Guest User


a guest
Aug 29th, 2015
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  1. --
  2. TRUNCATE `user`;
  3. INSERT INTO `user` (`uid`, `username`, `password`, `email`, `type`, `name`, `surname`, `signature`, `created`, `login`, `status`) VALUES
  4. (1, 'root', '5920146eb5499ccba2d2aeb704761966', '', 'PT', 'AutoMotoOcasion S.L.', '', 'Administrador de <b></b>', 1236247272, 1248867963, 2),
  5. (2, 'motorcoruña', '44284fd92cb10f155cd63999782f66e4', '', 'CV', 'Motor Coruña, S.A.', '', '', 1167606000, 1236245534, 1),
  6. (3, 'arrojo', '01f2508ffaa398c1917a45d4c8cff5c5', 'VENDEDORVO.ARROJO@PEREZRUMBAO.COM', 'CV', 'Arrojo S.A.', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1235993833, 1),
  7. (4, 'edelmovil', 'dd994b5faa1c11d2ff462a11b6a4660d', '', 'CV', 'Edelmovil S.A.', 'NULL', '<p>Edelm&oacute;vil</p>', 1167606000, 1236936402, 1),
  8. (5, 'corgal', '1187365ba9c2c5d156e893f56a2293f3', 'corgal@temp', 'CV', 'Corgal Automoviles SL', '', '', 1167606000, 1227017104, 1),
  9. (6, 'trigocar', '3000e8f14d7b94ee2243a21d50f11726', 'trigocar@temp', 'CV', 'Trigocar S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 1236103894, 1),
  10. (7, 'talleres123', 'a87d06e1a1bb923ee55316a858765c20', '', 'CV', 'Talleres 1-2-3', '', '', 1167606000, 1224684795, 1),
  11. (8, 'jfk', 'd80c8c2a02b77c59dbf5d84946579b92', '', 'CV', 'JFK Automóviles', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  12. (9, 'barral', '6d0f64d8fbfdb36d06df2236d3823826', '', 'CV', 'Barral móvil S.L.', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1225366026, 1),
  13. (10, 'hangar', '7d07d6377e2d47e5dec5336f6c999269', 'hangar@temp', 'CV', 'Hangar Talleres', '', '', 1167606000, 1228928674, 1),
  14. (11, 'carrera', '33bac80274c306bb68e4d665d94b9e36', 'carrera@temp', 'CV', 'Talleres Carrera e Hijos S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  15. (12, 'elpuente', '979aa3e787980eeaf8ca8a6bda27040c', '', 'CV', 'Automóviles El Puente S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  16. (13, 'segundamano4x4', '694ed783a793e2523ce45e97a1052792', '', 'CV', '2ª Mano 4x4', '', '', 1167606000, 1227095107, 1),
  17. (14, 'avicar', '89fe9f019dfcd82c12d9c034de10a574', '', 'CV', 'Avicar', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  18. (15, 'ferpe', 'bfad92dd98a3dfb323d77c7dd1136a69', 'ferpe@temp', 'CV', 'FERPE', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  19. (16, 'castelos', 'a83a0e0f97517dbe40275c872879f314', 'castelos@temp', 'CV', 'Garaje Castelos S.A.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  20. (199, 'JAYEL', '3c92b94d7727624ce088610e57d742f4', 'ELENA_EIBE@HOTMAIL.COM', 'PT', '', '', '', 1225986003, 0, 1),
  21. (17, 'pita', '682e0e796084e163c5ca053dd8573b0c', '', 'CV', 'Automóviles Pita', '', '', 1167606000, 1238430976, 1),
  22. (195, 'dieguinlr', '267010b8adda8560a33754bd294532cd', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1224625452, 1242251546, 1),
  23. (18, 'confortauto', '1827713c448a5385dda875236578b12c', 'confortauto@temp', 'CV', 'Confort Auto', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  24. (19, 'muntenia', '272f75ad6fca8a2e522a7909c2bc5eb1', 'muntenia@temp', 'CV', 'Muntenia', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  25. (20, 'motormelide', '5d1f6f62471de0e0b358e17c7c33bd6f', 'motormelide@temp', 'CV', 'Motor Melide', '', '', 1167606000, 1225791747, 1),
  26. (21, 'lopezyorille', '340f92ad97a4c8b93ec7f02a7e88e411', 'lopezyorille@temp', 'CV', 'López y Orille S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 1227090161, 1),
  27. (22, 'centauto', '0281f4f2570f8cc2c81078262631df21', 'centauto@temp', 'CV', 'Centauto S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  28. (204, 'grupomandin', 'e86fdc2283aff4717103f2d44d0610f7', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226414953, 1241548051, 1),
  29. (23, 'elparabrisas', 'd5e24db4dec19b2e9ae353d1f604e226', 'elparabrisas@temp', 'CV', 'El Parabrisas', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  30. (24, 'mlosada', '5733718cb346b9f0fe2b6f79dafebf11', 'mlosada@temp', 'CV', 'M. Losada', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  31. (25, 'rema', '6a94683c3bf4f63ada72ea86676b50c3', '', 'CV', 'Automóviles Rema', '', '', 1167606000, 1224602104, 1),
  32. (26, 'melicar', 'babc5e939d490e9820c2c4a4ab744ba5', 'melicar@temp', 'CV', 'Melicar', '', '', 1167606000, 1225788285, 1),
  33. (27, 'troncomovil', '4b8b783a1ecaa4457db5cc0ea335df98', 'troncomovil@temp', 'CV', 'Desguaces Tronco móvil', '', '', 1167606000, 1225728677, 1),
  34. (194, 'roicete', 'eb1feb5ab28dec83652dd1e5c673f256', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1224405992, 1241683597, 2),
  35. (28, 'Rys Servicios', 'd06fae2f57f107089318b5bab330e172', '', 'CV', 'AGS Servicios', '', '', 1167606000, 1225107724, 1),
  36. (29, 'casmar', 'cd4dfca79eebe1e45ed094344016d6f7', 'casmar@temp', 'CV', 'Autodesguace Casmar S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 1225727642, 1),
  37. (30, 'landin', '3da2702d02bbe8b026833a625ecce4d5', 'landin@temp', 'CV', 'Landin', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  38. (31, 'gadauto', '5f31d5882b4d13f58bd19c0c8d76ab64', 'gadauto@temp', 'CV', 'Gadauto S.A.', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  39. (32, 'yacar', 'c3c60fd3ca703cd2efd7e47e0fb628f6', 'yacar@temp', 'CV', 'Ya-Car', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  40. (33, 'losagui', 'f873450a287f6e822492183e89fe1144', 'losagui@temp', 'CV', 'Talleres Losagui S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  41. (34, 'losan', 'c359fcda8ddaa523ac35d806225c5c6d', 'losan@temp', 'CV', 'Automóviles Losan S.L.', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  42. (35, 'operint', '1df0c51024c9fe8b747ca694c866ac75', 'operint@temp', 'CV', 'Operint Automóviles', '', '', 1167606000, 1225108508, 1),
  43. (36, 'primeralinea', '2c29452c81620e0da00b1b86d741ef81', 'primeralinea@temp', 'CV', 'Primera Linea Car Audio', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  44. (37, 'bugas', '8d6d13239096cbe30a4e8d64a9611035', 'bugas@temp', 'CV', 'Bugas', '', '', 1167606000, 1233312508, 1),
  45. (38, 'rafer', '6418792b5caca01044a6a3bf6d583244', 'rafer@temp', 'CV', 'Rafer', '', '', 1167606000, 1225707155, 1),
  46. (39, 'lorga', 'ebc7c7887aba1fb7851c0c1230475b77', 'lorga@temp', 'CV', 'Automóviles Lorga S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 1225963549, 1),
  47. (40, 'wetanddry', '6c6c553ab87187b5c69ce51f624c3568', 'wetanddry@temp', 'CV', 'Wet & Dry', '', '', 1167606000, 1227023539, 1),
  48. (41, 'cars21', 'cc8cb6e2791345415de85c0aa79defe2', 'cars21@temp', 'CV', 'Cars 21', '', '', 1167606000, 1233748735, 1),
  49. (42, 'coupecars', 'aff89a2eabd298764005d7435c6d38a3', 'coupecars@temp', 'CV', 'Coupe Cars', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  50. (43, 'sportauto', '8c9a5a6bb5b0ff2977a1bbf371e5d8f7', 'sportauto@temp', 'CV', 'Sportauto Galicia S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  51. (44, 'myrsa', '8996d022636da4f7dccd5d9ae15fb273', 'myrsa@temp', 'CV', 'Myrsa Automoción', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  52. (45, 'bugarent', 'a1d0c3ebf5d9c87e6fd0dc27e1ea0876', 'bugarent@temp', 'CV', 'Bugarent', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1226329969, 1),
  53. (46, 'mediodia', 'a2800e25f4292919a6de6775ed1d2958', 'mediodia@temp', 'CV', 'Talleres Mediod', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1234549453, 1),
  54. (202, 'WERNER MOTOR', '5c2bf15004e661d7b7c9394617143d07', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226396070, 1226396353, 1),
  55. (47, 'xtrematuning', '09e7958640d0f56b3721a31fd49a9d89', 'xtrematuning@temp', 'CV', 'Xtrema Tuning', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  56. (48, 'louzao', '4c36d3d2de9be4a22cd85a8cb07e40cb', 'louzao@temp', 'CV', 'Automóviles Louzao S.A.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  57. (49, 'EIC', 'b539d889cac04289c046cfb6fc0fa233', 'EIC@temp', 'CV', 'EIC', '', '', 1167606000, 1225796446, 1),
  58. (50, 'mera', 'd143be1f15cdd4c25ad80e79f1e26fc6', '', 'CV', 'Automóviles A. Mera S.L.', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1225802687, 1),
  59. (51, 'neumaticossoledad', 'f6807df8c6e89ac0721596a474be981c', 'neumaticossoledad@temp', 'CV', 'Neumáticos Soledad S.L.', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  60. (52, 'garciaprestigio', 'eb8c4299970b0811f051aa43e558c918', 'garciaprestigio@temp', 'CV', 'Talleres Galicia Prestigio', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  61. (203, 'symauto', 'fe2ce9650f227a11387c06d3ef15c7cd', '', 'CV', '', '', '<p>Avda. Luis Pe&ntilde;a Novo, 2&nbsp; El Birloque</p>\r\n<p>15008 La Coru&ntilde;a</p>\r\n<p>Tf: 981298962</p>\r\n<p>Moviles: 698159193 / 4</p>\r\n<p></p>\r\n<p></p>', 1226401145, 1226493129, 1),
  62. (53, 'raymond', '5a8c052db5e4d1e0e60feb5a663facf4', 'raymond@temp', 'CV', 'Raymond Cars, S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  63. (54, 'aufersamotor', '69b1b355c7e11b9d92bd978b10c679e9', '', 'CV', 'Aufersamotor, S.L.', '', '', 1167606000, 1242230246, 1),
  64. (55, 'moyvesa', 'afbd1de10dbc1b18de442477c2dacbbe', '', 'CV', 'Moyvesa Selección', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1242230434, 1),
  65. (56, 'santosautomoviles', 'f4ac11b2fa9d8c10707362d308fccb40', 'santosautomoviles@temp', 'CV', 'Santos Automóviles', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  66. (57, 'disgamovil', '362103ab32763a6e61cd46cefb7240e9', '', 'CV', 'Disgamóvil', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1227030569, 1),
  67. (58, 'transcar', '4a8e8d3bfad8f23478a3c3ef3af3dda5', 'transcar@temp', 'CV', 'Trans-Car', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  68. (197, 'dallegas', 'a125af7a0fd3e6c12096527f6e07148e', '', 'CV', '', '', '<p>Roberto de DalleGas</p>', 1225965577, 1225977550, 1),
  69. (59, 'neumaticosgamo', 'be81d200aeaef80a8b4771bd13a38262', 'neumaticosgamo@temp', 'CV', 'Neumáticos Gamo', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  70. (201, 'oscar', '910518617ae165c9f5126e74993f700e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1226355152, 0, 1),
  71. (60, 'carroceriascoruña', '54c54cf01d81a6aec3244ade93ab92da', 'carroceriascoruña@temp', 'CV', 'Carrocerías Coruña', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  72. (61, 'fiateira', '39d81bdb7250bdc1ea9c3e5b1e27de04', 'fiateira@temp', 'CV', 'Fiateira Motor', '', '', 1167606000, 1225448023, 1),
  73. (62, 'automobile', 'f6414259718bb2882bf2987d38b602cc', 'automobile@temp', 'CV', 'Automobile', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  74. (63, 'yetacars', 'a76a83b2b7cada1ee5fceaa675c72908', 'yetacars@temp', 'CV', 'Yeta Cars', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  75. (64, 'autoavion', 'c5fe25896e49ddfe996db7508cf00534', '', 'CV', 'Auto Avión', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1226679080, 1),
  76. (65, 'jaragua', 'e9e61bdc940ae524c7b833170f529bb3', 'jaragua@temp', 'CV', 'Express Jaragua', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1225362068, 1),
  77. (66, 'casablanca', '6d44193b21b9718ca9cd9d64cd4a2851', 'casablanca@temp', 'CV', 'Automóviles Casablanca', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  78. (252, 'locomaquinola', '50e1386c1716ebc8c3a03c716db633da', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1229883803, 1229883968, 1),
  79. (196, 'antonio', 'b39b067891a425f09b5cf6e02db0bc68', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1225121861, 1225124766, 1),
  80. (67, 'automovilesjuan', '4c7945f90fcd39148855d12e25c2ea8d', 'automovilesjuan@temp', 'CV', 'Automóviles Juan', '', '', 1167606000, 1225812892, 1),
  81. (68, 'galisport', 'b297b68a5a5d0090c0d77075f790f3d4', 'galisport@temp', 'CV', 'Galisport SL', 'NULL', '', 1194360832, 0, 1),
  82. (69, 'deal', '1caff7176507501d9eba563c52f78c1b', 'deal@temp', 'CV', 'Deal', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  83. (70, 'bremauto', '506354b37e0471b3b7fc27fd1a290b83', '', 'CV', 'Bremauto Noroeste', '', '', 1194360832, 1232810462, 1),
  84. (71, 'italiancars', '5a8ce8091c4770fd8ab81295cd5d86c3', 'italiancars@temp', 'CV', 'Italian Cars', '', '', 1167606000, 1224607579, 1),
  85. (72, 'monterrey', '1f35dbf0cc51205dee43db19570d6156', 'monterrey@temp', 'CV', 'Taller garage Monterrey', '', '', 1167606000, 1240043036, 1),
  86. (73, 'osmar', '02cad2e1c461df00802a7eb53fe58732', 'osmar@temp', 'CV', 'Automóviles Osmar', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  87. (74, 'reusj3', 'f8de9b5eb768ff8e6f045f39bac7a427', 'reusj3@temp', 'CV', 'Reus J3', 'NULL', '', 1167606000, 1226685985, 1),
  88. (75, 'caeiro', '532df783dd9925fbdbe1b3f805732948', 'caeiro@temp', 'CV', 'Caeiro SA (Renault)', '', '', 1167606000, 1241544224, 1),
  89. (76, 'gauchosport', 'ad892fd3db1c1092027a4235cd5d8a17', '', 'CV', 'Automóviles Gaucho Sport SL', '', '', 1194360832, 0, 1),
  90. (80, 'marineda', 'a102b949c2f98e7ae387bcc62b423b60', 'marineda@temp', 'CV', 'Marineda Motor, S.A.', '', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  91. (82, 'manuelvilla', 'aa42f7b35bdc3622775a8736c04b2372', 'manuelvilla@temp', 'PT', 'Manuel', 'Villa', '', 1167606000, 0, 1),
  92. (83, 'novomovil', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '', 'CV', 'Novomóvil', '', '', 1194360832, 1235148685, 1),
  93. (101, 'sportauto galicia', '5a9d02751d67d321f75533be151d8234', '', 'CV', 'BouzaCar, s.l.', '', '', 1180562400, 1227024326, 1),
  94. (117, 'serviauto', 'f01a7c9a77fad6bc9395d9b5c1beaac7', 'serviauto@temp', 'CV', 'Servi Auto Coruña, s.l.', '', '', 1184709600, 0, 1),
  95. (115, 'multiautosantiago', 'd77388d13d42e9f3425f8dedfe049926', 'multiautosantiago@temp', 'CV', 'Multiauto Santiago', '', '', 1182895200, 0, 1),
  96. (79, 'carballeira', '9dd7ed673438400f58410b309860ff82', '', 'CV', 'Carballeira Automoción', '', '', 1167606000, 1232995195, 1),
  97. (193, 'FER', 'e57dc2b49dda623b86ea977efdccb5e0', 'FER.LEE@HOTMAIL.COM', 'PT', '', '', '', 1224346970, 1234615198, 1),
  98. (103, 'estevez', 'd1e868f49222b61e4c6a6d9c0e0ff874', 'estevez@temp', 'CV', 'Estévez Autoimport', '', '', 1194360832, 0, 1),
  99. (104, 'lagrela', '2372f97931d4e7c8bf0da639e90a20bd', 'lagrela@temp', 'CV', 'La Grela Automóviles', '', '', 1180562400, 0, 1),
  100. (105, 'vidalcoruauto', 'fc9ba5c400f08b725e3f4529230fd13e', '', 'CV', 'Vidal Coruña Automóviles', '', '', 1194360832, 1241458195, 1),
  101. (106, 'novocars', '0bb50c8869f61e8066acf6a843ac025a', 'novocars@temp', 'CV', 'Novocars', '', '', 1180562400, 0, 1),
  102. (118, 'autosbao', '0edc5de104f886ad5ef8a121bab7245c', '', 'CV', 'Autos Bao', '', '', 1184709600, 0, 1),
  103. (119, 'agonzalezdigon', 'cdb3ec76fd7471390e4ab6db5186a8fa', '', 'CV', 'Alberto', 'Gonzalez Digon', '', 1185487200, 0, 1),
  104. (110, 'hwangar', '5920146eb5499ccba2d2aeb704761966', 'hwangar@temp', 'PT', 'Juan Arias', '', '', 1180908000, 1224067247, 1),
  105. (120, 'oscarm', 'e8d3f2f1e2ef9aae924fb6df22a83f0c', 'oscarm@temp', 'PT', 'Oscar M.', 'Lopez', '', 1196528490, 0, 1),
  106. (121, 'vincejai23@hotmail.c', '482ab59743df415564b3900b4283c4c5', 'vincejai23@hotmail.c@temp', 'PT', 'daniel', 'prieto garcia', '', 1199695351, 0, 1),
  107. (454, '', 'de274b7b5b1931764d366fabe11c3dec', '', 'PT', 'Moncho', 'Pampin', '', 1253457025, 0, 2),
  108. (126, 'carauto', '7e2718c5de2e3f0b034189288569036f', '', 'CV', 'CarAuto', 'NULL', '', 1199695435, 0, 1),
  109. (128, 'impormiño', '0ab59eb5ce62cee510cd86e2bf09eee3', 'impormiño@temp', 'CV', 'ImporMiño', 'NULL', '', 1199696544, 0, 1),
  110. (129, 'safecar', '5c2d1949f6d53ab76cb24efd7445476d', 'safecar@temp', 'CV', 'SafeCar', 'NULL', '', 1199697750, 0, 1),
  111. (130, 'montouto', '5d118be9b7396300262b7ccac3bb70dd', 'montouto@temp', 'CV', 'Talleres Montouto', 'NULL', '', 1199697986, 0, 1),
  112. (131, 'ramos', 'f8956c29c0116addac2917316b9b7baf', 'ramos@temp', 'PT', 'Talleres Ramos', 'NULL', '', 1199698183, 1239958696, 1),
  113. (132, 'fachalcriado', '08e39cc6fbc8b5cd44033071660d3409', 'fachalcriado@temp', 'CV', 'Diego', 'Calvo Calvo', '', 1199733484, 0, 1),
  114. (133, 'laestacion', 'eef552f2eeb08cc2bdcabc5911e9171f', 'laestacion@temp', 'CV', 'Compra-Venta La Estacion', 'NULL', '', 1199813449, 0, 1),
  115. (134, 'chatxi', 'ef386d3deac200b7881c8df420752bd1', 'chatxi@temp', 'PT', 'toño', 'lopez aurille', '', 1199901539, 1225481089, 1),
  116. (136, 'jayel2001', 'd63a2dcbbf11b4d99dabdf7b76a71ed7', 'jayel2001@temp', 'PT', 'JAIRO', 'SANCHEZ GUERRA', '', 1200324343, 0, 1),
  117. (137, 'anitafigueiras', 'f1d1e69913e199654811c88c1b2cfe81', 'anitafigueiras@temp', 'PT', 'fernando', 'LOPEZ LOPEZ', '', 1200326023, 0, 1),
  118. (138, 'Anitafigueiras@hotma', 'e39795ec27f5874b31276375fd5d990a', 'Anitafigueiras@hotma@temp', 'PT', 'FERNANDO', 'LOPEZ LOPEZ', '', 1200327248, 0, 1),
  119. (139, 'rubenamorin', 'a1a3ef6aff0503a7e1e9a033d37320b3', 'rubenamorin@temp', 'PT', 'Ruben', 'Amorin Diaz', '', 1200336661, 0, 1),
  120. (140, 'primeralinea@mundo-r', 'e7d50031d3695a10d290fbc3466fff92', 'primeralinea@mundo-r@temp', 'PT', 'Patxi', 'Jimenez Valera', '', 1200653437, 0, 1),
  121. (142, 'javier_mpndego', '32a35d141d3bd50e202854d2c86ded65', 'javier_mpndego@temp', 'PT', 'Javier', 'Talleres 1.2.3', '', 1201084038, 0, 1),
  122. (143, 'vincejai23', '6c631c747539f48df139efa520a3f105', 'vincejai23@temp', 'PT', 'dani', 'prieto garcia', '', 1201102408, 0, 1),
  123. (144, 'catasol01', '0c1e8192247ed2ece2a0dd66c8f30b90', 'catasol01@temp', 'PT', 'moncho', 'Pampin Bermudez', '', 1201122063, 1225484388, 1),
  124. (145, 'diogoprimo4', '8f2fd34529e7fb57af4328ce5601239d', 'diogoprimo4@temp', 'PT', 'diogo', 'fernandes fuentes', '', 1201205632, 0, 1),
  125. (146, 'albaquintela', '3d7c551d3bc05cb8974b23bb9a501807', 'albaquintela@temp', 'PT', 'alba', 'quintela iglesias', '', 1201206727, 0, 1),
  126. (147, '', 'e3304606e4e4f9b1c4a25432a804a373', '', 'PT', 'jairo', 'sanchez guerra', '', 1201263665, 0, 1),
  127. (148, 'jr_c5', '3dfd6ec6b2546825c254b04717a934ff', 'jr_c5@temp', 'PT', 'jose', 'rodriguez', '', 1201610993, 0, 1),
  128. (149, 'joaquin.villar', '9ef8f3a0ccaea70844bd0f1c7c5ce699', 'joaquin.villar@temp', 'PT', 'joaquin', 'iglesias villar', '', 1201694729, 0, 1),
  129. (150, 'lobar', '670daad5db0bbd03571b71fef881d5a5', '', 'CV', 'TALLERES LOBAR S.L.', 'TALLERES LOBAR S.L.', '', 1201710261, 0, 1),
  130. (151, 'raymondcars', 'db37f2bded480b80bb4e9fb958488269', 'raymondcars@temp', 'CV', 'Raymond Cars', 'NULL', '', 1201778867, 0, 1),
  131. (152, 'currotruck', 'e07927518ebce862d34efcedfb334a1a', 'currotruck@temp', 'CV', 'javier', 'exposito vazquez', '', 1201797136, 0, 1),
  132. (153, 'joterrez', 'd8a3e67483e9f090c569c6885fdb6433', 'joterrez@temp', 'PT', 'jose', 'gutierrez basanta', '', 1201881558, 0, 1),
  133. (154, 'serauto', '43573f491e113d4c518a01ef311dda73', 'serauto@temp', 'CV', 'serauto', 'lavado taller', '', 1201896429, 0, 1),
  134. (155, 'elena_eibe', 'fa029a91c4a4eeb297f00d95edaa7d96', 'elena_eibe@temp', 'PT', 'elena', 'eibe puentes', '', 1202124901, 0, 1),
  135. (156, '', 'fdaea7d2919bf6f00bbfa5965bae1ae3', '', 'PT', 'Ivan', 'lopez lopez', '', 1202322547, 0, 1),
  136. (157, 'tyrvarela', '822ed0ff29501ad3cfa89a55eae90296', 'tyrvarela@temp', 'PT', 'Andres', 'Varela Pena', '', 1202380480, 0, 1),
  137. (158, '', '0e589fbb01cb6477a4472623c6ece301', '', 'PT', 'hangar', 'centro del automovil', '', 1202730096, 0, 1),
  138. (159, '', 'aeb3468b7569d39d26e6d83532cfcce8', '', 'PT', 'Jose', 'lorenzo lorga', '', 1202810149, 0, 1),
  139. (160, '', 'bb9156040a01027abed7a26417238bc8', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1203674219, 0, 1),
  140. (161, '', '34fb7a864d024785a75ab34eb733c637', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1203956324, 0, 1),
  141. (162, '', 'a2e98f625d3280d71145c8ff71979948', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1203959957, 0, 1),
  142. (163, '', '650dc833e93106296f9a4ebb53b10126', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1204910632, 0, 1),
  143. (164, '', 'dfa51611a265ea46270c3b91c5d7d050', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1205003651, 0, 1),
  144. (165, 'motosrey', '30b276ec6d74c9a3bbcf3da250148d29', 'motosrey@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1205234473, 0, 1),
  145. (166, '', '901730637cd372f577aa7ec3f6df5912', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1206359356, 0, 1),
  146. (167, '', '3261c9d6fc35fd51af16b69c7fe7a049', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1206646122, 0, 1),
  147. (168, '', '066f622d30c6d77aea77fe6e35240fac', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1206920372, 0, 1),
  148. (169, '', 'cefe7113d04d85b7de30dc129a216b71', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1207328807, 0, 1),
  149. (170, '', 'a01cdf3f59d4346a603214c195fed87e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1207810258, 0, 1),
  150. (171, '', 'aba60afd2a0c7620dca892e4787f4d74', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1207810843, 0, 1),
  151. (172, '', '8641a270d717397a7c677badfb34a2b7', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1211398542, 0, 1),
  152. (173, '', '4f76b85b6ead93357fb7dddd2deba99f', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1211801099, 0, 1),
  153. (174, '', '0b05044201bf4781dd9d6feed788614a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1212174187, 0, 1),
  154. (175, '', 'aa425694e30420187faeac5e4e98f0fd', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1212504204, 0, 1),
  155. (176, '', '93f6bf1df51a5d25a1870d64b7922fee', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1212520058, 0, 1),
  156. (177, 'autogallery', '2767cc3ede7592a47bd6657e3799565c', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216381019, 1231930466, 1),
  157. (178, 'acmedin', 'fad158011f86fe3b94923d7b4195335c', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216381390, 1234778356, 1),
  158. (179, 'gruposanchez', '7e7947cb1e417673fede00f5a43ff6da', 'gruposanchez@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216723970, 1227025840, 1),
  159. (180, 'senrasport', 'd2702b3e115077e63dd6bf49432c2f28', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216724694, 1236338631, 1),
  160. (181, 'alcaautomoviles', '3c1fa9fc9e2f2bf7c229d193dbd88a7e', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216725155, 1241790564, 1),
  161. (182, 'grupofernandez', '44d8c8a956a28e8444d795ddaa3f03e1', 'grupofernandez@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216726359, 1240388480, 1),
  162. (183, 'cartresmotor', 'b7d7e8534ba19f031fcfe3280721583c', 'cartresmotor@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1216726753, 0, 1),
  163. (184, '', 'f08c6863429ed6f4de2504ccff720098', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1216846016, 0, 1),
  164. (185, '', '0b82f5964d901f8fda1c739af080bfe3', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1217891316, 0, 1),
  165. (186, '', 'd548f1b430f6771ea332afae091e389f', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1218147240, 0, 1),
  166. (187, '', '40226171a0b03f496a6fe2943eb3ccef', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1219612436, 0, 1),
  167. (188, 'enriperis', '333f10965a44e566fb56d29adebc0e12', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1220118887, 0, 1),
  168. (189, 'joaquin.vilar', 'c2c5c29d38bb19870c2433e37dfe4ffd', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1220815165, 0, 1),
  169. (190, 'autosportmobile', 'c1da38cae476c62fb03241b2fc8e1bbc', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1221726524, 1225322975, 1),
  170. (191, 'jfernandez', '47efa53ebf441bbdabd58b61ea93155e', '@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1221727287, 1240586368, 1),
  171. (198, 'lamadosa', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1225970851, 0, 1),
  172. (200, 'lorenzana edreirasl', '3f06a7247d5c04d0618552dd3276ac40', '', 'PT', '', '', '<div>YAMAHA&nbsp; YFZ 450cc&nbsp;&nbsp; muy&nbsp; buen&nbsp; estado&nbsp; solo&nbsp; tiene&nbsp; tres&nbsp; salidas&nbsp; al&nbsp; campo&nbsp;&nbsp;<strong>MEJOR&nbsp;VERLO&nbsp;</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <strong>4500</strong></div>', 1226310601, 1226400855, 1),
  173. (192, 'modernauto', 'a22a6026e88ba7e69caf6a682be44a80', '@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1221727715, 1225730465, 1),
  174. (135, 'opciongrafica', '49844f1c0aaf77e3e54b9e481c52294a', '', 'AD', 'Opción Gráfica', '', '', 1200040653, 1238400270, 1),
  175. (205, 'vytauto', 'c83b2d5bb1fb4d93d9d064593ed6eea2', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226519647, 0, 1),
  176. (206, 'apvmotor', '02c75fb22c75b23dc963c7eb91a062cc', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226519844, 1226520683, 1),
  177. (207, 'breoganocasion', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226520027, 1235561404, 1),
  178. (208, 'yañezpremium', '85223673d93928fc202729807768bcab', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226520272, 0, 1),
  179. (209, 'compostelamotor', 'bcb759b5b8ab63b06295c7434345d7a5', 'compostelamotor@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226520461, 0, 1),
  180. (210, 'Enrique Losada Sancosmed', '611e4c12b1fce8545efd96186c5fd354', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1226675926, 1230136657, 1),
  181. (211, 'gandaramotor', '827ccb0eea8a706c4c34a16891f84e7b', 'gandaramotor@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226780138, 1239978046, 1),
  182. (212, 'yellowcar', 'ded0de2a189477a4d4452b350ed76c9f', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226782039, 0, 1),
  183. (213, 'danygr', 'f677d32d13cef2201f4022652f03fd0a', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226871783, 1236804592, 1),
  184. (214, 'amiocar', '79a0c8ef9f81e83087202ca118c0ff84', 'amiocar@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226937984, 0, 1),
  185. (215, 'patiño', 'e15a8075472f1300b355ef91d11029fd', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226938276, 0, 1),
  186. (216, 'fmcars', 'fa53d05d5b5d4a5f7e96ccb2cc13269f', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226938738, 0, 1),
  187. (217, 'riocabo', '5a7379d62aefd6bbc7dc6aae3e35c8bc', 'riocabo@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226939029, 0, 1),
  188. (218, 'intermovil', '978f0e3fd4261981e90041d90632f4ed', 'intermovil@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226939509, 0, 1),
  189. (219, 'autosbrea', '8c56ed7f3b60e59f986112a42423ead0', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226939931, 0, 1),
  190. (220, 'automovileslf', 'c3c7377014553b7643f4f43a6f679360', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226945001, 0, 1),
  191. (221, 'gonzacar', 'd6c04c8e46c491f156f9aa69dba27233', 'gonzacar@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226945300, 1234289884, 1),
  192. (222, 'arzuamotor', 'a53fe324af963843cd34d56cbe64557c', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226946640, 0, 1),
  193. (223, 'jmontes', '787f52f40c426b5395bcdb5d9e61acf1', 'jmontes@temp', 'PT', '', '', '', 1226946927, 0, 1),
  194. (224, 'jesuscambon', '0d67c5716386413f83f178602dbebc0f', 'cambon@temp', 'PT', '', '', '', 1226947363, 0, 1),
  195. (225, 'brea', '09779cadeeb922101295d2dd04d4a895', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226947739, 0, 1),
  196. (226, 'igauto', '7f21eb534dee266720b847ebacda5b20', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226948013, 1239877100, 1),
  197. (227, 'vauto', '5de9afc6f59b7ffcd7de2c09da4ac141', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1226948312, 0, 1),
  198. (228, 'alex', 'ba3ad818c03b82690da66982c0202183', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1226962789, 0, 1),
  199. (229, 'melmac', '64df02455b7465d7f81640e74e0df0fa', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1227005857, 1227005948, 1),
  200. (230, 'xlcars', '1cc5dd37d77e544c037d92fcaa6c9854', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1227011394, 1231869937, 1),
  201. (231, 'marcos', '684370d50bcdf82c2b3475597e81f392', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1227088855, 0, 1),
  202. (232, 'rexosport', 'fc4835852f9ffb34cf53acceb7df4928', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1227301247, 1227301295, 1),
  203. (233, 'eventiamotor', '81dc9bdb52d04dc20036dbd8313ed055', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1227521609, 0, 1),
  204. (234, 'Alejandro', '8f60a9984b10eb7d61c19a100e51f063', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228052126, 1228336055, 1),
  205. (235, 'javito-r', '1cae4048675e693ad1c0031c677e1d7e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228057828, 0, 1),
  206. (236, 'Buso', '96a29f9f99af7a59257dfd1c97b2adef', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228211567, 1228211600, 1),
  207. (237, 'paulitaa', '75307a16da2fcb6f1c8c4b92e0af3703', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228319538, 1230725735, 1),
  208. (238, 'Jano', '5db272e84cd566e1c5a0feb75cd3b3ed', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228392932, 1228393010, 1),
  209. (239, 'DieaNDGo', 'd6dd55250d04c890b49415366edc1ed0', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228944490, 1228944718, 1),
  210. (240, 'YoyIs_gti', 'aab3cb07b88ea799283271876d114cae', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228947315, 1228947486, 1),
  211. (241, 'pckyo007', '4e1c739eaef00deabbf91cffd1f61ee1', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1228947799, 0, 1),
  212. (242, 'juan', '2cb35f8a5f5d95d5ace284c42fbd4c82', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1229278826, 1229280364, 1),
  213. (243, 'neng', 'abfe30922eb4a56e4df001dfc12d652c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1229525847, 0, 1),
  214. (244, 'pikachu', '5920146eb5499ccba2d2aeb704761966', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1229526520, 1229526578, 1),
  215. (251, 'runrundelmotor', 'b31df16a88ce00fed951f24b46e08649', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>Run Run del Motor</p>\r\n<p>Ca&ntilde;a al motor...</p>', 1229877717, 1230056125, 1),
  216. (253, 'oramirez', '5d2fd3f80dc19bb19a6fe5827b2d7c1e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1230121001, 1230121053, 1),
  217. (254, 'carlos', 'ea818d0109df6521ea2d7f9b8ade222d', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1230220030, 1230220881, 1),
  218. (255, 'oskar', '335c1ae2811de4384fbcd945d3aaa47b', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>Vendo quad Yamaha Raptor R, buen estado.</p>\r\n<p>2.500&euro;</p>', 1230403454, 1230405137, 1),
  219. (256, 'oskar78', '8c8776971f5d30872d33cd5de605b177', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1230403703, 0, 1),
  220. (257, 'Osteosebets', '9b86280dd3d16a1575d678f648236ec4', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1230606291, 0, 1),
  221. (258, 'laureano', '7e035f88ddd3d497ee301a5a8c870b78', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1230648062, 0, 1),
  222. (259, 'Mike JACKSON', 'ea545d431dde15f6ec77e611133bf3d0', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1230932242, 0, 1),
  223. (260, 'rvcinstal', 'f2048d4cc75249a7b78edfd31f7a6a30', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>me encanta to lo que tenga gasolina</p>', 1231271010, 1231271082, 1),
  224. (261, 'roberluaces', 'b10e65b00fcd6aeddd8fd3821a7084c5', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>vendo bemeta.&nbsp; 530i e34</p>', 1231274179, 1242422390, 1),
  225. (262, 'chansete', '0e047ce5ac999c97d4435c2571521711', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1231417485, 1231417660, 1),
  226. (263, 'montybcn', 'e0c2f89f67830b74b121d40edd059f3a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1231674489, 0, 1),
  227. (264, 'abvianna', '4bc24c708788f7cb58d27147606f67d4', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1231973948, 1233675730, 1),
  228. (265, 'Santy25', '32d4950b7e262ee190faf08d37e9b55f', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1232548961, 1232567519, 1),
  229. (266, 'yassbot', '5710034f114b9cf7bec0ed4a510bafce', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1232564530, 0, 1),
  230. (267, 'amcmotor', '25dcec94208aa61042871d3aba092543', 'amcmotor@temp', 'CV', '', '', '', 1232793251, 0, 1),
  231. (268, 'autolusa', 'b00edf58991e256438fbe8faa09a64d0', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1232793825, 0, 1),
  232. (269, 'rmcc', '77a9849aff8ed0bad3066a16d0f03301', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1232887937, 0, 1),
  233. (270, 'ditram', '74ef27d1874022e079cb76e2a09c5796', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1232888148, 0, 1),
  234. (271, 'mh29', '564f4bcd11273b8ea6b49fbe2dc2ad1c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1232997292, 1232997390, 1),
  235. (272, 'BMW Lugauto', 'fbfa0115af49b2fc364baa8ebe5faae4', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233075286, 0, 1),
  236. (273, 'Grupo Méndez Automoción', '9e1873c5561cd8823e70f3283a0d4032', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233076146, 0, 1),
  237. (274, 'viagra', 'c99446ac9f40a58330756f80a524e56c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1233361130, 0, 1),
  238. (275, 'Automóviles A. Mera S.L.', '72040091d72fd4543a9c44442680580a', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233515105, 0, 1),
  239. (276, 'Otte automoción', '96c7759f5d3bbf6805bf13a41ac9baf2', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233516186, 0, 1),
  240. (277, 'Grupo Efher Selección', '882210197630ade6b2940e04c8c34942', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233516631, 0, 1),
  241. (278, 'Talleres Pardo', 'cde00de31aa45fd3e47c85dd57765a2e', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233517217, 0, 1),
  242. (279, 'Automóviles O Panadeiro S.L.', '7b4b11661946a88bcad0ac5937ed6d42', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233517557, 0, 1),
  243. (280, 'Lugo 4x4', '5bba8a9f18f5078f9bd6fc07db609fff', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233517967, 0, 1),
  244. (281, 'Muralla Motor', '5aaea45c159110959ee8054f309223b7', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233518170, 0, 1),
  245. (282, 'Automóviles Cabarcos', '169806f72f57159617b5c20e16e73af1', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233519373, 0, 1),
  246. (283, 'Modern Auto', 'ae74ea4e2e865ed3fd60c18a06e69c65', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233519696, 0, 1),
  247. (284, 'autos E.I.C', '58b2c53441a9db19e159bec686d685d8', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233520153, 1240347822, 1),
  248. (285, 'Automóviles Miki Sanchez', '4839641470743161315c2daed44ff32c', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233557823, 0, 1),
  249. (286, 'Taller Mecánico Xiron', 'd8a9820d4fce94762f65db69f0f20d50', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233558057, 0, 1),
  250. (287, 'Autos Campo', 'ddde8ff8c6e8fd414ff859cc85931461', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233558213, 0, 1),
  251. (288, 'Automoviles y Venta de Maquinaria Ventosinos', 'bef3963b78982355e3bf59d33c2f695a', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233558384, 0, 1),
  252. (289, 'Automoviles Ivan', '2c42e5cf1cdbafea04ed267018ef1511', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233581959, 0, 1),
  253. (290, 'Autos Bernardo', 'a62fe230fb661b05fc34925578f3e2c3', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233582220, 0, 1),
  254. (291, 'T.Germe', '61cb37a28fd3e02578495787e9fb4f8c', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233582512, 0, 1),
  255. (292, 'Celtic Motor', '1d01384154bc50ecef7edf07a2bec214', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233583024, 0, 1),
  256. (293, 'Automóviles M.Losada', 'cec56d8550f8f902c2d3712e2f48a55d', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233583351, 0, 1),
  257. (294, 'Autos Vázquez', 'fccfc3769cb2caa6958c2d3a8af2d358', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233583555, 0, 1),
  258. (295, 'Moyvesa selección', 'e9e69e48d725ee52e9e82a78a325a883', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233583812, 0, 1),
  259. (296, 'assegailkit', '81d0ee82de476aa970aa6bf8ddc13639', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1233634194, 0, 1),
  260. (297, 'OcasiónEstrella de Mercedes-Benz', '1b32aa85a594d41c539d7c90963daf6b', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1233644792, 0, 1),
  261. (298, 'afcars', '0965ca6f79cf42631744d030b4d10d97', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233700464, 1236001658, 1),
  262. (299, 'javier', '908c9a564a86426585b29f5335b619bc', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1233745315, 1233745683, 1),
  263. (300, 'Dereimport', 'ea8aa0ab650a28bb2e53c3b707fd8fe7', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233858283, 0, 1),
  264. (301, 'Renault Ocasión', '0fa9a61dcebb5cf6cf98a08d9ef8084b', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233858478, 0, 1),
  265. (302, 'T.Martines Multimarca Verin', 'd2f0c294711426f440af6c188232e774', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233858643, 0, 1),
  266. (303, 'Autos Santa Rita', '2794d223f90059c9f705c73a99384085', 'info@autossantarita.con', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233858843, 0, 1),
  267. (304, 'Automoviles Santos', '114fdfefd3d69799f0b6f73ef764d405', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233859110, 0, 1),
  268. (305, 'Talleres Juanjo', '9380dbe1d7116a06e477d6f0ac6f0f39', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1233859243, 0, 1),
  269. (306, 'susofolgueira', 'b14e4f1f3c7a50b22e0b05ff153ba1ae', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1233933932, 1233945916, 1),
  270. (307, 'eli', 'b251e369761ab2edba55ecec4663a38a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234010562, 1234966189, 1),
  271. (308, 'fapeFuefs', '5e3c98632fc6ea7553333f0aa5c29ac1', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234047446, 0, 1),
  272. (309, 'massage therapy classes online', '768e97264ca53f9041a3b7a676a85653', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234096320, 0, 1),
  273. (310, 'R.d Neda', 'a1e6c7f088d35684b9c617cc147ea595', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234114475, 1234115949, 1),
  274. (311, 'sdh', '630643f1462c80c7b2267cfd0adf2d66', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234189542, 1236332312, 1),
  275. (312, 'Roberto Mouriño', 'c1bfc188dba59d2681648aa0e6ca8c8e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234209452, 0, 1),
  276. (313, 'Viacar Grupo Ibericar', 'ce3e5045f87e41a402f41d788466be98', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234210093, 0, 1),
  277. (314, 'Ferauto S.L.', '1b9327a697ff9e72e47bfe0334b2f0a4', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234210842, 0, 1),
  278. (315, 'Autoviasa', '192800ee349abef6b7ac947182ec2db3', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234211234, 0, 1),
  279. (316, 'S. Vidal 4x4 S.L.', 'fb79830ab7684da94013fb5b6636c475', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234211545, 0, 1),
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  281. (318, 'Aibasa', '9adf173af106d62942bda9a4fd3de36f', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234212858, 1239188772, 1),
  282. (319, 'Nova Galicia', '1a9c91f6e0310d4f55b7ee7f22c2c9df', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234335307, 0, 1),
  283. (320, 'Automoto', '42905d9f208f829cd916df3b6d62ba5c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234335698, 0, 1),
  284. (321, 'Tobiauto', '04d28920120d648a074da6ae5fa966fc', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234335914, 0, 1),
  285. (322, 'Mourente Motor', '6c89c874f1d7344aa6ccc2a27956e2b2', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234336220, 0, 1),
  286. (323, 'Go Vigocar', '11f536b9924a5a31ee82a1904ddb6e33', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234336480, 0, 1),
  287. (324, 'don piston', 'd25922edb7ab92c0ca31328cbdcbd42f', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234458037, 1239901562, 1),
  288. (325, 'Autos Carballido', 'e422b0919caf124565bfcfeba7b47e00', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234508187, 0, 1),
  289. (326, 'Fontan Multimarca', '078fcacb15fce902c0a5ec4673e49249', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234509008, 0, 1),
  290. (327, 'serto19', 'b7fffec43cd6682ba4c33608c6bc3abc', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234724201, 0, 1),
  291. (328, 'drycleClierry', 'a7191df7d21362ceb798d46d1810fbaa', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234805895, 0, 1),
  292. (329, 'MAYRA', '87e2763c408e3dc4adc3e4177566b3b2', '', 'CV', '', '', '<p>Mayra Gonz&aacute;lez</p>\r\n<p>Tel&eacute;fono 620244153</p>', 1234861952, 1237834171, 1),
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  295. (332, 'Tino Cars', '55131f0ffa8c6ddfc0101afc7400f576', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1234971686, 0, 1),
  296. (333, 'Tecvisa', '0d93190bd4922c6d16e3995c7678c567', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1234971860, 0, 1),
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  301. (338, 'GausiaLes', '75f557731b24a65f01a19e63c0a5a18c', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1235038659, 0, 1),
  302. (339, 'CSBMOTOUNION', '33e60a536be2d2a0786229062eb23329', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1235046040, 1235046114, 1),
  303. (340, 'emetresm', 'd1b52afa6c84e63c738a480a2208790c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1235053929, 1235250830, 1),
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  305. (342, 'jgalegre', '56841ed5d6a0a62ebbcb3d68bdd83bd0', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1235342102, 0, 1),
  306. (343, 'lolo', 'dea56e47f1c62c30b83b70eb281a6c39', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>hola el coche esta muy bien cuidado pido 7500 pero se puede negociar</p>', 1235595460, 1235652608, 1),
  307. (344, 'chelin', '63ffbc78dd233d35c18800da0e62f2b5', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1235595460, 0, 1),
  308. (345, 'miriam', '6eb6a2bcbaa207e615c005d8037ce115', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1235677419, 0, 1),
  309. (346, 'Martin', '04d9e7b07c744fec315c6cefb309faf6', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1235660658, 0, 1),
  310. (347, 'juan manuel castiñeiras', 'f7f393e1422fdd714316132b4dadb15c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1235732713, 1236009290, 1),
  311. (348, 'Alexwebmaster', '0ac160c0728b7e3132bc1e048eff3547', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236096216, 0, 1),
  312. (349, 'praphectemav', 'c998717bd627d179d7164c34efdbe755', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236199875, 0, 1),
  313. (350, 'JAIRO', 'd9b68dcbc52a3741443a4d95808a7b94', 'JAYEL2001@HOTMAIL.COM', 'CV', '', '', '', 1236242722, 1241346854, 1),
  314. (351, 'BGThomasis', 'de0cafc993fda6563d4c48a44f4310c8', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236300439, 0, 1),
  315. (352, 'mogignild', 'd58c0470562a0513b9dc34cfade2cfb5', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236309839, 0, 1),
  316. (353, 'MOTORAUTO', '4a06d868d044c50af0cf9bc82d2fc19f', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1236339976, 1236341184, 1),
  317. (354, 'JOSE.B', '9a286406c252a3d14218228974e1f567', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236379808, 1236381500, 1),
  318. (355, 'CRISTOSAN', 'f5bd65fb785e3103b0362a14ddf36972', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1236379597, 0, 1),
  319. (356, 'PluchHala', '43041d39449701b92b71a8461b2a52f7', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236453435, 0, 1),
  320. (357, 'UnsersemA', '7ba1cbc1dead391e6b483d7a1b8cba0b', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236546845, 0, 1),
  321. (358, 'rys', 'e8687f1a4c7f81ba1a527954d9884fd6', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1236603095, 1236626631, 1),
  322. (359, 'itammamew863', 'f7614defe4cf04d88db0f9dd1c09d9da', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236723223, 0, 1),
  323. (360, 'JELILLOSPORT', '15f18fe41a7b24895e8bb666976c0599', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1236758981, 1238496562, 1),
  324. (361, 'Imirway', 'd0fbc430fa047119bd000e216ad86388', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236919417, 0, 1),
  325. (362, 'itammamew014', '03638a925adc1b62e7e0333568567cc9', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1236952653, 0, 1),
  326. (363, 'mario', '6c7c8c524a9325acd29294b8d336df93', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237036914, 1237143634, 1),
  327. (364, 'azpilcueta', '39219caadd7d7eadf5d9bbcec47f14f3', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237037119, 0, 1),
  328. (365, 'mariovillar', '0025528920285cbaf3a0e5daee5cd140', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237131513, 0, 1),
  329. (366, 'Playnchoannakwhz', '6c0402d703ebc6976fbab8d3540ebd2c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237170954, 0, 1),
  330. (367, 'gorkarock', '6c505ee53b3144475384754d930ceb42', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>Equipamiento EXTRA CAMPING:<br />\r\nCalefaccion adicional AIRTRONIC (en garantia), baterial adicional de gel 100ah., asientos delanteros giratorios, convertidor de 12v. a 220v., tomas adicionales de 12v., luces interiores adicionales de bajo consumo, ne', 1237189020, 1237196064, 1),
  331. (368, 'rafaourense', '9efe429cddcfe94545f89f8fd3f8af5e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237321059, 0, 1),
  332. (369, 'Fenobiorb', 'ad8c8e98463c89d521800761146ba724', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237443729, 0, 1),
  333. (370, 'joaquin', '7d74ee8ec7b11673720dfe2477ca1211', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237479596, 0, 1),
  334. (371, 'rekFietry', '278cf79bc03c06793e5560acb9ccbe93', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237606756, 0, 1),
  335. (372, 'Sirealledball', 'd64d522576b5475dec411ac276e38d0d', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237720612, 0, 1),
  336. (373, 'ramon', 'af782a069d62b1c5169274260680451c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237749713, 1237798430, 1),
  337. (374, 'quierieprex', '5641efe1ec0e99db0456d3d2e3e74842', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1237813906, 0, 1),
  338. (375, 'Fran Rey', '3bc3961ee46393d986c97d50f963af51', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238011401, 1238012308, 1),
  339. (376, 'Santiago', '6d4a067983c713edfa3ebbb702a67d9e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238329110, 0, 1),
  340. (377, 'Santi', 'c207c23fe2ec14b59b824a90e17cf086', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238329110, 1238425431, 1),
  341. (378, 'alex1', 'b6d14d6af01c0c0a1b2f755358783abd', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238426876, 0, 1),
  342. (379, '4976', '01e436a9525672f3bd055a0b211c2f2c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238583055, 0, 1),
  343. (380, 'Hiefebile', '182e60ec323f6adcf792225af94c4a47', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238627168, 0, 1),
  344. (381, 'DypeTobby', '6959b44c45cef4848d7ae9b11d174a1a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1238912188, 0, 1),
  345. (382, 'Andres', 'c8b4247a1f9d2c071cd5c1e9c2f7a07f', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239035947, 1239036759, 1),
  346. (383, 'advommema', 'fcd1e0facf30f54eba15067f20eebc72', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239041032, 0, 1),
  347. (384, 'jmil', '6f2108a928bc57860c60dfeb5f72d56c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239055801, 0, 1),
  348. (385, 'piroti', '9e15eabcb31182d3ddbc4720091ebb76', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239276780, 1239276839, 1),
  349. (386, 'javier lopez', 'd4666669f07cd0b46771710455b34d9a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239297074, 1239556201, 1),
  350. (387, 'Rosa', '9ee6e15118f87a95f6c9e189f0377da8', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239678000, 1239678879, 1),
  351. (388, 'Pinnasali', '2f18bb6896a3df73feab73a9b02783f7', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239721490, 0, 1),
  352. (389, 'r2d2spa', 'ca6629059d23bdce49647775a5330684', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1239810807, 1239811034, 1),
  353. (390, 'Blehoky', '3c3d6332f84795731790f723f216a51b', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1240496399, 0, 1),
  354. (391, 'LUIS M', '8f0bff76cc228ec3823cacfd632f0f1c', 'LUISCAMPOS.LUIS@GMAIL.COM', 'PT', '', '', '', 1240525109, 1240700591, 1),
  355. (392, 'DenkaOlssen', '238f2c4c2cacbc0d19df6dbf82573e50', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1240963945, 0, 1),
  356. (393, 'HefjemAdderee', 'a14533073282706ce4b22d12f0c5473c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241020169, 0, 1),
  357. (394, 'Semkamanz', '233a762a041e8c6d63941f22f3501bd7', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241160351, 0, 1),
  358. (395, 'Videzfan', '5b7866b9f06eccb1872cf1343d0bd02a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241266303, 0, 1),
  359. (396, 'albanian language online course', 'd434fffd6714fe0b5a0f73115092446e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241345665, 0, 1),
  360. (397, 'peabattylen', '0cec7e2384eed8d4225c5fbed4527691', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241365537, 0, 1),
  361. (398, 'BoiteJets', '6be29c07c309279f1e203760f724387e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241545037, 0, 1),
  362. (399, 'raimon', '7de636eadbd5f8730a861451ac3f9e78', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241551046, 1241564498, 1),
  363. (400, 'MillaOllsen', '85274efb8747c5c5c42e0ddc65146062', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241612450, 0, 1),
  364. (401, 'dyd', 'aac82528edc92c29dc1ad51a65f6aba8', '', 'CV', '', '', '', 1241638504, 0, 1),
  365. (402, 'Upselfberilib', '6dcc26be40b24bb12f8d0fde63de0941', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1241956141, 0, 1),
  366. (403, 'luis7431', '837504432d80e16ce0a33d9f47e0a215', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242067810, 1242136274, 1),
  367. (404, 'cachelo', '6e05bbc5e1c1ce0afbbbf8d23a55a264', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242231437, 0, 1),
  368. (405, 'Mig', 'b9c07c93bb82e7751d625f54768e835b', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242231437, 0, 1),
  369. (406, 'ompbruno', '6ebe02bd91d72db8e4c49533b632dbec', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242419906, 0, 1),
  370. (407, 'brunitho90', '62779cd718d3ad3ba8a3ce7321c77e86', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242505915, 0, 1),
  371. (408, 'yourpharmacystoreonline', 'cfda4e586f5f282f6f6d743b630efa07', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242577659, 0, 1),
  372. (409, 'motosalvaro', 'fcb1cf6b5fb60d32a5ab5f95e8855b47', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242656040, 1242656340, 1),
  373. (410, 'NORTON-13', 'a6225bc3702616f254cec6e760651ea9', 'EDUMOS@GMAIL.COM', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242768706, 1242768811, 1),
  374. (435, 'guerola', '2f5450c874ed98aa288ab843271dce29', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1246860418, 1246860807, 1),
  375. (434, '2488CGJ', 'aec9a5a4a64c5341778665ccf745ecde', '', 'PT', '', '', '<p>x</p>', 1246817675, 1246819779, 1),
  376. (433, 'coyreg', '3b7c4ac86fff7d99da2f5579c3a3615a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1246627010, 0, 1),
  377. (432, 'ShantiKeredex', 'a292bc8e5827a8f0921a04452fa06e01', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1246513921, 0, 1),
  378. (431, 'HenryMorewasd', '24066694c90c6015157b61505b0f2bb1', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1246511826, 0, 1),
  379. (430, 'Daniel', '7813d1590d28a7dd372ad54b5d29d033', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1246262957, 1246267737, 1),
  380. (429, 'martintaboada', 'ad7a666354870348e6fb575a3e4a7e16', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245945381, 0, 1),
  381. (428, 'makemakecorua', '930132eff1a3df0e4aa310aff9f1e53e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245399898, 1246872921, 1),
  382. (427, 'gsus21', '4b8c8fa9d5b768afd40f524af23e6d50', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245922686, 1246282388, 1),
  383. (426, 'jafarasa', 'd6f88b0afaaae1b4cbb8c5f0551b2bb7', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245399898, 0, 1),
  384. (425, 'AMVRACING', 'a3e96953fa6fbfd1f48737ee8df4b029', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245408654, 1245408860, 1),
  385. (424, 'Westevini', '66108ceded6a151161e4062d7b5b28f0', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245254466, 0, 1),
  386. (423, 'HadaErorcEdog', '68b18faee7f797ea2a8e088e6789979d', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245207622, 0, 1),
  387. (422, 'kx300', '320778879e7fac33cb04fb29c1d090cf', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1245176058, 1246802207, 1),
  388. (421, 'trucha', 'd6173fa397914d9e6ed6c1338997253e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1244656889, 0, 1),
  389. (420, 'Jittydype', 'ed6d7dab0ba2ba55e16fc2533ba81ca0', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1244811951, 0, 1),
  390. (419, 'Ancece', '88439ffa2e82b1ca219fdba94c928d5a', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1244309613, 0, 1),
  391. (418, 'javinieto11', 'f500ce4b49cda592578a44e8886540c9', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1244146337, 1246567653, 1),
  392. (417, 'VoreunonnaVes', '1e5008d707d4c9235374ba116ee62467', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1244145868, 0, 1),
  393. (416, 'Aredcrurlerma', 'fcc7cc64f68bcc931f784063f498443b', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1243747665, 0, 1),
  394. (415, 'VenteeKiz', '4ac3513db012b3e2aac3e430d6ff3ec1', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1243633172, 0, 1),
  395. (414, 'yenty', '7e6355561a9b448d3abb82292c0d151f', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1243462181, 1243462238, 1),
  396. (413, 'bedsfleedyfekuolpe', '7d6b8226add1f714d534e828f531523c', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1243318101, 0, 1);
  397. INSERT INTO `user` (`uid`, `name`, `pass`, `mail`, `type`, `first_name`, `surname`, `signature`, `created`, `login`, `status`) VALUES
  398. (412, 'francelos', '6950aac2d7932e1f1a4c3cf6ada1316e', '', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242988363, 1243241887, 1),
  399. (411, 'metre', '31da355f5d09fbd788bb69ba577d8a3e', 'ciquilon69@hotmail.con', 'PT', '', '', '', 1242988031, 0, 1),
  400. (437, '', '5d7361ea2a39093192397835832f5af7', '', 'PT', 'pypespems', 'pypespems', '', 1252413841, 0, 0),
  401. (438, '', 'ce8bdaa92a41ab54d0a68bc2c70246e0', '', 'PT', 'Gema', 'Garcia Suarez', '', 1252416696, 0, 0),
  402. (439, '', 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', '', '', '', '', '', 1252416699, 0, 0),
  403. (440, '', '5aa1167aaa39a94f75aad6f1d182a63e', '', 'PT', 'Dertestodr', 'Dertestodr', '', 1252541602, 0, 0),
  404. (441, '', 'e74c82b5d6500eddece3de5e26f621ee', '', 'PT', 'MAYRA', '', '', 1252566342, 0, 0),
  405. (442, '', '5aa1167aaa39a94f75aad6f1d182a63e', '', 'PT', 'Mydertestole', 'Mydertestole', '', 1252585571, 0, 0),
  406. (443, '', '701911d852bd01be172b8630cd4eab41', '', 'PT', 'Perderikosp', 'Perderikosp', '', 1252873343, 0, 0),
  407. (444, '', '32ced8a40325e4c4d6df98cc527fce67', '', 'PT', 'Derkoposto', 'Derkoposto', '', 1252887779, 0, 0),
  408. (445, '', '0d28d28583d7886787f43401fa1c0d1f', '', 'PT', 'angel', 'morado allegue', '', 1253097891, 0, 0),
  409. (446, '', '00880193922f0157ae6cd031e36c520a', '', 'PT', 'Levitxuilo', 'Levitxuilo', '', 1253106330, 0, 0),
  410. (447, '', 'e10adc3949ba59abbe56e057f20f883e', '', 'PT', 'Alejandro', 'Berdayes', '', 1253210352, 0, 1),
  411. (448, '', 'ea652e43905ea1f5ae9bcde47bfdd9d1', '', 'PT', 'ivan', 'iglesias lopez', '', 1253255719, 0, 0),
  412. (449, '', 'be08a2ac64f67c84e4b5e4c2f0adb5ce', '', 'PT', 'javier', 'rodriguez ferreira', '', 1253439074, 0, 0),
  413. (453, '', '5920146eb5499ccba2d2aeb704761966', '', 'PT', 'asdfafd', 'asdfasdfadsf', '', 1253455847, 0, 1),
  414. (455, '', 'a9b08d57bb488e29c4edbc52a9b076c7', '', 'PT', 'foeptioff', 'foeptioff', '', 1253523949, 0, 0),
  415. (456, '', 'f9f695125f0f374a47375f024b547290', '', 'PT', 'Jose', 'Jose', '', 1253526044, 0, 1),
  416. (457, '', '0231a439484e3643b1b7652946b342f5', '', 'PT', 'sdumpsinp', 'sdumpsinp', '', 1253882303, 0, 0),
  417. (458, '', '77b3cfd704862f8e4f6a84ed6130bde3', '', 'PT', 'DrEurope', 'DrEurope', '', 1254102070, 0, 0),
  418. (459, '', '25f9e794323b453885f5181f1b624d0b', '', 'PT', 'roi', 'nose', '', 1254911807, 0, 0),
  419. (461, '', 'a3db932c8d4a889994d08b5312d87e4d', '', 'PT', 'vigrxplus-x', 'vigrxplus-x', '', 1255316066, 0, 0),
  420. (462, '', '51a5033234c5f3944ae2815e8fea812d', '', 'PT', 'blavkmarble', 'blavkmarble', '', 1256403238, 0, 0),
  421. (463, '', '277c94b8f8fb82329230118749196dc9', '', 'PT', 'acychrxaliitin', 'acychrxaliitin', '', 1256932161, 0, 0),
  422. (464, '', '22e096f8b9a3aafc4e17f5923e530f45', '', 'PT', 'VideoDWNLD', 'VideoDWNLD', '', 1257253089, 0, 0),
  423. (465, '', '0be33c24628cd8979ed995de65f5c593', '', 'PT', 'fotstymngot', 'fotstymngot', '', 1257687245, 0, 0),
  424. (466, 'd,', '2ddf27cc287608e549af3f53758f2369', 'd,', 'PT', 'bruno', 'miramontes', '', 1257785897, 0, 0),
  425. (467, '', '40394355bafa4ea509fc11da32805eef', '', 'PT', 'MalLilaUsah', 'MalLilaUsah', '', 1258332689, 0, 0),
  426. (468, '', '269904732dca15e1093bead717ce121a', '', 'PT', 'ranipoojax', 'ranipoojax', '', 1258374884, 0, 0),
  427. (469, '', '366b697372b52e06785511ea09bb9023', '', 'PT', 'carlos', 'morande', '', 1258565224, 0, 1),
  428. (470, '', 'e5cb7c411f1d9a67f68deff4a954cfbc', '', 'PT', 'alejandro', 'sanchez sanchez', '', 1258990794, 0, 0),
  429. (471, '', 'e109d6e4607f55282e9d6a10ac7b8540', '', 'PT', 'TomSuixi', 'TomSuixi', '', 1259039023, 0, 0),
  430. (472, '', 'b29cf674cb94c4f84a48a822575db5f5', '', 'PT', 'Raypamar', 'Raypamar', '', 1259715892, 0, 0),
  431. (473, '', '532666937ce5425e87825c38a38113a9', '', 'PT', 'manpilac', 'manpilac', '', 1260532159, 0, 0),
  432. (474, '', 'b60af40c40f74925c217742481673963', '', 'PT', 'mucekqpw3vow', 'mucekqpw3vow', '', 1261097740, 0, 0),
  433. (475, '', '0e65844d46d0e9452620c58170d92daf', '', 'PT', 'David', 'diaz cardenas', '', 1261238842, 0, 1);
  435. --
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