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Jul 21st, 2017
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  1. So let me get this straight, Mr. President...when citizens speak, governments should listen? So if, say, 70% of the American people didn't want a certain health care law, then maybe the right thing to do would have been to let it go rather than sneaking the law through anyway? Weird.
  2. 36 minutes ago via iPhone · LikeUnlike · · View Feedback (1)Hide Feedback (1)
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  8. Joey Tank
  9. As a person with no health insurance and is in dire need of it and with a grandfather who almost died because of insurance companies trying to screw him over, yes we need it.The rest of the world isn't so marred in corporatism as to not pro...vide basic health coverage to it's citizens and neither should we. There is no reason that our health should be put into the hands of corporations that wish to only make money off illness. And if you are christian then you should def have no problem with free health care for all. Jesus was all about helping and healing the poor you know.
  11. As for you statistic, one cite your sources. Two, just because a supposed majority don't support something doesn't make it right to deny it. When blacks where given full rights many,many,many people opposed that but it was still done. What is needed is a move away from for profit health care and a step toward a more civil system of administrating health care. No reason to be stuck in the stone ages. Unless you enjoy some fat corporate exec profiting from your cancer.
  13. With all of that said, I don't support the healthcare reform in it's current form but I do support a reform of the system.
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