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- --[[
- ##################################
- # #
- # Made by Laurea #
- # #
- # Special thanks: #
- # Sympathy at wow-v for teaching #
- # me how to use metatables. #
- # #
- ##################################
- ]]
- local WorldDB = "world" --Name of your world db
- local MasterID = 70003 --Id of npc you choose path at (warrior or mage)
- --Duel ranks and ranked wins needed to get them.
- --If you are going to edit these, only edit the rank names and wins needed.
- CustomDuel = {
- ranks = {
- warrior = {
- [1] = "Novice",
- [2] = "Squire",
- [3] = "Scout",
- [4] = "Footman",
- [5] = "Knight",
- [6] = "Blademaster",
- [7] = "Warlord",
- },
- mage = {
- [1] = "Apprentice",
- [2] = "Initiate",
- [3] = "Disciple",
- [4] = "Adept",
- [5] = "Master",
- [6] = "Oracle",
- [7] = "Arch Mage",
- },
- both = {
- [8] = "Demigod",
- [9] = "God",
- [10] = "Titan",
- [11] = "Infinity",
- [12] = "Chaos",
- },
- ranked_wins ={
- [1] = 0,
- [2] = 5,
- [3] = 20,
- [4] = 60,
- [5] = 150,
- [6] = 300,
- [7] = 600,
- [8] = 1200,
- [9] = 1800,
- [10] = 2700,
- [11] = 4050,
- [12] = 6075,
- [13] = 9999999, --Do not edit, its for debugging
- },
- },
- champions = {
- [1] = {
- health = 90,
- mindamage = 16,
- maxdamage = 24,
- defense = 12,
- power = 6,
- crit = 1,
- dodge = 1,
- },
- [2] = {
- health = 180,
- mindamage = 32,
- maxdamage = 48,
- defense = 24,
- power = 12,
- crit = 1,
- dodge = 1,
- },
- [3] = {
- health = 360,
- mindamage = 64,
- maxdamage = 96,
- defense = 48,
- power = 24,
- crit = 5,
- dodge = 1,
- },
- [4] = {
- health = 720,
- mindamage = 128,
- maxdamage = 192,
- defense = 96,
- power = 48,
- crit = 10,
- dodge = 4,
- },
- [5] = {
- health = 1440,
- mindamage = 256,
- maxdamage = 384,
- defense = 192,
- power = 96,
- crit = 15,
- dodge = 8,
- },
- [6] = {
- health = 2880,
- mindamage = 512,
- maxdamage = 768,
- defense = 384,
- power = 192,
- crit = 20,
- dodge = 12,
- },
- [7] = {
- health = 5760,
- mindamage = 1024,
- maxdamage = 1536,
- defense = 768,
- power = 384,
- crit = 25,
- dodge = 16,
- },
- [8] = {
- health = 11520,
- mindamage = 2048,
- maxdamage = 3072,
- defense = 1536,
- power = 768,
- crit = 30,
- dodge = 20,
- },
- },
- stats = {},
- queries = {},
- functions = {},
- __index = function(_, key)
- return CustomDuel.functions[key]
- end
- }
- local duel = {}
- local reset = {}
- setmetatable (duel, CustomDuel)
- function CustomDuel.OnChat(event, player, message, type, language)
- if message == "#duel" then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel start|r Starts a duel with targeted player.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel stats|r Shows your duel stats.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel tstats|r Shows the duel stats of targeted player.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel cstats|r Compares yours and targeted players duel stats.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel setup|r Sets your starting duel stats.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel reset|r Resets your duel stats.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel info|r Shows info about dueling.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cff0088FF#duel faq|r shows some common questions and their answers.")
- elseif message == "#duel info" then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("1. |cff0088FFOnly you can see your own duels, not anyone else.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("2. |cff0088FFDuels \"tick\" every 5 seconds, they are not finished instantly.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("3. |cff0088FFIf you win or loose to someone they do not get a win/loose in their stats, only you do.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("4. |cff0088FFEvery time you win a duel you get 1 statpoint.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("5. |cff0088FFWhen you win or loose to a player you get locked, this means you cannot gain a ranked win from the player. Locks last for 5 minutes and you can still duel anyone else to get a ranked win.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("6. |cff0088FFYou do not get rewarded for winning over someone 2 ranks or more below your own and if you win over someone 1 rank or more above your own you get 1 extra statpoint.")
- elseif message == "#duel faq" then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Q: |cff0088FFI only get a message saying i have no duel stats when i try to duel someone, check my stats or compare my stats!")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("A: |cff00FF00Write \"#duel setup\" without the quotes.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Q: |cff0088FFWhen i try to use #duel tstats or #duel cstats it says my target does not have any duel stats!")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("A: |cff00FF00This means your target does not have any duel stats.")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Q: |cff0088FFI reseted my duel stats but changed my mind, how can i get them back?")
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("A: |cff00FF00You cant, thats why you had to confirm the reset.")
- elseif message == "#duel stats" then
- if duel:GetQuery(player) == false or duel:GetStats(player) == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any duel stats.")
- elseif duel:GetBusy(player) == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You cannot check your duel stats while dueling.")
- else
- local query = duel:GetQuery(player)
- local stats = duel:GetStats(player)
- local class = duel:GetClass(player)
- local fornext = CustomDuel.ranks.ranked_wins[query.rank+1] - query.ranked_wins
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Class: |cff0088FF"..class)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Rank: |cff0088FF"..query.rank_name)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Ranked wins: |cff0088FF"..query.ranked_wins)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Ranked wins for next rank: |cff0088FF"..fornext)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Health: |cff0088FF"
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Min Damage: |cff0088FF"..stats.mindamage)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Max damage: |cff0088FF"..stats.maxdamage)
- if class == "Warrior" then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Attackpower: |cff0088FF"..stats.power)
- else
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Spellpower: |cff0088FF"..stats.power)
- end
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Defense: |cff0088FF"..stats.defense)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Crit: |cff0088FF"..stats.crit)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Dodge: |cff0088FF"
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Statpoints: |cff0088FF"..query.statpoints)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Duels won: |cff0088FF"..query.won)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Duels lost: |cff0088FF"..query.lost)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Ties: |cff0088FF"..query.ties)
- end
- elseif message == "#duel tstats" then
- local target = player:GetSelection()
- if target == nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any target.")
- elseif target:IsPlayer() == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You can only use this command on players.")
- elseif duel:GetQuery(target) == false or duel:GetStats(target) == false or duel:GetBusy(target) == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(target:GetName().." does not have any duel stats.")
- elseif duel:GetBusy(player) == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You cannot check others duel stats while dueling.")
- else
- local query = duel:GetQuery(target)
- local stats = duel:GetStats(target)
- local class = duel:GetClass(target)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Name: |cff0088FF"
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Class: |cff0088FF"..class)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Rank: |cff0088FF"..query.rank_name)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Health: |cff0088FF"
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Min Damage: |cff0088FF"..stats.mindamage)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Max damage: |cff0088FF"..stats.maxdamage)
- if class == "Warrior" then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Attackpower: |cff0088FF"..stats.power)
- else
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Spellpower: |cff0088FF"..stats.power)
- end
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Defense: |cff0088FF"..stats.defense)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Crit: |cff0088FF"..stats.crit)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Dodge: |cff0088FF"
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Duels won: |cff0088FF"..query.won)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Duels lost: |cff0088FF"..query.lost)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Ties: |cff0088FF"..query.ties)
- end
- elseif message == "#duel cstats" then
- local target = player:GetSelection()
- if duel:GetQuery(player) == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any duel stats.")
- elseif target == nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any target.")
- elseif target:IsPlayer() == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You can only use this command on players.")
- elseif duel:GetQuery(target) == false or duel:GetStats(target) == false or duel:GetBusy(target) == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(target:GetName().." does not have any duel stats.")
- elseif duel:GetBusy(player) == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You cannot compare duel stats while dueling.")
- else
- local query = duel:GetQuery(player)
- local stats = duel:GetStats(player)
- local class = duel:GetClass(player)
- local tquery = duel:GetQuery(target)
- local tstats = duel:GetStats(target)
- local tclass = duel:GetClass(target)
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Class: |cff0088FF%s %s", class, tclass))
- if query.rank > tquery.rank then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Rank: |cff00FF00%s|r |cffFF0000%s", query.rank_name, tquery.rank_name))
- elseif query.rank < tquery.rank then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Rank: |cffFF0000%s|r |cff00FF00%s", query.rank_name, tquery.rank_name))
- elseif query.rank == tquery.rank then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Rank: |cff0088FF%s|r |cff0088FF%s", query.rank_name, tquery.rank_name))
- end
- if > then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Health: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d",,
- elseif < then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Health: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d",,
- elseif == then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Health: |cff0088FF%d",
- end
- if stats.mindamage > tstats.mindamage then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Min Damage: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", stats.mindamage, tstats.mindamage))
- elseif stats.mindamage < tstats.mindamage then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Min Damage: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", stats.mindamage, tstats.mindamage))
- elseif stats.mindamage == tstats.mindamage then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Min Damage: |cff0088FF%d", stats.mindamage))
- end
- if stats.maxdamage > tstats.maxdamage then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Max Damage: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", stats.maxdamage, tstats.maxdamage))
- elseif stats.maxdamage < tstats.maxdamage then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Max Damage: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", stats.maxdamage, tstats.maxdamage))
- elseif stats.maxdamage == tstats.maxdamage then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Max Damage: |cff0088FF%d", stats.maxdamage))
- end
- if stats.power > tstats.power then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Power: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", stats.power, tstats.power))
- elseif stats.power < tstats.power then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Power: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", stats.power, tstats.power))
- elseif stats.power == tstats.power then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Power: |cff0088FF%d", stats.power))
- end
- if stats.defense > tstats.defense then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Defense: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", stats.defense, tstats.defense))
- elseif stats.defense < tstats.defense then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Defense: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", stats.defense, tstats.defense))
- elseif stats.defense == tstats.defense then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Defense: |cff0088FF%d", stats.defense))
- end
- if stats.crit > tstats.crit then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Crit chance: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", stats.crit, tstats.crit))
- elseif stats.crit < tstats.crit then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Crit chance: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", stats.crit, tstats.crit))
- elseif stats.crit == tstats.crit then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Crit chance: |cff0088FF%d", stats.crit))
- end
- if > then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Dodge chance: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d",,
- elseif < then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Dodge chance: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d",,
- elseif == then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Dodge chance: |cff0088FF%d",
- end
- if query.won > tquery.won then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Duels won: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", query.won, tquery.won))
- elseif query.won < tquery.won then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Duels won: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", query.won, tquery.won))
- elseif query.won == tquery.won then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Duels won: |cff0088FF%d", query.won))
- end
- if query.lost > tquery.lost then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Duels lost: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", query.lost, tquery.lost))
- elseif query.lost < tquery.lost then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Duels lost: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", query.lost, tquery.lost))
- elseif query.lost == tquery.lost then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Duels lost: |cff0088FF%d", query.lost))
- end
- if query.ties > tquery.ties then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Ties: |cff00FF00%d|r |cffFF0000%d", query.ties, tquery.ties))
- elseif query.ties < tquery.ties then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Ties: |cffFF0000%d|r |cff00FF00%d", query.ties, tquery.ties))
- elseif query.ties == tquery.ties then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(string.format("Ties: |cff0088FF%d", query.ties))
- end
- end
- elseif message == "#duel setup" then
- if duel:GetQuery(player) ~= nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You already have duel stats. If you want to reset them use #duel reset instead.")
- else
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Disabled as of v4.0. Please go to a Duel Master instead.")
- end
- elseif message == "#duel reset" then
- if duel:GetQuery(player) == nil or duel:GetStats(player) == nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any duel stats.")
- elseif duel:GetBusy(player) == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You cannot reset your duel stats while dueling.")
- elseif reset[player:GetName()] == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You already have an active duel stat reset request.")
- else
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("|cffFF0000WARNING: If you reset your duel stats there is no way to get them back!|r Type #confirm to confirm the duel stat reset.")
- reset[player:GetName()] = {
- expire = os.time()+10,
- check = 1,
- }
- end
- elseif message == "#duel start" then
- local target = player:GetSelection()
- if target == nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any target.")
- elseif target:IsPlayer() == false and duel:Champion(target) == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You can only duel players and champions.")
- elseif target:GetName() == player:GetName() then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You cannot duel yourself.")
- elseif duel:GetQuery(player) == false or duel:GetStats(player) == false then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any duel stats.")
- elseif duel:Champion(target) == false and (duel:GetQuery(target) == false or duel:GetStats(target) == false) then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage(target:GetName().." does not have any duel stats.")
- elseif duel:GetBusy(player) == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You are already in a duel.")
- elseif duel:Champion(target) ~= false then
- local diff = duel:Champion(target)
- local name = target:GetName()
- name = (name:gsub("'", "\\'"))
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_duels` (`player`, `enemy`, `player_hp`, `enemy_hp`, `player_status`, `enemy_status`, `champion`) VALUES ('"..player:GetName().."', '""', "..duel:GetStats(player).health..", "..CustomDuel.champions[diff].health..", 0, 0, "..diff..")")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `busy`=1 WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- else
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_duels` (`player`, `enemy`, `player_hp`, `enemy_hp`, `player_status`, `enemy_status`, `champion`) VALUES ('"..player:GetName().."', '""', "..duel:GetStats(player).health..", "..duel:GetStats(target).health..", 0, 0, 0)")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `busy`=1 WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- end
- end
- if message:find("#duel") then
- return 0
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.OnFirstEnter(event, player)
- if duel:GetQuery(player) ~= false then
- WorldDBQuery("DELETE FROM `custom_duel_players` WHERE (`name`='"..player:GetName().."')")
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.Tick()
- local query = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `player_hp`, `enemy_hp`, `player_status`, `enemy_status`, `champion` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_duels`")
- if query ~= nil then
- local rows = query:GetRowCount()
- for i=1, rows do
- local player = query:GetColumn(0):GetString()
- local enemy = query:GetColumn(1):GetString()
- local player_hp = query:GetColumn(2):GetString()
- local enemy_hp = query:GetColumn(3):GetString()
- local player_status = query:GetColumn(4):GetString()
- local enemy_status = query:GetColumn(5):GetString()
- local stats = CustomDuel.stats[player]
- local estats
- if query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat() == 0 then
- estats = CustomDuel.stats[enemy]
- else
- local diff = query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat()
- estats = CustomDuel.champions[diff]
- end
- local plr = GetPlayer(player)
- local damage = math.random(stats.mindamage, stats.maxdamage)
- local edamage = math.random(estats.mindamage, estats.maxdamage)
- if query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat() == 0 and stats.class ~= estats.class then
- damage = damage*2
- edamage = edamage*2
- end
- local def = stats.defense - estats.power
- local edef = estats.defense - stats.power
- if def < 0 then
- def = 0
- end
- if edef < 0 then
- edef = 0
- end
- damage = damage - edef
- edamage = edamage - def
- local crit = math.random(1, 100)
- local ecrit = math.random(1, 100)
- if crit <= stats.crit then
- damage = damage*2
- crit = true
- else
- crit = false
- end
- if ecrit <= estats.crit then
- edamage = edamage*2
- ecrit = true
- else
- ecrit = false
- end
- if damage <= 0 then
- damage = 1
- end
- if edamage <= 0 then
- edamage = 1
- end
- local dodge = math.random(1, 100)
- local edodge = math.random(1, 100)
- if dodge <= then
- edamage = 0
- dodge = true
- else
- dodge = false
- end
- if edodge <= then
- damage = 0
- edodge = true
- else
- edodge = false
- end
- player_hp = player_hp - edamage
- enemy_hp = enemy_hp - damage
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_duels` SET `player_hp`="..player_hp..", `enemy_hp`="..enemy_hp.." WHERE `player`='"..player.."'")
- if dodge == true then
- plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage(string.format("You dodge %s's attack.", enemy))
- elseif ecrit == true and dodge == false then
- plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage(string.format("%s criticaly hits you for %d damage. You have %d hp left.", enemy, edamage, player_hp))
- elseif ecrit == false and dodge == false then
- plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage(string.format("%s hits you for %d damage. You have %d hp left.", enemy, edamage, player_hp))
- end
- if edodge == true then
- plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage(string.format("%s dodges your attack.", enemy))
- elseif crit == true and edodge == false then
- plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage(string.format("You criticaly hit %s for %d damage. %s has %d hp left", enemy, damage, enemy, enemy_hp))
- elseif crit == false and edodge == false then
- plr:SendAreaTriggerMessage(string.format("You hit %s for %d damage. %s has %d hp left", enemy, damage, enemy, enemy_hp))
- end
- if player_hp > 0 and enemy_hp <= 0 then
- local pquery = duel:GetQuery(player)
- local diff = query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat()
- if diff == 0 then
- local equery = duel:GetQuery(enemy)
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- if pquery.rank == equery.rank then
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + 1
- local ranked = pquery.ranked_wins + 1
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `ranked_wins`="..ranked..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have won the duel against "..enemy.."! As your ranks were the same you gain 1 ranked win and 1 statpoint.")
- elseif pquery.rank-equery-rank < 0 then
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + 2
- local ranked = pquery.ranked_wins + 1
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `ranked_wins`="..ranked..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have won the duel against "..enemy.."! As your rank is atleast 1 or more below your opponents you gain 1 ranked win and 2 statpoints.")
- elseif equery.rank-pquery.rank > 1 then
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have won the duel against "..enemy.."! As your rank is atleast 2 or more above your opponents you gain nothing.")
- end
- else
- if pquery.rank == equery.rank then
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + 1
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have won the duel against "..enemy.."! As your ranks were the same you gain 1 statpoint.")
- elseif pquery.rank-equery.rank < 0 then
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + 2
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have won the duel against "..enemy.."! As your rank is atleast 1 or more below your opponents you gain 2 statpoints.")
- elseif equery.rank-pquery.rank > 1 then
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have won the duel against "..enemy.."! As your rank is atleast 2 or more above your opponents you gain nothing.")
- end
- end
- if pquery.rank < 12 and duel:GetQuery(player).ranked_wins >= CustomDuel.ranks.ranked_wins[pquery.rank+1] then
- local newrank = pquery.rank+1
- if newrank <= 7 and pquery.class == "Warrior" then
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `rank_name`='"..CustomDuel.ranks.warrior[newrank].."', `rank`="..newrank.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- elseif newrank <= 7 and pquery.class == "Mage" then
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `rank_name`='"..CustomDuel.ranks.mage[newrank].."', `rank`="..newrank.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- elseif newrank >= 8 then
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `rank_name`='"..CustomDuel.ranks.both[newrank].."', `rank`="..newrank.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- end
- end
- local won = pquery.won+1
- if lock == nil then
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()+300)..")")
- end
- elseif diff == 1 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 5
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 2 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 10
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 3 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 20
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 4 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 40
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 5 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 80
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 6 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 160
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 7 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 320
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- elseif diff == 8 then
- local lock = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks` WHERE `player`='"..player.."' AND `enemy`='"..enemy.."'")
- if lock == nil then
- local won = pquery.won+1
- local ep = 640
- local statpoints = pquery.statpoints + ep
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have successfully defeated the champion "..enemy.."! You are rewarded with "..ep.." statpoints!")
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_locks` (`player`, `enemy`, `expire`) VALUES ('"..player.."', '"..enemy.."', "..(os.time()*5)..")")
- else
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have already defeated this champion once, you do not get any reward.")
- end
- end
- duel:Setup(player)
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `busy`=0 WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- WorldDBQuery("DELETE FROM `custom_duel_duels` WHERE (`player`='"..player.."')")
- elseif player_hp <= 0 and enemy_hp > 0 then
- local pquery = duel:GetQuery(player)
- local equery = duel:GetQuery(enemy)
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("You have lost the duel against "..enemy..".")
- local lost = pquery.lost+1
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `busy`=0, `lost`="..lost.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- WorldDBQuery("DELETE FROM `custom_duel_duels` WHERE (`player`='"..player.."')")
- duel:Setup(player)
- elseif player_hp <= 0 and enemy_hp <= 0 then
- local pquery = duel:GetQuery(player)
- local equery = duel:GetQuery(enemy)
- plr:SendBroadcastMessage("Both you and your opponent are dead, its a tie.")
- local ties = pquery.ties+1
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `busy`=0, `ties`="..ties.." WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- WorldDBQuery("DELETE FROM `custom_duel_duels` WHERE (`player`='"..player.."')")
- duel:Setup(player)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.ClearLocks()
- local query = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `player`, `enemy`, `expire` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_locks`")
- if query ~= nil then
- local rows = query:GetRowCount()
- for i=1, rows do
- local expire = query:GetColumn(2):GetFloat()
- if os.time() >= expire then
- WorldDBQuery("DELETE FROM `custom_duel_locks` WHERE (`player`='"..query:GetColumn(0):GetString().."' AND `enemy`='"..query:GetColumn(1):GetString().."')")
- end
- query:NextRow()
- end
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.ExpireReset()
- for k, v in pairs (reset) do
- if os.time() >= reset[k].expire then
- expire = 0
- check = 0
- end
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.Confirm(event, player, message, type, language)
- if message == "#confirm" and reset[player:GetName()].check == 1 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Your duel stats are now reseted.")
- if duel:GetClass(player) == "Warrior" then
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `rank_name`='"..CustomDuel.ranks.warrior[1].."', `rank`=1, `ranked_wins`=0, `strength`=10, `agility`=7, `intellect`=10, `spirit`=7, `stamina`=9, `defense`=4, `power`=1, `crit`=3, `dodge`=5, `busy`=0, `statpoints`=0, `won`=0, `lost`=0, `ties`=0 WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- else
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `rank_name`='"..CustomDuel.ranks.mage[1].."', `rank`=1, `ranked_wins`=0, `strength`=10, `agility`=7, `intellect`=10, `spirit`=7, `stamina`=9, `defense`=4, `power`=1, `crit`=3, `dodge`=5, `busy`=0, `statpoints`=0, `won`=0, `lost`=0, `ties`=0 WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- end
- duel:Setup(player)
- reset[player:GetName()].expire = 0
- reset[player:GetName()].check = 0
- return 0
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.MasterGossip(pUnit, event, player)
- if duel:GetQuery(player) == false then
- pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(100, player, 0)
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Do you want to get your duel stats "..player:GetName().."?", 1, 0)
- pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player)
- elseif duel:GetStatpoints(player) == false or duel:GetStatpoints(player) == 0 then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have any statpoints.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- else
- pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(100, player, 0)
- if duel:GetClass(player) == "Warrior" then
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buy Strength", 2, 3)
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buy Agility", 3, 3)
- elseif duel:GetClass(player) == "Mage" then
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buy Intellect", 4, 3)
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buy Spirit", 5, 3)
- end
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Buy Stamina", 6, 3)
- pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player)
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.MasterSelect(pUnit, event, player, id, intid, code)
- local code = tonumber(code)
- if (intid == 1) then
- pUnit:GossipCreateMenu(100, player, 0)
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Warrior", 11, 0)
- pUnit:GossipMenuAddItem(0, "Mage", 12, 0)
- pUnit:GossipSendMenu(player)
- elseif (intid == 11) then
- local class = "Warrior"
- local rank = CustomDuel.ranks.warrior[1]
- duel:Setup(player, class, rank)
- player:GossipComplete()
- elseif (intid == 12) then
- local class = "Mage"
- local rank = CustomDuel.ranks.mage[1]
- duel:Setup(player, class, rank)
- player:GossipComplete()
- elseif (intid == 2) then
- check = {}
- string.gsub(code, "([^%d]+)", function(c) table.insert(check, c) end)
- if check[1] ~= nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Please only use numbers next time.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- check = nil
- elseif duel:GetStatpoints(player) < code then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have "..code.." statpoints.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- else
- local stats = duel:GetQuery(player).strength + code
- local statpoints = duel:GetStatpoints(player) - code
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You have bought "..code.." strength.")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `strength`="..stats..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- duel:Setup(player)
- player:GossipComplete()
- end
- elseif (intid == 3) then
- check = {}
- string.gsub(code, "([^%d]+)", function(c) table.insert(check, c) end)
- if check[1] ~= nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Please only use numbers next time.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- check = nil
- elseif duel:GetStatpoints(player) < code then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have "..code.." statpoints.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- else
- local stats = duel:GetQuery(player).agility + code
- local statpoints = duel:GetStatpoints(player) - code
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You have bought "..code.." agility.")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `agility`="..stats..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- duel:Setup(player)
- player:GossipComplete()
- end
- elseif (intid == 4) then
- check = {}
- string.gsub(code, "([^%d]+)", function(c) table.insert(check, c) end)
- if check[1] ~= nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Please only use numbers next time.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- check = nil
- elseif duel:GetStatpoints(player) < code then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have "..code.." statpoints.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- else
- local stats = duel:GetQuery(player).intellect + code
- local statpoints = duel:GetStatpoints(player) - code
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You have bought "..code.." intellect.")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `intellect`="..stats..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- duel:Setup(player)
- player:GossipComplete()
- end
- elseif (intid == 5) then
- check = {}
- string.gsub(code, "([^%d]+)", function(c) table.insert(check, c) end)
- if check[1] ~= nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Please only use numbers next time.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- check = nil
- elseif duel:GetStatpoints(player) < code then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have "..code.." statpoints.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- else
- local stats = duel:GetQuery(player).spirit + code
- local statpoints = duel:GetStatpoints(player) - code
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You have bought "..code.." spirit.")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `spirit`="..stats..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- duel:Setup(player)
- player:GossipComplete()
- end
- elseif (intid == 6) then
- check = {}
- string.gsub(code, "([^%d]+)", function(c) table.insert(check, c) end)
- if check[1] ~= nil then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("Please only use numbers next time.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- check = nil
- elseif duel:GetStatpoints(player) < code then
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You do not have "..code.." statpoints.")
- player:GossipComplete()
- else
- local stats = duel:GetQuery(player).stamina + code
- local statpoints = duel:GetStatpoints(player) - code
- player:SendBroadcastMessage("You have bought "..code.." stamina.")
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `stamina`="..stats..", `statpoints`="..statpoints.." WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- duel:Setup(player)
- player:GossipComplete()
- end
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.StopDuel(event, player)
- if duel:GetQuery(player) ~= false and duel:GetBusy(player) == 1 then
- WorldDBQuery("DELETE FROM `custom_duel_duels` WHERE (`player`='"..player:GetName().."')")
- local add1 = 5
- local add2 = math.random(duel:GetQuery(player).lost/20, duel:GetQuery(player).lost/20)
- local add
- if add1 > add2 then
- add = duel:GetQuery(player).lost + add1
- else
- add = duel:GetQuery(player).lost + add2
- end
- WorldDBQuery("UPDATE `custom_duel_players` SET `lost`="..add..", `busy`=0 WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- end
- end
- --Custom functions
- function CustomDuel.functions:GetClass(player)
- assert(type(player) == "userdata", "Bad argument #1 to `GetClass` (Expected userdata, got "..type(player)..").")
- if CustomDuel.stats[player:GetName()] ~= nil then
- return CustomDuel.stats[player:GetName()].class
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.functions:GetStats(player)
- assert(type(player) == "userdata", "Bad argument #1 to `GetStats` (Expected userdata, got "..type(player)..").")
- if CustomDuel.stats[player:GetName()] ~= nil then
- return CustomDuel.stats[player:GetName()]
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.functions:GetQuery(player)
- assert(type(player) == "userdata" or "string", "Bad argument #1 to `GetQuery` (Expected userdata or string, got "..type(player)..").")
- if type(player) == "userdata" then
- if WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'") ~= nil then
- local query = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name`, `class`, `rank_name`, `rank`, `ranked_wins`, `strength`, `agility`, `intellect`, `spirit`, `stamina`, `defense`, `power`, `crit`, `dodge`, `busy`, `statpoints`, `won`, `lost`, `ties` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'")
- CustomDuel.queries[player:GetName()] = {
- name = query:GetColumn(0):GetString(),
- class = query:GetColumn(1):GetString(),
- rank_name = query:GetColumn(2):GetString(),
- rank = query:GetColumn(3):GetFloat(),
- ranked_wins = query:GetColumn(4):GetFloat(),
- strength = query:GetColumn(5):GetFloat(),
- agility = query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat(),
- intellect = query:GetColumn(7):GetFloat(),
- spirit = query:GetColumn(8):GetFloat(),
- stamina = query:GetColumn(9):GetFloat(),
- defense = query:GetColumn(10):GetFloat(),
- power = query:GetColumn(11):GetFloat(),
- crit = query:GetColumn(12):GetFloat(),
- dodge = query:GetColumn(13):GetFloat(),
- busy = query:GetColumn(14):GetFloat(),
- statpoints = query:GetColumn(15):GetFloat(),
- won = query:GetColumn(16):GetFloat(),
- lost = query:GetColumn(17):GetFloat(),
- ties = query:GetColumn(18):GetFloat(),
- }
- return CustomDuel.queries[player:GetName()]
- else
- return false
- end
- elseif type(player) == "string" then
- if WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player.."'") ~= nil then
- local query = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name`, `class`, `rank_name`, `rank`, `ranked_wins`, `strength`, `agility`, `intellect`, `spirit`, `stamina`, `defense`, `power`, `crit`, `dodge`, `busy`, `statpoints`, `won`, `lost`, `ties` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player.."'")
- CustomDuel.queries[player] = {
- name = query:GetColumn(0):GetString(),
- class = query:GetColumn(1):GetString(),
- rank_name = query:GetColumn(2):GetString(),
- rank = query:GetColumn(3):GetFloat(),
- ranked_wins = query:GetColumn(4):GetFloat(),
- strength = query:GetColumn(5):GetFloat(),
- agility = query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat(),
- intellect = query:GetColumn(7):GetFloat(),
- spirit = query:GetColumn(8):GetFloat(),
- stamina = query:GetColumn(9):GetFloat(),
- defense = query:GetColumn(10):GetFloat(),
- power = query:GetColumn(11):GetFloat(),
- crit = query:GetColumn(12):GetFloat(),
- dodge = query:GetColumn(13):GetFloat(),
- busy = query:GetColumn(14):GetFloat(),
- statpoints = query:GetColumn(15):GetFloat(),
- won = query:GetColumn(16):GetFloat(),
- lost = query:GetColumn(17):GetFloat(),
- ties = query:GetColumn(18):GetFloat(),
- }
- return CustomDuel.queries[player]
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.functions:GetBusy(player)
- assert(type(player) == "userdata", "Bad argument #1 to `GetBusy` (Expected userdata, got "..type(player)..").")
- if WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'") ~= nil then
- return WorldDBQuery("SELECT `busy` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'"):GetColumn(0):GetFloat()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.functions:Setup(player, ...)
- local class, rank = ...
- assert(type(player) == "userdata" or "string", "Bad argument #1 to `Setup` (Expected userdata or string, got "..type(player)..").")
- local name
- if type(player) == "userdata" then
- name = player:GetName()
- elseif type(player) == "string" then
- name = player
- end
- if duel:GetQuery(player) == false then
- WorldDBQuery("INSERT INTO `custom_duel_players` (`name`, `class`, `rank_name`, `rank`, `ranked_wins`, `strength`, `agility`, `intellect`, `spirit`, `stamina`, `defense`, `power`, `crit`, `dodge`, `busy`, `statpoints`, `won`, `lost`, `ties`) VALUES ('""', '"..class.."', '"..rank.."', 1, 0, 10, 7, 10, 7, 9, 1, 4, 1, 3, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)")
- end
- local query = duel:GetQuery(player)
- if query.class == "Warrior" then
- CustomDuel.stats[name] = {
- class = query.class,
- health = query.stamina*5,
- mindamage = math.random(query.strength*0.8, query.strength*0.8),
- maxdamage = math.random(query.strength*1.2, query.strength*1.2),
- defense = math.random(query.defense+(query.agility*0.35), query.defense+(query.agility*0.35)),
- power = math.random(query.power+((query.strength*0.10)+(query.agility*0.10)), query.power+((query.strength*0.10)+(query.agility*0.10))),
- crit = math.random(query.crit+(query.agility*0.05), query.crit+(query.agility*0.05)),
- dodge = math.random(*0.01),*0.01)),
- }
- else
- CustomDuel.stats[name] = {
- class = query.class,
- health = query.stamina*5,
- mindamage = math.random(query.intellect*0.8, query.intellect*0.8),
- maxdamage = math.random(query.intellect*1.2, query.intellect*1.2),
- defense = math.random(query.defense+(query.spirit*0.35), query.defense+(query.spirit*0.35)),
- power = math.random(query.power+((query.intellect*0.10)+(query.spirit*0.10)), query.power+((query.intellect*0.10)+(query.spirit*0.10))),
- crit = math.random(query.crit+(query.spirit*0.05), query.crit+(query.spirit*0.05)),
- dodge = math.random(*0.01),*0.01)),
- }
- end
- if CustomDuel.stats[name].crit > 30 then
- CustomDuel.stats[name].crit = 30
- end
- if CustomDuel.stats[name].dodge > 20 then
- CustomDuel.stats[name].dodge = 20
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.functions:GetStatpoints(player)
- assert(type(player) == "userdata", "Bad argument #1 to `GetBusy` (Expected userdata, got "..type(player)..").")
- if WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'") ~= nil then
- return WorldDBQuery("SELECT `statpoints` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players` WHERE `name`='"..player:GetName().."'"):GetColumn(0):GetFloat()
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function CustomDuel.functions:Champion(pUnit)
- assert(type(pUnit) == "userdata", "Bad argument #1 to `Champion` (Expected userdata, got "..type(pUnit)..").")
- if pUnit:GetObjectType() == "Unit" then
- local id = pUnit:GetEntry()
- if WorldDBQuery("SELECT `champion`, `difficulty` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_champions` WHERE `champion`=" ~= nil then
- return WorldDBQuery("SELECT `champion`, `difficulty` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_champions` WHERE `champion`="
- else
- return false
- end
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- --Startup events
- if GetLuaEngine() == "LuaHypArc" then
- RegisterServerHook(16, CustomDuel.OnChat)
- RegisterServerHook(3, CustomDuel.OnFirstEnter)
- RegisterServerHook(16, CustomDuel.Confirm)
- RegisterServerHook(13, CustomDuel.StopDuel)
- RegisterTimedEvent("CustomDuel.Tick", 5000, 0)
- RegisterTimedEvent("CustomDuel.ClearLocks", 10000, 0)
- RegisterTimedEvent("CustomDuel.ExpireReset", 1000, 0)
- RegisterUnitGossipEvent(MasterID, 1, "CustomDuel.MasterGossip")
- RegisterUnitGossipEvent(MasterID, 2, "CustomDuel.MasterSelect")
- RegisterTimedEvent("CustomDuel.Setup", 2000, 1)
- local start = os.time()
- local players = 0
- local query = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players`")
- if query ~= nil then
- local rows = query:GetRowCount()
- for i=1, rows do
- players = players+1
- end
- end
- logcol(3)
- print ("\n\n[Custom Duel System]: Loading...")
- print (string.format("[Custom Duel System]: Loaded %d player(s).", players))
- print (string.format("[Custom Duel System]: Loaded in %f seconds.", os.time() - start))
- print ("[Custom Duel System]: Version 4.1 (Made by Laurea)\n\n")
- logcol(15)
- else
- logcol(4)
- print ("\n\n[Custom Duel System]: Failed to load - Server does not have LuaHypArc.\n\n")
- logcol(15)
- end
- function CustomDuel.Setup()
- local query = WorldDBQuery("SELECT `name`, `class`, `rank_name`, `rank`, `ranked_wins`, `strength`, `agility`, `intellect`, `spirit`, `stamina`, `defense`, `power`, `crit`, `dodge`, `busy`, `statpoints`, `won`, `lost`, `ties` FROM `"..WorldDB.."`.`custom_duel_players`")
- if query ~= nil then
- local rows = query:GetRowCount()
- for i=1, rows do
- local name = query:GetColumn(0):GetString()
- local class = query:GetColumn(1):GetString()
- local strength = query:GetColumn(5):GetFloat()
- local agility = query:GetColumn(6):GetFloat()
- local intellect = query:GetColumn(7):GetFloat()
- local spirit = query:GetColumn(8):GetFloat()
- local stamina = query:GetColumn(9):GetFloat()
- local defense = query:GetColumn(10):GetFloat()
- local power = query:GetColumn(11):GetFloat()
- local crit = query:GetColumn(12):GetFloat()
- local dodge = query:GetColumn(13):GetFloat()
- if class == "Warrior" then
- CustomDuel.stats[name] = {
- name = name,
- class = class,
- health = stamina*5,
- mindamage = math.random(strength*0.8, strength*0.8),
- maxdamage = math.random(strength*1.2, strength*1.2),
- defense = math.random(defense+(agility*0.35), defense+(agility*0.35)),
- power = math.random(power+((strength*0.10)+(agility*0.10)), power+((strength*0.10)+(agility*0.10))),
- crit = math.random(crit+(agility*0.05), crit+(agility*0.05)),
- dodge = math.random(dodge+(agility*0.01), dodge+(agility*0.01)),
- }
- else
- CustomDuel.stats[name] = {
- name = name,
- class = class,
- health = stamina*5,
- mindamage = math.random(intellect*0.8, intellect*0.8),
- maxdamage = math.random(intellect*1.2, intellect*1.2),
- defense = math.random(defense+(spirit*0.35), defense+(spirit*0.35)),
- power = math.random(power+((intellect*0.10)+(spirit*0.10)), power+((intellect*0.10)+(spirit*0.10))),
- crit = math.random(crit+(spirit*0.05), crit+(spirit*0.05)),
- dodge = math.random(dodge+(spirit*0.01), dodge+(spirit*0.01)),
- }
- end
- if CustomDuel.stats[name].crit > 30 then
- CustomDuel.stats[name].crit = 30
- end
- if CustomDuel.stats[name].dodge > 20 then
- CustomDuel.stats[name].dodge = 20
- end
- query:NextRow()
- end
- end
- end
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