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Jun 3rd, 2014
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  1. If you're reading this, hello and welcome to the Harmonious People's Circlejerk of Chinar. We are here to answer your most common questions and help you on your way to circlejerking like a true laowei.
  2. Who is Rainy? / Who is the girl in the watermark?
  3. Rainy is our queen. She is also the stereotype of a naive Chinese girl. See this thread.
  4. /u/augenfleck accurately reflects on what a true Rainy is in this thread:
  5. "let's be clear, it's not just poor english that constitutes a rainy. it's the meandering thoughts that go nowhere and a preoccupation with the lives of laowai and how they might be ensnared into marriage that's a hallmark of rainy behavior.
  6. rainy has just enough self awareness to know how odd her behavior is ("maybe there are some persons thought me is a crazy girl") but she rationalizes it away. fueled by all the bullshit expats have told her about life back home, she'll do anything to get that ticket to waiguo, husband in tow and mix baby on the way."
  7. Why does everyone call each other a faggot?
  8. Faggot is a term of endearment but also an insult on this subreddit. We do not proclaim ourselves as homophobic. On CCJ, you must be a faggot but also not be a faggot at the same time. You'll get it.
  9. What / who is Tim Budong?
  10. Tim Budong is a play on the Chinese phrase ting bu dong, which translates to "I don't understand". Hence, a Tim Budong is a clueless, FOB (read: fresh off the boat) foreigner. See thread here:
  11. What does LMBO mean?
  12. Laughing My Butt Off. It's a meme made popular by an AMA in /r/china by a dude who proclaimed he was a KTV pimp. See thread here.
  13. What is CCJ?
  14. ChinaCirclejerk. This is how our community is often referred to in other subreddits. You can also alternatively use /r/ccj as a shortcut to the subreddit.
  15. What is the CCJ WeChat?
  16. You can access the official CCJ WeChat group by adding WeChat ID: chinacirclejerk or by scanning the QR code on the sidebar. Once approved, you will be automatically added to the CCJ group chat. Be warned - it is extremely NSFW.
  17. As of 2/26/2014, there are currently 75/100 members in the first group chat. You may be unable to join until someone else quits or is kicked.
  18. CCJ Glossary (Updated 1/10/2014)
  19. Term Meaning
  20. 2gt Er gou tou, which means "hair of the dog", used to refer to Chinese baijiu (rice wine).
  21. 8 Eight is a lucky number in Chinese because it symbolizes prosperity and wealth.
  22. byejew / jew A romanization of "baiju" (see 2gt)
  23. fu2dai Fu er dai is Chinese slang used to describe a spoiled son/daughter of wealthy parents.
  24. nong Nongmin is Chinese for peasant/farmer. It is used in CCJ as a derogatory term.
  25. laoloser / laowinner An unsuccessful / successful laowai (foreigner), respectively.
  26. laduzi Laduzi is Chinese for diarrhea after eating spicy/oily Chinese food.
  27. ayi Ayi is Chinese for "aunt" and is usually meant to describe a housemaid.
  28. TMD TMD is short for ta ma de which means "fuck" in Chinese.
  29. FOB FOB is short for fresh off the boat, meaning a foreigner with little knowledge of the culture.
  30. _____guo Guo is Chinese for "country". CCJers like to attach guo at the end of words to describe a country. For example, America is referred to as Freedomguo.
  31. gomer/gemerr Short for "brother".
  32. ??????? Diao yu dao shi zhong guo de means "The Diao Yu Islands Belong to China".
  33. If there are any terms you don't see listed on here but would like to know about, please ask in the comment section. You'll know that your CCJ pinyin is up to par if you can completely understand /u/salivation's ayi story
  34. I submitted a post. Why can't I see it?
  35. Your post may have been caught by our spam filter. You can fix this by PMing the mods by sending a message to /r/chinacirclejerk.
  36. What are some things that will get you banned here?
  37. Posting personal information, pedophilia jokes (2/3 of the CCJ mods are parents) and generally shitting up the subreddit and pissing the regulars off. We are very lenient on what gets posted here; it doesn't matter if you are always circlejerking or not. So, vent about Chinar all you want.
  38. What is your relationship with /r/china?
  39. We've had a lot of drama in the past, but we've grown to get along with each other. Modship changed in /r/china at one point, which in part caused a lot of controversy over their new rules. /r/chinacirclejerk was initially created as a satire, but is now more of a community, whereas /r/china acts a message board and news aggregator.
  40. Why do you hate Japan so much?
  41. The Diaoyu Islands belong to Chinar, also The Rape of Nanjing etc.
  42. Are you guys racist?
  43. See thread here:
  44. How do I use emotes / images?
  45. To add an emote to a post, simply link to the emote by writing:
  46. [](#emotename)
  47. Replace emotename with the desired emote you want to use. You need to include the parentheses and hashtag symbol to make it work.
  48. Keep in mind that emotes will not show in your original posts, inboxes or on Reddit mobile apps.
  49. EMOTE LIST (LAST UPDATED 5/9/2014)
  51. #ausp
  52. #diaoyu
  53. #dui
  54. #faggot
  55. #lmbo
  56. #maopalm
  57. #popcorn
  58. #shotsfired
  59. #spinnas
  60. #wow
  61. How do I use spoiler tags?
  62. To add spoilers:
  63. [say whatever you want here](/spoiler)
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