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May 1st, 2019
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  1. 01166ChukkaDialog.dlg
  3. {1}{[This extremely large ogre grunts at you without shifting his heavy lidded gaze.] Hurgh.}{[This extremely large ogre grunts at you without shifting his heavy lidded gaze.] Hurgh.}{}{}{}{ }
  4. {2}{Chukka kill!}{Chukka kill!}{}{}{}{ }
  5. {3}{No one hurt Bates!}{No one hurt Bates!}{}{}{}{ }
  6. {4}{Yes, master?}{Yes, master?}{}{}{}{ }
  7. {5}{B:}{}{1}{wa 0}{0}{ }
  8. {6}{I'd like to know a thing or two about you, Chukka...}{}{1}{wa 0}{0}{ce }
  9. {7}{I'd like you to do something for me, Chukka...}{}{1}{wa 0}{50}{ }
  10. {8}{You seem a bit upset, Chukka.}{}{1}{re-20}{60}{ }
  11. {10}{You can stop waiting now, Chukka...}{}{1}{wa 1}{21}{uw 0 15}
  12. {11}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
  13. {15}{Yes. Chukka join. More for Chukka to do?}{Yes. Chukka join. More for Chukka to do?}{}{}{}{ }
  14. {16}{Yes.}{}{1}{}{4}{ }
  15. {17}{No.}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
  16. {20}{Yes, master.}{Yes, master.}{}{}{}{ }
  17. {21}{Urgh.}{Urgh.}{}{}{}{ }
  18. {22}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
  19. {30}{[This extremely large ogre grunts at you.] Hurgh.}{[This extremely large ogre grunts at you.] Hurgh.}{}{}{}{ }
  20. {31}{What say, old boy? Fancy to join up with me?}{}{5}{}{40}{jo 0 15}
  21. {40}{No. Chukka no join.}{No. Chukka no join.}{}{}{}{ }
  22. {41}{E:}{}{5}{}{0}{ }
  23. {50}{What Chukka do for master?}{What Chukka do for master?}{}{}{}{ }
  24. {51}{Move away.}{}{1}{}{0}{so }
  25. {52}{Move closer.}{}{1}{}{0}{sc }
  26. {53}{Chukka, wait here.}{}{1}{wa 0}{0}{wa, fl 20}
  27. {54}{Chukka, you can stop waiting now.}{}{1}{wa 1}{21}{uw 0 15}
  28. {55}{Chukka, I think it best if you go back to Mr. Bates.}{}{1}{}{0}{ lv, fl 20}
  29. {56}{Nothing at the moment.}{}{1}{}{0}{ }
  30. {60}{Chukka no like what you be doing.}{Chukka no like what you be doing.}{}{}{}{ }
  31. {61}{Surely, there must be something I can do...}{}{1}{ch-16}{0}{70 }
  32. {62}{Oh, come now, your not really that upset, are you?}{}{1}{ch17}{}{re+10, fl 65}
  33. {65}{No. Chukka not big upset. Okay.}{No. Chukka not big upset. Okay.}{}{}{}{ }
  34. {70}{No. Chukka not like you much. He leave soon if you no change.}{No. Chukka not like you much. He leave soon if you no change.}{}{}{}{ }
  36. 01968ChukkaOverride.dlg
  38. {12016}{Chukka no follow bad man.}{Chukka no follow bad woman.}{}{}{}{}
  39. {12017}{Chukka hate you. No follow.}{Chukka hate you. No follow.}{}{}{}{}
  40. {12018}{Chukka say goodbye.}{Chukka say goodbye.}{}{}{}{}
  41. {12019}{Chukka go away.}{Chukka go away.}{}{}{}{}
  42. {12020}{Yes, master.}{Yes, master.}{}{}{}{}
  43. {12021}{No, master.}{No, master.}{}{}{}{}
  44. {12022}{Please no hit Chukka.}{Please no hit Chukka.}{}{}{}{}
  45. {12023}{Master hurt bad people. Heh.}{Master hurt bad people. Heh.}{}{}{}{}
  46. {12024}{Master need practice more.}{Master need practice more.}{}{}{}{}
  47. {12026}{Chukka no follow, too many people.}{Chukka no follow, too many people.}{}{}{}{}
  48. {12027}{Chukka no follow, you no leader.}{Chukka no follow, you no leader.}{}{}{}{}
  49. {12028}{Chukka no follow. You too weak.}{Chukka no follow. You too weak.}{}{}{}{}
  50. {12029}{Chukka run.}{Chukka run.}{}{}{}{}
  51. {12047}{No fight friend.}{No fight friend.}{}{}{}{}
  52. {12048}{You no attack good people.}{You no attack good people.}{}{}{}{}
  53. {12049}{You no attack my people.}{You no attack my people.}{}{}{}{}
  54. {12050}{You no attack my people.}{You no attack my people.}{}{}{}{}
  55. {12052}{Chukka leave if you be bad more.}{Chukka leave if you be bad more.}{}{}{}{}
  56. {12053}{Chukka not like you as much. Chukka might leave.}{Chukka not like you as much. Chukka might leave.}{}{}{}{}
  57. {12054}{Chukka hurt! Chukka dying!}{Chukka hurt! Chukka dying!}{}{}{}{}
  59. 02395ChukkaResurrect.dlg
  61. {1}{Chukka not dead. Chukka thanks you.}{Chukka not dead. Chukka thanks you.}{}{1}{}{}
  62. {2}{It's beneath mentioning, really. Would you join with me again?}{}{5}{}{15}{jo 0 10 lf30 1}
  63. {3}{You join.}{}{-4}{}{15}{jo 0 10 lf30 1}
  64. {9}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{ lf30 1}
  65. {10}{Chukka follow.}{Chukka follow.}{}{2}{}{}
  66. {11}{Let us go, then.}{}{5}{}{-10}{}
  67. {12}{Okay.}{}{-4}{}{-10}{}
  68. {15}{Chukka do something else?}{Chukka do something else?}{}{3}{}{}
  69. {16}{N:}{}{1}{}{0}{}
  70. {20}{Where Chukka?...Chukka hurt...}{Where Chukka?...Chukka hurt...}{}{4}{}{}
  71. {25}{Chukka not dead. Chukka thanks you.}{Chukka not dead. Chukka thanks you.}{}{5}{}{}
  72. {26}{It's beneath mentioning, really. Would you join with me again?}{}{5}{}{15}{jo 0 10}
  73. {27}{You join.}{}{-4}{}{15}{jo 0 10}
  74. {33}{E:}{}{1}{}{0}{}
  75. {34}{Chukka not dead. Chukka thanks you.}{Chukka not dead. Chukka thanks you.}{}{}{}{}
  77. 01058ChukkaJoin.dlg
  79. {1}{Chukka follow.}{Chukka follow.}{}{}{}{}
  80. {2}{You try trick Chukka. Chukka no follow.}{You try trick Chukka. Chukka no follow.}{}{}{}{}
  82. 01047GilbertBatesDialogue.dlg
  83. ((excerpt, also global flag 1020 used in line 550 is what unlocks Chukka's recruitment dialogue lines while talking to him))
  85. ...
  86. {550}{I'll wire ahead to Teach to expect you. [He looks at his bodyguard.] Chukka, here, is quite beneficial to have around for protection. If you're interested, you might be able to persuade him to accompany you on your journey.}{I'll wire ahead to Teach to expect you. [He looks at his bodyguard.] Chukka, here, is quite beneficial to have around for protection. If you're interested, you might be able to persuade him to accompany you on your journey.}{}{54}{}{gf1008 1, gf1020 1 }
  87. {551}{K:}{}{5}{}{1290}{ }
  88. {559}{Thank you for your generosity. I will apprise you of my findings.}{}{5}{}{0}{qu1015 2 }
  89. {560}{I'll wire ahead to tell Teach to expect you.}{I'll wire ahead to tell Teach to expect you.}{}{55}{}{gf1008 1 }
  90. {561}{K:}{}{5}{}{1290}{ }
  91. {569}{Thank you for your generosity. I will apprise you of my findings.}{}{5}{}{0}{qu1015 2 }
  92. ...
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