
If You Are Happy Chapter 15

Apr 22nd, 2018
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  1. If You Are Happy Chapter 15
  2. Mc1 Husband Taesu/ Mc2 Minchul / Fmc JiYeon
  3. App Base TL not perfect {Thinking} "Text Bubbles"
  5. Looking at the cellphone of his Wife Mc internal voice {What nothing suspicious call record nothing at all?}
  6. Then the image of his Secretary appears {I'm in vain severely for pity sake like this what happened?}
  8. Flashback of Fmc calling the Mc2 saying "Right now my husband is not here can you come?"
  9. The Mc2 startled saying "Huh" Fmc tell him "I'm serious can you come?"
  10. Fmc tells him "My husband usually comes around 7 o'clock if you are coming probably now is the better time to do it"
  11. "I will hang the phone now"  Fmc sigh a deep breath and think {I did it really why am I doing crazy thing?} {Is this the right way?}
  12. {Huh} {The call records I must erase it for my own sake that right?} Present {I am glad I did it thank god}
  14. The Wife speak to her Husband "Honey I really ... I do not ... Please believe me" "That condom bag maybe it's really the last time Minchul came here that the one he use the one you found in the floor" The Husband look at her while Fmc saying "Honey please trust me your the only one really"
  16. Husband hold his head thinking {Well really I was guilty I in this situation even suspicious of my own wife its strange}
  17. {That bag of condom was really from that time when Minchul first visit here Didn't just clean it up I think that's right} The Husband called his Wife saying "Okay come here" Wife smile and say "Honey" leaving the phone behind and run towards him saying "You believe me Thank you I am not gonna leave you alone" They make Love while doing it Wife think {Yes indeed I lie twice There will be no such mistakes again} {Its because there is only Taesu} The Wife phone received a text from unknown no.[I arrived at home,Jiyeon is everything fine?][Did Taesu notice something?] [I hope to see you again]
  19. Scene changes Secretary House fantasizing of her Boss masturbating reminiscing there moments with each others
  21. TBC
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