
Otiros Dryadson

Jun 12th, 2013
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  1. Name: Otiros Dryadson
  2. Class: Sniper
  3. Character Specific Skill: Fortune
  4. Affinity: Wind
  5. Personal Fault: Lack of preparation: If Otiros get hit, -10 hit and dodge during the enemy's turn.
  6. Personal Skill: Military Sniping: +2 base damage against melee units.
  7. Personal Skill: Quickdraw: +2 SPD when using Crossbows.
  8. Personal Skill: Lethal Range: +10 Crit at Melee range.
  9. Preferred Stats: SKL, DEF
  11. Weapon Profs: Bow (B), Cross (S)
  13. Level: 10
  14. Total Level: 33
  16. Progression Spent: 330%
  18. HP: 16 (70%)
  19. STR: 4 (10%)
  20. MAG: 1 (-)
  21. SKL: 7 (70%)
  22. CON: 4
  23. AID: 3
  24. LUK: 2 (10%)
  25. DEF: 3 (70%)
  26. RES: 1 (35%)
  27. SPD: 6 (75%)
  28. MOV: 4
  30. Levels:
  31. Level 2: +1 HP, +1 SKL, +1 SPD
  32. Level 3: +1 SKL, +1 SPD
  33. Level 4: +1 HP, +1 STR, +1 DEF
  34. Level 5: +1 HP, +1 SKL, +1 DEF, +1 RES, +1 SPD
  35. Promotion to Archer: +2HP, +1 STR, +2 SKL, +3 CON, +3 AID, +2 DEF, MOV 5
  36. Level 2: +1HP, +1DEF, +1SPD
  37. Level 3: +1HP, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  38. Level 4: +1HP, +1STR, +1DEF, +1 SPD
  39. Level 5: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES
  40. Level 6: +1HP, +1RES
  41. Level 7: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  42. Level 8: +1HP, +1SKL, +1SPD
  43. Level 9: +1HP, +1STR, +1SKL, +1SPD
  44. Level 10: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  45. Level 11: +1SKL, +1LUK, +1SPD
  46. Level 12: +1HP, +1SKL, +1SPD
  47. Level 13: +1HP, +1SKL
  48. Level 14: +1HP, +1DEF, +1SPD
  49. Level 15: +1HP, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  50. Level 16: +1HP, +1DEF
  51. Level 17: +1HP, +1STR, +1LUK, +1DEF
  52. Level 18: +1HP, +1DEF
  53. Promotion to Sniper: +3HP, +2STR, +3SKL, +4CON, +4AID, +3DEF, 6 MOV, +5% SPD progression
  54. Level 2: +1HP, +1SKL, +1RES, +1SPD
  55. Level 3: +1HP, +1SKL, +1RES
  56. Level 4: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  57. Level 5: +1HP, +1DEF
  58. Level 6: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  59. Level 7: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1SPD
  60. Level 8: +1HP, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  61. Level 9: +1HP, +1SKL, +1DEF, +1RES, +1SPD
  62. Level 10: +1SKL, +1DEF
  64. Current Stats:
  65. HP: 47
  66. STR: 11
  67. MAG: 1
  68. SKL: 30 -Capped
  69. CON: 11
  70. AID: 10
  71. LUK: 4
  72. DEF: 28
  73. RES: 13
  74. SPD: 26
  75. MOV: 4
  77. Supports
  78. Jago (B) +5 Hit +10 Eva +10 Crit +10 DG
  80. Inventory:
  81. Name Type ( ) RNG MT WT CR Hit QL
  82. Iron Crossbow Crss (E) 1-2 16 12 0 80 16/45
  83. Thundergun Crss (C) 1-2 20 13 0 75 16/20
  84. Ignores user's STR. Targets RES. Treated as Thunder Magic and Bow
  85. Silver Crossbow Crss (A) 1-2 30 15 0 90 14/20
  86. Ignores user's STR
  90. Battle Stats: Iron Crossbow:
  91. RNG: 1-3
  92. AT: 16 (48!)
  93. Hit: 142
  94. AS: 26+2
  95. Eva: 60
  96. Crit: 15
  97. DG: 4
  99. Battle Stats: Thundergun
  100. Rng: 1-3
  101. AT: 20 (60!)
  102. Hit: 137
  103. AS: 26+2
  104. Eva: 60
  105. Crit: 15
  106. DG: 4
  108. Battle Stats: Silver Crossbow
  109. Rng: 1-3
  110. AT: 30! (90!)
  111. Hit: 152
  112. AS: 26+2
  113. Eva: 60
  114. Crit: 15
  115. DG: 4
  117. Bio: As many regulars soldiers of Durhiel, Otiros had been trying his best to learn how to be a good and effective archer, and in the future join the castle's elite guard, but it was a long path yet. So instead of keeping around and proceed with the basic trainings, the soldier decided to find another way to get stronger and better: Combat experience.
  119. Some would say his decisions were insane, especially because he always looked for the side of his interests, not caring about the risks to reach them, and if asked, he would say right on their faces that he really would be willing to risk his life if that was needed to make him a useful soldier to protect the kingdom of Durhiel.
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