CYOA - Nurse Redheart (Clop/Dark)

Jun 30th, 2013
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  1. >you are Anon
  2. >with a pep in your step you walk through the streets of Ponyville
  3. >it's a beautiful day and you've got your day off
  4. >you're on your way to one of your best friends
  5. >Nurse Redheart
  6. >through continous meetings at the hospital the two of you started hanging out
  7. >at first you didn't really like her
  8. >she was nice at her job, but just seemed really boring
  9. >that turned out to not be true at all
  10. >in reality, she is one of the most spontanous and light-hearted ponies around
  11. >Pinkie Pie is obviously the champion, but Nurse Redheart is a close second
  12. >Redheart also has the added benefit of being vastly more sensible than Pinkie
  13. >you know not what today will bring, but it can only be fun
  14. >reaching the modest house near the hospital, you knock three times
  15. >from inside you hear a muffled "Come in"
  16. >you open the door and enter the house
  17. >already you see medical equipment
  18. >her bonnet is hanging near the door
  19. >you chuckle; she really does care about her work
  20. >you enter the bedroom, where you are greeted with a troubling sight
  21. >she's still in bed, and it's 10:30
  22. >this is not like her at all
  23. >"Hey Anon..."
  24. >she sounds weak and tired
  25. "Red, what's up? Are you sick?"
  26. >she givs you a weak smile
  27. >"Of course not. I never get sick. Let's go."
  28. >she tries to get up
  29. >it's a pathetic display
  30. >she is actually struggling with getting out of bed
  31. >but she was always a bit stubborn
  33. >you're not having any of this
  34. "Lay back down, you're obviously not feeling well."
  35. >"Anon, I'm-"
  36. "I said lay down."
  37. >she just grumbles at you
  38. >you don't enjoy being stern, but it's the only thing that works with this mare
  39. >asking her how she feels would never help, so you set out to find a thermometer
  40. >you find her bag with assorted medical equipment
  41. >bandages, salves, and bingo, a thermometer
  42. >it looks really odd
  43. >it's far bigger than the thermometers you had on Earth
  44. >eh, whatever, these are ponies after all
  45. >you grab the thermometer and go over to Redheart
  46. "All right, you stubborn mare, open up and say 'ahh'".
  47. >she just stares at you
  48. >a slight blush on her cheeks
  49. >"Anon, that's a rectal thermometer", she mumbles
  50. >it takes you a second to understand
  51. >but when you do, your cheeks light up as well
  52. "Uh, I, sorry. I'll go find a normal one."
  53. >"This is the only one I have."
  54. >well, fuck
  55. >you don't know what's wrong with her
  56. >you need to take her temperature
  57. "I'll make it quick", you mumble back at her
  58. >"And keep your pervy hands to yourself", she giggles at you
  59. >blushing intensifies
  61. >she shuffles around in the bed so her rear end faces you
  62. >still lying down though, she must really be feeling ill
  63. >she slowly lifts her tail and presents her goods to you
  64. >as she does so, you distinctly remember the first time you were with a girl
  65. >you blush harder than a 12 year old seeing his first pair of boobs
  66. >but you gotta take this seriously
  67. >your friend is feeling ill
  68. >besides, she does this all the time
  69. >it's not like you're about to anally ravage her with your-
  70. >no, gotta stay focused.
  71. >you find the right end of the thermometer and prepare it for insertion
  72. "All right, I'm putting it in now."
  73. >you thought a warning might be in order
  74. >as you move it closer, your mind starts playing with you
  75. >you get the best idea you have ever gotten
  76. >when you get a few inches from the opening, you "slip" and have the thermometer slide across her slit
  77. >Redheart gasps sharply
  78. "Sorry!" you blurt out
  79. >like hell you were
  80. >"Like hell you are", she grumbles
  81. >"Just get it over with"
  82. >she sounds dissatisfied
  83. >you put in the thermometer gently and wait
  84. >after a couple of minutes you remove it
  85. >yeah, this pony is not well at all
  86. >she is in no shape to go anywhere
  88. "You're not going anywhere the next couple of days. You need to stay in bed."
  89. >she sighs loudly
  90. >your eyes once again returns to her privates
  91. >they're so absolutely beautiful
  92. >her white coat complementing the pink slit
  93. >it'd be so easy to just to reach out and-
  94. >no, she's your friend
  95. >you could never do that
  96. >"But she's right there", a voice inside your head tells you
  97. >"She's weak and helpless; what more could you want?"
  98. >that was true
  99. >she wouldn't be able to fight back
  100. >no, what are you saying
  101. >you'd end up in the dungeons faster than you can say "rape"
  102. >"But she does have such a beautiful cunt."
  103. >she does, indeed
  104. >even your buddy down below is agreeing
  105. >you rub your hand on the outside of your pants
  106. >it's not like you'd ever get with her anyway
  107. >she's not into the whole human thing
  108. >at this point you see nothing but her slit
  109. >it's devouring your mind and senses
  110. >it smells so delicious
  111. >without even realising, you've grabbed some bandages from the bag
  112. >you start tying up her back hooves with it
  113. >"W-what are you doing?!"
  114. >her voice seems so distant and frail
  115. >as she tries to get up, you jump into the bed and keep her pinned
  116. >her eyes plead with you
  117. >confusion and sadness staring at you
  118. >she can't fight you in her state
  119. >you overpower her so very easily
  120. >after finishing with her back hooves, you tie up the front ones
  121. >"A-anon, please! No!"
  122. >she's all tied up, except for her mouth
  123. >she keeps pleading
  124. >like a kid in a candy store
  125. >she's so beautiful
  127. >your eyes devour her very being for a minute
  128. >taking in her shape, her curves
  129. >truly she is a marvellous pony
  130. >her mouth is moving but you hear not her words
  131. >after admiring her form, something compells you to go into the kitchen
  132. >you open the fridge and stare into it
  133. >nothing out of the ordinary in here
  134. >except for that cucumber on the top shelf
  135. >it's calling out to you
  136. >you grab it and study it
  137. >seems like an ordinary cucumber to you
  138. >round, long, thick
  139. >slowly your mind plans ahead
  140. >a devilish grin spreads across your face
  141. >"A-anon! What a-are you doing?!" you hear from the other room
  142. >you walk back to her
  143. >she doesn't see the cucumber you've brough
  144. >the poor pony is simply trembling in her bed
  145. >you kneel next to her rear end and once more admire her features
  146. >the cucumber would be a perfect fit
  147. >satisfyingly perfect, actually
  148. >you giggle to yourself like a kid
  149. >as you lift up the cucumber and move it closer to her anus, you start having fun
  150. >"SS3 Cucumber preparing for bording, sir"
  151. >"This is U.S. space station Anus, access granted"
  152. >"SS3 Cucumber thanks you, Anus, we're coming in"
  153. >as you laugh to yourself, you hear whimpers and pleas for help from Redheart
  154. >those are quickly silenced as you insert the cucumber directly into her anus
  155. >she groans loudly
  156. >the cucumber was indeed a perfect fit
  157. >you bury half of it in her ass
  159. >she sobs through her words
  160. >tears stream from her face like a waterfall
  162. >for reasons unknown, you feel anger rising inside you
  163. >you have done all of this for her, and she does nothing but weep
  164. >you clench your fists, fury consuming your very soul
  165. "ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!" you yell at her
  166. >she winces at your sharp tone
  167. >"Y-you're INSANE!" she retorts
  168. >"SOMEP0NY HELP!"
  169. >you feel betrayed
  170. >this beautiful mare, your "friend", you helped her
  171. >you came to her in a time of need
  172. >she is crying out for help
  173. >she hates you
  174. >you go into the kitchen to cool off
  175. >all the while she continues pleading and weeping
  176. >the anger finally gets the better of you
  177. >you start throwing things to the floor
  178. >whatever you can find gets a ride through the air
  179. >it seems to scare your former friend
  180. >she cries even louder and screams once more
  181. >"HEEEEEELP!"
  182. >as you move towards the bedroom once more, a noise snaps you out of it
  183. >frantic knocking on the front door
  184. >"W-what's going on?!" you hear from outside
  185. >"Is everypone all right?!"
  187. "Everything's fine!" you say loudly through the door
  188. >you don't even wait for a response
  189. >you only have one thing on your mind right now
  190. >punishing this backstabbing mare in the bedroom
  191. >as you move into the bedroom, you're halfway out of your pants
  192. >getting them fully off and tossing them on the floor, you get into the bed
  193. >you grab Redheart and put her on all fours
  194. >"NO! PLEASE!"
  195. >you slap her face
  196. >you aren't any more of this mares bullshit
  197. >with no regards to being gentle, you pull out the cucumber and throw it away
  198. >in return, you position your penis at her slit
  200. >another heavy-handed slap lands on her cheek
  201. >and with that, you thrust inside
  202. >she's dry as sand
  203. >it probably hurts, because she screams out in agony
  204. >but you don't care
  205. >this is what YOU want
  206. >you start ramming into her over and over
  207. >her tight walls trying to push you out
  208. >they fail completely
  209. >it only results in higher pleasure for you
  210. >with every thrust you grunt and moan
  211. >Redheart just cries and screams
  212. >this is good
  213. >this is what you wanted
  214. >after all this time, you've finally gotten it
  215. >you savour every moment of this blissfull situation
  216. >until you hear a ear-shattering crash from the hall
  217. >within seconds you see a purple unicorn standing in the doorway
  218. >she looks at you in shock and horror
  219. >"W-what?!" is all she can manage
  221. >your mind is frozen in time
  222. >finally you realise the gravity of the situation
  223. >you are raping Nurse Redheart
  224. >abusing your friend
  225. >and now there's witnesses
  226. >without realising how you came up with the idea, you speak
  227. "T-twilight, h-help me" you stutter
  228. >you try your best to sound in pain
  229. >make it seem as if you're struggling
  230. "S-she gave me s-something! I-I can't con-control myself!"
  231. >Twilight is simply staring in utter disbelief
  233. >you start crying fake tears
  234. "T-twilight, please..." you plead
  235. >you suddenly feel warm and tingly
  236. >a purple field of energy has consumed your body
  237. >Twilight seems to be focusing completely
  238. >the spell, however, doesn't seem to do anything
  239. >you begin to worry
  240. >after a minute or two, the field moves to Redheart
  241. >again the spell seems to just be there without effect
  242. >when Twilight is finally done she looks at you
  243. >her eyes are burning with red, hot anger
  244. >she suddenly seems three times her usual size
  245. >"You LIAR!" she screams at you
  246. >once more the magical field consumes you
  247. >but this time it has great effect
  248. >you are pulled out of Redheart and thrown across the room
  249. >you collide with a cabinet and howl in pain
  250. >your back is burning in agony as you fall the floor
  251. >only able to manage breathing, you lie completely still on the floor
  253. >although finding it difficult to focus while in pain, you hear Twilight helping Redheart
  254. >the unicorn is being gentle, helping the nurse
  255. >once more, anger fills your entire body
  256. >but now it all makes sense
  257. >Redheart is being nice and thanking Twilight because she is a woman
  258. >she must be a lesbian
  259. >of course, how could you not have seen it
  260. >but now you're lying in here in pain, so close to release
  261. >although your back is screaming at you for rest, your dick is screaming at you for release
  262. >your dick seems to be winning
  263. >finishing yourself off seems so anticlimactic
  264. >but now there's another pony present
  265. >one who definitely can't be a filly fooler
  266. >slowly you get up
  267. >"Stay back!"
  268. >Twilight is still fuming
  269. >you look at her and smile
  270. "Don't worry, I'm staying right here" you groan
  271. "But just take a look at this specimen right here"
  272. >you point to your penis
  273. >it's rock hard
  274. >it's also above average in size, something you prided yourself on
  275. >"Shut up! I don't care about your damn penis!"
  276. "But Twilight, just LOOK at it! Don't you just want some of this? It's a golden opportunity!"
  277. >she seems close to vomiting
  278. >her eyes are still locked with yours
  279. >you gotta try harder it seems
  280. "Twilight, it's not every day an introvert nerd like you get a chance to get with a man like me."
  282. >maybe not the best choice of words
  283. >suddenly the world is upside down and you are flying through the air
  284. >you smash into the wall and lose conciousness
  286. >when you finally come to your senses, you can barely see
  287. >your head feels like a cracked coconut
  288. >all you can see is a stone roof
  289. >stone walls, too
  290. >you're lying on the most uncomfortable piece of wood in the world
  291. >it does have a pillow, though
  292. >after a couple of minutes recharging your body, you sit up
  293. >this simple action almost splits your head
  294. >you look to your right and see solid metal bars
  295. >there's also a pony nearby
  296. >he's wearing what seems to be armor
  297. "Excuse me" you groan
  298. >the pony turns to face you
  299. "Where am I?"
  300. >the pony snorts at you
  301. >"You're in the Canterlot Dungeons. This is where you'll be staying until you're put before the supreme court: Celestia herself."
  302. >your stomach churns and you feel tears forming in your eyes
  303. >you remember all that happened
  304. >Redheart
  305. >you raped her
  306. >and to think you prided yourself on being a decent person
  307. >disgust fills your entire body
  308. >you do not hold back any longer
  309. >tears stream from your face as you realise what you are
  310. End.
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