
Chris' Trauma (Gaelan)

Feb 1st, 2020
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  1. [18:05] He had glanced at Gaelan when they spoke, so he wouldn't have noticed the weird gaze she had given to his necklace, though he found it weird that she was wrapping her arms around his neck, he still didn't gave much reaction, and assumed that her hand reaching for his pendant once he looked back was just out of curiosity.
  3. Anyways, he was ready to go with both of them to her house.
  4. (Rain Multhunder)
  5. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. [18:07] As they focused on taking Chris towards their home... he prayed that it wasn't in the middle of Osrona.
  9. During their travel, he would make a constant use of holy magic to ease the pain she was currently feeling.
  10. (Rain Multhunder)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [18:10] Chris gives Liliana a wave as she sits down in the chair. She takes off her armour quite quickly to relief the pressure on her chest. She wore the chestplate a bit to tight, it seems.
  15. Her voice is still soft, quiet and weak. "You guys can stay if you'd like..."
  16. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  17. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  19. [18:15] The two of them assist Chris get back to her place. He was surprised as he entered the house. He looked around. "Quite a nice place." As he said that he noticed Lily. His mood instantly brightened up. The young man seemed happy to have seen her again. Even if she was lost in thought.
  21. After that little moment he had he walked over to Chris. He gingerly takes a seat across from her. "Might as well make sure your all good before I head off." He said.
  22. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  23. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. [18:16] Finally arriving at Chris' house, he sighed in reliefe. It didn't seem like they had come across any guards or knights! Woohoo!
  27. As Chris moved to the chair while taking off her armor, he also moved to take a seat, even pulling it slightly closer to the Perridi, and putting a hand on her shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
  29. If she looked at him, he would just give her a warm smile.
  31. Knowing that Ajax had probably been affected by that miasma... he needed to take a look at that later, and possibly treat the man too.
  32. (Rain Multhunder)
  33. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  35. [18:24] Chris lowers her head down onto the table with a sigh. She seems quite distraught at the moment -- and it wasn't just the pain anymore. What is wrong with the two of them? Chris felt the urge to admire beauty more than she normally does -- maybe a bit too much. Is the same thing wrong with her -- except in a different sense? Nooo, probably not... Unless?
  37. "Thank you guys f-for takin' me home...." The obvious sad tone is in her voice as Liliana wakes up, probably.
  38. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  39. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. [18:32] The young man sat on the front-ish of the chair as to not get it scuffed up. Since he probably was still a tad dirty from the fight. He raised his and waved it dismissively. "Its all good. You needn't worry about it. Its the least I can do." He lets out a yawn again. It seemed like the adrenaline from fighting the demon has worn off.
  43. "We probably should get you some medical attention. As soon as possible. I would make you something but all my supplies is at my manor." He sighs. They should have stuff here since Lily is a alchemist herself but he wouldn't dare ask anyone to make something.
  44. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  45. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  47. [18:33] "No problem. Like Gaelan said, don't worry. We're friends, aren't we? Of course we're gonna help each other out."
  49. Seeing how distraught Chris seemed to be aat the moment, he... didn't know exactly what to do, a glance being taken back towards Gaelan, probably thinking that a potion would be good here as well.
  51. "Maybe a Doctor would be good as well... or a healing potion."
  53. He doesn't name Ajax, but it was on the tip of his tongue. Considering a few things for several moments, he looks at Chris, and tilts his head to the side."
  55. "Do you need a hug?"
  56. (Rain Multhunder)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  59. [18:36] "A potion would be nice...." She would wave towards Lucia as she walks in.
  60. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [18:40] Lucia would walk into the door with a basket of pastries in her hand. She would be looking for Chris. She seemed to have not known of the battle that had went on outside the walls of Theria. Only just barely missing it on her trip back to Osrona this morning out of 'curiousity'. She would notice Chris seeming to be a little shaken.
  64. "Good afternoon Chris, I got some pastries from the market here! W-would you like....some...?"
  65. Lucia turns her head and notices Gaelan and Rain. A confused expression would develop on her face
  66. "What are you guys doing here?"
  67. (Lucia A. Fenrir)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [18:45] The Fenrir gave a wave to his lil sis. "I hear you spent the night here so I came to fix the tub." He gave a chuckle, attempting to lighten the mood. Only for a moment before he spoke the truth. "In all seriousness, Chris was injured when a Ice Giant attacked Theria. So Rain and I brought her home after we killed it." The man didn't seem too worried about everything. If he was, he didn't show it.
  72. "Also before you ask, I'm fine only a few scratches. I can't say the same for many of the other combatants though." He shrugged.
  74. He didn't lie he seemed perfectly fine, only a few gashes on his clothes. It seemed that he might've only got hit a few times.
  76. "We're trying to find out something to do... for Chris here." He said.
  77. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  78. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  80. [18:45] Still with a soft smile on his head, he nods, accepting one of the pastries if she allowed and slowly eating it. For the moment, he would go silent after having gotten somewhat ignored? Well, at least she had answered to the potion idea.
  82. Now though, he didn't know what to say or do.
  84. Left to his own thoughts, his head is lowered slightly so that no one can look him in the eyes thanks to the hood. Slowly, but surely, he would start to drift away from the conversation and further down his mind, several thoughts he would rather keep away from invading his consciousness.
  85. (Rain Multhunder)
  86. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  88. [18:50] The sound of tears start to come from Chris. One side would be blood-tears, and the other would be normal, water tears. She squeezes her hands together, as her nails dig into her palm. Something seems up with Chris now -- and it doesn't look good.
  89. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  90. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  92. [18:51] Lucia's eyes would widen as she would put her free hand over her mouth. She seemed to be more shocked about Gaelan finding out about her 'incident' then with the Ice Giant
  93. " found out about that!?
  94. Lucia's face would turn red
  95. "....* was supposed to be our...SECRET!"
  96. She would glare at Chris for a moment and sigh before sitting down on the chair. Offering up the pastries she bought to everyone
  97. "Ice Giant? okay!? A-and...are you okay!?"
  98. Lucia would jump toward her brother, inspecting him for injuries. She would mimick his voice
  99. "I only got a few scratches~~…*groan. Yeah, but what if he cursed you or something? A-and the ice giant is gone right? Theria is safe?"
  100. Lucia would have a concerned tone in her voice
  101. "...I see. Oh..n-no...if I only I was there. I had no idea! I...I could have helped somehow! R-right?"
  102. Lucia's face grows serious as she turns her head toward Chris
  103. "Something for Chris? I-is she alright?"
  104. Lucia begins to see Chris cry...she walks up to her slowly, offering her another pastry. Lucia's voice would be soft and calm..
  105. " everything okay? A-are you alright Chris.."
  106. Lucia bows down slightly and tries her best to comfort her. Whatever it didn't seem good
  107. (Lucia A. Fenrir)
  108. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  110. [18:57] Chris would dig her nails into her skin. Her face twists and turns as it looks like pain is coming to her -- but how? She would mutter words to herself as her mind runs one thousand kilometers per hour. Images. Those pictures. They come, and go. Pain. They both cause it. But why?
  111. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  112. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  114. [18:58] His gaze shifts to Chris. He noticed her start of what he can only imagine is some emotional breakdown. Its not like he is really goo with people so he just watches. One of the others will do something right? Well we can only hope.
  116. "Yes, yes. I'm fine worry about her." He paused for a bit, before he shook his head. "Nah I'm glad you weren't there. It was really dangerous. It would've made it harder for me to fight worrying about ya." He looks to Rain for a moment. He gave a look saying 'help her'. The young man is bad with stuff like this. Rain seemed more like an emotional person to him.
  117. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  118. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. [19:00] Being broken away from his thoughts the moment he hears the sound of tears, he flinches, it seems that he was more sensible to that sound rather than the loud voice of Lucia. He really had priorities.
  122. Still, feeling a stare directed at him, he turns his head to see Gaelan giving him a look which prompted a small smile from him as he nodded.
  124. Ignoring the talk about the tub and giant, he observes the Perridi for a few moments. Not sure if she would like physical contact now or not, he eventually comes to the conclusion that she wouldn't mind.
  126. So leaning closer to her, he puts his right hand on her left shoulder, his free hand taking out a handkerchief from his pocket and moving forward to gently wipe away her tears... specifically the blood one's. Was this normal? He didn't think so.
  128. Not only that, but the man would inadvertently begin to exude a faint a ammount of holy energy from his body, which would give a faint, warm but also calming feeling to those at the table. It was weak, but would be as though they glimpsing at the man's kinsness and compassion.
  130. "Hey Chris. I imagine that right now you're thinking about a lot of unnecessary stuff, so how about we go find something for you to do, alright?"
  132. Whether or not she continued to cry, he put the handkerchief to the side, he would put his hand on top of hers and try to remove it, not wanting her to keep hurting themselves like that.
  133. (Rain Multhunder)
  134. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  136. [19:11] Lucia breathes a sigh of relief for a moment as Gaelan speaks. In truth, she probably didn't even want to be there...fighting wasn't really her strong suit.
  137. Lucia focuses her attention on the woman, a shocked, scared expression developing on her face. Lucia would feel fear bellowing up inside her. She would feel as if something lurking beneath her would slowly rise as she looked upon the poor, broken woman
  138. "...C-...Chris?" were the only words she would mutter as she stood in front of the woman and consoled her. She moves out of the way and let's Rain do his job
  139. "...Wh-what...what's wrong with her?" she would ask meekly toward Rain. Lucia would have a stutter in her voice as she spoke. She seemed to be scared as well for whatever reason. She feels Rain's warmness exude from him and decides to try her best to comfort the woman as well.
  140. "..."
  141. Lucia stays quiet for a moment, she takes off her duffle bag and lays it down on the chair, propping up her jacket, she clears her throat and begins to hum a low tune
  142. "...Hmhmhm….hmhmhmmmmm…"
  143. Lucia's eyes close as an exuberant warmness radiates from her body. From her voice. Lucia would lean down and place her hand on Chris's back if she were to allow it. She would continue to sing to her..
  144. "……"
  145. Lucia's voice was that of an angel. It was almost a night and day difference compared to her regular voice. It was soft and warm, like the voice of a mother cradling it's child. Lucia would look as if she was an angel from the heavens themselves and not just some mercenary girl from Theria as she sang. Her beautiful lament would pierce and echo throughout the walls of the house, radiating a calming and warm feeling throughout it's occupants. Hopefully, it would have an effect on Chris and calm her down...even if it was just a little bit.
  146. "!"
  148. (Lucia A. Fenrir)
  149. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  151. [19:15] Chris would grip her stomach -- as she looks like something jammed her stomach. A loud groan comes from her as she rolls out of the chair. She curls up in a ball on the floor, as the more she's on the ground, her body would twitch and shiver in pain. The images are causing this. Why. Images. The pain? Why me? What did I do to you? "M-Make it s-stop...." She would say quite quietly, barely loud enough to hear over Lucia's singing.
  152. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [19:17] Lucia would stop her singing. A concerned expression still etched onto her face
  156. "..Ch-chris…"
  157. Lucia would now begin to panic as well...she backs away and falls back onto the chair
  158. "W-why..d-didn't that work? always does..."
  159. Lucia breathes heavily...gripping the sides of the chair...she seemed to be shivering..
  160. (Lucia A. Fenrir)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [19:26] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  164. [19:30] Gaelan stood up and moved himself out of the chair. He lets out a sigh. The young man walks over to Chris who had been waddling around on the floor. She was actually having issues with something. He wasn't sure what it was but he placed a hand on his lil sis' shoulder. "Let me handle it." His voice held the same calmness as normal. He wasn't at all panicked.
  166. The Fenrir crouched down next to Chris and placed his hand on her head. A light shimmer of magic shrouds her head. It seemed clear that he was doing something. "This will hurt only for a second. Its nothing you can't handle though."
  168. As he finished his words all of her sense were overloaded. Slightly shocking her body. A headache took hold of her mind. It did stressed her out a bit but it was soon alleviated. Everything see was experiencing faded quickly. All she saw was darkness. Absolute darkness.
  170. He stood before her with his arms crossed. While no one was able to see what was going on he started a conversation with her in her mind. Attempting to soothe her.
  172. While in the dream state she was still on the ground. He was standing above her. Waiting for her to stand up.
  174. "Its fine Chris. I'm here for you. I can be the light to break you free from the darkness that ails you. All you need to do is accept me and I can help you." His right arm is extended to her. A ball of light was in his hand. He wanted her to take it.
  175. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  176. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  178. [19:34] A more indifferent expression. appears on the former Deacon's face and he takes a deep breath. It was like talking to a brick wall. He got no response nor was he acknowledged in the slightest by her, so... he gave up.
  180. Gaelan was trying his thing, so he figured 'just let them do it'. What was the point if she couldn't even notice him, there's probably better stuff he could do.
  182. Getting up, he starts to move towards the door.
  183. (Rain Multhunder)
  184. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. [19:36] Chris would keep on flinching and groaning in pain. Chris would be reluctant to move in her dream state, as she just sits there in her dream state. She curls up in a ball there. The thought of Ajax just leaving her like that breaks through her mind. And then, if Gaelan can see the dream. Her mind clouds over it. The sounds of whips could be heard cracking from her dream -- and then the sound of them making contact with skin. And then, the scream of people -- many people. Hell, perhaps hundreds of people could be heard screaming in pain. Deeper-voice men could be heard screaming and yelling curse words at the peoples on the ground.
  188. (Chrisanthi Perridi)
  189. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. [19:49] As he was in her mind, he could indeed see all that she was experiencing. The man looks around her dream, and lowered his hand. It seemed that he didn't do it well enough. He didn't pour enough mana into it probably. However he did get the basic idea of the spell.
  193. The man literally watched her go through all the experiences that traumatized her. The effects of what Ajax said to her after the fight. Before it was quickly blocked and then the sounds of whips cracked around him. Along with the sounds of many people screaming in pain probably from the whips themselves. All the sounds echoed around him. A domineering man's voice boomed out calling out harsh commands.
  195. He lets out a sigh, as it all fades around him. He wasn't able to keep it up at all. Once the spell ended he recoiled back. He started to breath heavy. The only thing that came from it that was good for her is he put her to sleep. Maybe she can get some rest.
  197. Gaelan shakes his head."Well that's all I can do." He looks down at the sleeping woman. Her thoughts retained in his mind. Gaelan himself seemed a bit off from that too. He attempts to shake it off.
  199. "We should take her to a bed." He says looking back to Lucia.
  200. (Gaelan Fenrir)
  201. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. [19:53] Lucia would allow Gaelan to do his work, watching him intently. She would shiver and tremble as she watched him...she seemed to hate herself
  204. "...I'm..s-sorry..." were the only thing she would mutter from her mouth. She felt terrible that she cannot help more..
  205. Lucia looks at her brother...she would see Chris be put into a dreamlike state as she fell asleep..
  206. "What did you do?" she would ask meekly to her brother
  207. "...I..."
  208. Lucia would nod. She would still be slightly shaken up by the experience.
  209. "S-sure...lets take her up."
  210. She helps her brother take up Chris back to her room...though...he did most of the lifting
  211. "Poor girl..."
  212. (Lucia A. Fenrir)
  213. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  215. [19:59] After he helped get Chris into a bed he walked back to the main room. He moves to take a seat at the main table. He seems completely exhausted. That thing he did drained him greatly. Much more than whatever he had ever done before.
  217. "Sorry if that made any memories come back..." He said in a shaken manner. "I... uuh, went in her mind. I was attempting to block her trauma but..." He would shutter. "All I did was see what happened to her." It seemed that the spell backfired a bit and her trauma effected him too.
  218. (Gaelan Fenrir)
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