

Aug 4th, 2011
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  1. Known Networks ChatZilla error Connected Networks <none>
  2. URL irc://foo/bar Not Connected Lag <unknown>
  3. URL irc:// Mode +ntr Users 27, 6@, 1%, 3+
  4. Topic MAKE SURE TO "/ns ajoin add #PokemonOnline" | | Sample activity stats:
  5. URL irc://foo/bar Connected via <none>
  6. <none>
  7. <none>
  8. <none> Connected to <none>
  9. File Progress <unknown>
  11. #pokemononline
  12. <OhSoShoddy> <_<
  13. <Bazz> WHAT
  14. <Bazz> THE
  15. <Bazz> FUCK
  16. <Pichi> WHAT
  17. <Bazz> Are you comparing me to B'R`?
  18. <Scizor> eh
  19. <Scizor> vuvu mixes alot of stuff
  20. <Bazz> Lol.
  21. <VuvuzelaBzz> yes
  22. <Pichi> He is
  23. <Jenaez> >Idiotsfarmers
  24. <VuvuzelaBzz> idiotfarmers*
  25. <Bazz> Lol
  26. <Bazz> Is that a pun on IFM?
  27. <HSOWA> lol
  28. <VuvuzelaBzz> no
  29. <VuvuzelaBzz> it's waht i tohught his name meant
  30. <VuvuzelaBzz> for 3 motnhs
  31. <Bazz> LOL
  32. <VuvuzelaBzz> was*
  33. <MestreNando> lol
  34. <VuvuzelaBzz> bakc when he had it in full too
  35. <OhSoShoddy> bet he was pleased to hear that little detail
  36. <VuvuzelaBzz> not when it wasjust IFM
  37. <Jenaez> Vuvu is dyslexic bear with him
  38. <Bazz> Idiotfrommars
  39. <VuvuzelaBzz> i VMd him when i noticed
  40. <VuvuzelaBzz> .-.
  41. <Bazz> mkay
  42. <Bazz> rofl
  43. <VuvuzelaBzz> it explains my typos
  44. <Bazz> Have any of you ever smashed a muskito against a wall after it sucked your blood?
  45. <Bazz> It's messy
  46. <Pichi> No
  47. <VuvuzelaBzz> yes
  48. <OhSoShoddy> against a wall?
  49. <Chispy> Muskito
  50. <VuvuzelaBzz> i have
  51. <Chispy> That's a new spelling
  52. <VuvuzelaBzz> i once swallowed a moth
  53. <Pichi> Thank goodness there aren't any where I live
  54. <Bazz> idk how you spell it
  55. <OhSoShoddy> Mosquito btw
  56. <Chispy> Musky toe?
  57. <Bazz> Musqiuto
  58. <Bazz> or somethimg
  59. <VuvuzelaBzz> mosquito*
  60. <HSOWA> We don't have Mosquitos here
  61. <Bazz> In England?
  62. <Bazz> Really?
  63. <Bazz> I never noticed
  64. <OhSoShoddy> where is 'here'?
  65. <Bazz> His name is Tom
  66. <Bazz> guess
  67. <OhSoShoddy> Ireland?
  68. <OhSoShoddy> <_<
  69. <Bazz> Close :3
  70. <OhSoShoddy> Roosha?
  71. <Bazz> I said it, England.
  72. <OhSoShoddy> Tom Kalishnakov
  73. <Jenaez> [18:13] VuvuzelaBzz i once swallowed a moth
  74. <Jenaez> lol
  75. <Bazz> haha
  76. <OhSoShoddy> eww
  77. <HSOWA> eww Ireland
  78. <Pichi> LOL
  79. <Pichi> *LOL*
  80. <Bazz> You eat about 6 insects a year when you sleep
  81. <Bazz> it's proven
  82. <OhSoShoddy> guess he talks as much offline as on
  83. <Pichi> Had to make it bold :x
  84. <OhSoShoddy> how to make bold... *peers over options...*
  85. -->| Pika ( has joined #pokemononline
  86. <Jenaez> Fuck no bazz
  87. <Pichi> Bazz You eat about 6 insects a year when you sleep <---Does that mean I have to put on a towel over my face?
  88. <Bazz> Vuvu
  89. <VuvuzelaBzz> ded chat
  90. |<-- statbot has left (Client exited)
  91. <Bazz> your face looks like this: -_-
  92. <Bazz> y u no smile?
  93. <OhSoShoddy> lol
  94. <Jenaez> Statbot D:
  95. <Bazz> NUUUUUUUUH
  96. <VuvuzelaBzz> lagging like fuck
  97. <VuvuzelaBzz> yes i swallowed a moth
  98. <VuvuzelaBzz> my answer to that bazz
  99. <VuvuzelaBzz> is this:
  100. <VuvuzelaBzz> 18:13] VuvuzelaBzz i once swallowed a moth
  101. <VuvuzelaBzz> why would i smile?
  102. <Bazz> hah
  103. <Jenaez> lol
  104. <Bazz> Well, I have no idea.
  105. <Jenaez> He is dead in the inside
  106. <Bazz> Yes indeed.
  107. <Jenaez> He ate a moth D:
  108. <Bazz> A moth has devoured his soul.
  109. <Chispy> Mothim used Ominous Wind
  110. <Bazz> +1+1+1+1+1
  111. <Bazz> bs hax
  112. <VuvuzelaBzz> LIFE HAS NO MENAING NOW
  113. <VuvuzelaBzz> ^
  114. <VuvuzelaBzz> i am dead inside
  115. <VuvuzelaBzz> it adds to my charm
  116. <Chispy> Doesn't Yanmega get all 3 of those moves?
  117. <MestreNando> lol
  118. <VuvuzelaBzz> dustox>mothim
  119. <Chispy> Silver Wind / Ominous Wind / AncientPower
  120. <MestreNando> I guess it does
  121. <OhSoShoddy> 3 of what moves?
  122. <OhSoShoddy> oh
  123. <Jenaez> This is /cool/
  124. <Bazz> Togekiss gets Ominous Wind / AncientPower
  125. <Chispy> The all-around boosters
  126. <Bazz> This is /ITALIC!/
  127. <Chispy> Those are /SLASHES/
  128. <OhSoShoddy> how do you make it bold?
  129. <Bazz> \backslash works?\
  130. <Bazz> no :(
  131. <MestreNando> *bold*
  132. <Bazz> *bold*
  133. <Jenaez> |m|
  134. <Jenaez> Oh that
  135. <VuvuzelaBzz> *BOLD* natue
  136. <OhSoShoddy> *bold*?
  137. <MestreNando> |italic|
  138. <OhSoShoddy> oh
  139. <OhSoShoddy> coo
  140. <MestreNando> ?
  141. <Bazz> |lol|
  142. <Jenaez> */Hi/*
  143. <OhSoShoddy> double fail?
  144. <Bazz> |this is like notepad|
  145. <VuvuzelaBzz> my knees hurt
  146. <HSOWA> Yo, sup
  147. <VuvuzelaBzz> what is this is don't even
  148. <Bazz> You been sucking too much Vuvu
  149. <Pichi> /test/
  150. <OhSoShoddy> where's my msg?
  151. <Jenaez> Cheeta
  152. * VuvuzelaBzz pops 10 oxycodin pills
  153. <Bazz> Hey HSOWA .)
  154. <Jenaez> Da moth eather
  155. <HSOWA> 0x1dYou can't touch this~
  156. <MestreNando> HSOWA ! :D
  157. <Jenaez> eater*
  158. <OhSoShoddy> chug chug chug!
  159. <HSOWA> Hai
  160. <VuvuzelaBzz> noone asked how i atw it though
  161. <VuvuzelaBzz> D:
  162. <Jenaez> No one wants to know
  163. <Scizor> Jenaez
  164. <Jenaez> sup
  165. <MestreNando> lol
  166. <VuvuzelaBzz> WITH A SPOON
  167. <Groshi> They're doing a mafia makover
  168. <VuvuzelaBzz> ^lie
  169. * Jenaez waits
  170. <Scizor> what other football teams do you like except barca?
  171. <Groshi> You can search for it on pastebin if you want
  172. <Scizor> and barca sucks btw
  173. <Groshi> I'm not allowed to spread it
  174. <Groshi> ;3
  175. <Jenaez> Chelsea
  176. <Scizor> ._.
  177. <Scizor> :O
  178. <Scizor> <3
  179. <OhSoShoddy> Gunners ftw
  180. <Scizor> :3
  182. <MestreNando> Blues <3
  183. <Scizor> fuck them Man Utd fools
  184. <OhSoShoddy> Stoke?
  185. <OhSoShoddy> Psych!
  186. <Bazz> Arsenal :3
  187. <VuvuzelaBzz> arsenal are lol
  188. <Bazz> Valencia are pro too.
  189. <VuvuzelaBzz> they maqke opd layer
  190. <VuvuzelaBzz> sthen give thme away
  191. <MestreNando> Nah, Chelsea da best in England <3
  192. <Scizor> arsenal sucks
  193. <MestreNando> ^
  194. <Bazz> But they have a Danish player
  195. <Scizor> also chelsea > all
  196. <Bazz> that's why they're pro-
  197. <VuvuzelaBzz> i have danish chocolate
  198. <VuvuzelaBzz> sthat's why i'm pro
  199. <Bazz> DENMARK THE BOSS
  200. <MestreNando> Anyways, I gtg :x
  201. <MestreNando> Bai all <3
  202. <OhSoShoddy> see ya
  203. <Pichi> Bai
  204. <HSOWA> Bai
  205. <OhSoShoddy> Gunners ftw!
  206. <Scizor> bye
  207. <Keybored> I hate Sigilyph!
  208. <OhSoShoddy> :P
  209. <MestreNando> *leaves*
  210. <Bazz> Denmark has one of the highest measures of bra size.
  211. <VuvuzelaBzz> gatz mn
  212. <Bazz> in the world
  213. <Scizor> lol?
  214. <Scizor> ._.
  215. |<-- MestreNando has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  216. <Bazz> = our women are better
  217. <HSOWA> Wonder what #1 is
  218. <VuvuzelaBzz> sp u have the fattes women?
  219. <Bazz> Sweden are cool with that too.
  220. <VuvuzelaBzz> good to know
  221. <Keybored> Denmark has the best Hot-Dogs
  222. <VuvuzelaBzz> russia=#1
  223. <Bazz> No lol
  224. <Bazz> It's not about fattyness.
  225. <VuvuzelaBzz> yes, yes it is
  226. <VuvuzelaBzz> fat women have huge breats
  227. <VuvuzelaBzz> fact
  228. <Chispy> Not a consistent one
  229. <OhSoShoddy> most do...
  230. <Bazz>
  231. <Chispy> I knew a person near 300 lbs that had B cups
  232. <VuvuzelaBzz> bazz
  233. <Scizor> also
  234. =-= Pika is now known as statbot
  235. <VuvuzelaBzz> average penis length
  236. <Keybored> This is interesting
  237. <VuvuzelaBzz> is more reliable
  238. <VuvuzelaBzz> than breast size
  239. <Scizor> I've heard that Venezuela lost in copa america
  240. <Scizor> :S
  241. <Bazz> Penis length is also about fattyness.
  242. <Jenaez> bs Paraguay
  243. <OhSoShoddy> You actually expected Venezuela to get anywhere?
  244. <Bazz> The less fat, the longer.
  245. <VuvuzelaBzz> i uspport germany's national team
  246. <Bazz> etc
  247. <Pichi> Why are we talking about boobs and penises
  248. <VuvuzelaBzz> more than greece's
  249. <Peanutslove> Updated Android client has been posted
  250. <HSOWA> I support England, but they're terrible now tbh
  251. <OhSoShoddy> Germany FTW!
  252. <VuvuzelaBzz> no it's not bazz
  253. <Chispy> Because this isn't Tohjo and we're taking advantage of that, Pichi
  254. <Groshi> brb
  255. <VuvuzelaBzz> u BSer
  256. <Groshi> wait nvm
  257. <Bazz> Yes it is.
  258. <Keybored> Germany <3
  259. <Bazz> I have a penis book
  260. <Jenaez> ...
  261. <Jenaez> ok
  262. <OhSoShoddy> Bastian Schweinsteiger is an absolute master
  263. <Bazz> My female cousin gave it to me lol
  264. <Jenaez> Bazz confirmed for gay
  265. <Scizor> I supported Spain right from the start in WC2010
  266. <Scizor> D:
  267. <Bazz> NOOOOo
  268. <Pichi> Works for me
  269. <VuvuzelaBzz> made out of te skinfrom male penis?
  270. <Keybored> Manuel Neuer is the best goalkeeper in the world.
  271. <OhSoShoddy> <_<
  272. <Keybored> I am serious
  273. <OhSoShoddy> Going overboard there
  274. <VuvuzelaBzz> bazz, penis length has nothing to do with fat
  275. <VuvuzelaBzz> girth maybe
  276. <Bazz> It does
  277. <Jenaez> Stop talking about penises
  278. <Bazz> But I don't really feel comfortable talking about it
  279. <Jenaez> that is gay...
  280. <Bazz> so stop plx
  281. <OhSoShoddy> says the guy who started the convo!
  282. <Bazz> People say that you like gay stuff Jenaez
  283. <Scizor> >says the one who started
  284. <Jenaez> "Durr my penis is this big"
  285. <Bazz> LOL
  286. <OhSoShoddy> lol
  287. <Bazz> inb4 sample quote
  288. <Keybored> Penises are manly
  289. <Bazz> haha
  290. <VuvuzelaBzz> iirc
  291. <Keybored> Girls are gay
  292. <Scizor> what
  293. <VuvuzelaBzz> venezuela has a high aveage
  294. <VuvuzelaBzz> of length
  295. <VuvuzelaBzz> <_<
  296. <OhSoShoddy> >_>
  297. <Bazz> okay new subject
  298. <Jenaez> Well I can't deny my penis is big
  299. <Bazz> '-'
  300. <Scizor> ..
  301. <OhSoShoddy> 0_0
  302. <Pichi> ./continue subject
  303. <Bazz> Gotta save dis log
  304. <Jenaez> Vuvu was talking about Venezuela t(-____-t)
  305. <Jenaez> Blame him
  306. <HSOWA> ...Ok, this is getting out of hand
  307. <VuvuzelaBzz>
  308. <VuvuzelaBzz> suck it bazz
  309. <Bazz> No thanks
  310. <OhSoShoddy> oh wow
  311. <Jenaez> Wait
  312. <Scizor> what.
  313. <Jenaez> how you got that
  314. <OhSoShoddy> an actual link
  315. <Scizor> google?
  316. <OhSoShoddy> and so quickly too
  317. <Jenaez> you googled Obesity and penis size?
  318. <YAYtears> what is this channel becoming into?
  319. <Pichi> Apparently I'm not the only pervert
  320. <Jenaez> That's gay
  321. <VuvuzelaBzz> yes
  322. <VuvuzelaBzz> lol
  323. <VuvuzelaBzz> no it's not
  324. =-= Sloshed|Sleep is now known as Sloshed\Derwin
  325. <Keybored> lolol
  326. <VuvuzelaBzz> it's me proving a point
  327. <Scizor> ok
  328. =-= YOU are now known as Bazz_-_Apparently_Gay
  329. <Scizor> i'm outta here
  330. <VuvuzelaBzz> i've had to link to christian sites to prove points
  331. <Scizor> because this is fucking inappropriate.
  332. <OhSoShoddy> Point certainly proven
  333. <Scizor> fuck this
  334. <VuvuzelaBzz> it was demeaning
  335. <VuvuzelaBzz> >>
  336. <--| Scizor has left #pokemononline
  337. <Bazz_-_Apparently_Gay> bay
  338. [INFO] You are no longer marked as away.
  339. <OhSoShoddy> lol
  340. =-= YOU are now known as Bazz
  341. <Bazz> '-'
  342. <HotNCold> Gay ;X
  343. <OhSoShoddy> slight overreaction on his part
  344. =-= Jenaez is now known as Bazz_Obvious_Gay
  345. <VuvuzelaBzz> #winning
  346. <Bazz> lol
  347. <HotNCold> is a problem to be gay?
  348. <HotNCold> :V
  349. -->| Blue_Blur ( has joined #pokemononline
  350. <Bazz_Obvious_Gay> Who said it was a problem?
  351. =-= Pichi is now known as Bazz_Denys_Gay
  352. <Bazz> My dads are gay
  353. <HotNCold> i'm gay
  354. |<-- Sloshed\Derwin has left (Quit: Restarting computer.)
  355. <Bazz> :troll:
  356. <HotNCold> :I
  357. <OhSoShoddy> gay guy = more available girls, what problem?
  358. <YAYtears> stop talking about peoples sexuality
  359. =-= Bazz_Obvious_Gay is now known as Jenaez
  360. <Bazz_Denys_Gay> Don't tell me we're ALL gay
  361. * Bazz_Denys_Gay Pichi
  362. <VuvuzelaBzz> i'm happy
  363. =-= Bazz_Denys_Gay is now known as Pichi
  364. <Jenaez> Yes now we are all gay
  365. <VuvuzelaBzz> so i'm gay n that sense
  366. <Bazz> DAMNIT
  367. <Pichi> now back to being straight
  368. <HotNCold> but i am gay nice ^^
  369. <Bazz> yay
  370. <OhSoShoddy> -_^
  371. * Pichi becomes straight to steal avalible girls
  372. <VuvuzelaBzz> but not really
  373. <Pichi> : p
  374. <VuvuzelaBzz> i'm not happy
  375. <VuvuzelaBzz> :<
  376. <Bazz> What is the most non-gay thing you could ever do?
  377. <OhSoShoddy> fuck a girl, maybe?
  378. <VuvuzelaBzz> fuck a sheep
  379. <Bazz> lol
  380. <Jenaez> ...
  381. <OhSoShoddy> <_<
  382. <Jenaez> Punching a gay dude in the face D:
  383. <OhSoShoddy> lol
  384. <Bazz> ok
  385. <VuvuzelaBzz> i laughed my ass off
  386. <VuvuzelaBzz> after i typed that
  387. <Bazz> brb punching a gay dude in the face
  388. <OhSoShoddy> i'll go with that
  389. <VuvuzelaBzz> might be cuz it's 2 AM
  390. <Jenaez> I actually did that
  391. <Jenaez> I was 15
  392. <Bazz> y u hittin' yourself bro?
  393. <Jenaez> So i was stupid :|
  394. <Pichi> Killing every man and call it a day
  395. <Jenaez> I don't bash gays anymore
  396. <Bazz> There's this guy in my class
  397. <Bazz> he's shit annoying
  398. <Bazz> everyone says he's gay
  399. <VuvuzelaBzz> i never bshed gays
  400. <Bazz> even my mother
  401. <VuvuzelaBzz> i'm too cool fo that
  402. <OhSoShoddy> i work with one, i don't bash. I just infuriate
  403. <Bazz> buy he keeps denying
  404. <Bazz> but*
  405. <HotNCold> i think that to be gay is one problem :(
  406. <Bazz> I'm fine with gays.
  407. <Bazz> Just don't be an idiot.
  408. <VuvuzelaBzz> i don't mind the sexual orientation
  409. <VuvuzelaBzz> the extreme femiinity of some bugs me though
  410. <YAYtears> whats haxorus's base speed?
  411. <OhSoShoddy> 97
  412. <HotNCold> 90
  413. <VuvuzelaBzz> 97?
  414. <HotNCold> ups
  415. <HotNCold> .-.
  416. <HotNCold> 90 Nite xD
  417. <OhSoShoddy> D'Nite, 80
  418. <VuvuzelaBzz> ^
  419. <HotNCold> FPALM
  420. <HotNCold> yeah
  421. <HotNCold> xDDD
  422. <Bazz> ,pokedex Dragonite
  423. <HotNCold> very bad spee D:
  424. <Bazz> ,pokedex Haxorus
  425. <OhSoShoddy> lol Bazz
  426. <HotNCold> yes yes, :/
  427. <Bazz> where is Shani when you need her
  428. <Bazz> Shanai*
  429. <Jenaez> ded
  430. <Pichi> Bazz misses Shanai
  431. <OhSoShoddy> She's back
  432. <VuvuzelaBzz> i killed shanai
  433. <VuvuzelaBzz> she refused ot make me a sammich
  434. <Bazz> (01:04:59) Shanai: #149 Dragonite #(STATS 91 134 95 100 100 80)
  435. <Bazz> (01:05:01) Bazz: ,pokedex Haxorus
  436. <Bazz> (01:05:01) Shanai: #612 Haxorus #(STATS 76 147 90 60 70 97)
  437. <Bazz> (01:05:02) Snou changed teams.
  438. <Pichi> (17:05:21) PichiTheShinyPichu: ,pokedex Haxorus (17:05:22) Shanai: #612 Haxorus #(STATS 76 147 90 60 70 97)
  439. <Bazz> NINJAD
  440. * OhSoShoddy is ohsohungry
  441. =-= Pichi is now known as Shanai
  442. <VuvuzelaBzz> btw bazz
  443. <HotNCold> where are u from'
  444. <Bazz> Jenaez
  445. <HotNCold> ?
  446. <Bazz> gimme pic of Rosina
  447. <VuvuzelaBzz> did u only just see my pic today?
  448. <Jenaez> The guy who tried to get me deauth yesterday made my day
  449. <VuvuzelaBzz> lol
  450. <Bazz> Eternal made me anxious
  451. <OhSoShoddy> Where is who from?
  452. <HotNCold> i am of Spain
  453. <Jenaez> lol no
  454. <HotNCold> all xD
  455. <Bazz> :(
  456. <Bazz> ok
  457. <Bazz> No vuvu, we bashed you yesterday
  458. <Bazz> with -_-
  459. <HotNCold> i speak English very bad t_t
  460. <VuvuzelaBzz> -_- wut
  461. <HotNCold> or no? ;X
  462. <Bazz> exactly
  463. * Shanai : Haxorus is a killer Pokemon that thrives in Unova, and uses its double-edge axe-like appendages and claws to /hax/ everything and tear people apart.
  464. <VuvuzelaBzz> groshi?
  465. <Bazz> Eternal started it :3
  466. =-= Shanai is now known as Pichi
  467. <Pichi> That was fun
  468. <Groshi> yes?
  469. <YAYtears> haxorus isnt slow at all
  470. <OhSoShoddy> lol @ 'hax'
  471. <Groshi> what?
  472. <VuvuzelaBzz> i'm terribly sexy
  473. <VuvuzelaBzz> just wanted u to know
  474. <Bazz> Are you the handstand guy?
  475. <HotNCold> i need a teacher of English ;X
  476. <Bazz> Can't remember
  477. <VuvuzelaBzz> yes
  478. <VuvuzelaBzz> obv
  479. <Bazz> k
  480. <VuvuzelaBzz> my pics>all
  481. <Bazz> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  482. <Bazz> ツ is my face
  483. <VuvuzelaBzz> .|.
  484. <VuvuzelaBzz> look at what's right under ur face
  485. <VuvuzelaBzz> :3
  486. <Bazz> what is that?
  487. <OhSoShoddy> lol
  488. <OhSoShoddy> figure it out
  489. <Bazz> You have small testicles
  490. <VuvuzelaBzz> ^
  491. <Bazz> haha
  492. <VuvuzelaBzz> did i say it wasm ine?
  493. <OhSoShoddy> but if you do we'll have gone full circle
  494. <Bazz> nice 1up bro
  495. <Jenaez> Bazz again speaking about men's genitalia?
  496. <OhSoShoddy> lol
  497. <VuvuzelaBzz> i lagged bazz
  498. <Bazz> NONONO
  499. <VuvuzelaBzz> u know
  500. <Bazz> It's vuvu
  501. <VuvuzelaBzz> on my screen
  502. <HotNCold> i dont know that put codes in the description of PO
  503. <Jenaez> [18:38] Bazz You have small testicles
  504. <HotNCold> T_T
  505. <VuvuzelaBzz> i ^ at OhSo
  506. <Bazz> ..
  507. <Bazz> I feel humiliated
  508. <Jenaez> lol
  509. <VuvuzelaBzz> i hate this net
  510. <VuvuzelaBzz> i dont ewvne know hwen i lag
  511. <VuvuzelaBzz> ...
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