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Jun 27th, 2017
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  1. Display Chat Color List: true
  2. Teleport Delay Bypass Message: false
  3. Teleport Cooldown Bypass Message: false
  4. Money Bypass Message: false
  6. ST Help Menu:
  7. - "&8&m------------------------&8[&bWarps&8]&8&m-----------------------"
  8. - "&b/tp <player> <player> &8-&f Teleports the first entered player to the second player."
  9. - "&b/tpa <player> &8-&f Sends a teleport request to the entered player."
  10. - "&b/tpaccept <player> &8-&f Accepts the teleport request from the entered player."
  11. - "&b/tpdeny <player> &8-&f Denys the teleport request from the entered player."
  12. - "&b/tppos <x> <y> <z> &8-&f Teleports you to the entered coordinates in the current world."
  13. - "&b/tpo <player> &8-&f Teleports you to the specified player without notifying them."
  14. - "&b/tphere <player> &8-&f Teleports the specified player to your location."
  15. - "&b/tptoggle &8-&f If enabled it blocks the /tpa, /tphere, and /tp commands from being used on you."
  16. - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  17. TP Invalid Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f One of the players that was entered was invalid."
  18. TP Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&b {player1} &fhas been successfully teleported to &b{player2}'s &flocation."
  19. TPA Invalid Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f The entered player was invalid."
  20. TPA Request Active: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You are unable to request to teleport to anyone while you already have a pending request."
  21. TPA Request Sent: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have successfully requested to teleport to &b{player}&f."
  22. TPA Request Received: "&8[&bWarps&8]&b {player} &fwishes to teleport to you."
  23. No TPA Request: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You currently have no requests from &b{requester}&f."
  24. TPA Accepted Requested: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have successfully accepted &b{requester}'s &fteleport request."
  25. TPA Accepted Requester: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f Your request has successfully accepted by &b{requested}&f."
  26. TPA Denied Requested: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have successfully denied &b{requester}'s &fteleport request."
  27. TPA Denied Requester: "&8[&bWarps&8]&b {requested} &fhas denied your request to teleport to them."
  28. TPO Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have successfully teleported to &b{player} &fwith out them knowing."
  29. TPPos Invalid Coordinate: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f One of the coordinates you have entered was invalid."
  30. TPPos Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have been successfully teleported to the selected coordinates. &8(&fX&8:&b {x} &fY&8:&b {y} &fZ&8:&b {z}&8)"
  31. TP Player 1: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You were teleported to &b{player}&f."
  32. TP Player 2: "&8[&bWarps&8]&b {player} &fhas been teleported to you."
  33. TPToggle Enabled Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have &bdisabled &fteleportation."
  34. TPToggle Disabled Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have &benabled &fteleportation."
  35. Player TpToggled: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f The teleportation task was unable to be performed due to a entered player having &bTP Toggle &fenabled."
  36. TPHere Invalid Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f fThe entered player was invalid."
  37. TPHere Sender: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have successfully teleported &b{player} &fto your location."
  38. TPHere Player: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f You have been teleported to &b{player}'s &flocation."
  40. Prefix: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f "
  41. Info Menu:
  42. - "&8&m------------------------&8[&bWarps&8]&8&m-----------------------"
  43. - "&b/warps &8-&f Opens the warp menu."
  44. - "&b/warps create <warp> <status> &8-&f Creates a new warp with a specific status."
  45. - "&b/warps delete <warp> &8-&f Deletes a warp."
  46. - "&b/warps edit <warp> &8-&f Allows you to edit any of the warps you own or have access to."
  47. - "&b/warps setstatus <warp> <Public/Private/Server> &8-&f Sets the status of a warp."
  48. - "&b/warps te <warp> &8-&f Toggles the enchanted effect on a warp."
  49. - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  50. Help Menu:
  51. - "&8&m------------------------&8[&bWarps&8]&8&m-----------------------"
  52. - "&b/warps &8-&f Opens the warp menu."
  53. - "&b/warps create <warp> <status> &8-&f Creates a new warp with a specific status."
  54. - "&b/warps delete <warp> &8-&f Deletes a warp."
  55. - "&b/warps edit <warp> &8-&f Allows you to edit any of the warps you own or have access to."
  56. - "&b/warps setstatus <warp> <Public/Private/Server> &8-&f Sets the status of a warp."
  57. - "&b/warps te <warp> &8-&f Toggles the enchanted effect on a warp."
  58. - "&8&m-----------------------------------------------------"
  59. Warp List Format: "&fWarps&8: &b%list%"
  60. Color List: "&fColor Codes&8: &b%list%"
  61. Reload: "&fAll &bconfigs&f have been &bsuccessfully&f reloaded."
  62. Particles: "&fParticles&8: &b%list%"
  63. Sounds: "&fSounds&8: &b%list%"
  64. Player Not Found: "&8[&bWarps&8]&f The player could not be found."
  65. No Permission: "&fYou do not have permission to use this."
  66. Animation Error: "&fAn error has occured with a animation please check your configuration file."
  67. Sound Error: "&fAn error has occured with a sound please check your configuration file."
  68. Purchase Failed: "&fYou do not have enough money to do that."
  69. Purchase Success: "&fYour transaction was accepted and &b$%amount% &fwas removed from your account."
  70. Purchase Bypass: "&fYou have bypassed the transaction payment."
  71. Interaction Instructions: "&fYou can cancel this interaction by typing &b%action%&f."
  72. Warp For Sale: "&fThe warp &b%warp% &fis now up for sale for the cost of &b$%amount%&f."
  73. Must Be Player: "&fYou must be a player to use this."
  75. # ============================================================================= #
  76. # __ _ #
  77. # / _\(_) __ _ _ __ /\/\ ___ ___ ___ __ _ __ _ ___ ___ #
  78. # \ \ | | / _` || '_ \ / \ / _ \/ __|/ __| / _` | / _` | / _ \/ __| #
  79. # _\ \| || (_| || | | | / /\/\ \| __/\__ \\__ \| (_| || (_| || __/\__ \ #
  80. # \__/|_| \__, ||_| |_| \/ \/ \___||___/|___/ \__,_| \__, | \___||___/ #
  81. # |___/ |___/ #
  82. # #
  83. # ============================================================================= #
  85. Warp Sign Creation: "&eYou have created a &aWarp Sign&e."
  86. Group Sign Creation: "&eYou have created a &aGroup Sign&e."
  87. Invalid Sign Type: "&cThe type on line 2 is invalid. The type must be &e[Warp or Group]&c."
  88. No Permission Break Sign: "&cYou do not have permission to break this sign."
  89. No Permission Use Sign: "&cYou do not have permission to use this sign."
  93. # Warp related messages.
  94. Creation Fail: "&cYou may not create a warp here."
  95. Teleport Fail: "&cYou can not teleport in this area it is forbidden."
  96. Cooldown: "&cYou can not use this for another &e%timeleft% &cseconds."
  97. Already Teleporting: "&cYou can not do that right now for you are already teleporting to &e%warp% &cwarp."
  98. Warp: "&eYou have been teleported to the warp &a%warp%&e."
  99. Delay: "&eTeleporting commencing in &b%delay% &eseconds..."
  100. Warp UnAvailable: "&cThe warp &e%warp% &cis currently unavailable to you."
  101. Teleport Error: "&4Error: &cRan into a issue while trying to teleport you."
  102. Warp Not Owned: "&cYou do not own the warp &e%warp%&c."
  103. Server Warp No Access: "&cYou may not use the Server Warp &e%warp% &cbecause you do not have permission."
  104. Warp Move Cancelled: "&cTeleportation has been cancelled."
  105. Player In Teleport All: "&a%player% &eteleported all players to him/her and you were one of them."
  106. Teleport All: "&eAll players were teleported to you... accept the ones with the permission hd.bypasstpall"
  107. Warp Other: "&eThe player &a%player% &ehas been warped."
  108. Warped: "&eYou have been warped."
  109. Randomly Teleported: "&eYou have been randomly teleported. Your new coordinates are X: &a%x% &eY: &a%y% &eZ: &a%z% &eWorld: &a%world%&e."
  110. Randomly Teleported Player: "&eYou randomly teleported &a%player% &eto the coordinates X: &a%x% &eY: &a%y% &eZ: &a%z% &eWorld: &a%world%&e."
  111. Random Teleport Searching: "&eSearching for a safe random location...Go play. This could take a while..."
  112. Trying Random Teleport: "&eTry to search for a safe random location for the player &a%player%&e...They will be teleported soon..."
  113. Random Teleport Failed: "&cCouldn't find a safe location, so your random teleport has been cancelled."
  114. Current Statuses: "&cYou entered a invalid status. &eCurrent Statuses: &6[Public, Private, Server, Shop]"
  115. Warp Creation: "&aThe warp &e%warp% &awas created with the status &c%status%&e."
  116. Warp Delete: "&aThe warp &e%warp% &awas deleted."
  117. Warp Exists: "&cThe warp &e%warp% &calready exists."
  118. Warp Not Found: "&cThe warp &e%warp% &cdoes not exist."
  119. Warp Status Set: "&aThe warp &e%warp% &astatus was set to &e%status%&a."
  120. Creation: "&ePlease type the name you wish to name your warp (You may follow the name up with a colon followed by the status you wish):"
  121. Finish Interact: "&cYou may not reopen the warp menu until you complete the chat interaction."
  122. Chat Cancel: "&eYou have cancelled the chat interaction."
  123. Exceeded Max Warps: "&cYou have reached the maximum amount of warps that you can own at once."
  124. Exceeded Max Warps Other: "&e%player% &chas already reached the maximum amount of warp that they can own at once."
  125. Change Name: "&ePlease enter the new name you would like your warp to be called:"
  126. Changed Name: "&eThe warp &a%from% &ehas been changed to &a%to% &esuccessfully."
  127. Change Id: "&ePlease enter the new material id you would like your warp icon to take form as:"
  128. Changed Id: "&eThe warp icon material has been changed to &a%id%&e."
  129. Invalid Id: "&cThat id is invalid."
  130. Enchanted: "&eThe warp &a%warp% &eenchanted look has been set to &b%status%&e."
  131. Change Amount: "&ePlease enter the new material amount you would like your warp icon to display as:"
  132. Changed Amount: "&eThe warp icon amount has been changed to &a%amount%&e."
  133. Invalid Amount: "&cThat amount is invalid."
  134. Change Description: "&ePlease enter the text for the description line then a colon (:) followed by the line you wish to modify:"
  135. Changed Description: "&eThe warp's description line %line% has been changed to &a%linetext%&e."
  136. Change Status: "&ePlease enter the new warp status you would like your warp to have (Current Statuses: [Public, Private]):"
  137. Changed Status: "&eThe warp status has been changed to &a%status%&e."
  138. Invalid Status: "&cThat status is invalid. Current Statuses: [Public, Private, Server]"
  139. Change Description Color: "&ePlease enter the new icon description color you would like your warp icon to display:"
  140. Changed Description Color: "&eThe warp icon description color has been changed."
  141. Invalid Description Color: "&cThat color is invalid."
  142. Change Name Color: "&ePlease enter the new icon name color you would like your warp icon to display:"
  143. Changed Name Color: "&eThe warp icon name color has been changed."
  144. Invalid Name Color: "&cThat color is invalid."
  145. Warp Deleted: "&eThe warp &a%warp% &ehas been successfully deleted."
  146. Id Blocked: "&cThe id &e%id% &ccan not be used here."
  147. Warp Status Same: "&cThe warp status you have entered is currently already set to that warp."
  148. Cancel Shop Warp: "&aThe warp &e%warp% &ahas been successfully cancelled."
  149. Warp Sell: "&ePlease type the name of the warp you would like to sell (The warp must be owned by you):"
  150. Warp Sell Price: "&ePlease type the price you would like to sell your warp for:"
  151. Invalid Price: "&cThe price you entered is either to big, to small, or may not be a number."
  152. Add Owner: "&ePlease enter the name of the player you would like to add:"
  153. Remove Owner: "&ePlease enter the name of the player you would like to remove:"
  154. Give Ownership: "&ePlease enter the name of the player you would like to give ownership to:"
  155. Added Owner: "&eYou have added &a%player% &eto your warp &a%warp%&e."
  156. Receiver Added Owner: "&eYou have been added as a owner for the warp &a%warp%&e."
  157. Removed Owner: "&eYou have removed &a%player% &efrom your warp &a%warp%&e."
  158. Receiver Removed Owner: "&eYou have been removed as a owner from the warp &a%warp%&e."
  159. Given Ownership: "&eYou gave &a%player% &eyour warp &a%warp%&e."
  160. Receiver Given Owner: "&eYou have been given ownership of the warp &a%warp%&e."
  161. Admin Added Owner: "&eThe player &a%player% &ehas been added to the warp &a%warp%&e."
  162. Admin Removed Owner: "&eThe player &a%player% &ehas been removed from the warp &a%warp%&e."
  163. Admin gave Ownership: "&eThe player &a%player% &ehas been given ownership of the warp &a%warp%&e."
  164. Already Main Owner: "&cThat player is already the main owner of that warp."
  165. Already A Owner: "&cThat player is already a owner of that warp."
  166. Failed Main Owner Removal: "&cThat player is the main owner you may not remove them from the owners."
  167. Not A Owner: "&cThat player is not a owner of that warp."
  168. Not A Server Warp: "&cThe warp &e%warp% &cmust be a server warp in order to recieve a specific permission node."
  169. Server Warp Permission Set: "&eThe warp &a%warp% &enow has the permission node &a%permission%&e."
  170. Permission Get: "&eThe permission for the warp &a%warp% &eis &a%permission%&e."
  171. Teleport Cooldown Bypass: "&eYou have bypassed the teleport cooldown."
  172. Teleport Delay Bypass: "&eYou have bypassed the teleport delay."
  173. Warp Already Purchased: "&eThe warp &a%warp% &ehas already been either purchased or cancelled."
  174. Purchased Warp: "&eYou have purchased the warp &a%warp%&e."
  175. Warp Owner Purchased: "&eThe player &a%player% &ehas purchased your warp &a%warp% &eand you recieved &a$%amount%&e."
  176. Refund Invalid Status: "&cYou were refunded &a$%amount% &csince that status does not exist."
  177. Invalid Status: "&cYou have entered an invalid status."
  178. Exceeded Name Char Length: "&cYou have exceeded the character limit for a warp name. (Max &e%max%&c)"
  179. Exceeded Description Char Length: "&cYou have exceeded the character limit for a warp description line. (Max &e%max%&c)"
  180. Command Enabled: "&eYou enabled command mode for the warp &a%warp% &e(the command the warp contains will be ran on teleport now)."
  181. Command Disabled: "&eYou disabled command mode for the warp &a%warp% &e(the command the warp contains will NOT be ran on teleport now)."
  182. Command Set: "&eThe command for the warp &a%warp% &ehas been set to &a%command%&e."
  183. Set Command: "&eEnter the command you wish to set this warp command to (Do not include a / for this is already provided): "
  184. Set Command Fail: "&cThe command you entered contains a /... Please make sure your command does not contain a / (since this is already provided)."
  185. Set Sending Type: "&eYou set the command sender for the warp &a%warp% &eto &a%type%&e."
  186. Set Sending Type Fail: "&cThe sending type for the warp command must be either &ePLAYER &cor &eCONSOLE&c."
  187. Get Command: "&eThe command for the warp &a%warp% &eis &a%command%&e."
  188. Warp Not Yours: "&eThe warp &a%warp% &eis not your warp."
  189. Warp Relocated: "&eThe location of the warp &a%warp% &ehas been relocated."
  190. Must Be Owner: "&cYou can not delete the warp &e%warp% because you are not the owner."
  191. Exceeded Max Public Warps: "&cYou have reached the maximum amount of public warps that you can own at once."
  192. Exceeded Max Private Warps: "&cYou have reached the maximum amount of private warps that you can own at once."
  193. Exceeded Max Shop Warps: "&cYou have reached the maximum amount of warps that you can sell at once."
  194. Warp Creation Invalid Status Admin: "&cYou have entered a invalid status. You must enter one of the following: [PRIVATE, PUBLIC, SERVER]"
  195. Warp Creation Invalid Status Player: "&cYou have entered a invalid status. You must enter one of the following: [PRIVATE, PUBLIC]"
  196. Warp Creation Status Invalid Menu Admin: "&cIn order to create a warp with a specific status you must type the name and a status (PRIVATE, PUBLIC, SERVER) that is separated by a colon (:)."
  197. Warp Creation Status Invalid Menu Player: "&cIn order to create a warp with a specific status you must type the name and a status (PRIVATE, PUBLIC) that is separated by a colon (:)."
  198. Economy Disabled: "&cYou may not sell a warp at this time. (Economy is disabled)"
  199. Description Invalid Line: "&cPlease specify the line you wish to set by following the entered description line with a colon (:) and then the line number. The line number must be between &e0 &cand &e%maxlines%&c."
  200. Description Invalid Line Index: "&cPlease specify a line number. This number must be between &e0 &cand &e%maxlines% &cbehind the colon (:)."
  201. Changed Usage Price: "&eThe usage price for the warp &a%warp% &ehas been set to &a%price%&e."
  202. Change Usage Price: "&ePlease enter the price you want players to be charged for using this warp:"
  203. Usage Charge Received: "&eYou received &a$%amount% &efrom someone using your warp &a%warp%&e."
  204. Player Invalid: "&cThe player you have entered seems to have been invalid."
  205. Player Warps Deleted: "&eYou have deleted all of the warps owned by &a{player}&e."
  206. Receiver Ownership: "&aYou have been given ownership over the &e{warp} &awarp."
  208. # Group warping messages.
  209. Group Command Usage: "&cUsage: /group <create/leave/list/join/invite/kick> <player>"
  210. Unable To Create Group: "&cUnable to create a group because you are currently in or lead a group."
  211. Group Created: "&eYou have created a new group."
  212. Group Player Invalid: "&cThe player you entered was either invalid or offline."
  213. Group Request Sent: "&eYou have sent a group request to &a{player}&e. They have &a{time} &eseconds to accept it."
  214. Group Request Received: "&eYou have received a group request from &a{player}&e. You have &a{time} &eseconds to accept it with &a/group join {player}&e."
  215. No Group: "&cYou currently don't have a group."
  216. Group Request Expired From: "&eYour group request from &a{player} &ehas expired."
  217. Group Request Expired To: "&eYour group request to &a{player} &ehas expired."
  218. Group Kick Self: "&cYou can't kick yourself from your own group."
  219. Group Member Not Found: "&cThe group member you entered couldn't be found."
  220. Kicked From Group: "&cYou have been kicked from the group."
  221. Group Member Kicked: "&eYou have kicked &a{player} &efrom your group."
  222. Already In Group: "&cYou can't accept a group invite while you are in a group."
  223. Unable To Invite: "&cUnable to invite &b{player} &cto your group because they are already in a group."
  224. No Pending Requests: "&cYou have no pending group requests."
  225. No Request From Player: "&cYou have no pending request from &b{player}&c."
  226. Encountered Group Join Issue: "&cThere was a issue trying to accept &b{player}'s &cgroup request."
  227. Joined Group: "&eYou have joined &a{player}'s &egroup."
  228. Player Joined Group: "&a{player} &ehas joined your group."
  229. Part Of Group: "&b{player} &cis already in your group."
  230. Group Disbanded: "&cThe group has been disbanded."
  231. Left Group: "&eYou have left the group."
  232. Player Left Group: "&b{player} &ehas left the group."
  233. Not Group Leader: "&cYou can't do this because you are not the group leader."
  234. Group List: "&ePlayers In The Group: &a{list}"
  236. # Menu messages.
  237. Refresh: "&eThe menu/page has been refreshed."
  238. View More: "&eLoading More..."
  239. Refresh Cooldown: "&cYou may not refresh this page for another &e%timeleft% &cseconds."
  240. View More Cooldown: "&cYou may not view more for another &e%timeleft% &cseconds."
  241. No More Pages: "&cThere were no more pages to view returning to the first page..."
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