
F1 Anon - Chapter 30

Dec 27th, 2015
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  1. F1 Anon - Chapter 30
  5. >"You were really gonna go back weren't you?" Rainbow says to you as you sit at the foot of your bed.
  6. >Head resting in your hands, you reply.
  7. "Honestly... I don't know."
  8. >"What the hell do you mean you don't know!?" Rainbow snaps back.
  9. >Silence. Neither you nor Dash say a word for a few moments. Eventually you look up and see Rainbow just staring at you. A look of scared confusion across her face. The mere fact that you even thought about wanting to go back has messed her up.
  10. >You can see why, fucking clear as day. Shes afraid she might lose you forever if you do somehow go back. Which is a very real possibility that might just be out of your control.
  11. >Because you know, the whole "probably not able to be brought back to Equestria afterwards" situation is a thing that could happen.
  13. >"Well?" Rainbow says, breaking the silence.
  15. >Before you do anything else, there is just one thing you have to make sure of. That all of this is indeed real and not just a coma dream; and there is only one good way to find that out.
  16. "Rainbow. Come here for a sec."
  17. >Confused, she asks "What? Why?"
  18. "Just come over here"
  19. >She walks over to you as you hold your arm out head level to her.
  21. >You really hope this hurts. Having this be a dream would just be shitty, completely and forever shitty.
  23. >Looking at Rainbow directly in the eyes, you give the order.
  25. "Bite my arm. As hard as you can."
  27. >She doesn't even ask why, nor does she hesitate. Dash bites the shit out of your forearm. The resulting vivid and real pain you feel confirms that you are in fact here and not lying somewhere in a coma.
  28. >Surprised at the rapid chomp plus the resulting pain, you give out a scream while gnashing your teeth.
  29. >She lets go after one more hard bite on you for good measure. Looking at the mark left behind, you can see she did not restrict herself. She fucking broke skin.
  30. "Fucking OW!!!"
  31. >"What? You asked for it!"
  32. >She's got you there. You did.
  33. >Rainbow continues "That felt great and all, but why did you want me to do that?"
  34. >You exhale holding the wound with your other hand, and say:
  35. "Just to make sure all this is real and I'm not in a fucking coma dreaming everything."
  36. >"Yes this is real! I could have just told you that!" Rainbow exclaims.
  37. "Do you think I would have believed that ms. 'figment of my imagination'? But no, this..."
  38. >You look down to your now bleeding arm.
  39. "This is fucking real as shit. I need a bandage. Bad."
  41. ----
  43. >Inhaling through your teeth at the pain, Dash tends to your arm by wrapping a treated bandage tightly around it.
  44. >"What in the world makes you think you would be in a coma right now?" Rainbow asks as she bites off a section of wrapping, finishing up the bandage job.
  45. "It has to do with how I got here in the first place."
  46. >"Yeah?" Rainbow says jumping up on the bed, sitting beside you.
  47. "I mean, you were there when I appeared. Remember how quick I was going through that portal Twilight made?"
  48. >"I do." Dash recalls. "You were going pretty fast there."
  49. "Yeah. That's how fast I was going towards a wall in the runoff area of a straightaway. The MOMENT I would have hit that wall was the moment I was teleported here."
  50. >"OH. oh wow. ok- Wait. Aren't runoff areas full of gravel? How did you maintain that speed?" Dash asks.
  51. "This fucking track designer by the name of Hermann Tilke thought having solid asphalt runoff areas were a great idea."
  52. >Rainbow forces air from her mouth, baffled at this. "That's fucking idiotic!" She says.
  53. >Thank you! You knew there was a reason you liked this girl.
  55. "But yeah, this fucking bite from hell you just gave me? This lets me know that I actually did get pulled into a portal back then, instead of diving head first into a barrier at over 200 miles per hour. I felt every bit of that bite."
  57. >"Yeah, I see. You thought for a sec that you had just hit the wall back there huh?"
  58. >Understanding as fuck. Wow.
  59. "Yeah, that's exactly what I thought. The fact that all of the tracks Celestia has built aren't new original tracks either, to me at least, really made me think that. Especially since Tia didn't pluck them from my home world."
  60. >"That is weird though." Dash says. "All seven tracks? Not even a little bit of difference?"
  61. "There are a few differences here and there, but the layouts are extremely similar. Like, At my version of Ponyville Circuit, It's really called "Monza" for one; and two, Ponyville here doesn't have this giant old oval track going across the circuit. Because of that, I keep looking for a bridge at the dip before the final chicane, yet it isn't there."
  62. >"Wow. Anything else? You've got me curious." Rainbow says letting out a small laugh.
  63. "Well, EquineRing is really called Nurburgring."
  64. >"Fucking seriously? How did they get the "Ring" part right?"
  65. "Your guess is as good as mine Dash. But, whats missing from EquineRing is this additional 12 mile long track connected to the GP circuit."
  66. >"12 MILES?! How long does a lap around that thing take?"
  67. "Our cars could do it in around 6 minutes probably."
  68. >"Sweet Celestia that's a long course. Okay, just stop. You're making me want to go back there with you."
  70. "Wait. Really?" You say surprised.
  72. >"Yeah. If it wasn't for the fact that Twilight might just lose us forever. You remember how she instantly forgot where she pulled you from. Right?"
  73. "How could I fucking forget?"
  75. >Rainbow shakes her head. "Yeah that was a stupid question. But still."
  77. >She re-positions her seating so she's facing you. You turn slightly towards her in response.
  79. >"Even if they were able to find your old home, I don't trust them enough to be able to bring you back ever again after that. That's why I was so scared earlier. I thought they knew where your home was too. I fully expected you to just leave us without a second thought."
  81. >Great. Now you feel bad. That was probably what you would have done in the heat of the moment back there on pit lane.
  82. >You can imagine yourself saying "Don't worry, I'll be right back!" thinking that you would, then never being able to return.
  83. >Fuck. That's scary to think about. Damn your lack of impulse control.
  86. >Rainbow then continues after setting her front hooves on your shoulders, her gaze looking directly into your eyes.
  89. >"Basically Anon, I just don't want to lose you. I understand you want to let everyone you know back home that you're ok. But, if you go back there, and Twilight says "I've lost him." That's fucking it."
  91. >Aw fuck, shes tearing up now.
  93. >"There's no bringing you back. You're just fucking... Gone, and there is nothing I can do about it. And... That's something that I don't think I could handle."
  97. >Fuck. Yeah that's pretty close to what you thought she would say, but hearing her actually say that herself hit you hard. Really hard. The waterworks didn't help at all either. All you want to do now is hold her.
  101. >And that's exactly what you do. You scoop her up from in front of you and she happily wraps her arms around your neck, then she gives out a yelp as you fall down to a laying position on the bed, taking her with you.
  103. >"Okay, whatever that was." Rainbow says giggling while the bed absorbs the impact of you two falling on it.
  104. >After wiping a tear from her face, she asks "Well, was that convincing enough?"
  105. >Moving her hair away from her eyes, you reply:
  106. "Yeah, you could say that."
  108. >That made her smile, but what you say next probably made her the happiest mare in Equestria.
  110. "And, I think it's safe to say, that anywhere with you would be home in my eyes."
  112. >That did it, Dash cant help herself but to bring you in for a hard kiss. Like a really hard one, good lord. Alot of emotion behind it.
  113. >At least she isn't biting the fuck out of you this time.
  114. >No not that kind of biting perv, the literal ouchy kind.
  116. >After what seemed like forever, she finally breaks away to say two simple words.
  117. >"Thank you."
  118. >You exhale and smile. Then say:
  119. "Don't mention it. I mean, I would have to explain why I've been gone for almost half a year anyway. The fact that I was transported to an alternate dimension with talking ponies and actual magic, ON TOP OF claiming one of those said ponies as a lover, would nnnnnnnnot go over well."
  120. >"I can imagine. Your kind were the only intelligent beings right?"
  121. "Right."
  122. >"Yeah. Makes sense why it wouldn't go well." she says, laughing.
  124. >As you roll over onto your back, Rainbow drags herself up to your side and keeps on holding onto you. Her head resting on your shoulder.
  126. >"You know, for only being officially together for a little over a week, we've been through alot already."
  127. "A dangerous and exciting occupation will do that to you."
  128. >"True." Says Rainbow. "I wouldn't have it any other way though."
  129. "Well of course. You're Rainbow Fucking Dash. I would not expect anything less out of you."
  130. >"You better not!" She says jabbing you in the side. Kinda hard.
  131. "ACK! What is it with that jabbing!?" You say forcing Dash on her back and grabbing her by the sides just under her wings, tickling her.
  132. >"AH! Okay okay OKAY! AHHAHA STOP IT!" She says while laughing and extending her wings out. Hooves flailing in the air.
  134. (stop song)
  136. >When you let go of her, you try to get up so you can go get a drink. Dash however has different plans. The moment you try to lift yourself up, she jumps on top of you, forcing you back down.
  138. >Looks like the tickling was enough to get her engine revving at a full 18,000 rpm. If you know what I mean.
  142. >"Just where do you think you're going? Getting me all excited then trying to leave, huh? Thought you said you weren't going anywhere!" Dash says, giving off a sly smile.
  143. >You raise an eyebrow while giving an equally sly smile back.
  144. "Caught me red handed I guess. I was just going to get a drink."
  145. >"Likely story. You've just earned yourself a sentence to serve for trying to leave me hanging. First order of punishment, take off that shirt and let me see that sculpted midsection of yours."
  146. >Oh boy. She really digs the Formula 1 physique you've got.
  147. >You sit up and grab the top of your shirt from the back and slowly pull up. Dash then follows the shirt tail up with her tongue, licking you from your midriff all the way up to your neck.
  148. >This causes you to inhale involuntarily at this unexpected sensation.
  149. >"Yummy." Dash says, wiping her mouth with the back of her hoof.
  150. "Holy fuck Rainbow. You keep that shit up and I'm gonna have to be the one punishing you." you say, throwing your shirt to the side.
  151. >Flaring her wings out, Dash says "Yeah?"
  152. >She then tackles you, forcing you to your back and pinning you down on the bed.
  153. >"I'd like to see you try Anon."
  155. >Welp. This is gonna be a long afternoon. Why do you both have to have competitive personalities and endurance trained staminas? jeez.
  157. ----
  159. >Looks like you better get used to this place, not just temporarily anymore. You have now passed the point of no return. You're in this for the long haul buddy.
  161. >Time to show Rainbow here the same loyalty that shes been giving you ever since you arrived.
  166. ===== ---------------- === ----
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  168. ++++-------------------------------------
  169. ===== ------------------- ===== ---
  170. ===== ---------------- === ----
  175. >Alright. Enough of the lovie-dovie shit. It's time for some on track action!
  177. (Same drill as before, start both at the same time and read along.)
  182. >It's a bright sunny Thursday afternoon at Ponyville Circuit. The track is hot, the stands are full, and right now a pack of 5 cars are huddled close to one another speeding down towards the final turn on the circuit. Curva Parabolica.
  184. >In the middle of it all sits Rainbow. Guiding her car through each corner effortlessly. Half a lap ago, she was a second behind this group of cars. Now shes caught up to the front runner of the group, The #5 of Soarin.
  185. >At the exit of the corner, Dash balances her car right on the outside edge of the racing surface getting as much momentum going as she can possibly get to set up for this lengthy straightaway.
  187. >Because of the early setup, Rainbow soars past Soarin on the outside. With DRS and KERS enabled, The Wonderbolt can only helplessly watch as Rainbows car just gets smaller and smaller. Eventually hitting a top speed of 215 MPH before she has to brake for the first of 3 chicanes. The blown exhaust growling mercilessly as she downshifts through the gears.
  189. "*DAMN Rainbow!*" You say over the radio. "*You just set a record lap time! It's only the first practice session, calm down!*"
  190. >Because you cant race this weekend, you decided to join Twilight at the pit wall gantry to view everything and be Rainbows coach for what may be her first championship victory.
  191. >If this performance carries over into the race though. There is no doubt that shes gonna win. Her lap times are FOUR SECONDS FASTER than any other driver out there currently.
  193. >She knows this track like the back of her hoof thanks to you, you trained her here. She knows everything you know about this place.
  194. >Watching her onboard video feed, her line is flawless. Without hesitation she screams past a slower SPA Racing car at the exit of a corner. No letting up.
  195. >"Good lord" Twilight says to you. "I know you guys trained here and all but I never expected for her to get this good!"
  196. >You look to Twilight as Rainbow flies past you down the front stretch. "It helps that shes a natural born racer. This is what she lives for."
  197. >Just then, you hear Rainbow come in from her car "*Hey, I'm pulling in this time by.*"
  198. >"*Copy that*" Twilight says. "Come on, lets go in the garage, we'll meet her there."
  199. "Gotcha. Right behind you." You say hopping from your seat.
  201. (end videos here)
  204. (optional ambiance)
  206. >As Twilight and yourself walk across pit lane to the garage, Twi notices the rather substantial bandage wrap on your right forearm.
  207. >Curious, she asks "Woah! What did you do to yourself Anon?"
  208. "Oh this? I didn't do that, Rainbow did."
  209. >"WHAT!? What did she do!?"
  210. "She bit me pretty damn hard."
  211. >"Whu- Why!? What happened!?"
  212. "Oh its nothing, I wanted her to do it anyway."
  213. >"Woah, ok... Let's just stop there and forget I asked. I don't need to know what kind of kinky shit goes on in your bedroom."
  214. "What? No. That's not... Whatever. Here she comes."
  215. >Jeez, Twilight can be quite the closet perv sometimes.
  216. >Well she is a unicorn. Just perpetually horny at all times. Get it?
  218. >Bad joke? Bad joke. Yeah, sorry.
  220. >The two of you stand aside as Dash brings her fire breathing car in nose first. A few crew members get the car up on jacks and take off the tires as to get a better view of how the brakes are doing.
  221. >Long and fast straightaways mean that your brakes have to perform flawlessly. Cant be having shoddy stopping power, especially here.
  222. >You walk over to the side of Rainbows machine as she takes her helmet off.
  223. "Have you seen everyone elses times yet?"
  224. >"Nope." She says handing you her helmet. "How'd I do?"
  225. "Well, 2nd fastest out there right now is Spitfire with a 1:26.4"
  226. >"Ok. I'm guessing since you're telling me that, I got first fastest then?" Dash says hopping out of her Cloudsdale Weather emblazoned vehicle.
  227. >"You did Rainbow. By alot! You got a 1:22.9!" Twilight states.
  228. "That's faster than any lap time we ever did when I was training you here."
  229. "Holy SHIT! Are you serious!? I wasn't expecting that lap to be THAT quick!" Dash says bouncing up and down in excitement, a wide smile on her face.
  230. "Yeah. The only problem is now everyone knows how quick you can go around here, and they're probably gonna catch up earlier now."
  231. >Dash stops bouncing, looks over to her car and just goes "Crap."
  232. "That's why I said to calm down." You say while laughing.
  233. >Just then, your attention is grabbed my someone yelling outside of your garage. You three hear this statement among the engine noise, coming from pit lane:
  236. >"Get in there and check over that car! There is no way she can be going that fast legally!"
  239. >What!? Someone actually thinks you're cheating? Seriously?
  240. "Who the fuck said that?" You say walking towards the garage opening, Twilight and Rainbow right behind you.
  241. >Four Formula One Official ponies then enter your garage and surround Rainbows vehicle giving it an official FIA inspection.
  242. >After them comes none other than Bass Cannon Racing's driver Vinyl Scratch.
  244. >Oh not this bitch again.
  246. >"Vinyl!" Rainbow yells out. "Are you really that much of a sore loser that you would try to see if I'm cheating!?"
  247. >"How else in the hell are you FOUR SECONDS FASTER THAN EVERYONE!?" Scratch exclaims.
  248. "Maybe because shes that good? Have you ever thought of that?" You snap back.
  249. >"You stay out of this Anonymous! You're not even driving this weekend!"
  250. >"Like that matters!" Rainbow screams. "If it wasn't for him none of us would even be drivers right now!"
  251. >"Oh, so that's why your bucking him huh?"
  253. >WOAH! Okay. That was uncalled for.
  255. >Unfazed by how clearly Scratch crossed the line there, Dash comes right back at her. "Yeah? He's a better fuck than anything you'll ever get in your fucking life you sad sack of SHIT!"
  256. >THAT got the attention of everyone around you. Fucking Christ.
  257. "Okay! So! I'm gonna go back in the garage now!" You say making your way over there as Vinyl and Dash stare daggers at one another. Twilight way ahead of you, already just standing by the car watching the inspection.
  259. >At that same moment, the four Official ponies then begin to exit your garage.
  260. >"Vinyl Scratch." One of the officials state "For wrongfully accusing Rainbow Dash of cheating, Your team will be fined 2000 bits."
  262. >"THEIR CAR IS LEGAL!?" Scratch screams out. Unable to comprehend the findings.
  263. >"To the tee. Rainbow is just faster on pure skill alone." The official then states.
  264. >"HA! GO FUCK YOURSELF!" Rainbow then exclaims to Vinyls face.
  266. >Jaw agape, Scratch just stands there baffled, looking at Rainbows car in awe. You then speak up to her from the entrance of your garage.
  267. "Vinyl, you need to just fucking go. You are by far the worst sport I've ever seen. Either get good, shut up, or both. Take your pick."
  268. >"Oh get bucked, you two legged asshole." She says as she begins to walk back to her pit stall.
  270. >Was that racist? Was that Equestrian racism? Do you think you could pull the race card on that one? That was probably racist.
  272. >You don't think Vinyl is gonna last much longer in this sport. With the whole GP2 thing starting up next season, Bass Cannon Racing might just look for a new driver halfway through. She has costed the team money nearly every weekend.
  274. "See what I mean though?" You say to Rainbow as she walks back in. "You gotta be reserved in free practice. Show them what you got in Q2, but before that, keep em guessing."
  275. >"Yeah, good idea." Dash says "If I had known how much of a sore loser Scratch could be, I definitely would've been more reserved."
  276. "The way she raced you in the first Grand Prix wasn't enough to tell you that?"
  277. >"Hey, I thought she changed at Fillydelphia! Forgive me for giving her the benefit of the doubt!" She says setting her racing gloves down on the side pod of her car.
  278. "Good on you for that Dash, but yeah, She hasn't changed a bit. Matter of fact, I think she got worse."
  279. >After Rainbow finishes downing an entire bottle of water, she looks to you and says "She did get worse. That shit that just happened out there? I'm not letting that go lightly.
  281. >Oh boy. Well. If anything, this Grand Prix is sure gonna be interesting on Sunday. Fuck.
  284. ---
  286. >Randomly, a thought runs across your mind. Sitting over at a desk next to the car, you get Rainbows attention away from Twilight by motioning for her to come over.
  288. "Rainbow?"
  289. >"Yes?" She says walking up to you.
  291. "I'm... curious. Did you mean what you said to Vinyl? About me?"
  292. >"Heh. You would like to know that, wouldn't you? Well. I guess I can tell you this."
  294. >Smiling, she walks up closer so that what she says next, doesn't get in earshot of anyone else.
  296. >"You're the only guy who has ever made me 'finish'. So yes, I did mean it."
  298. >Zip a dee doo dah, Zip a dee yay. My oh my, what a wonderful day.
  300. ---
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