
Cooking Adventures with CanadAnon

Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Canadian
  3. >Territory Master Race
  4. >Epitome of love, understanding, manliness and facial hair
  5. >Of course, understanding can only go so far
  6. >Especially in a world where poutine does not exist
  8. >Day Super Combo in Equestria
  9. >Wake up
  10. >Shit, Shower
  11. >No more trimming
  12. >Your magic plaid boxers keep you at a stable internal temperature of 5 C
  13. >Your beard is free to grow once more
  14. >As it should
  15. >You’re growing fond of this so called summer
  16. >Especially now that it no longer threatens to kill you
  17. >And that you can't feel the heat
  18. >Chow down on some logs
  19. >As always, breakfast is one of the greatest times for contemplation
  20. >Last week had raised a disturbing issue
  21. >You had used poutine as a distraction, and they didn’t know what you meant
  22. >At first you had assumed it was because they were sex craving fiends at the time, but you asked Twilight about it later, and she had no idea what you were talking about
  23. >Truly, you were living in dark times
  24. >But you were going to fix this
  25. >You just needed some potatoes, a cow, and some gravy
  26. >Should be easy enough
  28. Come now, Miss Cow, I just need a little milk!
  29. >”I’m sorry Anon, but that’s really just too inappropriate!”
  30. >You’re at Sweet Apple Acres, talking to a cow
  31. >But not the majestic moos of the wild cows that roam northern Canada
  32. >This one speaks English
  33. How so? It’s just liquid from your udder!
  34. >”That’s for my kids only! I don’t come up to you and ask for your semen!”
  35. >You're sure those aren't the same, but you let it slide
  36. Then how do the ponies around here get milk?!
  37. >”…You know, I never thought to ask. Maybe they use their own?”
  38. >You pause to think
  39. >Do ponies even have milk?
  40. >It seems most animals do
  41. …Would a goat be a better source of milk?
  42. >”Oh no, they hate the idea even more than us cows do!”
  43. >God dammit
  44. >You just wanted to milk a cow, make your cheese the right way
  45. >Stupid ponies and their English speaking animals
  46. >Guess you’re going to have to go to the market and buy the cheese
  47. >You can feel the Border-Humping Southern Canada sink into your skin, and shudder
  48. >The things you do to share the joys of poutine
  50. >A while later and you have several bags of cheese curds
  51. >They kept them refrigerated though
  52. >Stupid health code
  53. >You take them home and leave them on the table, and set out for potatoes
  54. >You figure Carrot Top would have some
  55. >Surely she doesn’t just grow carrots
  57. >A few minutes later, and you have determined exactly how wrong you were
  58. >That was a lot of carrots
  59. >If you didn’t already have night vision, eating every carrot in her garden would’ve given it to you
  60. >Sometimes being Canadian took the fun out of getting those abilities yourself
  61. >…
  62. >Definitely worth it
  63. >So where would one find potatoes?
  64. >You’re definitely not going to the market again
  65. >It smells of weakness
  66. >Maybe AJ knows where to find potatoes?
  67. >Ok that’s a terrible idea
  68. >Plan B
  69. >You remember finding potatoes in remote spots in the tundra
  70. >Little spots of forest sometimes held them
  71. >You happen to know a forest
  72. >As well as a few of the inhabitants
  74. >You reach Ursul’s cave about an hour later
  75. >The sun steadily makes its way across the sky; if you want this poutine before the day is over, you’re going to need to move fast
  76. >You tap the side of the massive stone mouth and wait
  77. >A moment later, Ursula sticks her head out
  78. >Ursul’s mate growls at you
  79. Nice to see you too Ursula. How’re you doing?
  80. >Ursula lets loose a sequence of growls, shaking her head and waving her paws
  81. Hah! Kids sure can be a handful, can’t they?
  82. >Ursula nods solemnly
  83. So, do you mind if I borrow Ursul for a bit? I want to ask him something
  84. >Ursula grunts and heads back into the cave
  85. >A few seconds later, Ursul pops out and pats you on the back
  86. Hey there Ursul. Ursula still treating you well?
  87. >Ursul growls, nudging you and winking
  88. Oh ho, I don’t think she’d appreciate you telling me that much!
  89. >Ursul does his growl laugh, which sort of sounds like a chain saw
  90. So, do you think you could help me out with something? No time for wrestling today I’m afraid
  91. >Ursul raises an eyebrow at you
  92. >His facial expressions are always great
  93. >Classic Ursul
  94. I need to find some potatoes, but I’m not sure where I could find some in the forest. Do you know any places where they grow?
  95. >Ursul taps lifts his claw to scratch his chin, and then makes what appears to be a map in the ground
  96. >You see your phallic shaped clearing, and to the east of it, Ursul’s cave. North east of the cave, he puts a skull, and on the other side of it, an x
  97. So the potatoes are on the other side of danger?
  98. >Ursul grunts
  99. Hydra territory, eh? I like the sound of that
  101. >You probably could’ve snuck past the Hydra
  102. >It had been sleeping soundly when you stumbled upon it
  103. >Of course, that wouldn’t do
  104. >You had instead jumped on its back and smacked two of its heads together
  105. >You then proceeded to jump off its back, and give it a chance to clear its heads and fight you
  106. >And now here you are
  107. >Inside a hydra’s stomach
  108. >Probably shouldn’t have underestimated it
  109. >Kind of like an arctic snake, how it can swallow things whole
  110. >You like to think it would’ve talked to you had you followed the Canadian code
  111. >”Only wrestle those who wish to wrestle”
  112. >This is what happens when you aren’t polite
  113. >No time to dwell on the past though; you have poutine to make
  114. >You’ll apologize when you’re out
  115. >You start to think, but you're distracted
  116. >It’s pretty hot in here
  117. >Even with your enchanted boxers, you can feel your temperature rise to an alarming 10 C
  118. >Unthinkable
  119. >Idea
  120. >You pull off your boxers and put them in your beard
  121. >Almost instantaneously, you feel the summer heat combine with the inner heat of the Hydra
  122. >You radiate heat like a miniature sun
  123. >Slightly exaggerated
  124. >You feel the stomach acid around you start to churn and boil
  125. >You feel the Hydra begin to convulse
  126. >Aaaand vomit
  128. >You lay on the ground for a moment before getting up and jumping in the nearby water
  129. >You climb out, the majority of the stomach acid removed from your body
  130. >You put your boxers back on, and the rest flies off
  131. >The hydra is lying on the ground
  132. >Doesn’t look so good
  133. Hey buddy, I’m sorry I woke you up and then made you vomit. Just haven’t had a good wrestle in a while, you know?
  134. >The hydra hisses
  135. Hey now, everyone makes mistakes! Is there any way I can repay you?
  136. >The hydra hisses again
  137. You hungry? Well, I’m looking into making some delicious food right now! In fact, that’s why I was passing through here
  138. >Another hiss
  139. Well then, I’ll make sure to bring it back here as soon as I can!
  140. >The three heads remain silent, and then nod, looking appeased
  141. >You jog off across the swamp
  142. >Potato time
  144. >Luckily, nothing really troubled you at the potato area
  145. >You took some choice ones, as much as you could store in the whale skin bag you had brought
  146. >Nice and stretchy, so you got a good haul
  147. >Soon you’re back home, cutting through the potatoes with precision
  148. >Your axe turns them into nice looking fries in no time
  149. >You toss them in the fridge to keep them fresh
  150. >Now for gravy
  151. >With the market out of the question, you only have one choice
  152. >You pick up your axe and fashion a thin, stretchy piece of wood
  153. >You cut off a few thin strands of beard hair and weave them together, attaching them to the wood
  154. >After a few tweaks, you find the right tension, and the bow is done
  155. >Next you find some moose teeth and sharpen them into points
  156. >Cutting a few more straight pieces of wood, you take more beard strands and tie on the teeth
  157. >Next up you find a small log and cut it down to a reasonable size, so it fits in the palm of your hand
  158. >You find the tooth of Ursul’s that fell out one time when you were wrestling; he said you could keep it, in case you ever needed it
  159. >Good ol’ Ursul
  160. >You attach the canine onto the wood
  161. >When all is said and done, you find yourself with a bow, a dozen arrows, and a six foot spear
  162. >Perfect for hunting
  164. >One awesome hunting montage later, and you have a manticore to cook
  165. >You stalked it for a good hour before making your move
  166. >Pinned its tail down with a couple arrows and then speared it through the chest
  167. >Poor thing didn’t stand a chance
  168. >You have a massive makeshift oven outside
  169. >A big stone block that you chiseled out and hollowed
  170. >You can just barely fit the manticore inside
  171. >They laughed when you made it so big
  172. >”Why would you ever need to cook something that large?”
  173. >”Or so much at once?”
  174. >”Just cook a little at a time!”
  175. >You knew better though
  176. >You set up a large pan to catch the juices as it cooks
  177. >You head back into your house, searching through your cabinets
  178. >Find what you’re looking for; your flour and Berry Punch’s wine
  179. >You walk out to the oven, tossing a few more logs onto the fire feeding it
  180. >Open it up and pull out the juice pan, pleased with the amount so far
  181. >Toss another pan in and make another fire
  182. >You hang the pan just over the fire, and add half the bottle of wine and a sizable amount of flour
  183. >You allow it to boil and bubble while you fetch the other pan
  184. >Good thing you had all these pans
  185. >You didn't really know what to do with the metal you had found at the time
  186. >Pans seemed good enough
  187. >Toss another one in so you don’t waste any juice, and head to the fire
  188. >You Hang it beside the gravy pan, and quickly grab the fries from the fridge
  189. >Toss them into the pan
  190. >Should fry them well enough
  192. >A couple hours later, you’ve made a few pans full of gravy, as well as cooked all your fries
  193. >You cut up the manticore and put some into the freezer
  194. >The rest you throw a bunch of salt on and leave on a few rocks to dry
  195. >You have several batches of poutine, ready to share
  196. >Yours and the hydra’s have a few pieces of manticore meat, but you leave the rest meat free
  197. >No need to offend the ponies
  198. >First you give some to the Hydra, who devours it within seconds
  199. >It hisses at you, pleased with your offering, and wanders off into the swamp
  200. >Now for Ponyville
  202. >You knock on Twilights door, poutine in hand
  203. >You can barely contain your excitement
  204. >Soon Equestria will know true joy, and the dark times will fade
  205. >Twilight opens the door a few moments later
  206. >”Oh, hello Anon. What’s that you have there?”
  207. You said you didn’t know what poutine is. So, here you are!
  208. >You hand it out to her
  209. >Twilight smiles and steps back, allow you to come inside and place it on the table
  210. >She magics a fork up and takes a sniff
  211. >”Hmmm… it smells delicious! Yet somehow familiar…”
  212. >You smile as she takes a bite
  213. >She pauses
  214. >”…Anon, why does this gravy taste so off?”
  215. Off? Oh no, I hope the manticore wasn’t sick!
  216. >Twilight looks at you
  217. >Her eyes widen as it dawns on her exactly what she just ate
  218. >She sputters, running to the nearest tap and rinsing her mouth
  219. What? What’s wrong!?
  220. >Twilight looks back at you
  221. >”I don’t eat meat, Anon! Nopony does! You know that, yet you fed me this!”
  222. What? That’s not meat! It’s just manticore gravy! No meat involved!
  223. >”It’s still from a living creature, Anon! Get out, and take your vile food with you!”
  224. Wait, Twilight, be reasonable! Meat is meat, gravy is juice!
  225. >Twilights horn begins to glow
  226. >Suddenly you’re upside down, the poutine is back in your hands, and you’re flying through the air outside
  227. >You land on your shoulders
  228. >The feel the poutine spill
  229. >You hear Twilight step outside
  230. >”From now on, anything you make, you are telling me exactly what is in it and how you made it! Or Celestia help me, I will shave your beard and destroy your boxers!”
  231. >And with that, the door slams shut
  232. >You pick yourself up, looking sadly down at your poutine
  233. >You whistle and a couple dogs come and eat it off the ground
  234. >You sigh as they do
  235. >Today didn’t end as planned
  236. >You never really had good foresight
  237. >Your village was more doers, less planners
  238. >You suppose there’s no way you’ll be able to share it with anything but Everfree Forest now
  239. >Wait
  241. >An hour or so later, you’re walking around your fire pit, handing out poutine
  242. >Larry, Gary and Terry the Hydra are chowing down on the helping you handed them
  243. >Ursul and Ursula brought the kids along and are eating whole heartedly
  244. >A Timberwolf is lying back from the fire
  245. >Even a manticore has come along to eat some poutine
  246. >You told it what was in it, but it didn’t seem to care
  247. >He seems like a cool guy
  248. >Perhaps you can’t share your meal with the denizens of Ponyville
  249. >But no true beast can avoid the allure of Canada’s best meal
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