
Cadance, SA, and Anon - Waking up with a Cadance

Dec 12th, 2014
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  1. No smut.
  3. >You love the mornings after when you get laid in Equestria. Beyond the getting laid aspect, waking up able to cuddle what amount to giant warm teddy bears was just a pleasure unknown before.
  4. >However, getting woken up by a pink horse shouting "Who are you!?" just after waking up kind of ruined it.
  5. >But only kind of.
  6. >Smart guy that you are, you immediately respond.
  7. "Who?"
  8. "What?!"
  9. "Where!?"
  10. >You roll away from the pink horse as she continues yelling something or another.
  11. >You've got to figure out where you are before this pounding headache kills you.
  12. >A quick look around told you... nothing. Except that there was a lot of pink. Which made sense considering miss pink behind you.
  13. "Where am I?"
  14. >You ask as you turned back to her.
  15. >"This is the Crystal Emp-"
  16. >Of course, as soon as you were about to get an answer the door bursts open and armed guards come in, lead by a white stallion.
  17. >"Cadance, are you alright?!"
  18. >He asked roughly before noticing the both of you in the bed.
  19. >With a sigh he lowered his raised sword.
  20. >"Stand down. Return to your posts."
  21. >You were just confused as they exited. Weren't they afraid you were attacking her or something?
  22. >"Alright Cadance-"
  23. >"He raped me!"
  24. "What? No I didn-"
  25. >"No Cadance. No he didn't. We've been over this. Just because you brought him home when you were drunk doesn't make him a rapist."
  26. >Cadance's face noticeably fell at this revelation. You were just confused.
  27. >The stallion then turned his attention to you.
  28. >"Now, if you talk to one of the stallions down the hall they'll give you enough money to get to wherever you need to go."
  29. >A long suffering sigh escaped from him.
  30. >"And please don't think ill of my wife because of what she does while drunk."
  31. >A glance towards the 'wife' showed her giving you a sheepish, embarrassed smile.
  32. "Alright. You know this is fucked up right?"
  33. >"I know."
  34. >With a shrug you gather your belongings from around the room and the top of the bed canopy and head out the door past the stallion.
  35. >As you close the door you hear an exchange.
  36. >"Do we still get to have sex?"
  37. >"Of course honey, you have the tightest hole in the empire."
  38. >You make it halfway down the hall before realizing that the voices were backwards.
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