
What'd I say this bitch would do

Jul 6th, 2017
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  1. iKamal: [hey hun if you want to rp i can rp in nwsuwith you juilo keeps crashing or something so idk what is going on]
  2. Tsaaq: ((Kay.))
  3. iKamal: [if you I can post first so you can decide who you want to be]
  4. Tsaaq: (( I already know.))
  5. Tsaaq: ((Just give me a sec.))
  6. iKamal: [ok you still want me to post first?]
  7. Tsaaq: ((Hmm, if you really want to lol.))
  8. iKamal: [ok ill go ahead and post ]
  9. iKamal: Dori sat in the cafe with a nice cup of coffee and a book. She was enjoying sort of silence of the cafe and the smell of the coffee that filled the air.She sipped her coffee and turned the page of her book. she looked at her phone as it lit up but it was just a game notifaction and she ignored it goign back to her book she took a deep breath smiing at how peaceful she felt. this cafe reminded her of one back at home.
  10. Tsaaq: Thaddeus came into the cafe, half expecting Kelsey to be there but remembering that Brad said she was out of town. He went to lean against the counter in front of the register. He waved at the waitress then saw Dori far off in the corner with a book. He went to wave. // Hayley was already in the cafe but she had been in a booth in the back as she turned the pages of her own book, a cup of black coffee sitting in front of her and her head down. Most probably wouldn't notice she was there.
  11. iKamal: Dori heard the door open to the cafe and looked up smiling waving back at Thad before returning to her book. She hadn't even noticed Hayley was there. Dori pushed her hair from her face and she scanned the pages of her book. She toyed with her necklace while she got into her romance novel. She loved romantic novels and her telenovas. they were always full drama and well happy endings.
  12. Tsaaq: "Just a cobb salad." He told the waitress. "I'll be over there." Thaddeus told her with a smile then went over to Dori's table. "Mind if I join you?" He asked as he rested his hand on the back of one of the empty chairs. // She looked up when she heard Thaddeus' voice and glared as he passed before sighing and going to drink from her cup of coffee.
  13. DarlingxAshxPotatoes: O>O ( Not a sex club and rp thank goodness!)
  14. iKamal: Dori looked up from her book and she smiled."Of course you can." she marked her page and closed her book."how has your day been?"she sipped her coffee and leaned her elbows on the table waiting for his answer.
  15. Tsaaq: ((Yeah this is a whole group though, would you like an invite?))
  16. DarlingxAshxPotatoes: sure))
  17. iKamal: [brb]
  18. Tsaaq: ((
  19. DarlingxAshxPotatoes: ( imma explore more see all my options, i will save that though))
  20. Tsaaq: He smiled and went to sit down. He scooted forward then shrugged. "Eh, I just worked. I didn't really do anything interesting. You?" // Hayley glanced her phone and furrowed her eyebrows as she read through confessions. She scoffed before putting her phone down.
  21. iKamal: [ok bk]
  22. Tsaaq: ((Wb.))
  23. iKamal: [ty ty]
  24. iKamal: Dori shrugged."I quit bath and body works today. other then that nothing interesting. oh wait no my mom sent me a dress she bought me but I haven't tried it yet. I'm not sure about it. it's kind of umm to sexy for me I think."she shrugged some taking another sip from her coffee. She looked around the cafe to see who was about.
  25. Tsaaq: "What?" Thad asked with his eyes wide. "You quit? You just started!" He said before sighing. "I guess if it makes you feel better..." Thaddeus trailed off. "You're twenty four Dori." He smirked. "You shouldn't worry about being too sexy." He shrugged. // She heard their voices again and kept her eyebrows furrowed as she listened to the two them speak.
  26. iKamal: She chuckled to see how shocked he was to hear she quit her job."Well I called spencers and they sid they will hire me there. plus it seemed really laid back there." she shrugged some. she blushed and smiled."Well I mean I might try the dress on. it's not something I would wear alot. maybe I'll wear it for our date."she shrugged her shoulders and looked him over."How was work? you beat up that manager yet?"she chuckled remembering their conversation yesterday.
  27. Tsaaq: Thad nodded as she suggested wearing the dress for their date. "Well yeah, I'll like that." He winked at her. "Well... Nah. I haven't." He laughed. "That little shit keeps dodging me." // She heard the mention of a date and rose from her seat in the booth. Hayley went to go towards the counter to eavesdrop. "Hey. I need a refill I didn't feel like waiting." She lied to the waitress.
  28. iKamal: Dori chuckled and nodded her head."Well I am sure he will pop up eventually. Then you can strike him."she thought about the dress her mom had sent her and the note that came with it. she takes a deep breath."So what did you order when you got here? Anything I might want to snatch from ya."she chuckled some."Oh don't get mad at me but I took the bus here and well that guy wasn't there."
  29. Tsaaq: "Yeah I'm gonna kick his ass" Thaddeus grinned at her. "I got a salad. You know. My usual clean eating crap." He waved his hand at her then looked her up and down a moment. "Ughhh, you took the bus?" He sighed. // Hayley stared intently, biting the inside of her cheek as she watched the two of them flirt. She lowered her head as she went to drag her feet back to her booth.
  30. iKamal: She smiled and chuckled some."You are so silly." she noticed him looking her up and down."Well you were at work and I really didn't want to stay home. I know you don't want me riding the bus."
  31. Tsaaq: He nodded his head. "Yeah cause you said there were creeps and you didn't even like it." He said as he shook his head. "What's wrong with home? There's so much stuff there." Thad shrugged. // Hayley stared blankly at her phone for a moment as she bit the inside of her cheek.
  32. iKamal: Dori shrugged some.I don't know I mean you are the only person I really talk to and Jade said I can't make noise in the room so skyping with my mom is hard. Abuela speaks spanish to me but mom likes to speak english."she shrugged her shoulders some."I just don't want people listening in one my conversations is all I guess. Plus mom does weird stuff on camera."she looked around the cafe nd she noticed a few people here and there but she didn't see many people there. So sshe reached across the table and placed her hand on Thad's.
  33. Tsaaq: Thaddeus inhaled deeply as he listened to her. "Yeah I guess I understand where you're coming from." He nodded slowly. He looked down at their hands a moment and didn't move his hand away. "Your mom can't be as bad as you say she is." He said. // Hayley gathered up her things as she stood up and went to head out the door. She left a few coins and dollars on the table before spotting Dori and Thaddeus holding hands. She stared in disbelief then lowered her head.
  34. iKamal: She smiled and shrugged her shoulders."Well my mom likes to dance on camera. She is a dance teacher back at home. I remember being in her classes. "she laughed a little."She teaches hip hop dancing. She is crazy. she is one of those moms who wants to be best friends with her daughter and thinks she is still cool."
  35. Tsaaq: "That's not weird." He said. "That just sounds like she wants to be friends with you. Some kids wish moms were like that." Thaddeus smiled a little. He felt the stare and turned his head. He saw Hayley and immediately took his hand from Dori's and put it in his lap, looking around awkwardly. // Hayley gave a skeptical glare as she walked out backwards then ran outside to her bike, heading to OCH.
  36. iKamal: Dori chuckled."Yeah you should have seen her on my twenty first birthday. She thought the cop was a male stripper and tried to pull his clothes off." she started to laugh and then felt him quickly pull his hand away from her. she looked up seeing Hayley and she sighed pulling her hand away off the table and she frowned some looking down.
  37. Tsaaq: Thaddeus cleared his throat as he he crossed his arms over his chest. "See, that's hilariou." He began to laugh as if nothing happened. "Sounds like you should cut your mom some slack. It could be way worse."
  38. iKamal: She smiled and shrugged some."She is really cool. Sometimes I wish she wouldn't be so silly though. More like a mom. I don't know. you are right I should cut her some slack."she still looked down at her lap. she tucked some hair behind her ear and she had a feeling deep down in her gut something was off by the look on hayley's face.
  39. Tsaaq: He laughed a moment. "True." He murmured. "Well I'm not an expert on moms or anything but I think she might be trying to do that the best she can." He said to her. He watched her lower her gaze. "Everything okay?"
  40. iKamal: She forced a smile on her face."yeah you are right she is. I'm fine."she looked at him and just sipped her coffee."You think umm Hayley saw us holding hands?"she was curious if he might have seen hayleys face.
  41. Tsaaq: "Oh uh... I hope not." Thaddeus murmured. "Well, maybe she did but maybe she won't say anything." He shrugged. "I don't think she really talks to anybody now." Thad said with a worrisome look. He shook his head. "It's fine."
  42. iKamal: She sighed some and nodded her head."yeah I hope so." she looked around the cafe and bit her lower lip. she took a deep breath."Didn't you order a salad? wonder what is taking them so long."she tried to forget about it all.
  43. Tsaaq: Thaddeus went silent while he lost himself in thought. Only when she mentioned his salad did he he focus again. "Oh yeah. They must be busy..." He deduced despite the place being mostly empty.
  44. iKamal: She nodded her head and she thought for a moment. she finally spoke up."Thad what is going on? between us that is. I want to make sure we are on the same page here."she placed her hands on the table and looked at him. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she felt nervous. she never really spoke out like that but she had been talking about Thad to her mother.
  45. Tsaaq: He rose one of his thick eyebrows then chewed on his lip ring as he lowered his head. "What is that supposed to even mean? Like what are you asking about?" He asked in a low tone. "We're like... Talking. We're talking." // Hayley had been out by her bike rack, trying to get the lock off of it. She was chewing the inside of her cheek raw.
  46. iKamal: She let a breath out and it was more of a sigh of relief and she smiled."good good. Sorry it's ridculious. I was talking to my mom earlier and she jsut put some things into my head."she smiled to him.
  47. Artificer: Ben floated down the street on his board, joint in hand, casually puffing on it as he rode. He got to the front of the Cafe and kicked off his board, grabbing it with his hand as it flew into the air. He noticed Hayley struggling with the bike lock. "Hey uh, need a hand?" He asked awkwardly, baby stepping towards her. He wasnt quite sure if he was safe being within arms reach of her yet.
  48. Tsaaq: He stared at her for a moment. "Huh..." He whispered. "What kind of stuff did she put in your head?" He asked Dori carefully. // She dropped her heavy chain to the floor accidentally and she crouched down to pick it up. "I'm fine." Hayley replied as she stood once more. She kept her head down once she saw it had been Ben. "I got it."
  49. iKamal: Dori looked down abit."just umm regualr stuff moms say to their daughters is all."she shrugged some drawing circles into the table top with her fingers."she is glad I found someone of interest I guess..but she said that umm maybe I was your umm side chick."she shrugged some.She felt stupid for even saying it.
  50. Artificer: "Everything alright?" Ben stepped sideways a bit trying to see her face, he could tell something was up with her. "You know, other then all the shit that's my fault?"
  51. Tsaaq: Thaddeus shook his head as he rose his tattooed hand to her. "No, what?" He said. Thad looked taken aback as he slouched in his seat. "I don't even have a main chick. You can't be my side chick." He shook his head. // Her fingers shook as she went to toss her chain over her shoulder. Hayley went to put one of her feet on the pedals. "Nothing is wrong. I just saw something that made me feel shitty." She said quietly. "I shouldn't even be talking to you." She frowned. "I fucking hate everyone." Hayley began to mutter to herself.
  52. iKamal: Dori chuckled some."It's stupid I'm sorry my mom is crazy. She just worries about me. "she was glad he didn't even have a main chick."And I obviously don't have a main guy so there is no worry there."
  53. Artificer: Ben dropped his head a bit, looking at his feet. "I'm sorry." He lifted his head a bit and looked over at her. "Hey, so I figure it'd be better if I told you so it was a total suprise..." He trailed off and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm uh, moving into off campus housing. I uh...spent all my inheritance all drugs and tattoos." He added, forcing a light chuckle.
  54. Artificer: ((wasnt*))
  55. Tsaaq: "I'm not trying to keep you a secret cause i'm fucking a bunch of girls. It's totally a different thing." Thaddeus told her. "And it's more for your protection than anything." // Hayley furrowed her eyebrows at him skeptically. "Yeah..." She trailed off. She went to put her foot on the other pedal and slipped at his news. Hayley scraped her ankle against the wheel then fell to the floor. "What?"
  56. iKamal: Dori nodded her head."I know that. I know you are trying to protect me."she smiled to him."it's really sweet too. Kindof like my knight and shining armor."she chuckled some trying to lighten the situtation.
  57. Artificer: Ben kneeled down offering her a hand. "If that's too much, I will just use my room as storage, and I will sleep in my car or something." He said quickly as he tried to help her up. "I didn't have any other choice."
  58. Tsaaq: He went quiet for a moment and nodded his head. "Yeah. I guess so." Thaddeus whispered, finally seeing a waitress come out with his salad and set it down in front of him. // She swatted him away and forced herself to stand. "Shut up. I'm not gonna make you be homeless just because I'm miserable." Hayley told Ben, looking very flustered. As if she were about to tear up. "It's whatever. Don't do any of that shit."
  59. iKamal: Dori saw the waitress bring Thad his food and she smiled to her before bring her attention back to Thad. she noticed he went a little quiet."Mind giving me a ride home later?" she asked and looked into her cup seeing her coffee was gone.
  60. Artificer: "It's my fault you are miserable though, and I won't add to it. I'll try to stay outta sight as much as possible. I'm in the garage anyways." He leaned against his board a bit, looking away. "I noticed Thad on the roomate list too..." He gritted his teeth a bit. "Im sorry you have to live with him. I'm going to have to try hard to not kill him myself living there." He said quietly.
  61. Tsaaq: "Oh! Not at all. You know that." Thaddeus answered her with a smile. "I'm always glad to give you a ride. At least that way I know you're alright." // "It isn't your fault... It's a whole bunch of people's fault. But nobody cares so you shouldn't either." She told him as she rubbed her skinned elbow. She bit the inside of her cheek again. "Fuck him. He gets to go on and be happy like nothing ever happened and I'm over here stuck." She whimpered. "It's not fair."
  62. iKamal: Dori smiled back at him."I apperciate it. "she reached over grabbing his fork and stealing a bite of his salad and she grinned while she chewed. she gave him his salad back and covered her mouth"mm that's good."
  63. Artificer: "Fuck Thad is right." Ben said looking at her. "He is a monster, he will get his. No one will ever want to be with that prick, not if they know who he really is." Ben took a little step closer to her, pausing for a moment as he let out a sigh. "I am so, so sorry for leaving Hayley."
  64. Tsaaq: Thaddeus nodded his head. "Don't worry or thank me. I'm always glad to do it." He smiled at her. // Hayley looked over to Ben while she sniffled. "The fucking bitch in there is with him now!" She exclaimed before loweringer her head again as he apologized. Hayley frowned and went to sit on the pavement of the parking lot, looking distressed.
  65. iKamal: Dori smiled at him."So you want to go watch a movie or something after you finish your salad?" she picked her book up tucking it into her bag.
  66. Artificer: Ben looked over at the door nd then back at her. He sat down beside her and looked over at her. "It kills me to see you hurting so much." He said quietly, rubbing his hands on his legs nervously. "If I could go back to before, and just stay here with you, and just be happy. The two of us. I would." He sniffed a bit and leaned towards her. "I would do it in an instant."
  67. Tsaaq: "We can watch something in my room on my laptop if you want some privacy." Thad offered and went to eat more of his salad. "Or maybe a little TV in the living room. Nobody is gonna be up." // "It's too late." Hayley said quietly. "And you can't stop any of the shitty stuff anyways. I was fucked from the beginning." She hugged her knees to her chest. "I should just go back acting like everything is okay..."
  68. iKamal: She smiled."We can watch something in your room. Someone might have to get up in the middle of the night for something and see us or something." she looked around and reached her hand out to him just laying it on the table so if he wanted to hold it he could.
  69. Artificer: "You shouldnt have to do that." Ben sighed biting his cheek. He stood up abruptly and waltzed inside the cafe. Instantly spotting Thad and that new girl. "Oh look, Portland's local sexual predator has found another victim." He looked over at Dori. "Hey Dori, so real shit. I would avoid Thad if I were you, he doesnt like to fuck the willing. He's just all around a horrible person actually." He looked back over at Thad and looked down at his plate. "Thad buddy, remember me? That dude who wanted to kill you for literally raping someone? Yeah I'm back, and I am still pissed." He reached over and pushed Thad's plate off the table, spilling it on the floor. "And we are roomates now." He said in a feign excited voice.
  70. Tsaaq: Thaddeus smirked. "Good thinking." He laughed and put his hand on hers. He snatched it away and stared in surprise as Ben stormed in. He went quiet as he began to speak to Dori. Thad lowered his head, not denying anything. He only looked up again. once he mentioned moving. Thad rose his hands and groaned a little once his food hit the floor. He sighed and rubbed his hand down his face. "Great... Sounds great." He murmured. // She looked over to Ben and watched as he got up and went inside the cafe. "Ben?" She called out, some tears falling from her eyes now that he was gone. She stood to her feet and walked towards the cafe again.
  71. iKamal: Dori smiled to Thad and she jumped once Ben's voice boomed through the rather silent cafe. she looked up at Ben and then to Thad. she stood up and looked at Ben with her eyebrows furrowed together."I really don't think this is the right time or place for this. Thanks for the warning but i'm a big girl and I can take care of myself. What you are doing right now Ben was it is not just embrassing Thad but me too and I have done nothing to you."she grabbed her things and looked at Thad."can you please take me home."Dori was a little flustered. she didnt know what to think or really what to do. she was not going to judge thad for what someone else wassaying about him but she sure hell wanted some answers from him now.
  72. Artificer: "Oh my bad Dori." He shrugged then looked over at Thad. "Figured I should probably say something before the roofies kick in though." He looked at Dori and gave her a smile. "You seem like a sweet girl, I wouldnt want to see you get hurt. I will see you around." He looked at Thad and flipped him off. "Go fuck yourself." He then turned and headed back towards the exit to go back outside.
  73. Tsaaq: He inhaled deeply, shutting his eyes while Ben berated him. "I can take you home... No problem." Thad said with a look of shame on appearing on his visage. He pulled out his wallet and counted out his money as he put it on the table. He looked up at Ben and sighed loudly. "Yeah..." He trailed off. He stood up once he was gone and looked over to Dori. "Uh. You ready?" He asked. // Hayley stepped back once she peeked inside and saw Ben coming back outside. "What did you do?" She asked him with a confused expression.
  74. iKamal: Dori stood up and she nodded her head."yeah i'm ready." sh grabbed her stuff and she felt like she wanted to cry. She held it back though and took a deep breath. she moved ahead of Thad and towards the door. she waited for him and headed straight for his car with her head down.
  75. Artificer: Ben stepped back outside with Hayley looking over his shoulder for a second. "He's not allowed to be happy, as long as I've got anything to say about it." Ben stepped to the side and dug his pack of cigarette out of his pocket. "I Just let him know I was back in town, and told his date that she should be careful." He said with a slight grin. "Want one?" He asked, holding the pack open to her.
  76. Tsaaq: Thaddeus nodded and led her to his car, not looking over at Hayley and Ben. He let Dori get in first before he got into the car as well. He sat in silence before looking over to her. "Dori..." He trailed off, trying to get her to speak to him. // She looked perplexed then wiped her eyes so they looked dry. She chewed on her lip a moment. "Just half of one..." Hayley said timidly as she took a cigarette. "Technically I quit." She told him. "You didn't have to do that Ben." Hayley told him as she lowered her head.
  77. iKamal: Dori looked out the window trying to collect her thoughts. A few tears escaped her eyes and so many things were going through her mind. Things he had said to her and it explained alot.she twisted her fingers together and the nhis voice broke the silence."Is that what you were hiding from me..."she wiped her eyes quickly and looked at him."Is that what you were trying to protect me from.."she took a sharp breath and her chest felt like it was tight and hard to breath.
  78. Artificer: Ben pulled a cigarette out of the pack and handed it to her, flicking his lighter on to light her cigarette for her. "Yeah, I quit too." He said with a chuckle before pulling a cig out for himself. "Everyone deserves to know the real Thad." He said as he lit his cig. "Im just suprised I was able to keep myself from hitting him."
  79. Tsaaq: "One of the things..." Thaddeus trailed off. "I-I" He stammered. "I did a lot of things I'm not proud of at all. I told you that. I told you... I wasn't always a nice guy." Thaddeus said. // She inhaled the cigarette a moment and exhaled turning to him. "Ben..." Hayley began to say before biting the inside of her cheek. "Hitting him isn't gonna bring back everything I lost. I realized that a long time ago." She said, looking awkward as she took another drag.
  80. iKamal: Dori searched his eyes."I want to know everything. I don't want to be blind sided like this again. Tell me everything right now Thad."she started to cry and hid her face from him."I-I need to know everything. No more trying to protect me. I am sure Ben and Hayley will tell everyone everything. So trying to protect me is useless."
  81. Artificer: "I know..." Ben took a drag of his cigarette and looked over at her. "It'd make me feel pretty good for a second though." He chuckled before moving a little closer, going to give her a little over the shoulder half hug.
  82. Tsaaq: He shook his head at Dori. "Absolutely not." He said quietly. "If I tell you anything else you're not gonna want shit to do with me. Trust me." Thaddeus put his car in drive. "I did a lot of things I really regret. But I can't take it back now. We just have to lay low... Really low." He rambled. // Hayley inhaled deeply and took a couple more drags from her cigarette before clipping it so Ben can have the rest another time. She jumped from his touch and staggered back as if she was frightened. Hayley stared at Ben with wide eyes then exhaled, trying to calm herself down.
  83. iKamal: She looked at him as he put hos car into to drive."You don't know that. I just found out you raped a girl and here I am sitting in the car with you. Hell you could do it to me right now if you wanted because I am weaker and smaller then you but here I am sitting right here beside you. I can see you are a good person now. Yes you were horrid in your past but I need to know please."she put her seat belt on and leaned her head against the seat she covered her face with her hands.
  84. Artificer: "I- uh Sorry Hayley." He said quietly, stepping back a bit. "I was just trying to give you a hug. I know, I dont deserve that. I just wanted to make you feel better." He said before sighing and putting his cigarette out. "I should probably go."
  85. Tsaaq: "Not here... Not now." Thaddeus told Dori and began to drive out of the parking lot. "Just like you said in there..." He sighed and kept his eyes on the road. "I can't tell you yet because. I don't know what you'll say or do. If you'll go to the cops or not. I need more time." Thaddeus said, sounding more anxious with each word. // She frowned while she looked at him. She immediately felt bad about her reaction. Mostly embarrassed for freaking out. Hayley tugged on her hair nervously. "It's..." She paused. "It's dark out here." She whispered. "Can I get a ride to OCH?"
  86. iKamal: Dori sighed and nodded her head."okay...okay I will give you time and we lay low...very low." she looked out the window. she wiped her eyes again and sniffled. she took a few deep breathes to calm her nervs as he drove her home.
  87. Artificer: Ben looked over at Hayley and gave a light smile. "Of course angel." He said before turning and walking towards his car. "it down the street over here." Ben began walking with Hayley to the car to go home.
  88. Tsaaq: Thaddeus inhaled deeply. "I'm really sorry." He apologized. "I didn't want you to find out like this. I did want to be the one to say it. But I also know... I've pissed off a lot of people." He sighed, heading to OCH. // She bit the inside of her cheek. "Don't call me pet names... I'm with Adam. Remember?" She told Ben. Hayley walked with her head down. "Thanks though." She said. "I hate being stranded out here."
  89. iKamal: Dori reached over and took thad's hand into hers and she looked at him. She forced a smile on her face."It's okay. I forgive you. I know you want to protect me. Just promise me you won't stop trying to talk to me. No matter what happens with us."
  90. Artificer: "I didnt mean like tha-" He stopped himself and looked down. "Im sorry, it just came out." He got to his car and opened the passenger door for her. "How is that going? He makes you happy?" He asked before going around to climb into the driver seat.
  91. Tsaaq: "But I'm a monster..." Thaddeus trailed off. "It's not okay." He frowned. "You heard him." He didn't take his eyes off the road just so he could drive carefully. // "It's okay. You didn't realize." She said. Hayley bit the inside of her cheek. "Ben, come on. I just want to go home and toss and turn in my bed." She said, feeling herself become vexed again.
  92. iKamal: She sighed."God gave his only son to die on the cross for our sins....So he can forgive us. The jews treated jesus horribly and he still forgave them. I don't know if you are a relegious person or not but I grew up believe in god and jesus and that all our sins can be forgiven no matter what they are."she takes a deep breath and looks at the road."you aren't a monster to me just a lost soul needing guidence."
  93. Artificer: "Okay." He said quietly as he started the car, and began driving. "I just want you to be happy. If Adam does that, then thats okay with me." He said as he drove, taking them home.
  94. Tsaaq: He inhaled deeply. "I don't know... We should just stop talking about it." He said as he drove further down the high way to the house. //"It's not that simple." She told him quietly and got in the passenger's seat. "Maybe one day when I don't feel like shit... You can hear why happiness is complicated with me." She frowned.
  95. iKamal: She nodded her head."Okay/"she fell silent now and didnt say much. she jsut left it in the silence. she dint know what else to say to him. she just wanted to go home. She didn't know what she was going to do when she got there seeign as Jade had a no noise policy in their room and all.
  96. iKamal: [i really need to go to bed ><]
  97. Tsaaq: ((I was gonna say that and stuffs.))
  98. Artificer: ((we all do))
  99. iKamal: [[im barely keeping my eyes open ill be on tomorrow if you guys are around]
  100. Artificer: ((alright night))
  101. iKamal: [night]
  102. Artificer: ((But Bliss needs to go to my bed :P))
  103. Tsaaq: ((>.> She didn't even say night the bitch lol.))
  104. Tsaaq: ((Oh she did.))
  105. Tsaaq: ((Oops.))
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