

Apr 20th, 2014
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  1. Shadow Priest / Rogue
  2. - main objective = kill rogue
  3. - while opening on warrior try to avoid fear in any way (NS cyclone, shadowmeld, intercept from warrior + hamstring)
  4. - CC the priest ASAP (cyclone or fear, which, with 99% probability, he will cleanse with trinket. Thats the point)
  5. - Warrior should not use his trinket on first kidney shot (he must have all the HOTs)
  6. - If the druid is still chased by priest to fear him, he should ask the warrior for charge + hamstring
  7. - While priest is full-cycloned (his insignia should already be used) you have to start playing aggressively - spam abolish on warrior + roots and DOTs on rogue
  8. - If druid never uses his cyclone you have 90% chance of loosing the match
  10. Shadow Priest / Mage
  11. - main objective = kill the priest (in most cases)
  12. - open with cyclone on mage while prowled
  13. - help warrior to stay on priest as long as possible
  14. - combine fear on mage + NS Cyclone after he uses his trinket
  15. - if they are focusing druid then rotate cooldowns on deep freeze
  16. - if they are focusing warrior you can focus mage but the druid have to instruct warrior when he should use regen/wall or when to play defensive
  17. - if priest is running out of mana, used dispersion and does not have his insignia available then druid can use NS cyclone
  19. Warlock / Druid
  20. - main objective = kill warlock
  21. - kill pets
  22. - warrior must focus charge/reflect roots/cyclons from druid
  23. - if warlock have low HP combine fear + NS cyclone on druid
  24. - if warrior is focusing warlock its good to cyclone pet - he will be 6sec without soul link
  25. - if druid is not in line of sight of warlock then bash+root him, with 90% probability the druid will use travel form on which you can cast NS hibernate. If warlock has felhunter cover it with fearie fire against dispel
  26. - if druid is running out of mana, warrior can try bash innervate or druid can use NS cyclone
  28. Warrior / Paladin
  29. - main objective = kill warrior
  30. - you can never focus one target (because of sacred shield), it is up to druid to make the plays with cyclone
  31. - to make them waste their defensive CDs you have to cyclone paladin when warrior is under 70% HP and have no sacred shield
  32. - When paladin is immune to cyclones and can cast you should use 3 cyclones on warrior so that paladin can't heal him
  33. - you should try to save NS for cyclone while paladin uses his HoP, against shield wall or for ass save
  34. - druid should try to use DOTs on the target you are currently focusing and pre-DOT the target you are going to switch on
  35. - if the warrior/pala are just tunneling druid then the druid have to ask for intercept on warrior so that he can cast cyclone on warrior
  37. Paladin / Shaman
  38. - main objective = kill paladin
  39. - the only thing you have to watch for is paladin's Avenging Wrath - play defensively for those 20s
  40. - paladin is taking alot of damage, just one cyclone chain on shaman and paladin ends up with +-30% HP
  41. - when shaman is immune and can heal you have to cyclone the paladin. As soon as diminish ends on shaman switch back
  42. - try to save NS only for defensive cyclones - watch out for grounding totem
  43. - easiest way to cyclone shaman is to ask warrior for intercept and then cast cyclone
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