Guest User's SQL Data Dumped By 3v!L of Anon

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  1. -- phpMyAdmin SQL Dump
  2. -- version 2.11.5
  3. --
  4. --
  5. -- Host: localhost
  6. -- Generation Time: Dec 09, 2011 at 04:08 AM
  7. -- Server version: 5.0.51
  8. -- PHP Version: 5.2.5
  12. --
  13. -- Database: `osticket`
  14. --
  16. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  18. --
  19. -- Table structure for table `ost_api_key`
  20. --
  22. CREATE TABLE `ost_api_key` (
  23. `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  24. `isactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  25. `ipaddr` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  26. `apikey` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  27. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  28. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  29. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  30. UNIQUE KEY `ipaddr` (`ipaddr`)
  33. --
  34. -- Dumping data for table `ost_api_key`
  35. --
  37. INSERT INTO `ost_api_key` (`id`, `isactive`, `ipaddr`, `apikey`, `updated`, `created`) VALUES
  38. (1, 1, '', 'siri!', '2011-08-24 11:55:16', '2011-08-24 11:55:16');
  40. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  42. --
  43. -- Table structure for table `os_config`
  44. --
  46. CREATE TABLE `os_config` (
  47. `id` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  48. `isonline` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  49. `timezone_offset` float(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
  50. `enable_daylight_saving` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  51. `staff_ip_binding` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  52. `staff_max_logins` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '4',
  53. `staff_login_timeout` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  54. `staff_session_timeout` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '30',
  55. `client_max_logins` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '4',
  56. `client_login_timeout` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  57. `client_session_timeout` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '30',
  58. `max_page_size` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '25',
  59. `max_open_tickets` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  60. `max_file_size` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '1048576',
  61. `autolock_minutes` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '3',
  62. `overdue_grace_period` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  63. `alert_email_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  64. `default_email_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  65. `default_dept_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  66. `default_priority_id` tinyint(2) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  67. `default_template_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  68. `default_smtp_id` tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  69. `spoof_default_smtp` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  70. `clickable_urls` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  71. `allow_priority_change` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  72. `use_email_priority` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  73. `enable_captcha` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  74. `enable_auto_cron` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  75. `enable_mail_fetch` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  76. `enable_email_piping` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  77. `send_sql_errors` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  78. `send_mailparse_errors` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  79. `send_login_errors` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  80. `save_email_headers` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  81. `strip_quoted_reply` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  82. `log_ticket_activity` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  83. `ticket_autoresponder` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  84. `message_autoresponder` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  85. `ticket_notice_active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  86. `ticket_alert_active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  87. `ticket_alert_admin` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  88. `ticket_alert_dept_manager` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  89. `ticket_alert_dept_members` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  90. `message_alert_active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  91. `message_alert_laststaff` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  92. `message_alert_assigned` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  93. `message_alert_dept_manager` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  94. `note_alert_active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  95. `note_alert_laststaff` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  96. `note_alert_assigned` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  97. `note_alert_dept_manager` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  98. `overdue_alert_active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  99. `overdue_alert_assigned` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  100. `overdue_alert_dept_manager` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  101. `overdue_alert_dept_members` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  102. `auto_assign_reopened_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  103. `show_assigned_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  104. `show_answered_tickets` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  105. `hide_staff_name` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  106. `overlimit_notice_active` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  107. `email_attachments` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  108. `allow_attachments` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  109. `allow_email_attachments` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  110. `allow_online_attachments` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  111. `allow_online_attachments_onlogin` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  112. `random_ticket_ids` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  113. `log_level` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  114. `log_graceperiod` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '12',
  115. `upload_dir` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  116. `allowed_filetypes` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '.doc, .pdf',
  117. `time_format` varchar(32) NOT NULL default ' h:i A',
  118. `date_format` varchar(32) NOT NULL default 'm/d/Y',
  119. `datetime_format` varchar(60) NOT NULL default 'm/d/Y g:i a',
  120. `daydatetime_format` varchar(60) NOT NULL default 'D, M j Y g:ia',
  121. `reply_separator` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '-- do not edit --',
  122. `admin_email` varchar(125) NOT NULL default '',
  123. `helpdesk_title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'osTicket Support Ticket System',
  124. `helpdesk_url` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  125. `api_passphrase` varchar(125) NOT NULL default '',
  126. `ostversion` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  127. `updated` timestamp NOT NULL default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
  128. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  129. KEY `isoffline` (`isonline`)
  132. --
  133. -- Dumping data for table `os_config`
  134. --
  136. INSERT INTO `ost_config` (`id`, `isonline`, `timezone_offset`, `enable_daylight_saving`, `staff_ip_binding`, `staff_max_logins`, `staff_login_timeout`, `staff_session_timeout`, `client_max_logins`, `client_login_timeout`, `client_session_timeout`, `max_page_size`, `max_open_tickets`, `max_file_size`, `autolock_minutes`, `overdue_grace_period`, `alert_email_id`, `default_email_id`, `default_dept_id`, `default_priority_id`, `default_template_id`, `default_smtp_id`, `spoof_default_smtp`, `clickable_urls`, `allow_priority_change`, `use_email_priority`, `enable_captcha`, `enable_auto_cron`, `enable_mail_fetch`, `enable_email_piping`, `send_sql_errors`, `send_mailparse_errors`, `send_login_errors`, `save_email_headers`, `strip_quoted_reply`, `log_ticket_activity`, `ticket_autoresponder`, `message_autoresponder`, `ticket_notice_active`, `ticket_alert_active`, `ticket_alert_admin`, `ticket_alert_dept_manager`, `ticket_alert_dept_members`, `message_alert_active`, `message_alert_laststaff`, `message_alert_assigned`, `message_alert_dept_manager`, `note_alert_active`, `note_alert_laststaff`, `note_alert_assigned`, `note_alert_dept_manager`, `overdue_alert_active`, `overdue_alert_assigned`, `overdue_alert_dept_manager`, `overdue_alert_dept_members`, `auto_assign_reopened_tickets`, `show_assigned_tickets`, `show_answered_tickets`, `hide_staff_name`, `overlimit_notice_active`, `email_attachments`, `allow_attachments`, `allow_email_attachments`, `allow_online_attachments`, `allow_online_attachments_onlogin`, `random_ticket_ids`, `log_level`, `log_graceperiod`, `upload_dir`, `allowed_filetypes`, `time_format`, `date_format`, `datetime_format`, `daydatetime_format`, `reply_separator`, `admin_email`, `helpdesk_title`, `helpdesk_url`, `api_passphrase`, `ostversion`, `updated`) VALUES
  137. (1, 1, 5.5, 0, 1, 4, 2, 30, 4, 2, 30, 25, 50, 1048576, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 2, 12, 'C:\\wamp\\www\\support\\attachement', '.doc,.pdf,.docx', ' h:i A', 'd/m/Y', 'd/m/Y g:i a', 'D, M j Y g:ia', '-- do not edit --', '', 'Commercial Tax Dept. :: Support Desk ', '', '', '1.6 ST', '2011-08-24 11:55:17');
  139. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  141. --
  142. -- Table structure for table `ost_department`
  143. --
  145. CREATE TABLE `ost_department` (
  146. `dept_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  147. `tpl_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  148. `email_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  149. `autoresp_email_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  150. `manager_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  151. `dept_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  152. `dept_signature` tinytext NOT NULL,
  153. `ispublic` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  154. `ticket_auto_response` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  155. `message_auto_response` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  156. `can_append_signature` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  157. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  158. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  159. PRIMARY KEY (`dept_id`),
  160. UNIQUE KEY `dept_name` (`dept_name`),
  161. KEY `manager_id` (`manager_id`),
  162. KEY `autoresp_email_id` (`autoresp_email_id`),
  163. KEY `tpl_id` (`tpl_id`)
  166. --
  167. -- Dumping data for table `ost_department`
  168. --
  170. INSERT INTO `ost_department` (`dept_id`, `tpl_id`, `email_id`, `autoresp_email_id`, `manager_id`, `dept_name`, `dept_signature`, `ispublic`, `ticket_auto_response`, `message_auto_response`, `can_append_signature`, `updated`, `created`) VALUES
  171. (1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 'Support', 'Support Dept', 1, 1, 1, 1, '2011-08-24 11:55:16', '2011-08-24 11:55:16');
  173. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  175. --
  176. -- Table structure for table `ost_email`
  177. --
  179. CREATE TABLE `ost_email` (
  180. `email_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  181. `noautoresp` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  182. `priority_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  183. `dept_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  184. `email` varchar(125) NOT NULL default '',
  185. `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  186. `userid` varchar(125) NOT NULL,
  187. `userpass` varchar(125) NOT NULL,
  188. `mail_active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  189. `mail_host` varchar(125) NOT NULL,
  190. `mail_protocol` enum('POP','IMAP') NOT NULL default 'POP',
  191. `mail_encryption` enum('NONE','SSL') NOT NULL,
  192. `mail_port` int(6) default NULL,
  193. `mail_fetchfreq` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '5',
  194. `mail_fetchmax` tinyint(4) NOT NULL default '30',
  195. `mail_delete` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  196. `mail_errors` tinyint(3) NOT NULL default '0',
  197. `mail_lasterror` datetime default NULL,
  198. `mail_lastfetch` datetime default NULL,
  199. `smtp_active` tinyint(1) default '0',
  200. `smtp_host` varchar(125) NOT NULL,
  201. `smtp_port` int(6) default NULL,
  202. `smtp_secure` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  203. `smtp_auth` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  204. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  205. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  206. PRIMARY KEY (`email_id`),
  207. UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`),
  208. KEY `priority_id` (`priority_id`),
  209. KEY `dept_id` (`dept_id`)
  212. --
  213. -- Dumping data for table `ost_email`
  214. --
  216. INSERT INTO `ost_email` (`email_id`, `noautoresp`, `priority_id`, `dept_id`, `email`, `name`, `userid`, `userpass`, `mail_active`, `mail_host`, `mail_protocol`, `mail_encryption`, `mail_port`, `mail_fetchfreq`, `mail_fetchmax`, `mail_delete`, `mail_errors`, `mail_lasterror`, `mail_lastfetch`, `smtp_active`, `smtp_host`, `smtp_port`, `smtp_secure`, `smtp_auth`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  217. (1, 0, 2, 1, '', 'Dept. of commercial taxes,Jharkh', '', 'Dhirju@123', 1, '', 'POP', 'SSL', 995, 5, 30, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, 1, 'ssl://', 465, 1, 1, '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-12-08 14:33:38');
  219. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  221. --
  222. -- Table structure for table `ost_email_banlist`
  223. --
  225. CREATE TABLE `ost_email_banlist` (
  226. `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  227. `email` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  228. `submitter` varchar(126) NOT NULL default '',
  229. `added` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  230. PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  231. UNIQUE KEY `email` (`email`)
  234. --
  235. -- Dumping data for table `ost_email_banlist`
  236. --
  238. INSERT INTO `ost_email_banlist` (`id`, `email`, `submitter`, `added`) VALUES
  239. (1, '', 'System', '2011-08-24 11:55:16');
  241. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  243. --
  244. -- Table structure for table `ost_email_template`
  245. --
  247. CREATE TABLE `ost_email_template` (
  248. `tpl_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  249. `cfg_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  250. `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  251. `notes` text,
  252. `ticket_autoresp_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  253. `ticket_autoresp_body` text NOT NULL,
  254. `ticket_notice_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  255. `ticket_notice_body` text NOT NULL,
  256. `ticket_alert_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  257. `ticket_alert_body` text NOT NULL,
  258. `message_autoresp_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  259. `message_autoresp_body` text NOT NULL,
  260. `message_alert_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  261. `message_alert_body` text NOT NULL,
  262. `note_alert_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  263. `note_alert_body` text NOT NULL,
  264. `assigned_alert_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  265. `assigned_alert_body` text NOT NULL,
  266. `ticket_overdue_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  267. `ticket_overdue_body` text NOT NULL,
  268. `ticket_overlimit_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  269. `ticket_overlimit_body` text NOT NULL,
  270. `ticket_reply_subj` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  271. `ticket_reply_body` text NOT NULL,
  272. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  273. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  274. PRIMARY KEY (`tpl_id`),
  275. KEY `cfg_id` (`cfg_id`),
  276. FULLTEXT KEY `message_subj` (`ticket_reply_subj`)
  279. --
  280. -- Dumping data for table `ost_email_template`
  281. --
  283. INSERT INTO `ost_email_template` (`tpl_id`, `cfg_id`, `name`, `notes`, `ticket_autoresp_subj`, `ticket_autoresp_body`, `ticket_notice_subj`, `ticket_notice_body`, `ticket_alert_subj`, `ticket_alert_body`, `message_autoresp_subj`, `message_autoresp_body`, `message_alert_subj`, `message_alert_body`, `note_alert_subj`, `note_alert_body`, `assigned_alert_subj`, `assigned_alert_body`, `ticket_overdue_subj`, `ticket_overdue_body`, `ticket_overlimit_subj`, `ticket_overlimit_body`, `ticket_reply_subj`, `ticket_reply_body`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  284. (1, 1, 'osTicket Default Template', 'Default osTicket templates', 'Support Complaint Opened [#%ticket],Support Desk,Department of Commercial Taxes,Jharkhand', 'Dear %name,\r\n\r\nA request for support has been created and assigned complaint #%ticket. A representative will follow-up with you as soon as possible.\r\n\r\nYou can view this complaint''s progress online here: %url/view.php?e=%email&t=%ticket.\r\n\r\nIf you wish to send additional comments or information regarding this issue, please don''t open a new complaint. Simply login using the link above and update the complaint.\r\n\r\n%signature\r\nDepartment of Commercial Taxes,\r\nGovt. of Jharkhand', '[#%ticket] %subject,Support Desk,Department of Commercial Taxes,Jharkhand ', 'Dear %name,\r\n\r\nOur customer care team has created a Complaint, #%ticket on your behalf, with the following message.\r\n\r\n%message\r\n\r\nIf you wish to provide additional comments or information regarding this issue, please don''t open a new complaint. You can update or view this ticket''s progress online here: %url/view.php?e=%email&t=%ticket.\r\n\r\n%signature\r\nDepartment of Commercial Taxes,\r\nGovt. of Jharkhand', 'New Complaint Alert', '%staff,\r\n\r\nNew complaint #%ticket created.\r\n-------------------\r\nName: %name\r\nEmail: %email\r\nDept: %dept\r\n\r\n%message\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\nTo view/respond to the complaint, please login to the Support Desk System.\r\n\r\n- Your friendly Support Desk System \r\n- powered by Department of Commercial Taxes,Govt. of Jharkhand', '[#%ticket] Message Added,Support Desk,Department of Commercial Taxes,Jharkhand', 'Dear %name,\r\n\r\nYour reply to support request #%ticket has been noted.\r\n\r\nYou can view this support request progress online here: %url/view.php?e=%email&t=%ticket.\r\n\r\n%signature\r\nDepartment of Commercial Taxes,\r\nGovt. of Jharkhand', 'New Message Alert', 'Dear %staff,\r\n\r\nNew message appended to complaint #%ticket\r\n\r\n----------------------\r\nName: %name\r\nEmail: %email\r\nDept: %dept\r\n\r\n%message\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\nTo view/respond to the complaint, please login to the Support Desk System.\r\n\r\n- Your friendly Support Desk System\r\n- powered by Department of Commercial Taxes,Govt. of Jharkhand', 'New Internal Note Alert', 'Dear %staff,\r\n\r\nInternal note appended to complaint #%ticket\r\n\r\n----------------------\r\nName: %name\r\n\r\n%note\r\n-------------------\r\n\r\nTo view/respond to the complaint, please login to the support desk system.\r\n\r\n- Your friendly Support Desk System \r\n- powered by Department of Commercial Taxes,Govt. of Jharkhand', 'Complaint #%ticket Assigned to you', 'Dear %assignee,\r\n\r\n%assigner has assigned complaint #%ticket to you!\r\n\r\n%message\r\n\r\nTo view complete details, simply login to the Support Desk System.\r\n\r\n- Your friendly Support Desk System \r\n- powered by Department of Commercial Taxes,Govt. of Jharkhand', 'Stale Complaint Alert', 'Dear %staff,\r\n\r\nA complaint, #%ticket assigned to you or in your department is seriously overdue.\r\n\r\n%url/scp/tickets.php?id=%id\r\n\r\nWe should all work hard to guarantee that all complaint are being addressed in a timely manner. Enough baby talk...please address the issue or you will hear from me again.\r\n\r\n\r\n- Your friendly (although with limited patience) Support Desk System \r\n- powered by Department of Commercial Taxes,Govt. of Jharkhand', 'Support Complaint Denied,Support Desk,Department of Commercial Taxes,Jharkhand', 'Dear %name\r\n\r\nNo support complaint has been created. You''ve exceeded maximum number of open complaints allowed.\r\n\r\nThis is a temporary block. To be able to open another complaint, one of your pending complaints must be closed. To update or add comments to an open complaint simply login using the link below.\r\n\r\n%url/view.php?e=%email\r\n\r\nThank you.\r\n\r\nSupport Desk System,\r\nDepartment of Commercial Taxes,\r\nGovt. of Jharkhand', '[#%ticket] %subject,Support Desk,Department of Commercial Taxes,Jharkhand', 'Dear %name,\r\n\r\nA customer support staff member has replied to your support request, #%ticket with the following response:\r\n\r\n%response\r\n\r\nWe hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If not, please do not send another email. Instead, reply to this email or login to your account for a complete archive of all your support requests and responses.\r\n\r\n%url/view.php?e=%email&t=%ticket\r\n\r\n%signature\r\nDepartment of Commercial Taxes,\r\nGovt. of Jharkhand', '2011-08-24 11:55:16', '2011-08-24 11:55:16');
  286. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  288. --
  289. -- Table structure for table `ost_groups`
  290. --
  292. CREATE TABLE `ost_groups` (
  293. `group_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  294. `group_enabled` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  295. `group_name` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
  296. `dept_access` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  297. `can_create_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  298. `can_edit_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  299. `can_delete_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  300. `can_close_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  301. `can_transfer_tickets` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  302. `can_ban_emails` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  303. `can_manage_kb` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  304. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  305. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  306. PRIMARY KEY (`group_id`),
  307. KEY `group_active` (`group_enabled`)
  310. --
  311. -- Dumping data for table `ost_groups`
  312. --
  314. INSERT INTO `ost_groups` (`group_id`, `group_enabled`, `group_name`, `dept_access`, `can_create_tickets`, `can_edit_tickets`, `can_delete_tickets`, `can_close_tickets`, `can_transfer_tickets`, `can_ban_emails`, `can_manage_kb`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  315. (1, 1, 'Admins', '1', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-08-24 11:55:17'),
  316. (2, 1, 'Managers', '1', 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-08-24 11:55:17'),
  317. (3, 1, 'Staff', '1', 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-08-24 11:55:17');
  319. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  321. --
  322. -- Table structure for table `ost_help_topic`
  323. --
  325. CREATE TABLE `ost_help_topic` (
  326. `topic_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  327. `isactive` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  328. `noautoresp` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  329. `priority_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  330. `dept_id` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  331. `topic` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  332. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  333. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  334. PRIMARY KEY (`topic_id`),
  335. UNIQUE KEY `topic` (`topic`),
  336. KEY `priority_id` (`priority_id`),
  337. KEY `dept_id` (`dept_id`)
  340. --
  341. -- Dumping data for table `ost_help_topic`
  342. --
  344. INSERT INTO `ost_help_topic` (`topic_id`, `isactive`, `noautoresp`, `priority_id`, `dept_id`, `topic`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  345. (1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 'E_Registration', '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-09-22 14:26:42'),
  346. (3, 1, 0, 2, 1, 'E_Payments', '2011-09-22 14:26:54', '2011-09-22 14:26:54'),
  347. (4, 1, 0, 2, 1, 'E_Returns', '2011-09-22 14:27:03', '2011-09-22 14:27:03'),
  348. (5, 1, 0, 2, 1, 'Others', '2011-09-22 14:27:29', '2011-09-22 14:27:29');
  350. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  352. --
  353. -- Table structure for table `ost_kb_premade`
  354. --
  356. CREATE TABLE `ost_kb_premade` (
  357. `premade_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  358. `dept_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  359. `isenabled` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  360. `title` varchar(125) NOT NULL default '',
  361. `answer` text NOT NULL,
  362. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  363. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  364. PRIMARY KEY (`premade_id`),
  365. UNIQUE KEY `title_2` (`title`),
  366. KEY `dept_id` (`dept_id`),
  367. KEY `active` (`isenabled`),
  368. FULLTEXT KEY `title` (`title`,`answer`)
  371. --
  372. -- Dumping data for table `ost_kb_premade`
  373. --
  375. INSERT INTO `ost_kb_premade` (`premade_id`, `dept_id`, `isenabled`, `title`, `answer`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  376. (1, 0, 1, 'What is Support Desk System?', 'Support Desk System is a widely-used complaint readressal system, an attractive alternative to higher-cost and complex customer support systems - simple, lightweight, reliable, open source, web-based and easy to setup and use.', '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-08-24 11:55:17'),
  377. (2, 0, 1, 'Sample (with variables)', '%name,\r\n\r\nYour complaint #%ticket created on %createdate is in %dept department.\r\n\r\n', '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-08-24 11:55:17'),
  378. (3, 1, 1, 'your request has been completely solved', 'your request# %ticket has been completely solved', '2011-09-07 11:33:03', '2011-09-07 11:33:03');
  380. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  382. --
  383. -- Table structure for table `ost_staff`
  384. --
  386. CREATE TABLE `ost_staff` (
  387. `staff_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  388. `group_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  389. `dept_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  390. `username` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  391. `firstname` varchar(32) default NULL,
  392. `lastname` varchar(32) default NULL,
  393. `passwd` varchar(128) default NULL,
  394. `email` varchar(128) default NULL,
  395. `phone` varchar(24) NOT NULL default '',
  396. `phone_ext` varchar(6) default NULL,
  397. `mobile` varchar(24) NOT NULL default '',
  398. `signature` tinytext NOT NULL,
  399. `isactive` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  400. `isadmin` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '0',
  401. `isvisible` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  402. `onvacation` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  403. `daylight_saving` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  404. `append_signature` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  405. `change_passwd` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  406. `timezone_offset` float(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
  407. `max_page_size` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  408. `auto_refresh_rate` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  409. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  410. `lastlogin` datetime default NULL,
  411. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  412. PRIMARY KEY (`staff_id`),
  413. UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`),
  414. KEY `dept_id` (`dept_id`),
  415. KEY `issuperuser` (`isadmin`),
  416. KEY `group_id` (`group_id`,`staff_id`)
  419. --
  420. -- Dumping data for table `ost_staff`
  421. --
  423. INSERT INTO `ost_staff` (`staff_id`, `group_id`, `dept_id`, `username`, `firstname`, `lastname`, `passwd`, `email`, `phone`, `phone_ext`, `mobile`, `signature`, `isactive`, `isadmin`, `isvisible`, `onvacation`, `daylight_saving`, `append_signature`, `change_passwd`, `timezone_offset`, `max_page_size`, `auto_refresh_rate`, `created`, `lastlogin`, `updated`) VALUES
  424. (1, 1, 1, 'admin', 'admin', 'comtax', '0192023a7bbd73250516f069df18b500', '', '0326-1234567', '', '8797779525', 'Dy.commisioner', 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 5.5, 25, 0, '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-12-08 14:33:04', '2011-12-08 08:24:42'),
  425. (3, 3, 1, 'ritu', 'Sunil', 'Kumar', '48ccc87cd7afb85704a63e8d5953d326', '', '0326231-1234567', '123423', '2424242412', 'Programmer', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, '2011-08-27 12:32:47', '2011-12-05 16:13:27', '2011-12-05 16:38:31'),
  426. (4, 3, 1, 'kunal', 'kunal', 'kumar', 'ca94aa55199b6b4a96f0b2611f71aa38', '', '', '', '8797779525', 'Sr. Programmer', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, '2011-09-02 15:36:01', '2011-09-02 16:14:30', '2011-09-02 15:41:04'),
  427. (5, 3, 1, 'rituraj', 'rituraj', 'shriwastaw', 'eea35e6ad06d869b4502600098c9c2e1', '', '', '', '8797779525', 'sr.developer', 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, '2011-09-22 15:07:13', '2011-12-05 16:40:54', '2011-12-08 08:21:59');
  429. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  431. --
  432. -- Table structure for table `ost_syslog`
  433. --
  435. CREATE TABLE `ost_syslog` (
  436. `log_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  437. `log_type` enum('Debug','Warning','Error') NOT NULL,
  438. `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  439. `log` text NOT NULL,
  440. `logger` varchar(64) NOT NULL,
  441. `ip_address` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  442. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  443. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  444. PRIMARY KEY (`log_id`),
  445. KEY `log_type` (`log_type`)
  448. --
  449. -- Dumping data for table `ost_syslog`
  450. --
  452. INSERT INTO `ost_syslog` (`log_id`, `log_type`, `title`, `log`, `logger`, `ip_address`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  453. (1, 'Debug', 'osTicket installed!', 'Congratulations osTicket basic installation completed!\n\nThank you for choosing osTicket!', '', '', '2011-08-24 11:55:17', '2011-08-24 11:55:17'),
  454. (2, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 11:52:13', '2011-08-25 11:52:13'),
  455. (3, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 12:34:01', '2011-08-25 12:34:01'),
  456. (4, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 12:56:22', '2011-08-25 12:56:22'),
  457. (5, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 12:58:24', '2011-08-25 12:58:24'),
  458. (6, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 12:58:28', '2011-08-25 12:58:28'),
  459. (7, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 12:59:23', '2011-08-25 12:59:23'),
  460. (8, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 13:11:34', '2011-08-25 13:11:34'),
  461. (9, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-08-25 13:12:57', '2011-08-25 13:12:57'),
  462. (10, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-25 13:19:21', '2011-08-25 13:19:21'),
  463. (11, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-26 10:18:16', '2011-08-26 10:18:16'),
  464. (12, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-26 10:18:51', '2011-08-26 10:18:51'),
  465. (13, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-26 13:12:30', '2011-08-26 13:12:30'),
  466. (14, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category WHERE ORDER BY category_id]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ORDER BY category_id'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-26 13:12:47', '2011-08-26 13:12:47'),
  467. (15, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-26 13:13:05', '2011-08-26 13:13:05'),
  468. (16, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category WHERE ORDER BY category_id]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ORDER BY category_id'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-26 13:13:22', '2011-08-26 13:13:22'),
  469. (17, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-26 13:15:15', '2011-08-26 13:15:15'),
  470. (18, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category WHERE ORDER BY category_id]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ORDER BY category_id'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-26 13:15:32', '2011-08-26 13:15:32'),
  471. (19, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-27 12:21:31', '2011-08-27 12:21:31'),
  472. (20, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 29, 2011, 5:24 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:54:31', '2011-08-29 10:54:31'),
  473. (21, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 29, 2011, 5:24 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:54:45', '2011-08-29 10:54:45'),
  474. (22, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:55:15', '2011-08-29 10:55:15'),
  475. (23, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 29, 2011, 5:24 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:55:32', '2011-08-29 10:55:32'),
  476. (24, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 29, 2011, 5:27 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:57:23', '2011-08-29 10:57:23'),
  477. (25, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 29, 2011, 5:27 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:57:47', '2011-08-29 10:57:47'),
  478. (26, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-08-29 10:59:14', '2011-08-29 10:59:14'),
  479. (27, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 29, 2011, 7:57 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-08-29 13:27:32', '2011-08-29 13:27:32'),
  480. (28, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:36 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:06:22', '2011-08-30 11:06:22'),
  481. (29, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:36 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:06:47', '2011-08-30 11:06:47'),
  482. (30, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:37 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:07:01', '2011-08-30 11:07:01'),
  483. (31, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:37 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:07:16', '2011-08-30 11:07:16'),
  484. (32, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:37 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:07:42', '2011-08-30 11:07:42'),
  485. (33, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: anil\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:38 am UTC\n\nAttempts #10', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:08:09', '2011-08-30 11:08:09'),
  486. (34, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 772129\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:45 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:15:31', '2011-08-30 11:15:31'),
  487. (35, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 772129\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:45 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:15:58', '2011-08-30 11:15:58'),
  488. (36, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (client)', 'Excessive login attempts by a client?\nEmail:\nTicket#: 772129\nIP:\nTime:Aug 30, 2011, 5:45 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:15:59', '2011-08-30 11:15:59'),
  489. (37, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 772129\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:47 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:17:18', '2011-08-30 11:17:18'),
  490. (38, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email: rituraj00\nTicket #: 772129\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 5:47 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:17:50', '2011-08-30 11:17:50'),
  491. (39, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunail\nIP:\nTIME: Aug 30, 2011, 6:07 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-08-30 11:37:03', '2011-08-30 11:37:03'),
  492. (40, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$ticket->getCategory_id()}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''>getCategory_id()}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:14:18', '2011-08-30 14:14:18'),
  493. (41, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$ticket->getCategory_id()}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''>getCategory_id()}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:14:20', '2011-08-30 14:14:20'),
  494. (42, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$ticket->getCategory_id()}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''>getCategory_id()}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:14:22', '2011-08-30 14:14:22'),
  495. (43, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$ticket->getCategory_id()}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''>getCategory_id()}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:14:35', '2011-08-30 14:14:35'),
  496. (44, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$ticket->getCategory_id()}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''>getCategory_id()}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:15:10', '2011-08-30 14:15:10'),
  497. (45, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$ticket->getCategory_id()}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''>getCategory_id()}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:15:15', '2011-08-30 14:15:15'),
  498. (46, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:16:10', '2011-08-30 14:16:10'),
  499. (47, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:16:33', '2011-08-30 14:16:33'),
  500. (48, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:16:45', '2011-08-30 14:16:45'),
  501. (49, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:17:39', '2011-08-30 14:17:39'),
  502. (50, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:18:09', '2011-08-30 14:18:09'),
  503. (51, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:18:14', '2011-08-30 14:18:14'),
  504. (52, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category_id,category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:18:19', '2011-08-30 14:18:19'),
  505. (53, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:19:05', '2011-08-30 14:19:05'),
  506. (54, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:19:12', '2011-08-30 14:19:12'),
  507. (55, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:19:54', '2011-08-30 14:19:54'),
  508. (56, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:20:57', '2011-08-30 14:20:57'),
  509. (57, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:21:29', '2011-08-30 14:21:29'),
  510. (58, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:23:29', '2011-08-30 14:23:29'),
  511. (59, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:23:44', '2011-08-30 14:23:44'),
  512. (60, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:28:17', '2011-08-30 14:28:17'),
  513. (61, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:28:37', '2011-08-30 14:28:37'),
  514. (62, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var}]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:29:02', '2011-08-30 14:29:02'),
  515. (63, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id =$cat_var]\n\nUnknown column ''$cat_var'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:29:30', '2011-08-30 14:29:30'),
  516. (64, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id =$cat_var]\n\nUnknown column ''$cat_var'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:30:12', '2011-08-30 14:30:12'),
  517. (65, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id ={$cat_var} ]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''}'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:31:02', '2011-08-30 14:31:02'),
  518. (66, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id =$cat_var ]\n\nUnknown column ''$cat_var'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:48:35', '2011-08-30 14:48:35'),
  519. (67, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT topic_id,topic FROM ost_help_topic WHERE isactive=1 and topic=Support]\n\nUnknown column ''Support'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-08-30 14:59:38', '2011-08-30 14:59:38'),
  520. (68, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT topic_id,topic FROM ost_help_topic WHERE isactive=1and topic_id=1]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''topic_id=1'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 15:02:25', '2011-08-30 15:02:25'),
  521. (69, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT topic_id,topic FROM ost_help_topic WHERE isactive=1and topic_id=1]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''topic_id=1'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-08-30 15:06:13', '2011-08-30 15:06:13'),
  522. (70, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunail\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 6:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-02 11:30:04', '2011-09-02 11:30:04'),
  523. (71, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 6:02 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-02 11:32:02', '2011-09-02 11:32:02'),
  524. (72, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 6:02 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-09-02 11:32:05', '2011-09-02 11:32:05'),
  525. (73, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 6:47 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:17:19', '2011-09-02 12:17:19'),
  526. (74, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:21:04', '2011-09-02 12:21:04'),
  527. (75, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: dasda\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 7:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:30:41', '2011-09-02 12:30:41'),
  528. (76, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: dasda\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 7:03 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:33:41', '2011-09-02 12:33:41'),
  529. (77, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:36:20', '2011-09-02 12:36:20'),
  530. (78, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: dasda\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 7:06 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:36:44', '2011-09-02 12:36:44'),
  531. (79, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: dasda\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 7:07 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-09-02 12:37:18', '2011-09-02 12:37:18'),
  532. (80, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 2, 2011, 8:03 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-02 13:33:24', '2011-09-02 13:33:24'),
  533. (81, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-02 15:42:55', '2011-09-02 15:42:55'),
  534. (82, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-02 16:11:09', '2011-09-02 16:11:09'),
  535. (83, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-02 16:11:13', '2011-09-02 16:11:13'),
  536. (84, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 3, 2011, 6:12 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-03 11:42:04', '2011-09-03 11:42:04'),
  537. (85, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id =$cat_var ]\n\nUnknown column ''$cat_var'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-09-03 13:45:59', '2011-09-03 13:45:59'),
  538. (86, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id =$cat_var ]\n\nUnknown column ''$cat_var'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-09-03 13:46:52', '2011-09-03 13:46:52'),
  539. (87, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT category FROM ost_help_category where category_id =$cat_var ]\n\nUnknown column ''$cat_var'' in ''where clause''', '', '', '2011-09-03 13:47:56', '2011-09-03 13:47:56'),
  540. (88, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT count(DISTINCT ticket.ticket_id) FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.caregory_id WHERE 1 AND status=''open'']\n\nUnknown column ''cat.caregory_id'' in ''on clause''', '', '', '2011-09-03 16:07:30', '2011-09-03 16:07:30'),
  541. (89, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT DISTINCT ticket.ticket_id,lock_id,ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.staff_id,subject,name,email,dept_name,category ,ticket.status,ticket.source,isoverdue,isanswered,ticket.created,pri.* ,count(attach.attach_id) as attachments ,count(attach.attach_id) as attachments, IF(ticket.reopened is NULL,ticket.created,ticket.reopened) as effective_date FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.caregory_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_priority pri ON ticket.priority_id=pri.priority_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_lock tlock ON ticket.ticket_id=tlock.ticket_id AND tlock.expire>NOW() LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE 1 AND status=''open'' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY priority_urgency,effective_date DESC ,ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,25]\n\nUnknown column ''cat.caregory_id'' in ''on clause''', '', '', '2011-09-03 16:07:30', '2011-09-03 16:07:30'),
  542. (90, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 970569\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:27 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:57:34', '2011-09-05 11:57:34'),
  543. (91, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 991661\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:27 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:57:50', '2011-09-05 11:57:50'),
  544. (92, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (client)', 'Excessive login attempts by a client?\nEmail:\nTicket#: 991661\nIP:\nTime:Sep 5, 2011, 6:27 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:57:53', '2011-09-05 11:57:53'),
  545. (93, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 991661\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:28 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:58:02', '2011-09-05 11:58:02'),
  546. (94, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:28 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:58:24', '2011-09-05 11:58:24'),
  547. (95, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:28 am UTC\n\nAttempts #10', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:58:25', '2011-09-05 11:58:25'),
  548. (96, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 695323\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:28 am UTC\n\nAttempts #12', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:58:26', '2011-09-05 11:58:26'),
  549. (97, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 627685\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:29 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-05 11:59:59', '2011-09-05 11:59:59'),
  550. (98, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nTicket #: 627685\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 5, 2011, 6:30 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:00:19', '2011-09-05 12:00:19'),
  551. (99, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:10:49', '2011-09-05 12:10:49'),
  552. (100, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:13:57', '2011-09-05 12:13:57'),
  553. (101, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:14:03', '2011-09-05 12:14:03'),
  554. (102, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:22:28', '2011-09-05 12:22:28'),
  555. (103, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:27:04', '2011-09-05 12:27:04'),
  556. (104, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:32:54', '2011-09-05 12:32:54'),
  557. (105, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email ,dept_name,category,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:32:54', '2011-09-05 12:32:54'),
  558. (106, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:35:23', '2011-09-05 12:35:23'),
  559. (107, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:36:51', '2011-09-05 12:36:51'),
  560. (108, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:37:11', '2011-09-05 12:37:11'),
  561. (109, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:39:35', '2011-09-05 12:39:35'),
  562. (110, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:42:41', '2011-09-05 12:42:41'),
  563. (111, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:44:42', '2011-09-05 12:44:42'),
  564. (112, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,caregory,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nUnknown column ''caregory'' in ''field list''', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:45:44', '2011-09-05 12:45:44'),
  565. (113, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:46:12', '2011-09-05 12:46:12'),
  566. (114, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:46:14', '2011-09-05 12:46:14'),
  567. (115, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:46:14', '2011-09-05 12:46:14'),
  568. (116, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:50:03', '2011-09-05 12:50:03'),
  569. (117, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[ SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:50:41', '2011-09-05 12:50:41'),
  570. (118, 'Error', 'DB Error #1052', '[ SELECT DISTINCT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_help_category cat ON ticket.category_id=cat.category_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nColumn ''priority_id'' in field list is ambiguous', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:56:07', '2011-09-05 12:56:07'),
  571. (119, 'Error', 'DB Error #1054', '[ SELECT ticket.ticket_id,ticket.ticketID,ticket.dept_id,ticket.category_id,isanswered,ispublic,subject,name,email,category ,dept_name,status,source,priority_id ,ticket.created ,count(attach_id) as attachments FROM ost_ticket ticket LEFT JOIN ost_department dept ON ticket.dept_id=dept.dept_id LEFT JOIN ost_ticket_attachment attach ON ticket.ticket_id=attach.ticket_id WHERE email='''' GROUP BY ticket.ticket_id ORDER BY ticket.created DESC LIMIT 0,20]\n\nUnknown column ''category'' in ''field list''', '', '', '2011-09-05 12:56:28', '2011-09-05 12:56:28'),
  572. (120, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.\r\n (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-07 11:47:35', '2011-09-07 11:47:35'),
  573. (121, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\n authentication failure [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 454, response: 4.7.0 Authentication server unavailable (Remote authentication server unavailable).)]\n', '', '', '2011-09-07 11:56:34', '2011-09-07 11:56:34'),
  574. (122, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:37:13', '2011-09-09 10:37:13'),
  575. (123, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:37:48', '2011-09-09 10:37:48'),
  576. (124, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:38:22', '2011-09-09 10:38:22'),
  577. (125, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:38:57', '2011-09-09 10:38:57'),
  578. (126, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:39:31', '2011-09-09 10:39:31'),
  579. (127, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:53:03', '2011-09-09 10:53:03'),
  580. (128, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 10:53:38', '2011-09-09 10:53:38'),
  581. (129, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:47:42', '2011-09-09 11:47:42'),
  582. (130, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:48:16', '2011-09-09 11:48:16'),
  583. (131, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:54:34', '2011-09-09 11:54:34'),
  584. (132, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:55:09', '2011-09-09 11:55:09'),
  585. (133, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:55:43', '2011-09-09 11:55:43'),
  586. (134, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:56:18', '2011-09-09 11:56:18');
  587. INSERT INTO `ost_syslog` (`log_id`, `log_type`, `title`, `log`, `logger`, `ip_address`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  588. (135, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: fsockopen() [<a href=''function.fsockopen''>function.fsockopen</a>]: unable to connect to ssl:// (php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: No such host is known. ) (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-09 11:56:52', '2011-09-09 11:56:52'),
  589. (136, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email: 802413\nTicket #:\nIP:\nTIME: Sep 13, 2011, 5:31 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-09-13 11:01:00', '2011-09-13 11:01:00'),
  590. (137, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:24:42', '2011-09-22 14:24:42'),
  591. (138, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:24:44', '2011-09-22 14:24:44'),
  592. (139, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:24:45', '2011-09-22 14:24:45'),
  593. (140, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:24:46', '2011-09-22 14:24:46'),
  594. (141, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:28:22', '2011-09-22 14:28:22'),
  595. (142, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:28:24', '2011-09-22 14:28:24'),
  596. (143, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:35:18', '2011-09-22 14:35:18'),
  597. (144, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to connect to ssl:// [SMTP: Failed to connect socket: Unable to find the socket transport "ssl" - did you forget to enable it when you configured PHP? (code: -1, response: )]\n', '', '', '2011-09-22 14:42:33', '2011-09-22 14:42:33'),
  598. (145, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created="$curr" ,ticketID=169579,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 15:00:01', '2011-09-23 15:00:01'),
  599. (146, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created="$curr" ,ticketID=920919,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 15:00:20', '2011-09-23 15:00:20'),
  600. (147, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created="$curr" ,ticketID=744451,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 15:00:27', '2011-09-23 15:00:27'),
  601. (148, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=$curr ,ticketID=893855,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 15:01:08', '2011-09-23 15:01:08'),
  602. (149, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=2011-09-23 09:32:28,ticketID=464149,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''09:32:28,ticketID=464149,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email=''rituraj00@gma'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 15:02:30', '2011-09-23 15:02:30'),
  603. (150, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=719595,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 16:46:34', '2011-09-23 16:46:34'),
  604. (151, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=865000,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj'',tinno=11111111111,mob=2212121311,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-23 16:47:06', '2011-09-23 16:47:06'),
  605. (152, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:55', '2011-09-24 13:41:55'),
  606. (153, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:55', '2011-09-24 13:41:55'),
  607. (154, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:56', '2011-09-24 13:41:56'),
  608. (155, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:56', '2011-09-24 13:41:56'),
  609. (156, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:57', '2011-09-24 13:41:57'),
  610. (157, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:57', '2011-09-24 13:41:57'),
  611. (158, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:58', '2011-09-24 13:41:58'),
  612. (159, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:58', '2011-09-24 13:41:58'),
  613. (160, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-09-24 13:41:59', '2011-09-24 13:41:59'),
  614. (161, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=828798,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''KUanl Sinha'',tinno=99999999999,mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:52:40', '2011-11-05 13:52:40'),
  615. (162, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=540516,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''KUanl Sinha'',tinno=99999999999,mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:53:05', '2011-11-05 13:53:05'),
  616. (163, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=634274,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''KUanl Sinha'',tinno=99999999999,mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:53:20', '2011-11-05 13:53:20'),
  617. (164, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=505467,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj shriwastaw'',tinno='''',mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:55:06', '2011-11-05 13:55:06'),
  618. (165, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=778876,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu raj shriwastaw'',tinno='''',mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:57:07', '2011-11-05 13:57:07'),
  619. (166, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=413501,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''Kunal Sinha'',tinno='''',mob=9835539225,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:57:41', '2011-11-05 13:57:41'),
  620. (167, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=141717,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''Kunal Sinha'',tinno='''',mob=9835539225,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:58:22', '2011-11-05 13:58:22'),
  621. (168, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=944930,dept_id=1,topic_id=3,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RWSERWR'',tinno='''',mob='''',subject=''E_Payments'',helptopic=''E_Payments'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 13:59:26', '2011-11-05 13:59:26'),
  622. (169, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=409098,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''rajritushri'',tinno='''',mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 14:02:47', '2011-11-05 14:02:47'),
  623. (170, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=464149,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''rajritushri'',tinno=12345679866,mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 14:03:23', '2011-11-05 14:03:23'),
  624. (171, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=857431,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''rajritushri'',tinno=12345679866,mob='''',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 14:03:51', '2011-11-05 14:03:51'),
  625. (172, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=253304,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''kunal Sinha'',tinno='''',mob=9835539225,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 14:10:27', '2011-11-05 14:10:27'),
  626. (173, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=147996,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''kunal Sinha'',tinno='''',mob=9835539225,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 14:10:51', '2011-11-05 14:10:51'),
  627. (174, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=812345,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''kunal Sinha'',tinno=12333333333,mob=9835539225,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-05 14:11:15', '2011-11-05 14:11:15'),
  628. (175, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=276678,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 11:34:19', '2011-11-08 11:34:19'),
  629. (176, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=505467,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 11:37:15', '2011-11-08 11:37:15'),
  630. (177, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=557480,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 11:57:22', '2011-11-08 11:57:22'),
  631. (178, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=687870,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:00:52', '2011-11-08 12:00:52'),
  632. (179, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=695603,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:12:23', '2011-11-08 12:12:23'),
  633. (180, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=991345,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:17:25', '2011-11-08 12:17:25'),
  634. (181, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=818176,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=12345678901,mob=9798315441,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:17:42', '2011-11-08 12:17:42'),
  635. (182, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=985304,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''rirtet'',tinno=13122131313,mob=9786464646,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:19:36', '2011-11-08 12:19:36'),
  636. (183, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=497005,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''rirtet'',tinno=13122131313,mob=9786464646,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:21:01', '2011-11-08 12:21:01'),
  637. (184, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=304833,dept_id=1,topic_id=3,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=31431442424,mob=6868686865,subject=''E_Payments'',helptopic=''E_Payments'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:26:37', '2011-11-08 12:26:37'),
  638. (185, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=524154,dept_id=1,topic_id=3,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno=31431442424,mob=6868686865,subject=''E_Payments'',helptopic=''E_Payments'',phone="",phone_ext=,ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''ip_address='''',source=''Web'''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-08 12:48:23', '2011-11-08 12:48:23'),
  639. (186, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email: \nComplaint #: 19968\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:38 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:08:40', '2011-11-29 13:08:40'),
  640. (187, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email: \nComplaint #: 199698\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:39 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:09:17', '2011-11-29 13:09:17'),
  641. (188, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (client)', 'Excessive login attempts by a client?\nEmail: \nComplaint#: 1996198\nIP:\nTime:Nov 29, 2011, 7:39 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:09:21', '2011-11-29 13:09:21'),
  642. (189, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email: \nComplaint #: 1996198\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:39 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:09:23', '2011-11-29 13:09:23'),
  643. (190, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email: \nComplaint #: 196998\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:40 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:10:08', '2011-11-29 13:10:08'),
  644. (191, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 783943\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:41 am UTC\n\nAttempts #10', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:11:00', '2011-11-29 13:11:00'),
  645. (192, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 783943\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:41 am UTC\n\nAttempts #12', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:11:03', '2011-11-29 13:11:03'),
  646. (193, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 783943\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 29, 2011, 7:41 am UTC\n\nAttempts #14', '', '', '2011-11-29 13:11:05', '2011-11-29 13:11:05'),
  647. (194, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=409098,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''engineering building,block2,dhurwa,ranchi,jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''engineering building,block2,dhurwa,ranchi,jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registratio'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:34:43', '2011-11-29 14:34:43'),
  648. (195, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=634274,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''engineering building, block2,dhurwa,ranchi,jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''engineering building, block2,dhurwa,ranchi,jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registrati'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:38:29', '2011-11-29 14:38:29'),
  649. (196, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=744451,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjj'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:42:05', '2011-11-29 14:42:05'),
  650. (197, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=846306,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''Engineering building block 2, dhurwa,goal chakkar, ranchi,jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''Engineering building block 2, dhurwa,goal chakkar, ranchi,jharkhand'',subje'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:50:51', '2011-11-29 14:50:51'),
  651. (198, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=826440,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''Engineering building block 2, dhurwa,goal chakkar, ranchi,jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''Engineering building block 2, dhurwa,goal chakkar, ranchi,jharkhand'',subje'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:51:10', '2011-11-29 14:51:10'),
  652. (199, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=503145,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''Engineering building block 2 dhurwa goal chakkar, ranchi jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''Engineering building block 2 dhurwa goal chakkar, ranchi jharkhand'',subjec'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:54:30', '2011-11-29 14:54:30'),
  653. (200, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=524154,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''Engineering building block 2 dhurwa goal chakkar, ranchi jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="1234567",phone_ext=''0326'',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''Engineering building block 2 dhurwa goal chakkar, ranchi jharkhand'',subjec'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 14:55:14', '2011-11-29 14:55:14'),
  654. (201, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=634274,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW'',tinno=12345678900,mob=9835234348,add=''Engineering building block 2 dhurwa goal chakkar, ranchi jharkhand'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''Engineering building block 2 dhurwa goal chakkar, ranchi jharkhand'',subjec'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 15:13:03', '2011-11-29 15:13:03'),
  655. (202, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=985304,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 15:26:55', '2011-11-29 15:26:55'),
  656. (203, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=131979,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 15:51:46', '2011-11-29 15:51:46'),
  657. (204, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=387952,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 15:52:30', '2011-11-29 15:52:30'),
  658. (205, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=754296,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:06:22', '2011-11-29 16:06:22'),
  659. (206, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=406018,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:12:24', '2011-11-29 16:12:24'),
  660. (207, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=160240,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:19:38', '2011-11-29 16:19:38'),
  661. (208, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=282431,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:34:52', '2011-11-29 16:34:52'),
  662. (209, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=496701,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:38:28', '2011-11-29 16:38:28'),
  663. (210, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=259403,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:57:19', '2011-11-29 16:57:19'),
  664. (211, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=162066,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',add=gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',add=gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg,subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic='''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 16:59:44', '2011-11-29 16:59:44'),
  665. (212, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=368387,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 17:01:52', '2011-11-29 17:01:52'),
  666. (213, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=687870,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 17:17:50', '2011-11-29 17:17:50'),
  667. (214, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=187417,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''fbfhf'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''gdgdgdgdgdgsdgdg'',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-29 17:20:13', '2011-11-29 17:20:13'),
  668. (215, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=201274,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',pho'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 10:54:05', '2011-11-30 10:54:05'),
  669. (216, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=398862,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',pho'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 11:40:46', '2011-11-30 11:40:46'),
  670. (217, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=496701,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',pho'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 11:43:29', '2011-11-30 11:43:29'),
  671. (218, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[INSERT INTO ost_ticket SET created=NOW() ,ticketID=703782,dept_id=1,topic_id=1,priority_id=2,email='''',name=''ritu'',tinno='''',mob='''',add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',phone="",phone_ext='''',ip_address='''',source=''Web'']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add=''deo public school '',subject=''E_Registration'',helptopic=''E_Registration'',pho'' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:03:37', '2011-11-30 12:03:37'),
  672. (219, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:10:45', '2011-11-30 12:10:45'),
  673. (220, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:10:46', '2011-11-30 12:10:46'),
  674. (221, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:10:46', '2011-11-30 12:10:46'),
  675. (222, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:10:47', '2011-11-30 12:10:47'),
  676. (223, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:11:06', '2011-11-30 12:11:06'),
  677. (224, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:11:12', '2011-11-30 12:11:12'),
  678. (225, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:11:13', '2011-11-30 12:11:13'),
  679. (226, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:11:14', '2011-11-30 12:11:14'),
  680. (227, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:11:15', '2011-11-30 12:11:15'),
  681. (228, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:01', '2011-11-30 12:12:01'),
  682. (229, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:01', '2011-11-30 12:12:01'),
  683. (230, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:02', '2011-11-30 12:12:02'),
  684. (231, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:03', '2011-11-30 12:12:03');
  685. INSERT INTO `ost_syslog` (`log_id`, `log_type`, `title`, `log`, `logger`, `ip_address`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  686. (232, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:17', '2011-11-30 12:12:17'),
  687. (233, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:24', '2011-11-30 12:12:24'),
  688. (234, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:24', '2011-11-30 12:12:24'),
  689. (235, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=85 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:25', '2011-11-30 12:12:25'),
  690. (236, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=236155 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-30 12:12:26', '2011-11-30 12:12:26'),
  691. (237, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to add recipient: rituraj00@gmail.con [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 550, response: 5.1.2 unknown host or domain: rituraj00@gmail.con)]\n', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:18:20', '2011-11-18 12:18:20'),
  692. (238, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 236155\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 18, 2011, 7:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:30:31', '2011-11-18 12:30:31'),
  693. (239, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 236155\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 18, 2011, 7:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:30:32', '2011-11-18 12:30:32'),
  694. (240, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (client)', 'Excessive login attempts by a client?\nEmail:\nComplaint#: 236155\nIP:\nTime:Nov 18, 2011, 7:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:30:33', '2011-11-18 12:30:33'),
  695. (241, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 236155\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 18, 2011, 7:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:30:35', '2011-11-18 12:30:35'),
  696. (242, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 236155\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 18, 2011, 7:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:30:36', '2011-11-18 12:30:36'),
  697. (243, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (client)', 'Email:\nComplaint #: 236155\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 18, 2011, 7:01 am UTC\n\nAttempts #10', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:31:13', '2011-11-18 12:31:13'),
  698. (244, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to add recipient: rituraj00@gmail.con [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 550, response: 5.1.2 unknown host or domain: rituraj00@gmail.con)]\n', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:40:44', '2011-11-18 12:40:44'),
  699. (245, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:51:48', '2011-11-18 12:51:48'),
  700. (246, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:51:48', '2011-11-18 12:51:48'),
  701. (247, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[DELETE FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticket_id=]\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:51:49', '2011-11-18 12:51:49'),
  702. (248, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:52:23', '2011-11-18 12:52:23'),
  703. (249, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:52:23', '2011-11-18 12:52:23'),
  704. (250, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:52:24', '2011-11-18 12:52:24'),
  705. (251, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:52:25', '2011-11-18 12:52:25'),
  706. (252, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:52:54', '2011-11-18 12:52:54'),
  707. (253, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:00', '2011-11-18 12:53:00'),
  708. (254, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:01', '2011-11-18 12:53:01'),
  709. (255, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:02', '2011-11-18 12:53:02'),
  710. (256, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:03', '2011-11-18 12:53:03'),
  711. (257, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:18', '2011-11-18 12:53:18'),
  712. (258, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:19', '2011-11-18 12:53:19'),
  713. (259, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:19', '2011-11-18 12:53:19'),
  714. (260, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:53:20', '2011-11-18 12:53:20'),
  715. (261, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:59:30', '2011-11-18 12:59:30'),
  716. (262, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:59:31', '2011-11-18 12:59:31'),
  717. (263, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:59:31', '2011-11-18 12:59:31'),
  718. (264, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 12:59:32', '2011-11-18 12:59:32'),
  719. (265, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 13:01:20', '2011-11-18 13:01:20'),
  720. (266, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 13:01:30', '2011-11-18 13:01:30'),
  721. (267, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 13:01:31', '2011-11-18 13:01:31'),
  722. (268, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=89 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 13:01:31', '2011-11-18 13:01:31'),
  723. (269, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 13:01:32', '2011-11-18 13:01:32'),
  724. (270, 'Error', 'DB Error #1064', '[SELECT ticket_id,ticketID,name,email,topic_id,mob,tinno,phone,phone_ext,add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''']\n\nYou have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''add FROM ost_ticket WHERE ticketID=187417 AND email='''''' at line 1', '', '', '2011-11-18 13:01:37', '2011-11-18 13:01:37'),
  725. (271, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:51 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:21:42', '2011-11-28 16:21:42'),
  726. (272, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:52 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:22:03', '2011-11-28 16:22:03'),
  727. (273, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: admin123\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:52 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:22:11', '2011-11-28 16:22:11'),
  728. (274, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:52 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:22:19', '2011-11-28 16:22:19'),
  729. (275, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin123\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:52 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:22:50', '2011-11-28 16:22:50'),
  730. (276, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:53 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:23:03', '2011-11-28 16:23:03'),
  731. (277, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:53 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:23:32', '2011-11-28 16:23:32'),
  732. (278, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:53 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:23:42', '2011-11-28 16:23:42'),
  733. (279, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:54 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:24:06', '2011-11-28 16:24:06'),
  734. (280, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:54 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:24:23', '2011-11-28 16:24:23'),
  735. (281, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:54 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:24:36', '2011-11-28 16:24:36'),
  736. (282, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:54 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:24:45', '2011-11-28 16:24:45'),
  737. (283, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:55 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:25:09', '2011-11-28 16:25:09'),
  738. (284, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:56 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:26:59', '2011-11-28 16:26:59'),
  739. (285, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:58 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:28:47', '2011-11-28 16:28:47'),
  740. (286, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:59 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:29:05', '2011-11-28 16:29:05'),
  741. (287, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:59 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:29:13', '2011-11-28 16:29:13'),
  742. (288, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: admin123\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:59 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:29:21', '2011-11-28 16:29:21'),
  743. (289, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: ritu\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 10:59 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:29:55', '2011-11-28 16:29:55'),
  744. (290, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: ritu\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #10', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:30:07', '2011-11-28 16:30:07'),
  745. (291, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:00 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:30:15', '2011-11-28 16:30:15'),
  746. (292, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:01 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:31:16', '2011-11-28 16:31:16'),
  747. (293, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: sunil\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:01 am UTC\n\nAttempts #4', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:31:49', '2011-11-28 16:31:49'),
  748. (294, 'Error', 'Excessive login attempts (staff)', 'Excessive login attempts by a staff member?\nUsername: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:02 am UTC\n\nAttempts #5\nTimeout: 2 minutes \n\n', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:32:45', '2011-11-28 16:32:45'),
  749. (295, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:03 am UTC\n\nAttempts #6', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:33:16', '2011-11-28 16:33:16'),
  750. (296, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:03 am UTC\n\nAttempts #8', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:33:38', '2011-11-28 16:33:38'),
  751. (297, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Nov 28, 2011, 11:04 am UTC\n\nAttempts #10', '', '', '2011-11-28 16:34:27', '2011-11-28 16:34:27'),
  752. (298, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-12-03 12:24:42', '2011-12-03 12:24:42'),
  753. (299, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-12-03 12:28:53', '2011-12-03 12:28:53'),
  754. (300, 'Warning', 'Failed login attempt (staff)', 'Username: Admin\nIP:\nTIME: Dec 8, 2011, 2:48 am UTC\n\nAttempts #2', '', '', '2011-12-08 08:18:45', '2011-12-08 08:18:45'),
  755. (301, 'Error', 'SMTP Error', 'Unable to email via ssl:// []\n\nFailed to add recipient: rituraj00@gmail.con [SMTP: Invalid response code received from server (code: 550, response: 5.1.2 unknown host or domain: rituraj00@gmail.con)]\n', '', '', '2011-12-08 08:27:38', '2011-12-08 08:27:38'),
  756. (302, 'Warning', 'mcrypt missing', 'Cryptography extension mcrypt is not enabled or installed. IMAP/POP passwords are being stored as plain text in database.', '', '', '2011-12-08 14:33:38', '2011-12-08 14:33:38');
  758. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  760. --
  761. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket`
  762. --
  764. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket` (
  765. `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  766. `ticketID` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  767. `dept_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
  768. `priority_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '2',
  769. `topic_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  770. `staff_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  771. `email` varchar(120) NOT NULL default '',
  772. `name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  773. `tinno` double default NULL,
  774. `address` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  775. `subject` varchar(64) NOT NULL default '[no subject]',
  776. `helptopic` varchar(255) default NULL,
  777. `phone` varchar(16) default NULL,
  778. `phone_ext` varchar(8) default NULL,
  779. `mob` varchar(16) default NULL,
  780. `ip_address` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  781. `status` enum('open','closed') NOT NULL default 'open',
  782. `source` enum('Web','Email','Phone','Other') NOT NULL default 'Other',
  783. `isoverdue` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  784. `isanswered` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  785. `duedate` datetime default NULL,
  786. `reopened` datetime default NULL,
  787. `closed` datetime default NULL,
  788. `lastmessage` datetime default NULL,
  789. `lastresponse` datetime default NULL,
  790. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  791. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  792. PRIMARY KEY (`ticket_id`),
  793. UNIQUE KEY `email_extid` (`ticketID`,`email`),
  794. KEY `dept_id` (`dept_id`),
  795. KEY `staff_id` (`staff_id`),
  796. KEY `status` (`status`),
  797. KEY `priority_id` (`priority_id`),
  798. KEY `created` (`created`),
  799. KEY `closed` (`closed`),
  800. KEY `duedate` (`duedate`),
  801. KEY `topic_id` (`topic_id`)
  804. --
  805. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket`
  806. --
  808. INSERT INTO `ost_ticket` (`ticket_id`, `ticketID`, `dept_id`, `priority_id`, `topic_id`, `staff_id`, `email`, `name`, `tinno`, `address`, `subject`, `helptopic`, `phone`, `phone_ext`, `mob`, `ip_address`, `status`, `source`, `isoverdue`, `isanswered`, `duedate`, `reopened`, `closed`, `lastmessage`, `lastresponse`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  809. (120, 365627, 1, 2, 1, 5, '', 'RITU RAJ SHRIWASTAW', 0, 'jharia', 'E_Registration', 'E_Registration', '', '', '8797779525', '', 'open', 'Web', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-12-05 17:03:20', NULL, '2011-12-05 17:03:20', '2011-12-08 08:19:22'),
  810. (121, 147996, 1, 2, 1, 0, 'rituraj00@gmail.con', 'ritu raj shriwastaw', 11111111111, 'jharia dhanbad', 'E_Registration', 'E_Registration', '', '', '8797779525', '', 'open', 'Web', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-12-08 08:27:37', NULL, '2011-12-08 08:27:37', '2011-12-08 14:33:05'),
  811. (122, 366479, 1, 2, 1, 0, '', 'ritu', 11111111111, 'jhr', 'E_Registration', 'E_Registration', '', '', '8797779525', '', 'open', 'Web', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-12-08 08:34:26', NULL, '2011-12-08 08:34:26', '2011-12-08 14:33:11'),
  812. (123, 670061, 1, 2, 1, 0, '', 'ritu', 0, 'jhr', 'E_Registration', 'E_Registration', '', '', '9798315441', '', 'open', 'Web', 1, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-12-08 11:50:36', NULL, '2011-12-08 11:50:36', '2011-12-08 14:33:16'),
  813. (124, 678063, 1, 2, 1, 0, '', 'ritu raj shriwastaw', 0, 'jhr', 'E_Registration', 'E_Registration', '', '', '8797779525', '', 'open', 'Web', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-12-08 14:34:18', NULL, '2011-12-08 14:34:18', '0000-00-00 00:00:00'),
  814. (125, 401483, 1, 2, 1, 0, '', 'zephaniah', 0, 'dhdh', 'E_Registration', 'E_Registration', '', '', '9430763987', '', 'open', 'Web', 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, '2011-12-09 09:34:56', NULL, '2011-12-09 09:34:56', '0000-00-00 00:00:00');
  816. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  818. --
  819. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket_attachment`
  820. --
  822. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket_attachment` (
  823. `attach_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  824. `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  825. `ref_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  826. `ref_type` enum('M','R') NOT NULL default 'M',
  827. `file_size` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  828. `file_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  829. `file_key` varchar(128) NOT NULL default '',
  830. `deleted` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  831. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  832. `updated` datetime default NULL,
  833. PRIMARY KEY (`attach_id`),
  834. KEY `ticket_id` (`ticket_id`),
  835. KEY `ref_type` (`ref_type`),
  836. KEY `ref_id` (`ref_id`)
  839. --
  840. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket_attachment`
  841. --
  844. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  846. --
  847. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket_lock`
  848. --
  850. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket_lock` (
  851. `lock_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  852. `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  853. `staff_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  854. `expire` datetime default NULL,
  855. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  856. PRIMARY KEY (`lock_id`),
  857. UNIQUE KEY `ticket_id` (`ticket_id`),
  858. KEY `staff_id` (`staff_id`)
  861. --
  862. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket_lock`
  863. --
  866. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  868. --
  869. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket_message`
  870. --
  872. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket_message` (
  873. `msg_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  874. `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  875. `messageId` varchar(255) default NULL,
  876. `message` text NOT NULL,
  877. `headers` text,
  878. `source` varchar(16) default NULL,
  879. `ip_address` varchar(16) default NULL,
  880. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  881. `updated` datetime default NULL,
  882. PRIMARY KEY (`msg_id`),
  883. KEY `ticket_id` (`ticket_id`),
  884. KEY `msgId` (`messageId`),
  885. FULLTEXT KEY `message` (`message`)
  888. --
  889. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket_message`
  890. --
  892. INSERT INTO `ost_ticket_message` (`msg_id`, `ticket_id`, `messageId`, `message`, `headers`, `source`, `ip_address`, `created`, `updated`) VALUES
  893. (134, 120, '', 'problem.....', '', 'Web', '', '2011-12-05 17:03:20', NULL),
  894. (135, 121, '', 'problem', '', 'Web', '', '2011-12-08 08:27:37', NULL),
  895. (136, 122, '', 'problem', '', 'Web', '', '2011-12-08 08:34:26', NULL),
  896. (137, 123, '', 'problem', '', 'Web', '', '2011-12-08 11:50:36', NULL),
  897. (138, 124, '', 'prob\r\n', '', 'Web', '', '2011-12-08 14:34:18', NULL),
  898. (139, 125, '', 'asas', '', 'Web', '', '2011-12-09 09:34:56', NULL);
  900. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  902. --
  903. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket_note`
  904. --
  906. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket_note` (
  907. `note_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  908. `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  909. `staff_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  910. `source` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  911. `title` varchar(255) NOT NULL default 'Generic Intermal Notes',
  912. `note` text NOT NULL,
  913. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  914. PRIMARY KEY (`note_id`),
  915. KEY `ticket_id` (`ticket_id`),
  916. KEY `staff_id` (`staff_id`),
  917. FULLTEXT KEY `note` (`note`)
  920. --
  921. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket_note`
  922. --
  924. INSERT INTO `ost_ticket_note` (`note_id`, `ticket_id`, `staff_id`, `source`, `title`, `note`, `created`) VALUES
  925. (198, 120, 1, 'Admin comtax', 'Complaint Assigned to Rituraj shriwastaw', 'dear pls look', '2011-12-05 17:05:00'),
  926. (199, 120, 1, 'system', 'Complaint Marked Overdue', 'Complaint flagged as overdue by the system.', '2011-12-08 08:19:25'),
  927. (200, 121, 1, 'system', 'Complaint Marked Overdue', 'Complaint flagged as overdue by the system.', '2011-12-08 14:33:11'),
  928. (201, 122, 1, 'system', 'Complaint Marked Overdue', 'Complaint flagged as overdue by the system.', '2011-12-08 14:33:16'),
  929. (202, 123, 1, 'system', 'Complaint Marked Overdue', 'Complaint flagged as overdue by the system.', '2011-12-08 14:33:21');
  931. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  933. --
  934. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket_priority`
  935. --
  937. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket_priority` (
  938. `priority_id` tinyint(4) NOT NULL auto_increment,
  939. `priority` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
  940. `priority_desc` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
  941. `priority_color` varchar(7) NOT NULL default '',
  942. `priority_urgency` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  943. `ispublic` tinyint(1) NOT NULL default '1',
  944. PRIMARY KEY (`priority_id`),
  945. UNIQUE KEY `priority` (`priority`),
  946. KEY `priority_urgency` (`priority_urgency`),
  947. KEY `ispublic` (`ispublic`)
  950. --
  951. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket_priority`
  952. --
  954. INSERT INTO `ost_ticket_priority` (`priority_id`, `priority`, `priority_desc`, `priority_color`, `priority_urgency`, `ispublic`) VALUES
  955. (1, 'low', 'Low', '#DDFFDD', 4, 1),
  956. (2, 'normal', 'Normal', '#FFFFF0', 3, 1),
  957. (3, 'high', 'High', '#FEE7E7', 2, 1),
  958. (4, 'emergency', 'Emergency', '#FEE7E7', 1, 0);
  960. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  962. --
  963. -- Table structure for table `ost_ticket_response`
  964. --
  966. CREATE TABLE `ost_ticket_response` (
  967. `response_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  968. `msg_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  969. `ticket_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  970. `staff_id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
  971. `staff_name` varchar(32) NOT NULL default '',
  972. `response` text NOT NULL,
  973. `ip_address` varchar(16) NOT NULL default '',
  974. `created` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  975. `updated` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
  976. PRIMARY KEY (`response_id`),
  977. KEY `ticket_id` (`ticket_id`),
  978. KEY `msg_id` (`msg_id`),
  979. KEY `staff_id` (`staff_id`),
  980. FULLTEXT KEY `response` (`response`)
  983. --
  984. -- Dumping data for table `ost_ticket_response`
  985. --
  988. -- --------------------------------------------------------
  990. --
  991. -- Table structure for table `ost_timezone`
  992. --
  994. CREATE TABLE `ost_timezone` (
  995. `id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  996. `offset` float(3,1) NOT NULL default '0.0',
  997. `timezone` varchar(255) NOT NULL default '',
  998. PRIMARY KEY (`id`)
  1001. --
  1002. -- Dumping data for table `ost_timezone`
  1003. --
  1005. INSERT INTO `ost_timezone` (`id`, `offset`, `timezone`) VALUES
  1006. (1, -12.0, 'Eniwetok, Kwajalein'),
  1007. (2, -11.0, 'Midway Island, Samoa'),
  1008. (3, -10.0, 'Hawaii'),
  1009. (4, -9.0, 'Alaska'),
  1010. (5, -8.0, 'Pacific Time (US & Canada)'),
  1011. (6, -7.0, 'Mountain Time (US & Canada)'),
  1012. (7, -6.0, 'Central Time (US & Canada), Mexico City'),
  1013. (8, -5.0, 'Eastern Time (US & Canada), Bogota, Lima'),
  1014. (9, -4.0, 'Atlantic Time (Canada), Caracas, La Paz'),
  1015. (10, -3.5, 'Newfoundland'),
  1016. (11, -3.0, 'Brazil, Buenos Aires, Georgetown'),
  1017. (12, -2.0, 'Mid-Atlantic'),
  1018. (13, -1.0, 'Azores, Cape Verde Islands'),
  1019. (14, 0.0, 'Western Europe Time, London, Lisbon, Casablanca'),
  1020. (15, 1.0, 'Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris'),
  1021. (16, 2.0, 'Kaliningrad, South Africa'),
  1022. (17, 3.0, 'Baghdad, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg'),
  1023. (18, 3.5, 'Tehran'),
  1024. (19, 4.0, 'Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi'),
  1025. (20, 4.5, 'Kabul'),
  1026. (21, 5.0, 'Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent'),
  1027. (22, 5.5, 'Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, New Delhi'),
  1028. (23, 6.0, 'Almaty, Dhaka, Colombo'),
  1029. (24, 7.0, 'Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta'),
  1030. (25, 8.0, 'Beijing, Perth, Singapore, Hong Kong'),
  1031. (26, 9.0, 'Tokyo, Seoul, Osaka, Sapporo, Yakutsk'),
  1032. (27, 9.5, 'Adelaide, Darwin'),
  1033. (28, 10.0, 'Eastern Australia, Guam, Vladivostok'),
  1034. (29, 11.0, 'Magadan, Solomon Islands, New Caledonia'),
  1035. (30, 12.0, 'Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka');
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