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Aug 18th, 2017
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  1. sir the fundamentals of learning how to be successful is within itself flaud because you can measure success in many different ways such as having lots of friends, having healthy relationships, and B E I N G H A P P Y. but you may be asking your self "wait i all ready have that stuff and i don''t F E E L S U C C E S S F U L" -dumb fuck. well there is a three step prosses to make your self successful 1. be good at something, an example of this is when your good at science or sports but let's be honest the only thing you need to be good at is taking credit for some thing another person did. S T E P TWO. the second step to become successful is getting an opportunity to make something you are passionate at, but to be honest the only way you are going to get that opportunity is to S U C C some corporate 69 year old man that is having an affair with his mistress. STEP THREE. have a likable personality, but you may be asking me "wait i don't have an interesting personality" - same dumb fuck. well that's OK even if sand paper is more likable than you, because you can craft your very own persona. now you may be thinking what's the difference between a personality and a persona well a persona is a fake, more enthusiastic you, which has tons of likable quality's such as being confident, H A P P Y, and jerks of his own fans every possible second. well look at you, now i can confidently tell you that you will be successful.
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