
Feel the love, but also Jade kind of sucks.

Sep 20th, 2017
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  1. Covet has joined the chat
  2. Smokeless has joined the chat
  3. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat in Felix's room in his bed, the blankets pulled up all the way around her because she was cold all day and fairly miserable from being in court this morning. She sank all the way down into his pillows, holding her notebook close to her as she jotted down her ideas and snippets of lyrics she thought of. // Jade was downstairs in her bedroom seated on her bed, a few papers laid out across her lap as she reviewed them and looked them over, making sure she had everything she needed. Gathering the handful of papers together, she neatly paperclipped them together in the corner before slipping off the bed and sliding her feet into her flats.-
  5. Covet: Felix made his way back from the bathroom and looked at Steph as she was all budled up in his bead, "I wish you weren't so down and out about your court stuff today, It could have been way worse, given why you were there." He told her sitting down on the edge of the bed, reaching over to grab her foot giving it a bit of a shake, "What are you working on over there?"
  6. Smokeless: Dori sighed as she pulled up to the house finishing her shift at spencers. She stepped out of her car and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear. She grabbed her purse and backpack hiking them up her shoulder and locking her car up. she made her way down the brick path towards the house while looking down at her phone. She was texting someone as she was walking.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She glanced up from her notebook, pushing her pen into the spine of the book and closing the pages, setting it down next to her as she looked at Felix. "Just because it could have been way worse doesn't mean this is good. By any means. This sucks." She let out a sigh and leaned to the side, burying her face in the pillow and speaking, her voice muffled. "Music... a song..." // Jade turned and walked herself out of her bedroom with her papers in hand, starting toward the staircase and stopping to stare off into the kitchen, wondering if she should grab something to bring up with her as a sort of peace offering to Felix. Making her way into the kitchen, she pulled open the pantry, staring inside at all of her food.-
  8. Tsaaq: Thaddeus jogged out of his bedroom with his basketball in tow. He went down the hall to the front door and swung it open. He shivered a bit and went out onto the porch. He glanced over to Jade in the kitchen then looked out the driveway. "Hey beautiful." He greeted Dori.
  9. Covet: "I don't want to sound like a killjoy or anything, but this is what happens when you go about beating up people, even if it was for the right reasons?" He said finishing off his statement with a question. "I think the bigger question here is, did you learn from your mistake at all?" He asked her, then perked up, "Oh? Is this one about me too?" Felix asked with a cocky smile. [The world doesn't revolve around you asshat.]
  10. Alexithymiaa: (Its funny though because it is.)
  11. Covet: [HA!]
  12. Smokeless: Dori looked up from her phone and she smiled seeing Thad"Hey handsome. You about to play ball obviously. Can I join?" she set her bags down on the steps and looked at him waiitng for him to answer her.
  13. Tsaaq has left the chat
  14. Tsaaq has joined the chat
  15. Smokeless: : Dori looked up from her phone and she smiled seeing Thad"Hey handsome. You about to play ball obviously. Can I join?" she set her bags down on the steps and looked at him waiitng for him to answer her.
  16. Alexithymiaa: -Steph rolled her eyes, lifting her face from the pillow briefly to look at him. "Yeah... don't let them live to go to the cops.." She mumbled. Hearing Felix's inquiry, her cheeks flushed and she pushed her face back down into the pillow, her voice a whine. "You're annoyingggggg." // Jade grabbed a bag of chips and tucked it under her arm, turning and making her way up the stairs a little triumphantly as she walked over to Felix's door and knocked.-
  17. Covet: "That's not quite what I meant... But I guess that works too." He said with a laugh as she whined that he was annoying, "I know, but thank you for the reminder." Felix smirked then furrowed his brow glancing over at the door, "I'm having weird flashbacks from last night... Ten bucks says I know who's on the other side of this door." He said to Steph as he got up to answer it.
  18. Tsaaq has left the chat
  19. Alexithymiaa: "You're welcome." She said without lifting her face from the pillow. She huffed when she heard his second comment, sitting up a bit so she could look at the door when he owned it, immediately frowning that Jade was standing there. // Jade smiled at Felix when he opened his bedroom door, fidgeting with the papers in her hands. "Hey. How are you?"-
  20. Covet: [IMVU keeps freezing on her so I don't think she's coming back tonight at all.]
  21. Smokeless: [ok then ill make a new post lol ]
  22. Smokeless: Dori miled picking her things u. She figured Thad would need better pratice for tryouts and she was not that good at basketbal. she went into her bedroom setting her things down before heading back out to the kitchen to get something to eat
  23. Covet: "Um.. Good, and a little busy right now. What do you want?" He asked being rather blunt about it, because he was still annoyed at her for repainting over his basketball. He'd glanced over his shoulder at Steph mouthing the words 'told you'
  24. Alexithymiaa: -Steph sat up straight in bed, letting the blankets fall off of her torso so she crossed her arms over her chest, just straight up staring Jade down. // Jade nodded a little uncomfortable before she unfolded the papers from in her hand, starting to speak. "Well... so... you know that loan you took out on your Jeep?" She asked, pausing for effect. "I paid it off for you." She pushed the paperwork from the bank at him, a large smile spread wide across her face.-
  25. Smokeless: Dori made herself a sandwich and she wondered if Fleix was home. She had remembered where his room was. She wanted to know if steph could help her pratice for cheer incase she didnt make it this year. she jogged up the steps hollaring for him."Kitty cat you home? I got a question for you." she stopped seeing Jade there with fleix."hey kitty cat. Can I talk to you when oyu are done with whatever this is." she pointed to Jade
  26. Covet: The color immediately dropped from his face as Jade brought up the loan. He took the papers and set his jaw, gritting his teeth together, as he looked at Steph, "Give me just a second, I need to discuss this in private. I'll be right back." He said then heard Dori calling, using his nickname, "Yeah, uh, give me just a second. Steph's in my room, though." He said then looked at Jade giving her a stern looke as he jerked his head, "Follow me, please."
  27. Smokeless: [forever kitty cat XD]
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Steph raised her brows when she heard Jade run her mouth off about some loan he took out on the Jeep, pushing up from the bed. "Wait, what?" She blinked as she tried to make sense of the confusion that was happening in this house right now, hearing Dori call out to Felix as well. Moving to follow them out the door, she repeated Dori's words. "Kitty cat?" She asked with a cringey face before turning to look at Felix. "What is she talking about?" // Jade just stared at Felix, starting to follow him and then stopping when Steph inserting herself into the situation that seemingly to Jade, didnt involve her. "He wants to talk in private, obviously. He just said that."-
  29. Smokeless: Dori perked up."ooo that's who I wanted to talk to anyways so that cuts out the middle man." she saw Steph and smiled."yeah fleix the cat is a cartoon old timey one." she stopped seeing what was going down and she rolled her eyes at Jade."I wish there was a muzzle for humans sometimes." she leaned against the wall picking at her sandwich watching all three of them.
  30. Covet: Felix took a deep breath and put his hand on his face, "Jade. Stop it. The reason for wanting to talk to you in private is not because I want to, but because I have to." He said then looked at Steph, nodding as Dori explained the nick name thing, "Yeah that, I promise I'll fill you in as soon as I get this sorted out." He said then walked over to give her a quick kiss. "I'll be right back." He turned away and grabbed Jade by the arm dragging her along with him.
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood unmoving as he leaned in to kiss her before turning her way, her eyes burning holes in Jade's back as he dragged her away to chat. Swallowing hard, she leaned back against the wall and crossed her arms over her chest, slowly turning to glance at Dori. "I feel the same way. More than sometimes. Most times." // Jade stumbled along with Felix as he dragged her away. "What? What's the matter?" She asked innocently, stopping short around the corner so they could talk. "What?"-
  32. Smokeless: Dori looked at Steph and smiled softly."At least you don't have to sharea room with her. She is a cunt." she shrugged some and she hardly used words like that but it was the best one to describe Jade."Sooooo bad timing but I was wondering if you could help me with my tumbling." she finished off her sandwich and sighed
  33. Covet: "Did you completely disregard our conversation last night where I told you to stop doing things for me? Because I feel like it went in one ear and out the other." He said trying to be quiet, " Secondly, how did you even come across this, this was in my desk, this was private and in my room, somewhere you should have never been without my expressed permission, which you will never have now." He said flailing the papers about.
  34. Alexithymiaa: -Steph was staring intently at the corner of which Felix and Jade disappeared around, chewing on her lower lip as she addressed Dori. "Yeah, I guess. Sure. Not right now though, okay?" She took a deep breath, trying to steady her growing irritation. // Jade frowned like a fucking puppy when Felix scolded her, stammering and trying to find excuses for herself. "I was... I was.... trying to help. I know what you said, but I felt bad. I thought I would be doing you a favor. I don't know... I just..." She paused, staring into his face. "I thought you would appreciate it..."-
  35. Smokeless: dori nodded her head and she could see steph getting pissed. Hell if Thad wanted to speak to another woman in private Dori would be pissed too. She reached out taking Steph's hand and she whispered to her."Just squeeze my hand if it helps and count to ten. I know oyu want to punch her in the face but we don't want a repeat of the bar plus the squad is gonna need you"
  36. Covet: "I... am conflicted and annoyed that I'm conflicted. I don't want to appreciate it because I did that to help Steph out, and I have been working to pay it off myself. There was some personal gratification in doing that. Now it feels like I wasn't the one who helped her, You were." He said not really being quiet at all now. "But at least now I know how you wound up with my ball too, and that I need to start locking my door apparently. Stop trying to help. I don't need or want your help."
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Counting to ten doesn't do shit..." She spoke in a small voice, settling into silence when she heard Felix's voice now that he was a bit louder. She took a deep breath, clenching her jaw and pulling her hand back from Dori, beginning to storm her way through the upstairs common area until she rounded the corner to them, planting her hands on her hips. "Help me out with what?" She shot at him, darting a glare at Jade. // "I'm sorry..." Jade spoke in a small voice, taking a step back when Steph rounded the corner looking like she was going to fucking murder someone. "I can take the money back from the bank if it would make you feel better..."-
  38. Smokeless: Dori sighed and she looked at Steph as she chased after her."hey hey don't do anything stupid Steph..." she moved so she was standing between Steph and Jade jsut incase. As much as she hated Jade she liked steph anddidnt want her to get into trouble agian
  39. Covet: Felix took a deep breath and sighed, "When Bryan was still here, I took the loan out on the jeep to give to him to help pay off the other half of the house. I told you I was going to help, and I wasn't going to go back on that promise. I was honestly fine working to pay it back, now.. It's... I don't even know what to say or do right now. You weren't ever supposed to know about it. That's how Bryan and I wanted it."
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Steph swallowed hard as she stared into Felix's face. "So you lied to me. And when I told you about the money Bryan gave me, you acted like you had no idea where he got all that money from." She took a deep breath, trying to settle the combination of hurt and anger that was bubbling to the surface. "Anything else you and my brother took it upon yourselves to keep from me?" She snapped at him. // Jade took another step back when Dori stepped between them, happy to have that barrier there to keep her at least somewhat safe as she watched this little shit unfold.-
  41. Smokeless: dori stood there and listened to them all speak. she took in a deep breath and she had some words of her own to say but she swallowed them down. She loked at Fleix wondering what he had to say
  42. Covet: "Only by omission, as I only know where eight and a half grand came from. And Even then I really didn't lie to you because I told you ahead of time I was going to help, I just didn't say how or when. I'm not sure you can really be mad about the stuff he and I have kept from you, when you and I have kept just as much stuff from him." He said as if that justified any of this. "One can't be better than the other, when it's the same thing, Red."
  44. Covet: [But it kind of is... XD]
  45. Alexithymiaa: "Are you kidding me right now?" She blurted out, blinking a few times. "Omission is lying, Felix. And just because YOU might not be sure if I can be mad at you doesn't have any bearing on me actually being mad at you. Because newsflash, unless you were fucking my brother behind my back, it is not at all the same thing as us keeping things from him. I'm your fucking girlfriend." She sucked in a deep breath and spun away from him, stalking back across the common area toward his bedroom. // Jade just stood there awkwardly, honestly pleased with the little fight she'd unknowingly caused before dropping her voice down to Dori. "Should we... should we go somewhere?"-
  46. Smokeless: Dori rolled her eyes as Jade spoke to her."yeah I think we should. "she escorted jade down the steps and mouthed to Fleix"sorry" she knew Jade probably did this shit on purpose. She knew she was a very destructive person
  47. Covet: Felix sighed and glanced over at Jade and Dori, looking more at Jade, "You know what, don't take the money back, because I want you to know that after everything else you've caused for Steph, and for whatever reasons you dislike her, you helped her out." Felix said as he shook his head and walked off towards Steph because now he had to fix that too. " Steph, stop, can you at least let me explain where I'm coming from here?" He asked following her back to her bedroom.
  48. Alexithymiaa: -She stepped into the room and grabbed her notebook from the bed, tucking it under her arm and turning to grab her keys from the table. She whirled around to face Felix, shaking her head. "No, I can't. Because a good deed done the wrong way is still wrong. I get that you were just trying to help, but you werent in a position to help. And then you lied about it on top of that. Like... what? You knew I'd have never taken your money if you didn't keep it a secret?' She asked him loudly, squeezing her fingers around her keys. // "Okay..." Jade spoke softly, stepping away with Dori to head back downstairs. "Well that was unexpected. I thought I was doing him a favor, not her. If I'd have known it was for her I wouldn't have done it."-
  50. Alexithymiaa: (She always doesssss)
  51. Smokeless: Dori took a deep breath and looked at Jade"What is wrong with you? Like are you that unhappy with yourself you have to be destructive towards others? Like are you mentally unstabled or something? Seriously Jade just stop. It's pathetic. I tried to be your friend and you jsut pushed me away and did hateful things towards me so don't think we are friends now. Don't talk to me like we are buddies because we aren't. You need jesus or something maybe a damn xnax. You seriously make me sick with how much venomn and hate you have towards people. You didn't do a favor for him to be kind you arent a kind person at all. I have no clue what you did but you might have jsut ended their relationship and that is not cool." Dori walked away from Jade feelingslightly annoyed with her and went to their bedroom that they shared plopping down on her bed
  52. Covet: Felix stood in the door crossing his arms as he looked at her, "I was in a position to help, I just had to do that, just because I took out the loan doesn't mean that was a bad thing. And you and I both know at that time you wouldn't have let me give you that much. You barely let your brother give you what he had earned. I'm sorry that I chose not to tell you, I wanted it to be an anonymous thing, because I didn't want you to feel like you owed me for doing that. I can't help that I know you like that, and I'm not sorry for knowing you like that. You have a tendency to push people away especially when they want to help, like you have to take the whole world on your shoulders, when that's not the case. If I didn't want to do it I wouldn't have done it, and If given the option to do it over, I'd still do the same damn thing. Maybe it's because I'm just that dense, or maybe it's because I love you more than I care to admit. If that makes me wrong, then fine. I'm always going to be wrong."
  53. Smokeless: [awwww the feels kitty cat the feels]
  54. Covet: [He does that sometimes]
  55. Alexithymiaa: -She stood frozen in place as she listened to him speak, her eyes going a little glassy cause THOSE FEELS BRO. Her face softened from mad to shocked, her mind immediately racing off in its craziness that it does cause shes a psycho. "I...." Her words stuck in her throat, trying to force them to come out before she just stammered. "I have to go." She moved forward quickly, dipping to one side to get by him in the doorway as she took off for the staircase. She nearly tripped over her own feet as she ran down the stairs, moving through the house to pull open the front door. // Jade stood and listened to Dori, shaking her head. "How could I have done this on purpose? I thought I was helping!" She called back at her, frowning at Dori's back when she went into the bedroom. She walked over into the kitchen and dropped down into one of the chairs, resting her elbows on the table in front of her to support her head.-
  56. Smokeless: Dori sighed some and she grabbed a make up wipe cleaning her face off and tossing it in the trash. she changed into some pjs and put her earbuds in. She could have sworn she heard jade snore a few times and she was not haivng that. she snuggled under her big comforter and closed her eyesgetting comfortable to try and get some sleep
  57. Smokeless: [ok im going to bed i gotta get up and make breakfast in a few hours and collect my neighbors eggs]
  58. Smokeless: [night guys]
  59. Covet: Felix let her walk by, after seeing the change of emotion. He waited until he was sure she was at least downstairs before he slammed his door shut, and made sure to lock it. Throwing the papers onto his dresser, turning off the light and took his hearing aid out setting it on his bedside table before dropping onto his bed staring up at the ceiling in the dim light of the neon basketball hoop on his wall, laying there in complete silence.
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