
Clyde's final Ride

Aug 27th, 2016
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  1. >Lincoln was waiting for Clyde to come over one Friday afternoon
  2. >They were going to watch the new chin briezel move "The quick and the angry"
  3. >Lincoln was setting up the chips and soda when the doorbell rang
  4. >*Ding Dong* "Coming!" Yelled Lincoln
  5. >Lincoln opened the door to find Clyde holding a shopping bag with ice-cream in it
  6. >"Hey Linc" Stared Clyde "Ready to watch the movie?"
  7. >"You bet" Replied Lincoln "I just got finished setting up"
  8. >Clyde came in "What'cha got there?" asked Lincoln
  9. >Clyde rummaged through the bag "Let's see....some vanilla, some chocolate, Rocky Road, and cherry"
  10. >"Cherry?" exclaimed Lincoln "But you hate cherry."
  11. >As they were talking about the ice-cream, Lori came downstairs
  12. >"H-HEY Lori!" Said Clyde Nervously
  13. >"Hmm? Oh, hey clyde" Replied Lori disinterestedly "What are you doing here?"
  14. >"We're watching the new quick and the angry movie" Replied Lincoln "Clyde Brought icecream"
  15. >"That's nice..." said Lori, Looking at his phone
  17. >"Cherry?!" Exclaimed Lori "Cherry is LITERALLY my favorite Flavor!"
  18. >"R-Really?" asked Clyde, faking ignorance "You can have it, if you want"
  19. >Clyde held out the tub of ice cream
  20. >"REALLY?" Asked Lori as she darted over "Thank you! You are such a sweetie"
  21. >Clyde was on cloud nine
  22. >Lori ran to the kitchen to get a spoon , then headed upstairs
  23. >Lincoln Looked at Clyde with a somewhat disappointed face
  24. >"Really dude...." Asked Lincoln with a look of pity and disapproval
  25. >"What!?" Replied Clyde
  26. >"*Sigh* Never-mind" Said Lincoln "Let's just watch the movie"
  28. >About half way through the movie, Clyde got up
  29. >"Hmm? What's up dude?" Asked Lincoln, still watching the movie
  30. >"just going to the bathroom" Replied Clyde
  31. >"Want me to pause it?" Asked Lincoln
  32. >"N-No, I'll be back soon" Said Clyde
  33. >"Alright" Said Lincoln watching one of the cars explode
  34. >Clyde went upstairs and made a left, heading to the bathroom
  35. >As Lincoln watched the movie, he could hear some rustling coming from upstairs
  36. >Lincoln paused the movie and headed upstairs to see where it was coming from
  37. >He checked Lola and Lana's room
  38. >Nothing in there
  39. >He checked Lori and Leni's room
  40. >Lori was busy eating the cherry ice-cream. and Leni was Listening to music
  41. >He checked Luna's room
  42. >Luna was off at a concert with Lucy
  43. >Lincoln heard the noise again
  44. >It was coming from the bathroom
  45. >Lincoln knocked on the door
  46. >*Knock Knock* "Hey Clyde" Started Lincoln "You okay in there?"
  47. >Clyde opened the door and walked out
  48. >"Hey Linc" Said Clyde "Sorry about the noise, Ready to get back to the movie?"
  49. >Clyde seemed to be acting weird, But that wasn't really anything new
  50. >"Yeah dude" Replied Lincoln, Wondering what Clyde was doing in there
  51. >The two went back downstairs and continued watching the movie
  53. >Fast forward to the next day
  54. >Lincoln was sitting on the couch, reading some comics
  55. >"HEY LENI" a voice bellowed from upstairs "HAVE YOU SEEN MY BOXERS?"
  56. >Leni walked ran into the living room
  57. >"WE GOT A DOG?" He shouted excitedly "WHERE IS IT!"
  58. >Lori came running down stairs
  59. >"My boxers Leni" said Lori, somewhat annoyed "You know, Underwear"
  60. >"Oh Those" Said Leni, finally getting it "I dunno"
  61. >Lori face-palmed "Have you seen em Linc? Asked Lori
  62. >"Where were they last?" replied Lincoln
  63. >"The laundry basket, in the bathroom" Said Lori "I think they must have gotten lost in the wash"
  64. >'The bathroom' thought Lincoln, thinking about the noise he heard Last night
  65. >"Sorry" Replied Lincoln "Haven't seen them"
  66. >"UGH" Lori moaned, as he went back upstairs
  67. >"Did, He couldn't have" Said Lincoln to himself, under his breath
  68. >"He can't be THAT desperate...."
  69. >Lincoln went back to reading comics, trying to put the idea out of his mind
  71. >Later that night
  72. >*Ring Ring Ring Ring*
  73. >Lisa picked up the phone
  74. >"Hello? No it's Lisa......Yeah, I'll put him on" Said Lisa, bringing the phone to Lincoln
  75. >"Hello?" Said Lincoln
  76. >"Hey dude, it's me" Said Clyde
  77. >"Oh, hey" Replied Lincoln "What's up?"
  78. >"I just got the new Cold war game" Exclaimed Clyde "Wanna play this weekend?"
  79. >"Sure!" Said Lincoln excitedly "How about....Saturday?"
  80. >"Sounds Great" Replied Clyde "See ya then!"
  81. >Clyde hung up
  82. >"Huh" said Lincoln to himself "Clyde has been coming over a lot more recently"
  83. >Lincoln shrugged and went off to see Lucy for their weekly "Roleplay"
  85. >it was a pretty boring week, Lisa was experimenting, Liam was making jokes, Lucy wrote some poetry
  86. >But finally Saturday came
  87. >*Ding Dong*
  88. >"I GOT IT" Yelled Lincoln, running to the door
  89. >Clyde stood there, game in hand
  90. >"Ready to play some COLD WAR" Shouted Clyde excitedly
  91. >"Sure am!" Replied Lincoln "What, No cherry this time?"
  92. >"Ha Ha Ha" Laughed Clyde sarcastically "Let's play already"
  93. >They went inside and set the game up
  94. >Clyde turned on the campaign, and handed Lincoln the controller
  95. >Mission 1: Berlin Airlift
  96. >As the continued to play, Clyde started Fidgeting in his seat
  97. >"You okay dude?" Asked Lincoln
  98. >"Y-Yeah" Replied Clyde "Gotta pee though"
  99. >"Alright" Said Lincoln, pausing the game "I'll wait for you"
  100. >"NO NO NO!" Exclaimed Clyde "You keep playing, I've already seen the first few missions online"
  101. >Clyde ran upstairs
  102. >As Lincoln began playing again, he heard a loud thump come from upstairs
  103. >"LINCOLN!" Lori screamed "GET UP HERE NOW!"
  105. >Lincoln ran upstairs to find Lynn holding Clyde down and Lori standing at His door FURIOUS
  106. >Lori picked up the underwear on the floor next to Clyde
  107. >"Your little Friend was peeking into my room, Jacking off with my boxers" Shouted Lori
  108. >"I found this creep Kneeling down looking in Lori's room" Said Lynn "So I took him down"
  109. >"So!" Started Lori "What are YOU going to do about it?" Asked Lori, Pointing at Lincoln
  110. >Lincoln just looked at Clyde, Disappointed and disgusted
  111. >"Lynn" Said Lincoln "Take him to Lisa's room and wait for me"
  112. >"Got it Linc" Replied Lynn as he dragged Clyde away
  113. >"W-Wait!" Cried Clyde "What are you going to do to me?"
  114. >"I'm going to......Take care of it." Replied Lincoln, as he walked to his room
  116. >A few minutes later, Lincoln walked into Lisa's room with a brown box
  117. >Clyde was tied up with his hands behind his back, Lying on Lisa's table
  118. >"W-What's that?" asked Clyde nervously
  119. >"I put up with it when you made googly eyes at Lori" Lincoln mumbled
  120. >"W-Wha?" said Clyde
  121. >Lincoln pulled out a pair of blue rubber gloves
  122. >"I put up with it when you gave him gifts, trying to win his affection"
  123. >He pulled out a ball gag
  124. >"But this time" Lincoln said, gagging Clyde "You've gone too far"
  125. >Lincoln walked over to Lisa's Chemical drawer and pulled out a large bottle of thick black liquid
  126. >"Solution 2" Said Lincoln, Holding the bottle
  127. >He pulled out the funnel and tube
  128. >"I won't have any-more of this Clyde" Said Lincoln sternly
  129. >"MMP, MMMMPMPPH" cried Clyde, muffled by the gag
  130. >Lincoln began to lube up the tube
  131. >"You've brought this on yourself Clyde" Said Lincoln
  132. >Clyde Clenched up his ass-cheeks, hoping Lincoln would be unable to push the tube in
  133. >"Oh no no" Said Lincoln with a smirk on his face "It's not going there"
  135. >Realizing what Lincoln said Clyde began to squirm, Trying to get away
  136. >"Hold his legs Lynn" Said Lincoln
  137. >As Lynn held down Clyde's legs, Lincoln grabbed Clyde's penis
  138. >"Huh" Said Lincoln "Guess the rumors about black guys were false"
  139. >Lincoln roughly pushed the tube into Clyde's penis, causing it to get erect
  140. >"Getting hard?" asked Lincoln "Good."
  141. >"You'll probably want to make the most of this one "Said Lincoln as he slowly began to jerk Clyde's dick
  142. >"MMpph MMMPH,MMMmmmmmm"
  143. >Clyde began to moan, enjoying the feeling
  144. >"That's right, Enjoy it while you can" Said Lincoln, raising the bottle above he funnel
  145. >"MMMmmmm Mph?MMMMNN! NMMMMMMM!"
  146. >Clyde's fun was cut short as Lincoln began to pour the Liquid into the funnel
  147. >"MMMMMMN!MMMMMMMMMMMMM!" Screamed Clyde under the gag
  148. >"What's that?" asked Lincoln "What is this? Let me explain"
  149. >"This is a little something Lisa cooked up" explained Lincoln "It uh...It's... well..... Lisa could explain it better than me, but don't worry! you'll see soon enough"
  151. >Lincoln pulled out the tube and sat down, ready to watch what was about to happen
  152. >The mixture began to expand
  153. >"mmnnn? MMMMMP!" Yelled Clyde, Feeling the Mixture expand inside his urethra and Bladder
  154. >"Seems to be expanding well" Said Lincoln "It should start heating up about....."
  156. >"Now."
  157. >They Muriatic acid mixed with Clyde's urine, setting off an exothermic reaction
  158. >"Bet you wish you actually went to the bathroom now, Don't ya?" Asked Lincoln, trying to talk over Clyde's muffled Screams
  159. >"I'll be riiiight back" Said Lincoln, walking out of the room
  160. >After a few minutes the mixture cooled down and hardened, Clyde stopped screaming so loud
  161. >Lincoln came back with Lori
  162. >"LRRRMMRRR" Exclaimed Clyde
  163. >"Since you like Lori so much, I thought that you two should have a little fun together" Said Lincoln, as Lori began to take off his pants
  165. >With Lori's pants off, he walked to the table
  166. >"So Clyde" Said Lori, holding his dick "I take it THIS is what you wanted"
  167. >Lori held his dick just inches away from Clyde's face, Tantalizingly close
  168. >"Well" Started Lori "I'm afraid you won't be getting it."
  169. >Clyde had a hopeless look on his face, He was so close, close enough to touch it
  170. >"But don't worry" said Lori, putting on a large brown strap-on "You'll still get something"
  171. >Lori pulled Clyde to the edge of the table, putting the large toy to his small ass
  172. >"Get ready" Said Lori in a sing-songy voice
  173. >With one thrust, Lori pushed the entire thing in
  174. >"MMMPH!?" Gasped Clyde, his eyes opened all the way
  175. >Lori began to thrust Vigorously
  176. >"MPPH,MPPH, MPPH, MPPH!" Moaned Clyde with each thrust, His dick twitching with the black mixture hardened inside it
  177. >"Like that huh?" Asked Lori "I had it modeled from Bobby's dick!" exclaimed Lori, now pounding faster
  178. >Clyde began to feel something welling up
  179. >"Getting close Huh?" Asked Lori "Well, Make sure you enjoy this one as much as possible"
  180. >Lori grabbed Clyde's dick, moving his hand up to the hardened black substance
  181. >"Cuz it's gonna BE YOUR LAST"! Shouted Lori as he pulled the expanded black mixture out
  183. >Clyde Screamed and thrashed as the golf-ball sized lump that was in his bladder tore through his dick
  184. >With a sickening pop, the ball exited his urethra, leaving it agape
  185. >Lori pulled out the dildo, watching a mixture of cum and blood run out of Clyde's dick
  186. >"Hope you had fun" Lori whispered in Clyde's ear
  187. >Lincoln untied Clyde and left him Lying on the table
  188. >"I'll be back in a bit to take you home" Said Lincoln as he walked out of the room with his brothers
  189. >Clyde just lied there sobbing, his dick gaping, unable to get erect, useless
  190. >Lincoln came back in a few minutes later, and helped Clyde up
  191. >"There now" Said Lincoln "That wasn't so bad, was it"
  192. >Clyde just mumbled and cried
  193. >"Hey!" Said Lincoln, ignoring Clyde's tears "The new Y-guys movie is coming out next week, Wanna come over and watch"
  195. END
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