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Jan 19th, 2018
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  14. "source": "import re\nclass sbml2boltzmann:\n def __init__( self, sbml, deltag ):\n self.sbml = sbml\n self.deltag = deltag\n self.ordRE = re.compile('__([0-9]+)__')\n def repl( self, matchobj ):\n return chr(int(\n \n def unmunge( self, sbmlid, prefix='M_' ):\n return self.ordRE.sub( self.repl, sbmlid[len(prefix):])\n \n def get_met_comp( self, speciesId ):\n s = self.sbml.getSpecies(speciesId)\n if s.getCompartment() == 'CCO__45__CYTOSOL':\n return self.unmunge( s.getId() + ':' + s.getCompartment() )\n else:\n return self.unmunge( s.getId()).replace('[',':').rstrip(']')\n \n def write_compartment( self, filename ):\n with open(filename, 'w') as out:\n i = 1\n for comp in self.sbml.getListOfCompartments():\n out.write('{}\\t{}\\tliters\\t0\\tV\\n'.format(self.unmunge(comp.getId()), float(i)))\n i +=1\n def write_concentrations( self, filename, volume=1.0e-15, conc_units=1.0e-9, default_conc=1.1111111e-01):\n with open(filename, 'w') as out:\n out.write('VOLUME\\t{}\\n'.format(volume))\n out.write('CONC_UNITS\\t{}\\n'.format(conc_units))\n for species in self.sbml.getListOfSpecies():\n if species.getBoundaryCondition():\n boundary = 'F'\n else:\n boundary = 'V'\n out.write('{}\\t{}\\t{}\\n'.format(self.get_met_comp(species.getId()), default_conc, boundary))\n \n def getDeltaG( self, rxnName ):\n if rxnName in self.deltag:\n return self.deltag[rxnName]\n else:\n return 0.0\n def write_reactions( self, filename):\n with open(filename, 'w') as out:\n for rxn in self.sbml.getListOfReactions():\n out.write('REACTION\\t{}\\n'.format(rxn.getName()))\n out.write('LEFT\\t{}\\n'.format(' + '.join([self.get_met_comp(sr.getSpecies()) \n for sr in rxn.getListOfReactants()])))\n out.write('RIGHT\\t{}\\n'.format(' + '.join([self.get_met_comp(sr.getSpecies()) \n for sr in rxn.getListOfProducts()])))\n out.write('DGZERO\\t{}\\n'.format(self.getDeltaG(rxn.getName())))\n out.write('DGZERO_UNITS\\t{}\\n'.format('KCAL/MOL'))\n out.write('//\\n')\n \ns2b = sbml2boltzmann(m, deltag['DeltaG(pH7.3)'].to_dict())\ns2b.get_met_comp('M_CPD__45__548')\ns2b.write_compartment('nc12.cmpts')\ns2b.write_concentrations('')\ns2b.write_reactions('nc12.rxns.dat')",
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  21. "source": "# Boltzmann to COBRA"
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  33. "source": "import cobra, os,re\nfrom fractions import Fraction\ndef char2ord( matchobj ):\n return '__{}__'.format( ord( )\nclass boltzmann2cobra:\n def __init__( self ):\n self.model = cobra.Model()\n self.metabolites = set()\n \n \n def munge( self, Id, prefix='M_', regexp=r'[^A-Za-z0-9_]' ):\n return prefix + re.sub(regexp, char2ord, Id )\n \n def dat2model( self, datfile ):\n attributes = ['REACTION','LEFT','RIGHT','LEFT_COMPARTMENT','RIGHT_COMPARTMENT','ENZYME_LEVEL','NREGULATION','COMMENT', 'COMMENTS','PATHWAY']\n with open(datfile) as dat:\n modelname = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(datfile))[0]\n = self.munge(modelname)\n = modelname\n rxns = []\n rxn = {}\n for line in dat:\n if line.strip() != '//' and line[0] != '#':\n cols = line.strip().split('\\t')\n if len(cols) >= 2:\n attribute, value = cols[0].strip(), cols[1].strip()\n if attribute in attributes:\n if attribute in rxn:\n rxn[attribute] += value\n else:\n rxn[attribute] = value\n elif cols[0] == 'COMMENT':\n pass\n else:\n print(line)\n print(rxn)\n elif line.strip() == '//':\n if 'REACTION' not in rxn:\n print(rxn)\n reaction = self.create_reaction( rxn )\n rxns.append(reaction)\n rxn = {}\n return self.model\n def parse_mixture( self, rxn ):\n pattern = re.compile(r'([0-9./]+\\s+)?(.*)')\n parts = {}\n for side in ['LEFT','RIGHT']:\n compartment = rxn['{}_COMPARTMENT'.format( side )]\n for part in rxn[side].split(' + '):\n m =\n if m:\n if not or == '':\n stoichiometry = 1\n elif '.' in\n stoichiometry = float(\n else:\n stoichiometry = int(\n if side=='LEFT':\n stoichiometry = -stoichiometry\n species =\n met = cobra.Metabolite(\"{}:{}\".format(species, compartment),name=species, compartment=compartment)\n if met not in self.model.metabolites:\n self.model.add_metabolites( [met] )\n parts[met] = stoichiometry\n return parts\n\n def create_reaction( self, rxn, prefix='', regexp='~'):\n reaction = cobra.Reaction()\n = self.munge(rxn['REACTION'], 'R_')\n = rxn['REACTION'] \n self.model.add_reactions([reaction])\n reaction.add_metabolites( self.parse_mixture( rxn ))\n return reaction\n",
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  48. "source": "b2c = boltzmann2cobra()\nmodel = b2c.dat2model('neurospora_pentose_phos.glycolysis.tca.2.dat')\, 'neurospora_pentose_phos.glycolysis.tca.2.json',sort=True,pretty=True)",
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  61. "source": "!head neurospora_pentose_phos.glycolysis.tca.2.dat",
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