
roger rabit etc Bugs Bunny: Nyah, what's all the hubbub... B

Dec 13th, 2018
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  3. Transcript of AVGN episode Roger Rabbit
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  9. AVGN: All right, I haven't played this one in a while, so, let's give it a chance. All right, well, this is really an inconvenience, having to search for stuff. Look at this, you go around and you search for things. "Searching... it's empty". It's so slow. Now, this is kinda fun though, you get to punch people. I'm gonna beat up Roger Rabbit now. YEAHHH. The only thing that's really annoying is that it takes so long to charge that punch. AUGHHHHHH! You know what? It isn't fun. You know, it just isn't at all. It's just a pain in the fucking ass. "Can you help me?" "Go away, you horrid man!" How 'bout "Go away, you HORRID GAME!"
  11. Driving the car is really annoying because the controls are so awkward. Then, these weasels catch you and they make you solve riddles. And they're always the stupidest riddles, too, like, "What animal can you never trust?" "A cheetah." And how is this cat gonna kill you? And look at this! Th-this is the longest password ever! It wouldn't have killed them to make this any shorter. It takes forever! Like, why should any game take like, ten minutes to type in the fucking password?
  13. So, then you go into this nightclub and you find Jessica Rabbit, and then, she tells you to go find her phone number, like she can't just give it to you. So, you go around and you search every table until you found it. And then, you know, I was looking all over this game, like, where is there a phone where you can actually call her? And it wasn't until much later, when I grew up, that I found out you're really supposed to call her.
  15. (The Nerd is talking to Jessica Rabbit on her phone.)
  17. Is this Jessica Rabbit? Well, I got your number and I'm calling just to say "FUCK YOU!"
  19. Jessica Rabbit: I hope you're proud of yourself?!
  21. AVGN: Yeah, well, I hope you're proud of yourself, and you know what I mean, you fucking whore.
  23. Jessica Rabbit: I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way.
  25. AVGN: Yeah, well, wait until I draw your suicide note in your own blood, you bunny fucking bitch. I'm coming over and I'm gonna kill you. I'm going gonna kill your whole motherfucking family.
  27. All right, well, now I got that out of my system, let's continue with the game. So, you go into the stores, and the way you buy stuff is ridiculous. You go up and then you have to, like, go through all of your items until you select the wallet. Use the wallet, and then, this item drops down and you go pick it up. Now, there's only one item for sale at a time, so you have to leave the store, then, you come back in and there's something different there. So, if you're looking for something in particular, you have to keep leaving the store and coming back in. Like, imagine if in real life, like, if I walked into a liquor store and I wanted Rolling Rock, and all they had there was Budweiser sitting on a box next to the counter, so then, I would have to leave, then, I would have to come back in again, and then there's something else, and I would have to keep walking in and out the door until I get what I want. It's just, like, what were they thinking?
  29. So you finally get the dynamite, and you come over to blow up this brick wall, and watch this, it's probably the best explosion ever. (PMMMMMM) Yeah, look at that. That was pathetic. So then, you get to Judge Doom, and he's like, impossible. And, most of the things you have are just useless. You have a gun which really doesn't do anything. You know what? I'm not even gonna punish myself anymore with this piece of shit. All right, the game sucks. End of story. I want to nail Roger Rabbit to the fucking cross.
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  38. Transcript of AVGN episode McKids
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  44. ['The Angry Nintendo Nerd' theme song and intro plays.]
  46. McKids is nothing more than an advertising vehicle, much like games such as Yo! Noid and 7-11 Spot [7-Up Spot]. Now, some people out there may actually like this game, and to be fair, it isn't one of the worst games in the NES library. There are definitely much crappier games such as Bugs Bunny's Birthday Blowout and Silver Surfer, for example. So anyway, let's check out McKids.
  47. McKids - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 7
  48. McKids - Angry Video Game Nerd - Episode 7
  50. So there's Ronald with his magic bag... bag of hallucinogenic drugs. I always thought that clown was one scary motherfucker. The Hamburglar stole his bag, apparently.
  52. Alright, this is the first level. Now, does it look familiar? So where have I seen this before? Jumping around, collecting M's. Oh, like coins? Mario Bros. Like, yeah, that's where I've seen this! It's just like Super Mario Bros. 3. Let's check it out. I mean, the map looks similar, the same idea. The stages are designed the same. Jumping on enemies, I mean, everything looks the same. Mario's controls are a lot better, though. Well, pretty much everything is better.
  54. So, back to McKids. You know, I changed my mind. it actually is pretty original. I mean, walking upside-down, I mean, that's pretty creative.
  56. [The in-game character spins around and moves backwards in the level at high speed.]
  58. Whoa, makes me feel sick. They must have been on crack when they came up with this game. So you go around collecting cards you that need to beat the level. So, there you go, into Ronald's magic zipper, running around Magic McDonald World.
  60. [The in-game character spins backwards through the level again.]
  62. God, that really makes me nauseous. And don't try to kill anything with those blocks; that really doesn't work too well. Collect some more useless M's that don't do anything. Alright, here's a shitty bonus game. You jump on these arrows that make you go up. You gotta jump on the white ones until you get to the top, and when you get to the top, you go into another zipper, and you collect some 1-ups, which aren't really that important because there's a part where you can get a whole bunch of 'em.
  64. Then you go to Birdie's stage. Stupid feathered fucking bird bitch.
  66. [The in-game character collects some M's in the shape of a smile and two eyes.]
  68. Heh, cute smiley face. You know what's a big problem with this game? I mean, you never know what's below you. You just fall and die.
  70. [The in-game character falls down a bottomless pit.]
  72. Fuckballs! This game's so bad, they actually invented a way to end it by pushing start and select at the same time. So, you get this block which makes you heavier, so you can jump higher, or lower, really. And now, you have another 1-up that you don't need, so that's just a waste of time. Oh, look! I died anyway, so what a waste! Oh, God! Look, a McFlurry man! Those guys are badass!
  74. So, how do I get that card? Oh, every kid knows how to do this. Just get the secret passageway under the clouds. Yeah, that's easy to figure out. Kids will have the patience to figure that out. Because, you know, kids have a lot of patience. Especially the ones with ADD, such as myself.
  76. Then you go to Grimace's board. Here's Grimace, the big purple fuck. Look at his house! It looks like Barney the Dinosaur's testicle. Okay, so here's the part where you can get a billion 1-ups. So you get just two 1-ups here, and then you go back into the board again. You die here, but you always get one extra, so if you have an hour to waste, then, there you go. Have fun. You're completely wasting your time, anyway, if playing this game, as I am. Let alone make a fucking video about it.
  78. Some people like to call 1-ups "extra guys" or "free mans". I like to call 'em life insurance. Look how bad the jumps are! Look at this! What a shitload of fuck! All I want to do is get down to that barrel, but it's such a pain in the ass! It keeps bouncing me back up! Fuckfarts! It never ends with this game. It's just like an infinite turd coming out of my ass, just like an endless rope. I mean, when the fuck's it gonna be over? I can't stand this shit!
  80. Watch the moose! Grab a block and try to kill him. Unfortunately, it just bounces and misses him. Now look at this. Would you ever guess that you're supposed to jump off this cliff? This shit reminds me of Super Mario Bros. 3 again. And also, why is this guy walking on water? Who does he think he is? Jesus Christ?
  82. Then you gotta talk to the Professor, another one of Ronald's stoner friends. And he tells you to get more cards, which makes me just want to punch him. Even worse, you gotta go to the moon, where you meet CosMc. Now, who the hell's CosMc? Did they run out of McDonalds characters? What about Captain Crook or Big Mac? No: CosMc. I never heard of him. I guess there's nothing more you can expect than but shitty character like that. I mean, I bet that the people who designed the game were paid minimum wage.
  84. So anyway, you're on the moon, so you're floating around, and then there's these tentacles that come out kill you wherever you go. And you really gotta bust your balls to find all those cards. Like, there's this one that's high up in the air, and even when you get it, you jump back down and something kills you and you gotta start the whole level all over again. Assballs!
  86. So here you are at the last stage, Robble Robble. You gotta get the cards from Hamburglar. So, you gotta get across the lava by throwing these blocks in it while all this stuff is shooting at you. Fuck! So, look at this: this is some kind track you have to move on. But you can't because the controls are so hard. So do you hit A or B? I don't know; I have no idea how to control this. You think you can just hold the A button, or something. But no, of course not. That would be too simple. They have to make it, like, you do these little taps with the button to make it move. And the controls just suck ass. What a piece of shit! A little kid can never figure this out.
  88. So finally, when you get through these crazy obstacles, you get up here, you walk all the way to this lava pit, and you don't have any blocks to float over it, you can't go around it, so what do you do? I guess you just gotta commit suicide.
  90. [An image of the Nerd pops up in the bottom-right corner of the screen, similar to Mortal Kombat 2.]
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  102. Transcript of AVGN episode The Simpsons
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  108. The Nerd: Alright, so there were a lot of Simpsons-related games. Simpsons games up the ass. Games like Krusty's Fun House, Bart vs. the Juggernauts, Bart’s Nightmare and there were Simpsons games on just about every game console. But there's 2 in particular that I remember from the Nintendo Entertainment System: Bart vs. the Space Mutants and Bart vs. the World. These games rank up with the most classic pop culture memories. But if you play them today, all it does is remind you how much they pissed you off.
  110. ​The Nerd: Bringing back the horrible memories of these games can best be described like this: imagine if you trapped a wet, smelly piece of dog shit inside an airtight container. Then, like 20 years later, you open that shit up, you take a good smell, and there you go. Welcome back.
  112. (Shows the title card of Bart vs. the Space Mutants)
  114. ​The Nerd: So this is Bart vs. the Space Mutants. The plot involves aliens that are trying to build an ultimate weapon to take over the world, which sounds simple and cliché. However, in order to build this weapon - whatever it is - it requires one ingredient: purple-colored objects. What kind of time constraint were they under when they came up with that?
  116. ​The Nerd: So it's up to Bart to save the world, and this is the first level. And the object is to get rid of anything that's purple. Under most circumstances, this means simply spray-painting them red, but other times you have to be a little more creative to figure it out. It could mean walking across a clothesline, dropping towels over them. The aliens will never think to look under those towels. Then there's a part where you have to jump on a ball and knock over a paint can, and if you miss this paint can, the ball doesn't come back. You don't get a second chance. And keep in mind you have to de-purple-ize all the purple objects. I think you're allowed to miss a few of them, but there's not much room to fuck up.
  118. ​The Nerd: You collect coins as you go, which you're going to need to buy stuff with. The first time playing through, you're not going to know exactly what item's you're going to need. And, I could tell you for one thing, that key isn't necessary, and as for this whistle, all it does is summon an angry fucking crazy-ass dog that kills Bart if he comes in contact.
  120. ​The Nerd: Coming to a decision where you could buy cherry bombs and rockets, how many should you buy of each? Well, there's only one instance I recall where you need the cherry bomb and many, many, many times when you need the rockets. But how the fuck would you know that the first time?! You'll end up having to backtrack to the damn store. Trying to hit the bird is just ridiculous. Your accuracy has to be perfect.
  122. (Bart misses the bird)
  124. ​The Nerd: Fuck! Oh, God! I can't believe that missed. (Bart successfully hits the bird) There you go, you fuck!
  126. ​The Nerd: These vases are also a pain in the ass. They're too short to spray when you're on the ledge, so you gotta just keep jumping and spraying. And, y'know, why's the Simpsons theme song still playing? It's good for the beginning, but when you have to listen to it for 10 straight minutes, what a shitload of fuck.
  128. ​The Nerd: Let's talk about the enemies. It sucks butt that you can't really kill anything. But, lucky for you, they got nothing better to do than just bounce around in little patterns on the streets of Springfield all day. I also wonder why none of these aliens look anything like the ones in the beginning. Anyway, some of them disguise themselves as human beings, and you can only see them while wearing X-ray glasses, kinda like the movie They Live. These are the only ones that you can kill by jumping on their heads, but if it's not an alien, just a regular human being, then you take a hit. 2 hits and you’re dead, by the way. So you always gotta make sure to have your glasses selected. Come on, glasses. Come on, come on, glasses! Come on, come on, come on! (Bart misses the alien) AH! FUCKFARTS!
  130. ​The Nerd: Sometimes I just jump on them at a pure gamble because I don't feel like selecting the glasses. You don't need to kill them anyway, but they leave behind letters. Collect them all to spell "MAGGIE", then she'll help you during the boss battle. But besides, it's strangely satisfying to jump on those aliens' heads. After all, don't you wish you could just go around killing aliens, not making purple things not purple? Why not just fucking shit all over them and make everything brown?
  132. ​The Nerd: So you foil the aliens' plan because now there's nothing purple in existence. So what do they do? They change the ingredient to hats. So if they can just switch like that into anything, why not make it something like grass or water or something that's really easy to find? It just makes no sense.
  134. ​The Nerd: So you're going through the mall, stealing all the hats because this is the only mall that has hats. Whether they're floating in the air or you gotta grab them off somebody's head, the concept is pretty simple compared to the first level. No ingenuity, just collect hats. The imagination employed is just astounding in how inconsistent it is. It's like a different person designed each level. It's also really funny that people just casually walk by. If I was walking through the mall and I saw giant bouncing doughnuts and killer marshmallows, walking shoes and spring-jumping shoes, moonwalking shoes, paper bags with legs, paper bags with scary fucking heads and killer towels, I think I'd shit my pants. Shit would come out of my ass.
  136. ​The Nerd: Another thing really fucked up about this mall is that a lot of the floor's covered in cement, which results in instant death. The only way to get through this shit is master some of the worst controls in video game history. This should have been the first thing I commented on, but now is the point where it's really a problem.
  138. Bart: Eat my shorts!
  140. ​The Nerd: Looking back at the first level, it takes a lot of practice to make some of those jumps. Jump and run are both the same button. The A button jumps and holding the A button runs. Why the same fucking button? What were they thinking? So trying to execute a running jump is not possible. By hitting both the A and B button at the same time, you do a super jump. Getting used to this is required in this game. FUCK! Here we go, gotta get the hat. Get the hat! *falls into cement* D'oh!
  142. Bart: Eat my shorts!
  144. ​The Nerd: Now I'm jumping across lollipops. You gotta land on them when they're horizontal. (Bart falls through the lollipop) YOU MOTHERFUCKER! I went right through it! Alright, just one big jump...! (Bart falls into the cement again) Eat my fucking shorts! There's no continues in this game either. If you get hit twice, you're dead. Die 3 times, and the game's over. You can get some 1-ups, but no continues, as if it's not challenging enough. Now, I don't have a problem with challenge, but when the challenge is based on how fucking crippled the controls are, then FUCK IT!
  146. (Takes out the Bart vs. the Space Mutants game cartridge)
  148. ​The Nerd: Eat my shorts. Eat 'em good. Right after I took a shitty diarrhea dump.
  150. (Shows the title card for Bart vs. the World)
  152. ​The Nerd: So this is Bart vs. the World. The title always confused me. Bart saved the world from the space mutants, now he's AGAINST the world?
  154. ​The Nerd: The plot is basically Bart won a trip around the world by drawing some shitty picture of Krusty the Clown for an art contest. Now Mr. Burns wants the Simpsons wiped off the face of the Earth, so he calls help from his relatives, which happen to descend from places like China, Egypt, and the North Pole. Your basic goal is just to get to the end of each stage without dying.
  156. ​The Nerd: There's also bonus games along the way. And here we've got a memory game to match the cards. I liked it when it was in Super Mario 3, but here I just don't feel like memorizing shit. I'd rather put sticky notes all over the screen. Then you got "Guess Which Igloo the Krusty Head's Under." Then you have a puzzle game which drives me insane. Then you got a Simpsons trivia game. Then you got "Dodge the Beer and Get the Krusty Heads." Krusty heads are good, beer is bad. Makes a whole lot of sense. Then you got the stupidest fucking game in the history of games. "Find the Bat In the Coffins." Now this isn't like the igloo game where you see which igloo it is and then they move around. No, this is just 3 coffins sitting here, and you gotta pick the right one. It's just pure luck. And every time you get the wrong coffin, this green arm comes out, and you just gotta wait while nothing happens. It's not like Bart's even struggling. You just wait. So, that's the bonus stages.
  158. ​The Nerd: Now that I got those out of the way, let's talk about the actual gameplay. Every level consists of 2 or more sections. The first level's China and this is the first section: a boat. First thing you’ll notice is that the control is the same as Bart vs. the Space Mutants. Nothing's improved. Even the graphics are still funny, like when Bart's nose disappears when he stands still. So, I'm just going around this ship, trying to figure out where to go. Oh, look. There's Maggie. What do I do here?
  160. (a ship comes up and explodes)
  162. ​The Nerd: Okay, a boat comes and explodes? I don't get it. Now, where do I go? I'm stuck here. Maggie, can you help? No? Well, suck my ass. Guess I'm just going to commit suicide. (Bart jumps into the sea) Love how Bart doesn't even give a shit. He's pretty depressed. I'd be too.
  164. ​The Nerd: The next section's the Great Wall of China. What really brings my piss to a boil is that fucking dragon. Fuck! The fact that you have to be so accurate to get through that damn doorway. Oh, and these ramps? Fuck them. Fuck them to Hell. You gotta be going fast to go over them, but you always seem to hit something that slows you down; so you gotta go back just to regain your speed. FUCK! Oh, OH, OH, OH! FUCK! So then you got Fu Manchu Burns. He's pretty easy.
  166. ​The Nerd: Moving on to the next level, the North Pole. Of course, unless your jumping is dead on, you'll end up falling right through the platforms. Ugh. Going up these things is just tedious as all Hell, like goddamn. These glaciers are the worst. To make them move, you gotta jump on them, of course. Getting to cross them is a bitch, and trying to avoid the birds is a motherbitch. Fuck! Alright, here we go. Damn! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! The boss battle's with the Abominable Snowburns, obviously a take-off of the Abominable Snowman, which isn't from the North Pole.
  168. ​The Nerd: Next up is Egypt. Follow the blocks, follow the blocks, (Bart falls off a block) shit. Look. What a piece of shit. At the end, you've got Ramses Burns, who's also pretty easy when you find out how to kill him.
  170. ​The Nerd: Now, believe it or not, you're in the final level of the game: Hollywood. The first section's a pirate ship. Your worst enemy is gonna be the cannonballs. Hate these fucking things. Then you got a horror movie set. Oh, I have to say, that's pretty funny. Then the game turns into a maze, like you go into a coffin, you come out another coffin, you pick a coffin, next coffin, the other coffin, oh, been there already. Going through the coffins, the coffins, the coffins. Back here again. Going to the next coffin, the coffins, the coffins, FUCK! I hate this shit. Just tell me where to go.
  172. ​The Nerd: Okay, now we got, like, a million platforms to jump on. This is one of the most boring and difficult parts of any game I've ever played. You go from the left, all the way to the right, then up and over to the left again, then back to the right, and it goes on and on and on and on. If you fall, you're dead and you gotta start all the way back from the beginning. It's possible that if you miss a jump, you can land back on one of the platforms, which sucks anyway because you have to work your way back up again. But at least it prevents death. Oh, shit! God! Bitch! Ass! Shit! God! You know, they got really carried away with this. How long can it possibly go? The first time, I thought there was a glitch in the game, like something was wrong. It looks like the same pattern being repeated again and again. The background never changes; it's just those putrid stone bricks all the way up. So, it's hard to tell how far you've got. All you gotta do is just keep going up, up, up, up. Have. Fucking. Mercy. At least this is the end of the game. All you got left is Eric von Burns. He's probably the hardest of all the bosses, which is rightfully so.
  174. ​The Nerd: Then you get the end screen which says, "It's too bad you didn't find all the unique Krusty items. We had a special surprise for you." It's like at the end of Bubble Bobble when you don't get the correct happy ending. It's like, you know, fuck you. I beat the game, I don't give a shit.
  176. ​The Nerd: I just wanted to point out that for a game titled "Bart vs. the World," there really isn't a lot of the world in the game. No shit, right? Just Egypt, China, the North Pole, and Hollywood? Pretty fucking educational, right? When I was eleven years old, my whole world was video games. Just locked in my room playing Bart vs. the Space Mutants and all this crap. Man, I wasted all my time on this shit. I want it back! You ruined my life!
  178. ​The Nerd: (Swigs beer) BART'S MY ASS AND KRUSTY IS MY BALLS! Fuck this shit! Now I'm going to eat my own shorts. (Puts beer down, then proceeds to rip out boxers with teeth, and then eats it in a ravenous manner.)
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