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- #include <iostream>
- #include <iomanip>
- /* linked list node */
- template <class T>
- struct node_t {
- T data;
- node_t<T> *next;
- };
- /* default compare function for types w/overload (ascending) */
- template <typename T>
- int compare_asc (const node_t<T> *a, const node_t<T> *b)
- {
- return (a->data > b->data) - (a->data < b->data);
- }
- /* compare function for types w/overload (descending) */
- template <typename T>
- int compare_desc (const node_t<T> *a, const node_t<T> *b)
- {
- return (a->data < b->data) - (a->data > b->data);
- }
- template <class T>
- class list_t {
- node_t<T> *head, *tail;
- int (*cmp)(const node_t<T>*, const node_t<T>*);
- /* merge lists after mergesort_start */
- node_t<T> *mergesorted (node_t<T> *a, node_t<T> *b);
- void mergesort_run (list_t<T> *l); /* mergesort function */
- public:
- list_t (void); /* constructors */
- list_t (int(*f)(const node_t<T>*, const node_t<T>*));
- ~list_t (void); /* destructor */
- list_t (const list_t&); /* copy constructor */
- /* setter for compare function */
- void setcmp (int (*f)(const node_t<T>*, const node_t<T>*));
- node_t<T> *addnode (T data); /* simple add at end */
- node_t<T> *addinorder (T data); /* add in order */
- void delnode (T data); /* delete node */
- void prnlist (const char *delim = " "); /* print delim separated */
- void prnfixed (const size_t w = 4, const char *delim = " ");
- list_t split (void); /* split list ~ 1/2 */
- void join (list_t<T>&l); /* join list l at end */
- void insertionsort (void); /* insertion sort list */
- void mergesort (void); /* wrapper for mergesort */
- };
- /* constructor (default) */
- template <class T>
- list_t<T>::list_t (void)
- {
- head = tail = nullptr;
- cmp = compare_asc;
- }
- /* constructor taking compare function as argument */
- template <class T>
- list_t<T>::list_t (int(*f)(const node_t<T>*, const node_t<T>*))
- {
- head = tail = nullptr;
- cmp = f;
- }
- /* destructor free all list memory */
- template <class T>
- list_t<T>::~list_t (void)
- {
- node_t<T> *pn = head;
- while (pn) {
- node_t<T> *victim = pn;
- pn = pn->next;
- delete victim;
- }
- }
- /* copy ctor - copy exising list */
- template <class T>
- list_t<T>::list_t (const list_t& l)
- {
- cmp = l.cmp; /* assign compare function ptr */
- head = tail = nullptr; /* initialize head/tail */
- /* copy data to new list */
- for (node_t<T> *pn = l.head; pn; pn = pn->next)
- this->addnode (pn->data);
- }
- /* setter compare function */
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::setcmp (int(*f)(const node_t<T>*, const node_t<T>*))
- {
- cmp = f;
- }
- /* add using tail ptr */
- template <class T>
- node_t<T> *list_t<T>::addnode (T data)
- {
- node_t<T> *node = new node_t<T>; /* allocate/initialize node */
- node->data = data;
- node->next = nullptr;
- if (!head)
- head = tail = node;
- else {
- tail->next = node;
- tail = node;
- }
- return node;
- }
- template <class T>
- node_t<T> *list_t<T>::addinorder (T data)
- {
- if (!cmp) { /* validate compare function not nullptr */
- std::cerr << "error: compare is nullptr.\n";
- return nullptr;
- }
- node_t<T> *node = new node_t<T>; /* allocate/initialize node */
- node->data = data;
- node->next = nullptr;
- node_t<T> **ppn = &head, /* ptr-to-ptr to head */
- *pn = head; /* ptr to head */
- while (pn && cmp (node, pn) > 0) { /* node sorts after current */
- ppn = &pn->next; /* ppn to address of next */
- pn = pn->next; /* advance pointer to next */
- }
- node->next = pn; /* set node->next to next */
- if (pn == nullptr)
- tail = node;
- *ppn = node; /* set current to node */
- return node; /* return node */
- }
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::delnode (T data)
- {
- node_t<T> **ppn = &head; /* pointer to pointer to node */
- node_t<T> *pn = head; /* pointer to node */
- for (; pn; ppn = &pn->next, pn = pn->next) {
- if (pn->data == data) {
- *ppn = pn->next; /* set address to next */
- delete pn;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::prnlist (const char *delim)
- {
- if (!head) {
- std::cout << "empty-list\n";
- return;
- }
- for (node_t<T> *pn = head; pn; pn = pn->next)
- pn == head ? std::cout << pn->data : std::cout << delim << pn->data;
- std::cout << '\n';
- }
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::prnfixed (const size_t w, const char *delim)
- {
- size_t c = 0;
- if (!head) {
- std::cout << "empty-list\n";
- return;
- }
- for (node_t<T> *pn = head; pn; pn = pn->next, c++) {
- if (c && c % 20 == 0)
- std::cout << '\n';
- // pn == head ? std::cout << std::setw(w) << pn->data : std::cout << delim << std::setw(w) << pn->data;
- std::cout << delim << std::setw(w) << pn->data;
- }
- std::cout << '\n';
- }
- /* split list l into lists a & b */
- template <class T>
- list_t<T> list_t<T>::split (void)
- {
- list_t<T> s; /* new instance of class */
- node_t<T> *pa = head, /* pointer to current head */
- *pb = pa->next; /* 2nd pointer to double-advance */
- while (pb) { /* while not end of list */
- pb = pb->next; /* advance 2nd ptr */
- if (pb) { /* if not nullptr */
- pa = pa->next; /* advance current ptr */
- pb = pb->next; /* advance 2nd ptr again */
- }
- }
- s.tail = tail; /* 2nd half tail will be current tail */
- tail = pa; /* current tail is at pa */
- s.head = pa->next; /* 2nd half head is next ptr */
- pa->next = nullptr; /* set next ptr NULL to end 1st 1/2 */
- return s; /* return new instance */
- }
- /** join two lists setting head to nullptr
- * on the list that was joined to prevent destructor
- * from being called.
- */
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::join (list_t<T>&l) {
- this->tail->next = l.head;
- this->tail = l.tail;
- l.head = nullptr;
- }
- /** insertion sort of linked list.
- * re-orders list in sorted order.
- */
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::insertionsort (void)
- {
- if (!cmp) { /* validate compare function not nullptr */
- std::cerr << "error: compare is nullptr.\n";
- return;
- }
- node_t<T> *sorted = head, /* initialize sorted list to 1st node */
- *pn = head->next; /* advance original list node to next */
- sorted->next = NULL; /* initialize sorted->next to NULL */
- while (pn) { /* iterate over existing from 2nd node */
- node_t<T> **pps = &sorted, /* ptr-to-ptr to sorted list */
- *ps = *pps, /* ptr to sorted list */
- *next = pn->next; /* save list next as separate pointer */
- while (ps && cmp(ps, pn) < 0) { /* loop until sorted */
- pps = &ps->next; /* get address of next node */
- ps = ps->next; /* get next node pointer */
- }
- *pps = pn; /* insert existing in sort order as current */
- pn->next = ps; /* set next as sorted next */
- pn = next; /* reinitialize existing pointer to next */
- }
- head = sorted; /* update head to sorted head */
- /* set tail pointer to last node after sort */
- for (pn = head; pn; pn = pn->next)
- tail = pn;
- }
- /** merge sublists in sort order */
- template <class T>
- node_t<T> *list_t<T>::mergesorted (node_t<T> *a, node_t<T> *b)
- {
- node_t<T> *result = nullptr;
- /* Base cases */
- if (!a)
- return (b);
- else if (!b)
- return (a);
- /* Pick either a or b, and recur */
- // if (a->data <= b->data) {
- // if (compare_asc (a, b) <= 0) {
- if (cmp (a, b) <= 0) {
- result = a;
- result->next = mergesorted (a->next, b);
- }
- else {
- result = b;
- result->next = mergesorted (a, b->next);
- }
- return result;
- }
- /* split list into sublists to be sorted when merged */
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::mergesort_run (list_t<T> *l)
- {
- /* Base case -- length 0 or 1 */
- if (!l->head || !l->head->next) {
- return;
- }
- /* Split head into 'a' and 'b' sublists */
- list_t<T> la = l->split();
- /* Recursively sort the sublists */
- mergesort_run(l);
- mergesort_run(&la);
- /* merge the two sorted lists together */
- l->head = mergesorted (l->head, la.head);
- /* set la.head NULL to prevent destructor from running */
- la.head = nullptr;
- }
- template <class T>
- void list_t<T>::mergesort(void)
- {
- if (!cmp) { /* validate compare function not nullptr */
- std::cerr << "error: compare is nullptr.\n";
- return;
- }
- mergesort_run (this);
- /* set tail pointer to last node after sort */
- for (node_t<T> *pn = head; pn; pn = pn->next)
- tail = pn;
- }
- int main (void) {
- list_t<int> l;
- int arr[] = {12, 11, 10, 7, 4, 14, 8, 16, 20, 19,
- 2, 9, 1, 13, 17, 6, 15, 5, 3, 18};
- unsigned asz = sizeof arr / sizeof *arr;
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < asz; i++)
- l.addnode (arr[i]);
- l.prnlist();
- #ifndef INSSORT
- l.mergesort();
- #else
- l.insertionsort();
- #endif
- l.prnlist();
- l.setcmp (compare_desc);
- #ifndef INSSORT
- l.mergesort();
- #else
- l.insertionsort();
- #endif
- l.prnlist();
- }
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