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a guest
Jun 7th, 2015
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  1. meet the future face to face: that actively was
  2. meet the future face to face: horrible
  3. fucker: i dont know what to do anymore
  4. fucker: i dont want to do worse than last season
  5. meet the future face to face: i legit don't want to play another match
  6. fucker: but no one wants to treat it seriously
  7. meet the future face to face: because shitlords casted the game and made fun of me
  8. meet the future face to face: like
  9. meet the future face to face: idk
  10. meet the future face to face: i really want not to have that happen
  11. fucker: what i dont want to have happen again
  12. fucker: is throwing
  13. meet the future face to face: i mean
  14. meet the future face to face: i already told you
  15. meet the future face to face: like
  16. meet the future face to face: i don't want
  17. meet the future face to face: to fucking
  18. meet the future face to face: have retards
  19. meet the future face to face: who i am better than
  20. meet the future face to face: shit talk me
  21. meet the future face to face: because im on a team that goes retardmode in matches
  22. fucker: u need to stop
  23. fucker: carrying about what people say
  24. meet the future face to face: no
  25. fucker: caring*
  26. meet the future face to face: i don'y
  27. meet the future face to face: *don't
  28. fucker: so why do you care about being casted
  29. fucker: and then shit talked
  30. fucker: if you know your better than them
  31. meet the future face to face: because umm
  32. meet the future face to face: when i lose
  33. meet the future face to face: i can't back it up
  34. meet the future face to face: and i want to shit tlak them?
  35. fucker: just do what i do
  36. fucker: not give a shit about anyone
  37. meet the future face to face: nah
  38. meet the future face to face: i'd rather shit talk them
  39. fucker: its a video game
  40. meet the future face to face: they shit talked vari
  41. fucker: theres no point in shit talking
  42. meet the future face to face: no
  43. fucker: or listening to shit talk
  44. meet the future face to face: you're wrong
  45. fucker: that just makes you look bad
  46. meet the future face to face: no one shit talks vari
  47. meet the future face to face: to my face
  48. meet the future face to face: idc
  49. meet the future face to face: fuck off
  50. fucker: its not to your face though its to a screen
  51. meet the future face to face: okay
  52. meet the future face to face: idc
  53. fucker: i understand how much you care about him
  54. fucker: but theres nothing you can do
  55. meet the future face to face: my point still stands
  56. meet the future face to face: im going to rape them and make them feel like idiots
  57. meet the future face to face: for shittalking
  58. meet the future face to face: and then losing to us
  59. meet the future face to face: any questions?
  60. fucker: still why do you care so much lol
  61. meet the future face to face: lol
  62. meet the future face to face: i choose to
  63. fucker: you know
  64. fucker: if you fight back
  65. fucker: when someone talks shit
  66. fucker: its like your just stating that there right
  67. meet the future face to face: im okay with that
  68. meet the future face to face: because i can prove them wrong
  69. meet the future face to face: :>
  70. fucker: what did they even say about vari
  71. meet the future face to face: get out of my shit
  72. meet the future face to face: fuckboy
  73. meet the future face to face: :> :> :>
  74. fucker: are u higher than albong
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