
RelationShy - Prologue

May 2nd, 2012
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  1. >you shove more pancake into your mouth as you ponder life's greatest mysteries. 
  2. >what is life? Why are we here? Why in the name of fuck did I get transported to some land inhabited by sentient marshmallow ponies?
  3. >however, these questions go unanswered, and probably always will. 
  4. >you check your watch. Another 15 minutes until you have to get to your desk job as mayor mares secretary. 
  5. >you were soon promoted, within a month of working, to top secretary and general manager. 
  6. >probably due to your dexterity with your hands. 
  7. >and of course your MacBook kinda helped. 
  8. >you get the same pay as all the other secretaries across equestria, but since ponyville is pretty small, you rarely have to do much work. 
  9. >like only 4 hours of work a day. 
  10. >pay is generous
  11. >work is minimal
  12. >life is good. 
  14. >you glance over the equestria daily. 
  15. >bunch of old rubbish news. 
  16. >suddenly, you catch rainbow's photo in the paper. 
  17. >for the best young flier competition. 
  18. >she won. 
  19. >again. 
  20. >you think back over your time with her. 
  21. >when you two used to be a couple. 
  22. >it wasn't a bad breakup actually. 
  23. >mutual agreement. 
  24. >she didn't want to be seen as being in a relationship. 
  25. >she wanted the single life. 
  26. >so did you. 
  27. >you still see each other just about every day. 
  28. >you still show affection for her in many ways. 
  29. >in many ways, you are still friends. 
  30. >with benefits. 
  31. >and boy, those benefits are sweet.
  33. >you get up and leave the bits on the table. 
  34. >generous tip included. 
  35. >make your way to the mayors office. 
  36. >work some hours. 
  37. >not much happening
  38. >go home at 2. 
  39. >you have a nap. 
  40. >you decide to have a walk around ponyville.
  41. >walk like sir.
  42. >you stop over at the library
  43. >Twilight is busy studying as usual.
  44. >"o hey anon. What brings you here?"
  45. "nothing really. I was just thinking, you know... How are our relationships different?"
  46. >she looks puzzled. 
  47. "I mean... Whats different between human and pony relationships?"
  48. >"You mean like non-platonic relationships."
  49. "yeah."
  50. >she thinks for a few seconds. 
  51. >"why do you ask?"
  52. >shit, curveball
  54. >"I Donno. I've just been thinking about rainbow all day."
  55. >"anon... I know how much relationships can mean to you humans. If you need any help...."
  56. "it's fine twilight. I ain't even mad... It's just... Where I come from, relationships seem a lot more... Serious. And I can't understand why."
  57. >twilight instantly gets out a quill and paper and writes it down. 
  58. >"I don't know why anon. It's just the way it is. I guess it's just a culture that has developed."
  59. >she writes more. 
  60. >"not to mention the fact that there are far fewer stallions here than men on earth."
  61. >you consider this.
  62. >and suddenly, for no reason at all, you ask a dumb question. 
  63. "hey twilight, have you ever had a coltfriend?"
  64. >the sudden question takes her by surprise.
  65. >"I... I... Erm, no, actually."
  66. >you feel like asking why, but you know that would be kinda dick move
  67. >"it's just... I have met some ponies I liked but... Well I mean my studies take up much of my time and all that... And plus, I don't usually go out and meet people."
  68. "I see."
  69. >it suddenly dawns on you that you have never seen a single member of the mane6 in a relationship, not counting you and rainbow. 
  70. "hey twilight... Has rainbow ever had another coltfriend?"
  71. >"she told me she did... One or two... But they were assholes by the sound of it. Well, that's what she called them anyway."
  72. "oh."
  74. >"Applejack has had a few colt friends… But I guess her work keeps her busy most of the time so, she never really has time for them. oh! and then theres Rarity, she has also had a few… but not really serious relations, more like one night stands if anything… and then theres pinkie… same thing basically. I guess all the stallions find her a bit…"
  75. "Insane?"
  76. >"well, yeah that. and then there is… Fluttershy."
  77. >She looks down, her expression changing.
  78. >"She… she… she's never been with anyone."
  79. "Well thats not really a surprise I guess. she is FlutterSHY after all."
  80. >Oh anon… you so funny
  81. >no but srsly
  82. >"Yaeh… But she…"
  83. "but she what?"
  84. >"She doesn't LIKE being shy. its just the way she is. In fact… She's…"
  85. >You are waiting patently as twilight struggles to decide if she wants to tell you this.
  86. >"She has been feeling really lonely lately."
  87. "So would I if I lived by myself and hardly saw anyone except animals all day."
  88. >"Yeah but… Its more serious than that."
  89. "What?"
  90. >"I think she's been real depressed lately."
  91. >You think over the last few times you met fluttershy.
  92. >Holy shit. twilights right. She HAS been acting differently.
  93. >"Im really worried about her anon… She usually doesn't get like this. even rainbow said this is the worst she has ever seen her."
  94. >You feel slightly guilty for some reason.
  95. >"I don't know what it is."
  96. "You don't think its because she doesn't have anybody to love?"
  97. >"She has the animals…"
  98. "Yeah, but you can only love them so much. They can't really return it."
  99. >Twilight magics her pen up and starts taking notes.
  100. >"I really don't want her to be like this anon. If only there was something we could do."
  101. >You ponder for a moment.
  102. "I think Im gonna go see her now."
  103. >"What, Right now?"
  104. "Sure, why not? ill cook her spaghetti or something for dinner. It'll just make her happy at least. And plus, Maybe I can talk to her about her depression."
  105. >"Good idea anon. you do that, but come back and tell me what she says."
  107. >You arrive at fluttershy's cottage and knock at the door.
  108. >you can hear her coming down the stairs, and slowly unbolt the latches.
  109. >She opens the door slightly apprehensively, but immediately her expression changes when she see you.
  110. >You walk in.
  111. "Hello, Fluttershy."
  112. >You bend down and hug her.
  113. >"Anon… What are you doing here?"
  114. "I just thought Id come by and cook you dinner."
  115. >Fluttershy does not compute.
  116. >"But… why?"
  117. "Well, I haven't seen you in so long, I just thought id come by and do something nice for you."
  118. >She makes a squeeing noise.
  120. >Sitting down, spaghetti ready.
  121. >"Im so glad that you decided to do this for me anon."
  122. "My pleasure. I just wanted to do something nice."
  123. >You talk about shit in general while you eat your spaghetti.
  124. >They may not have mince or meatballs in equestria, but this olive oil sauce thing makes up for that.
  125. >But eventually, you try to get to whats bothering you.
  126. "me and twilight were talking about the differences between human and pony relationships today."
  127. >"Oh, why is that?"
  128. "Oh nothing, I was just wondering about myself and rainbow."
  129. >"Its a shame that you two broke up."
  130. "Not really. we still see each other every day, and plus, it gives her more time for the weather team and all that."
  131. >Fluttershy nods.
  132. "Hey flutters, you have never had a coltfriend, have you?"
  133. >This question takes flutters by surprise.
  134. >"oh my… um… erm… no."
  135. >You change your tone. to one of sincerity.
  136. "Twilight tells me you have been feeling kind of down lately."
  137. >Fluttershy is becoming quieter and quieter.
  140. >"well… yeah, kind of."
  141. "do you know whats causing it?"
  142. >She looks down.
  143. "Flutters, listen here."
  144. >You rest your hand on her mane.
  145. "Im your friend flutters. I just want you to be happy. and If you don't tell me why you are so depressed, ill never be able to help you."
  146. >She sort of looks up.
  147. >"fine."
  148. >You stroke her mane.
  149. "Good. now tell me whats making you sad."
  150. >She takes a breath.
  151. >"well, Iv been feeling really lonely lately, and I don't know why, It never happened to me before, and Now its just… I don't know. I just want to be normal like the other ponies. I just want to go out and meet somepony… somepony who will love me back."
  152. >These words drive home how hard she must be feeling about this.
  153. "Listen flutters. I can't control who is attracted to you or not, But I'm gonna help you on this."
  154. >"how?"
  155. "The only reason you can't find that special somepony is because you aren't looking."
  156. >Fluttershy looks up at you.
  157. "Your… Your too shy."
  158. >"So how are you going to help me?"
  159. "Im going to help you overcome your shyness and find that special somepony."
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