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  1. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:33
  2. First please dont message ********** about this
  3. But I really want to die Suji
  4. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:33
  5. Well you can't
  6. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:33
  7. Has she been talking to you?
  8. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:33
  9. Crow you need to realise that the friendship you guys had was beyond unhealthy and toxic
  10. So I think a bit of a break is the best for the both of you
  11. And so you can actually get over your feelings for her
  12. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:34
  14. Did you tell my dearest friend to stop being friends with me?
  15. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:35
  16. No?
  17. Don't fucking accuse me of shit
  18. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:35
  19. You certainly worded it to sound lile you had a part
  20. Im sorry
  21. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:35
  22. Well you're reading it wrong, Crow
  23. I had no business with it and I'm not a bitch
  24. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:35
  25. I never said that Suji
  26. I just have all this frustration and Im venting at you im sorry
  27. But you obvuously know what happened?
  28. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:36
  29. She just said she needs a break to get healthy I guess?
  30. Which is ideal imo for both of you
  31. Idk how many timesI told you
  32. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:37
  33. Shes my dearest friend Suji
  34. The friend I loved the most
  35. I wouldve done anything for her
  36. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:38
  37. Crow
  38. you treated her and viewed her more than a friend
  39. and showed signs of not stopping
  40. The best way to stop such feelings is to have a break from each other
  41. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:38
  42. I did before I met Cindy **Je T'aime**
  43. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:39
  44. You keep meeting girls but then you go back and do the same to **********
  45. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:39
  46. And then when I met Cindy, ********** dragged me back to her
  47. Want to know what dragged me back to her?
  48. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:39
  49. Just respect **********'s wishes
  50. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:39
  51. I asked her "If I asked you now to date me, would you say yes?"
  52. She immediately said yes
  53. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:39
  54. you shouldn't even have asked that
  55. she's 15
  56. you're not
  57. don't even think of dating or anything like that when it comes to **********
  58. even if it's just to see what she says
  59. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:41
  60. Theres no laws on dating someone Suji, sure 4 years is alot but I've seen alot worse
  61. But when im 24 she'll be 20, then in doesnt even look bad
  62. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:41
  63. Now you're just continuing to make excuses just so you can potentially view her in a dating way
  64. Crow you're into sexual things, no matter how hard you try to prevent it, it happens
  65. I'm not saying it's bad
  66. but IT IS bad when it comes to minors
  67. Just go find an adult to date instead of a teenager?
  68. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:42
  69. Well I prevent it as hard as I can, especially around **********
  70. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:42
  71. I want you to read everything I have ever said about this topic
  72. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:42
  73. Its alot easier said than done
  74. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:42
  75. because i repeat myself
  76. over
  77. and
  78. over
  79. and you just keep going back
  80. and I am officially done on repeating myself
  81. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:43
  82. well the one time I did find someone ********** dragged me back in
  83. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:43
  90. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:44
  91. Because I love her Suji, and thinking about not being able to talk to her hurts. I even tried to stop for a day but she came back and tried to talk again
  92. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:45
  93. I'm done
  94. I don't want to be in the middle of this
  95. Just respect her wishes and stop talking for a while
  96. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:45
  97. Well Ive got no one else now
  98. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:45
  99. Don't say that omfg
  100. I'm still your friend
  101. I'm just saying I am done when it comes to this damn issue
  102. because you literally NEVER listen to me
  103. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:46
  104. This issue is what Im trying to get through atm Suji
  105. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:46
  106. I was in love with someone for 4 fucking years and i learned to overcome it
  107. So don't act like it's impossible
  108. If you want to get through the issue, actually accept and listen to what i say
  109. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:46
  110. Ive never been nauseous because of emotions till now(edited)
  111. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:46
  112. don't find excuses to reply with "but i love her"
  113. like yeah i get it you love her but it doesn't mean you can't stop
  114. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:47
  115. Its hard for me to stop
  116. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:47
  117. another excuse
  118. it's hard
  119. just say you will try and you will get over it
  120. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:47
  121. I have to try
  122. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:47
  123. saying it's hard to stop is just giving you a reason to not fucking try
  124. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:47
  125. Because I have no other choice
  126. That doesn't stop me from wanting to die
  127. I left the server because I went and she was being friendly with people in there like nothing happened
  128. Ive never been through so much emotional strain before Suji
  129. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:49
  130. She's trying to deal with it in her own way, that's all
  131. Instead of focusing on what happened, try and focus on how to overcome it
  132. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:49
  133. Well my own way is gone because I can't deal with seeing her
  134. I dont know how to Suji
  135. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:50
  136. I don't want to sound offensive but go see a counsellor, i'm not saying you're mentally ill or anything but counsellors can literally help with anything
  137. they can teach you 'how' to overcome things that hutt
  138. hurt*
  139. You shouldn't have been relying on her so much
  140. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:51
  141. Well I wanted to prove to her that I loved her, and I felt if I invested all I could in her, she would see that, because at times it seemed like she doubted it
  142. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:51
  143. Stop talking about loving her, you're only making it worse
  144. trust me, i've been through it all
  145. you just need to block out all those thoughts
  146. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:52
  147. Its not that easy
  148. Ive been trying
  149. Especially since saying good morning and goodnight to her was part of my schedule
  150. I feel so alone now
  151. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:53
  152. Focus on your other friends for now
  153. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:54
  154. You, Seppy, Raven
  155. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:54
  156. So focus on us then
  157. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:55
  158. But you all remind me of her
  159. Maybe I should just leave discord entirely
  160. Suji - Last Tuesday at 21:55
  161. you just find the things in us to remind you of her
  162. instead of focusing on that
  163. focus on how we're actually just suji, seppy and raven
  164. we're not **********
  165. Crow - Last Tuesday at 21:57
  166. It also doesnt help that the romantic void that I've had for so many years, just as I thought it was about to be filled, instead just got bigger
  167. I WANT TO DIE
  169. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:06
  170. I haven't had anyone properly ever so i get it but you need to learn to move on and not think of death
  171. My phone is about to die
  172. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:07
  173. I wish i was about to as well
  174. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:07
  175. Dont thanks
  176. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:08
  177. I wont say its not tempting me
  178. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:09
  179. You'd also hurt everyone around you
  180. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:09
  181. They'd get over it
  182. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:10
  183. No they wouldnt
  184. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:10
  185. Then why would I get over **********?
  186. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:13
  187. Death is extremely different to romantic feelings???????
  188. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:14
  189. Not when I invested eveything into my romantic feelings
  190. My goal in life
  191. Was to finish uni and move to NL so I could be with her
  192. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:15
  193. Such extreme goals for someone you had an unstable relationship with
  194. You shouldnt have relied on her so much crow
  195. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:15
  196. Well I did
  197. Nothing can change that
  198. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:15
  199. Well you need to learn to overcome it and if youre extremely unstable go see a counsellor
  200. I personally nearly saw one and should have
  201. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:17
  202. Im going to tell you something I probably shouldn't and you'll probably resent me for it, and modt likely be disgusted at me and **********'s behaviour, but immediately before her ending our friendship, want to know what we did?
  203. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:17
  204. Crow my phone is 1% so just know it will be okay, i believe in you dont let your weaknesses win
  205. I already have an assumption
  206. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:18
  207. Its nothing youd like
  208. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:18
  209. Then my assumptions are corrected
  210. I am a bit disgusted because you should have known better
  211. And this is a perfect reason why you two need time apart
  212. So accept it and try and move on
  213. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:19
  214. The funny thing is, she was the one who "manipulated" me into doing it
  215. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:19
  216. You as an adult should have stopped it to begin with
  217. Crow - Last Tuesday at 22:19
  218. And I knew it was wrong, but I still did it
  219. Suji - Last Tuesday at 22:19
  220. Just. Focus on overcoming this. I need to go sleep crow.
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