
Religion Paintings

Dec 1st, 2020 (edited)
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  1. **Religion and Other Paintings**
  3. 1. To Morius
  5. (This sketch has been drawn on a large sheet of cream colored parchment. The
  6. drawing consists of charcoal line work that is accented by a sparing use of
  7. paint. The title at the top of the page has been penned in a dark red ink. It
  8. reads: 'All Are Welcome'.)
  10. The temple foyer that celebrates the Lord of Sin has been recreated in striking
  11. detail. From the wooden benches to the faint glow of the hanging lantern,
  12. nothing has been overlooked. The painting of Morius has been emphasized with
  13. matte black and glossy paint to highlight the brilliance of his smile. The frame
  14. has been reimagined in ornate gold filigree tipped with silver. Undulating
  15. shadows creep from behind the painting, sinking down to the floor to embrace
  16. some of those who have come to the temple.
  18. Over twenty men and women have crowded around the floor before the painting.
  19. While all seem to have ventured to the temple willingly, their expressions seem
  20. almost too intense for worship. Some depict manic lust, their eyelids fluttering
  21. while their flushed cheeks burn with the warmth of their desire. Still others
  22. are angry - their bloody fists clenched at their sides as they elbow their way
  23. to the front - their eyes fixed entirely on the painting. A small group has
  24. gathered on the benches - leaning against each other languidly - their eyes
  25. taking in the splendor of Lord Morius from afar. Countless emotions have been
  26. detailed here - and each and every form speaks to some deeper hunger, save for
  27. one.
  29. Nearly forgotten in the shadows of the back of the church is the body of a
  30. bruised and beaten elven woman. Blood leaks onto the floor from numerous small
  31. abrasions, sinking into her the side of her face and her braided hair. Her spine
  32. has been broken just inside the threshold of the temple - as if someone was
  33. waiting for her. No assailant can be seen, however, and the gathered masses at
  34. the front of the temple pay her no heed. One hand stretches backwards towards
  35. the graveyard - depicting an unspoken final gesture of regret.
  38. 2. To Rahsael
  40. This painting would likely be considered bland at a glance. A large black circle
  41. takes up the majority of the oversized canvas, though small flaws can be seen
  42. within the expansive swath of ebony paint. Weathered stones have been stacked
  43. around the edge of the circle, marking this particular void as a well. A figure
  44. waits at the edge of the abyss, eyes transfixed on something deep within the
  45. darkness. The proportions of the figure are wrong in comparison to the well,
  46. causing the young man to be dwarfed by even the stones he leans upon. His
  47. features have been drawn hastily, with eyes that lack depth and shadow, as if
  48. his mere existence is an afterthought.
  50. If one were to peer closely, the initial 'flaws' are not a fault in the
  51. consistency of the paint or errant brushstrokes that were left to mar the
  52. stillness of the well. Instead, a myriad of small scenes are nested within the
  53. darkness. These smaller works have been brought to life in hues that are only a
  54. shade or two lighter than the surrounding paint. In contrast to the man at the
  55. edge of the well, extreme care has been taken with each scene, and it is
  56. abundantly clear that the artist planned out the sequence ahead of time.
  58. The easiest scenes to spot are characterized by the paper thin slate grey lines
  59. that have been used to create a number of stairs that wrap around the inner edge
  60. of the well. The effect is both dizzying and unsettling. The strange perspective
  61. goes against all reason, demanding that the viewer believe the steps are
  62. anchored to an edge that does not exist. Many of these stairs crumble off into
  63. nothingness. Still others depict the scenes of a life, including a heartwarming
  64. depiction of a man hugging a woman tightly, with tears of joy streaming down his
  65. face. As the stairs near the middle of the well, the scenes shift drastically.
  66. Where there was once happiness and calm, only pain and sorrow remains. The
  67. anguished expression of the man grows worse as the stairs near the center of the
  68. void. At the final set of stairs, the man lays face down, and his fate is a
  69. mystery.
  71. Many other figures have been painted around the stairs. Some of the paint is so
  72. dark that one would assume the artist painted blindly. At the top of the well, a
  73. kindly older woman looks fondly upon the young couple. As the stairs descend
  74. into the well, the figures become less human, blending human appendages with
  75. horrific shadows and impossible nightmares. They stalk the man, drawing ever
  76. closer as he descends into the depths of the well.
  79. 3. To Daphedee
  81. This oversized cream colored canvas is surrounded by a plain cedar frame. The
  82. weathered wood has been meticulously sanded and stained a deep indigo. The
  83. foreground of the painting features the whitecaps of the Dragon Sea - many of
  84. which have been accented with bubbles, frothy foam, or seaweed. In the
  85. background, a rising sun has been painted a pale pastel yellow. A number of
  86. rays of light stretch to the top of the frame, while others light up the
  87. waters of the sea. Along the right edge of the canvas is the beleaguered
  88. Island of Corte, though most of the island is surrounded by a patchy fog,
  89. obscuring the archmage's tower from view. The cliffs of Insanity have been
  90. replicated almost perfectly, and it is clear that the artist spent no small
  91. amount of time observing them from afar.
  93. All of these details pale in comparison to the two figures that walk upon the
  94. waves. The goddess Daphedee is accompanied by her loyal hellhound -
  95. Cerberuffs. Paper thin brushstrokes of slate grey and ebony have been expertly
  96. painted atop his skin, giving his fur a slightly glossy sheen. A deep crimson
  97. light emanates from eyes that are focused upon the island in the distance.
  98. Curiously, the hellhound has been outfitted in a pair of yellow rubber rain
  99. boots that have been cinched tight with a strand of leather cord. The boots
  100. are most assuredly enhanced by some form of divine magic, as they glow faintly
  101. against the dark water.
  103. Daphedee's gaze is fixed upon the same cliffs, and a soft smile graces her
  104. face. Her golden blonde hair has been caught by the sea breeze, and it floats
  105. just behind her, adding to her elven beauty. There is a slight longing in her
  106. gaze, but it is tempered by the length of her stride. She does not rush, and
  107. Cerberuffs stays near to her, making it clear that this is a path they have
  108. both walked many times before. The painting evokes the feeling of returning
  109. home after a long trip, along with all of the relief and bittersweet memories
  110. that accompany it.
  113. 4. To Einoh
  115. This painting features a familiar lake that is surrounded by a copse. The
  116. crystal clear water has been interrupted by an afternoon thunderstorm. Ripples
  117. have been carefully painted in muted watercolor paint, varying in size and the
  118. amount by which they overlap. Above the lake, puffy clouds have been stippled
  119. onto the canvas and shaded with charcoal. Lightning dances between the clouds to
  120. the left. Bright shafts of electrical energy zigzag between the clouds, depicted
  121. in a blinding cerulean blue that is highlighted with smaller streaks of yellow
  122. and white. To the right of the canvas is a radiant depiction of the sun. Beams
  123. of light shine forth, piercing the clouds to rest upon the lake and treetops.
  125. A note has been painted beneath the lake in a flowing script.
  127. "Lord Einoh,
  129. Ever since the first time you brought me to this lake, I have wondered about it.
  130. Why a lake? And above all else, why is there so much rain? It is undoubtedly the
  131. rainiest place I have seen on Thera. One day, when I brought Skjarl to the lake,
  132. something occurred to me. The perfect surface of the lake is temporary. The
  133. ripples of the rain lend an imperfection to what is otherwise a flawless
  134. surface.
  136. I do not know whether you meant it to be a divine metaphor for the struggles we
  137. encounter when pursuing the path to virtue or whether you just like rain. I
  138. rather hope it is the former, and I have adopted it as my mindset when I visit
  139. this holy place. It reminds me that something can be wonderful and a benefit to
  140. the Light without being perfect. It also reminds me that there is still evil
  141. deep inside me just like the lake has storm clouds above it.
  143. I know I am in no way the perfect adherent. My path is stormier than most, and I
  144. know there are tenets that I have not succeeded in incorporating to the degree a
  145. priestess should. I wished to thank you for not giving up on me and for all the
  146. worry that you show for your followers and the world at large. I cannot imagine
  147. it is easy for you. Maybe that's why you chose this place. In closing, I am most
  148. grateful for your presence in Thera and all you have taught me.
  150. - Cedany"
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