

Jan 18th, 2017
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  1. function getRandomInt(min, max) {
  2.     return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
  3. }
  5. function post(){
  6. var rand = Math.round(Math.random()*10);
  7. if (rand == 1) {
  8.     var forumId = 21; //s&i
  9. } else if (rand == 2) {
  10.     var forumId = 13; //rt
  11. } else if (rand == 3) {
  12.     var forumId = 32; //c7g
  13. } else if (rand == 5) {
  14.     var forumId = 14; //help
  15. } else if (rand == 6) {
  16.     var forumId = 26; //rosports
  17. } else {
  18.     var forumId = 18; //ot
  19. }
  20. if (forumId == 21) {
  21.     var words = 'seems kind of unbalanced,nahh,support,no support,scriptable,would cause lag,soupport,too confusing for new players'.split(',')
  22. } else if (forumId == 13) {
  23.     var words = 'nice meme,get out....,lol k,you seem pretty cool,i love roblox,what was that?,dank memes,I might be an idiot but at least Im cute,wtf why did heads get removed,your threads are really cool keep it up!'.split(',')
  24. } else if (forumId == 32) {
  25.     var words = 'worst group ever,lol wrong subforum,they should open a roblox chess club lol,your group will never grow,good clan,awesome clan,yeah!!'.split(',')
  26. } else if (forumId == 14) {
  27.     var words = 'try restarting your computer,no clue,email the support team,talk to a trusted adult'.split(',')
  28. } else if (forumId == 26) {
  29.     var words = 'my favorite sport is football,i love baseball,soccer ftw,my little-leagues team lost today,im going to become an nfl champion, we should open a rosports chess club lol'.split(',')
  30. } else if (forumId == 18) {
  31.     var words = 'i am the god of ot...,you are irrelevant LOL,im the most relevant person on OT right now,get off my thread this instant...,my anti-/b/ shield has deployed your post has been deflected!,get out ODer,please stop trashposting ;),truthpost alert,no,you arent funny,@legoseed,report report report delet,tfw people think you are botting...,i am the one god of OT,fear my wrath mortals,poop ipad,roblox is slowly destroying itself one update at a time,why am i still getting hate,stop fakeposting!,undefined\n\n\nlol jk,you\nare\nirrelevant!,who,get out of my subforum now, fakeposter!,smh,smh stop fakeposting...,let me call up my boy slayyya....,im going to make OT great again,i am untrumpable,literally who,who is this,bump,my big bellah,smh noobposter -__-,thats discusting,lol you sound like vineshroom,e laugh,get out lowpostie,we are number one,rocketjumpralts is better than you...,are you feeling alright today?,have you taken your medication?,ok,god this is even worse than kvyks bait,b8,bait,back in my day noobposters like you didnt invade ot,get out,tldr,what is your name?,how are you?,i do not understand,stop trying to be edgy,do your homework,your a good poster lol,are you mad,are you feeling sad today,are you feeling happy today,this thread just reminded me that im thirtsy,lol stay mad,i think you need medical help right now,noob!,yes,no,maybe so,reported to the fbi,Sorry but you post seems to be breaking the rules of ROBLOX. I have reported you.,go to atr,rip,rip in peace,brb making a protien shake,your just jelly that i have 80 inch biseps,i completely agree,i never hurt anybody!,b,bumpy,well i like to pretend i am a ninja,you remind me of dappernarwal,100% baited,stop,flamebait,this thread is against the rules,i beg to differ,i think i might be blind,forums are 13+,boo hoo,too bad,lol i bet your a low-key brony,all this thread reading makes me what to go for a bike ride!,bully!,leave me alone,that is incredible,hello!,you seem depressed,i had a dream about this thread,!!!,thats a bummer,i have a feeling that if i played chess with you i would win,thats terrifying,i was almost put up for adoption as a baby,calm down,this thread actually scares me,i have afeeling your favorite color is red,172194,i think role-playing would be the right sunforum for you,cyberbullies like you discust me,please donte robucks,seek medical help I M M E D I A T E L Y,this is serious omg,i want 2 go karts for my birthday! one for u and one for me!!!!!!!!,hot,i have a feeling this is bait,you have a very high ego for a noobposter,that makes no sense at all,whats your problem dude?,lets settle this with a peaceful game of checkers!,you are being extremely unreasonable,pm if you have club penguin codes,this bait is just too good to ignore,i bet you are imermaid lol,i almost died laughing at how bad this bait is,ha ha! lowpostie alert!,i think you should lay off posting for a little bit... your getting annoying,your my mommy,your my daddy,pics or it didnt happen,theres a typo in what you said,this thread is extremely irrelevant...,when will you ever become a relevant poster,this thread is so funny that it made my day,this thread ruined my day,this thread made my day'.split(',')
  32. }
  33.    $.get('/Forum/ShowForum.aspx', { ForumID: forumId }, function(d){
  34.       var h = $(d);
  35.       var randomThread = $('.post-list-subject', h).eq(getRandomInt(3, 9)).attr('href').substring(28);
  36.       console.log('> ' + randomThread)
  37.       $.get('/Forum/AddPost.aspx', { PostID: randomThread }, function(dd){
  38.          var hh = $(dd);
  39.          var ETT = $('input', hh).eq(0).attr('value');
  40.          var VT = $('input', hh).eq(1).attr('value');
  41.          var VTG = $('input', hh).eq(2).attr('value');
  42.          var EV = $('input', hh).eq(3).attr('value');
  43.          var ET = $('input', hh).eq(4).attr('value');
  44.          var message = words[getRandomInt(1, words.length)];
  45.          console.log(forumId);
  46.          $.post('/Forum/AddPost.aspx?PostID=' + randomThread, { 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostBody': message, 'ctl00$cphRoblox$Createeditpost1$PostForm$PostButton': ' Post ',  __EVENTTARGET: ETT, __EVENTARGUMENT: VT, __VIEWSTATE: VTG, __VIEWSTATEGENERATOR: EV, __EVENTVALIDATION: ET })
  47.      })
  48.   })
  49. }
  51. post()
  52. setInterval(post, 19347)
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