided
  33. Given I am logged in as team member
  34. When I go to clients index page
  35. And I fill in "Email" field with "invalid_email" in "Invite client" fieldset
  36. And I click "Invite" button
  37. Then I should see "Invalid email provided" message
  39. Scenario: Valid email address provided
  40. Given I am logged in as team member
  41. And account with "" email does not exist
  42. When I go to clients index page
  43. And I fill in "Email" field with "" in "Invite client" fieldset
  44. And I click "Invite" button
  45. Then I should see "Account created" message
  46. And I should see URL to pass to the client
  48. Scenario: Existing inactive account email address provided
  49. Given I am logged in as team member
  50. And pending client account with "" email exist
  51. When I go to clients index page
  52. And I fill in "Email" field with "" in "Invite client" fieldset
  53. And I click "Invite" button
  54. Then I should see "Invitation has been already sent to this email" message
  55. Then I should see URL to pass to the client
  57. Scenario: Existing active account email address provided
  58. Given I am logged in as team member
  59. And active client account with "" email exist
  60. When I go to clients index page
  61. And I fill in "Email" field with "" in "Invite client" fieldset
  62. And I click "Invite" button
  63. Then I should see "Active account with that email already exist" message
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