
Play some Skynyrd

Nov 19th, 2012
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  1. >After much convincing and a promise of no wierd sexual advances you agree to go to the concert in the park with Fluttershy.
  2. >She did have a love for music so maybe she'll be more intersted in it than getting into your pants.
  3. >Besides, you weren't doing shit anyway. No tv and all the books were meh at best.
  4. >You've yet to have actually hear what the poneh folk call classical music and you always did have a thing for it.
  5. >Mostly the music here seemed to be generic sounding pop, the odd wubs, and the randomly performed broadway-esque showtunes.
  6. "So how exactly do ponehs play the instruments without fingers?", asking Fluttershy as the two of you walk to the park.
  7. >"Practice?", giving a shrug.
  8. "Whatever. So, this quartet is part of the Canterlot Royal Symphony? Ought to be pretty good then."
  9. >"Oh my goodness yes. They are amazing. You're going to love it." The park comes into view just as the streetlamps ignite.
  10. >The two of you find a spot near the edge of the crowd and lay down a blanket.
  11. >Sitting crosslegged on it as Fluttershy lays next to you. Passing the time until the show starts with some friendly chatting.
  12. >Damn, this is nice. Why can't she be like this more often?
  13. >The pony version of a polite golfclap interrupt your internal dialogue as the quartet takes the stage.
  14. >"Oh my goodness there they are!", she whispers excitedly.
  15. >The cellist leader of the group introdced herself as Octavia and went through the evenings set list.
  16. >Not like you knew what any of those songs were but Flutters seemed excited. "That one there Anon, you'll love it."
  17. "If you say so." Stretching out you legs and leaning back, Fluttershy scooches closer to you as the evening chill begins to settle in.
  18. >The quartet picks up their instruments, oh duct tape, that's how they do it. Mystery solved.
  19. >"Anon? Is i-it ok if I-I lean on you a b-b-it? That is if it's alright with you? It's kinda chilly..." she trails off as lay an arm across her shoulders.
  20. >She meets your gentle gaze with a smile of her own before you both turn to watch the stage as the music starts.
  21. >Twenty minutes later and you still don't know what the actual fuck you're listening to.
  22. >Fluttershy is almost in a trance, her head resting on your knee as she watches and listens.
  23. >Not wanting to disturb the happy mare you endure random noise for another half hour. Finally the whatever the hell it was is over.
  24. >"See Anon? I told you it was great!", she stands to stomp/applaud the group as they bow. Cries for more can be heard from the cheering audience.
  25. "Uh, yeah that was something alright."
  26. >"As all of you fine p0nies are wishing for more music this evening we shall agree to play a request from the audience." Octavia scanning the shouting crowd with a smile.
  27. >Aw shit, they're going to do an encore.
  28. >Goddamnit, you wish you could hate her and that dumb bowtie to death. You just want to go home.
  29. >Flutters is excitedly bouncing and shouting about butterfly songs or something.
  30. >Being bored and annoyed you shout out a request of your own.
  31. "Freebird!"
  32. >Octavia's eyes snap to you. With a sly nod she motions to the other quartet members.
  33. "Ha, yeah fucking righ..."
  34. >How the fuck? Naw, don't question it. You just wish you had a lighter to raise.
  35. >"Well oh my, Anon this is umm, interesting. Do you think we could maybe leave?"
  36. "Nnnope, Skynyrd."
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