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Sep 16th, 2014
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  1. Right, lets say it is everything you say and that you don't touch the money at all or using PWO money to pay people who are working on your private projects. Honestly I personally don't care where money is used soon as this game gets more stable and updated properly. Pretty sure people wouldn't say anything if you as main developer actually work sometimes with the team providing updates coding wise. I've had small meeting with several players and friends today about this. Honestly, it's not about money at all. It's about PWO failing to get updates. Also about websites ads, who gets the money from that you or Bluerise?
  3. For you Shane might be unstable person but the guy did the job and a lot. The fact that Shane itself is acknowledging you as a lot better programmer then he is tells you a lot. Now my question to you xan is. Why don't you spend some time with PWO team and code something for them that will be useful for long term. Giving them CPR everytime problem occurs its meaningless. I figured all this hate in community is coming from lack of updates. People start pointing fingers and calling other useless then eventually hate begins.
  4. I know you don't expect much from this PWO, its small game fan based shouldn't be perfect as you said. But at least can you give solid ground to work on. Give them small part as you did with Ebyron and the game will be better. What staff are doing is constantly patching up the same wound. You may recover from this incident and get new client, at least temporary one. But what will happen after. Who will do server updates, who will hardcode things into the server.
  6. You see. Sometimes we often bash at staff. But thinking better most of them are awesome people who have to deal with hate often because they fail to deliever updates needed. PWO doesn't have to be super awesome. At least make it like few years ago where we had 900+ people online anytime. Things in this game are in hands in volonteurs in most of the cases. Considering their life schedule thats bad impact on the game. Yet you have there that staff culture which is often lazy and slow of doing things. not lazy, just lack of motivation. 6 years have passed and we are pretty much at the same spot.
  8. Through this opportunity I would like to ask you to spend some time with staff and actually do some team work with them. Take any Pokemon game and compare it with PWO you will see the difference. Make one account, start playing from the beginning what will be your impression...broken moves...battles failing. Lack of features. No support for double battles etc. Lack of the auction system built in ingame...Hold items, abiltites, EVs and natures. All those are missing for years. If Ebyron, the game you made have multi battles why PWO is lacking of them? I honestly tried to get few friends to play PWO, I got ashamed everytime I called them. They are saying to me "is this Pokemon game for you".
  10. Once again. I don't care much about the money soon as the game is getting updated. You spend some time with staff start doing something actually. You are main DEV for a christs sake. Even if you think that you tried to let other people to do that they failed. Get any former admin or dev to tell you with what limitations they were faced. Eventually they feel pressured and staff starting to be unstable as well. What is needed at the moment is work and work only. Someone like Shane to work 1 month on the game and thats it. At least from the money donated you can start coding things and updating. Make players and staff to feel comfortable in the game. Use some of the Ebyron code, copy paste renaming remoding you know. Move this thing on the road again. Don't make yourself and PWO staff useless while it can be different. Get a cup of coffee and start looking into the code and introduce and update stuff. Only that way game is going further.
  12. -PWO Blaze
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