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Jan 25th, 2020
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  1. {"fields":[{"name":"‎","value":"**Age-slider (noun)**: A system member whose age/maturity changes. This can happen for any reason e.g. time of day, situation, location.\n\n**Approxive (noun)**: A system member who is similar or based to another individual or being external to the system, but has some significant differences. (example: a system member whose base is an anime character, but has a widely different personality from said character)\n*also see: introject*\n\n**Caretaker (noun)**: A system member who usually takes care of others’ emotional, physical or spiritual well being. Usually within the system, but doesn’t need to be limited to it.\n\n**Channeler (noun)**: 1. Individual who has someone else communicating or acting through them. (For example, a medium who is communicating on behalf of a ghost.) 2. A member who can channel in, or invite in new members from outside of the system, through occult/esoteric/magical means or other.\n*also: Conjuror*","inline":false},{"name":"‎","value":"**Channeled (noun)**: Someone who is communicating or acting through someone else (like the ghost example in the previous definition).\n\n**Conjuror (noun)**: Someone who invites in an individual to their system from the outside through occult/esoteric/magical means.\n*also: channeler*\n\n**Comforter (noun)**: A system member who takes care of others' emotional wellbeing.\n\n**Factive (noun)**: A system member who is based a person external to the system that exists or existed on this earth. A factive could be for example based a celebrity, someone close like a family member, a friend, a historical figure, etc.\n*see: introject*","inline":false},{"name":"‎‎","value":"**Fictive (noun)**: A system member who is based of a being external to the system who is found in fiction of any kind. Fictives can be based on fictional characters from either books, movies, comics, TV shows, OC's, etc.\n(Note: The terms Factive and Fictive can overlap such as in cases of people whose existence in this world is debatable (e.g. Alexander the Great, King Arthur))\n\n**Fixer/Cleaner (noun)**: A member who mainly tries to fix/repair/clean possible messes (that the other members may have caused, usually, but not limited to those).\n\n**Gatekeeper (noun)**: __In plural contexts__, a gatekeeper is a member of a system that is in control and/or has a say of who fronts.\n\n**Introject (noun)**: Umbrella term for a member who is based on an outside source of any kind. Covers factives, fictives, walk-ins, obscurojects and approxives.","inline":false},{"name":"‎","value":"**Little/Smol (noun)**: A system member who is a young child, or is mentally immature. Some systems prefer to use the word smol (cute version of “small”), because it doesn’t have any ties to a NSFW definition of the same word.\n\n**Mechanist (noun)**: A member who is in charge of performing things like switches or memory accesses on behalf of the system.\n\n**Middle (noun)**: A system member that's like a little but older, sometimes in their teens, realtive to body age.\n\n**Obscuroject (noun)**: A term created in The Berry Bush to refer to an introject of unknown origin.","inline":false},{"name":"‎","value":"**Persecutor (noun)**: Traditionally a persecutor is defined as a system member that tries harm/hurt the system, by action or lack of it.\nHere in the Berry Bush, though, we don't like that definition, and offer our own: a persecutor is a system member who primary fronts to protect or guard the system, but who is misguided on how to help. They're not inherently bad people, but their actions may make them be perceived that way, given that their tactics to help the system can be damaging and/or unhealthy.\n\n**Protector/Guardian (noun)**: A system member who mainly tries to protect the rest of the system (and more often littles) from harm.\n\n**Pseudolittle (noun)**: A member who seems like they should by all rights be a little or a middle but who is actually mentally mature in all but a few ways.\n\n**Snapshot (noun)**: A member of a system who is an introject of an earlier/younger version of another system member. A term created within The Berry Bush.","inline":false},{"name":"‎","value":"**Tulpa (noun)**: In plural communities, a tulpa is a member that’s been created (usually on purpose, but can happen accidentally) by someone else, using meditation techniques among others. \nTulpas go through a forming phase before becoming a full-fledged member, and whoever created them can have an influence on their appearance and personality.\n\n**Tulpamancer (noun)**: An individual who creates or tries to create tulpas.\n\n**Walk-in (noun)**: A system member who came into a system from outside of it. \nDiffers from the umbrella term introject because introjects are formed within the system based on an outside individual.","inline":false}],"title":"MEMBER DESCRIPTORS:","description":"NOTE: These words generally refer to vague member “types”. They generally refer to the primary activity or \"job\" this member does for the rest of the system, but you can interpret them in many ways to make them fit you. A member can be none or more than one of those! People don’t generally fit neatly into boxes, and that’s okay. __They’re meant for describing yourself better. If one of those labels fits but you don’t like it, you don’t have to use it!__","author":{"name":"Glossary"},"color":2105893,"footer":{"text":"Glossary - 3"}}
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