
dodging robots

Jan 4th, 2020
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  1. In the Mad Doctor's laboratory, Mickey was dodging a rampaging pair of hedge clippers. "Yikes!" he shrieked. "Who flipped the 'on' switch?" He leaped into the air, pulling his legs up underneath him as high as he could to avoid the hedge clippers snapping viciously at his feet. Mickey landed with a thud and immediately sprang up again. He spun around and kicked the marauding machine--hard! It toppled over with a crash, but before Mickey could even take a breath, another hybrid invention quickly took its place. This one came at Mickey with a pair of razor-sharp pincers--they looked like some kind of monstrous lobster claws! Mickey ducked, and the claws clacked against each other just above his head.
  3. Pages 16-17
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