
blocks Gremlins

Aug 8th, 2022
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  1. Then two more gremlins joined the first pair, and I was pressed too closely to fly and fighting for my life as gremlin weapons, made of the Bane, hammered at me, their sickly cold aura making my flesh recoil even when my armor stopped the blows, weakening my limbs and making them shake.
  2. For a moment, things looked very bad. Then Bluenose was there, a sprite whose head came most of the way up my shoulder, his spear darting, and bought me a breath. I used it for all it was worth—whipped the flapping ear off one gremlin with my blade, kicked another in its gangly neck, and seized a third by its inordinately long and pointed nose and threw it to the ground, where Bluenose ran his spear through it. Then we turned together and went to the aid of the nearest member of the Guard who was embattled.
  5. Heroic Hearts, Little Things, Page 11
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