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Jan 13th, 2020
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  1. Hi! I'm MarthSR. Kind of a FF4FE vet, if you will.
  3. Did a seed with FF6WC, and there definitely is potential to this. Here are a few key points for improvements, in my own humble opinion:
  5. - Level scaling of monsters calculation should take more variables into consideration. Boss encounters can easily be cheesed by adding one or two low levels in the party, and having that one high level with that one key ability do all the dirty work. One thing that contributes to this is that boss encounters give no exp, as per vanilla. Perhaps forcing a bit of leveling on boss encounters could help evening things out? Or maybe making it (optionally) so that exp is distributed proportionally based on individual character levels rather than a flat rate? Sure, it's rubberband-ish, but shouldn't be game breaking since all encounters are scaled.
  7. - It is known that FF6's linearity is mostly caused by transportation matters, as opposed to, let's say, FF4, that has a lot of content behind gate-keeping key items. What I mean is that the first parts of the game are really only gated by the fact that you don't have an airship until some point in the game. From there, aside from a "visiting a town to trigger plot device" mechanic, nothing is really "gated" behind items, which makes this rando sort of a "Find the most optimal character/item route, do that on all seeds, and get a great time" one-trick pony. Perhaps requiring to have certain characters to access certain parts would be a way to have the route vary? I hardly see how that could be done with Espers, but it would make more sense with characters. For example: the TunnelArmor encounter can only be triggered with Celes in your party, or the Phunbaba fight with Terra (or the PhantomTrain fight with Sabin, for the memes).
  9. - One opportunity to make a location particularly worthwhile would be to use the "THE WORLD IS SQUARE" tombstone in Darryl's Tomb to provide info on either a crucial esper/character location. On that same note, using Shadow's dreams could also reveal some locations. Think of it like the Sahasrala telepathy stations in dungeons in ALTTP.
  11. - Add a flag to make the non-Kefka dragons hold magicites/characters. A bit like in FF4FE with the summon/moon bosses flag.
  13. - In the same vein, make Kefka's Tower accessible without the pre-requisite, but gate access to Kefka himself with the requirements rather than the tower. Furthermore, this could provide access to more bosses, behind which you could place (optional, perhaps?) key item spots.
  15. - MaKE GenErAL LeO pLAyAblE!!!11!1!11!!1 (Sorry, had to do it just to mess with ya. Pretty sure you've seen this plenty of times already.)
  17. So that's all I can come up with.
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