
The Sounds of Silence

Feb 12th, 2018
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  1. **The Sounds of Silence**
  2. **Run/Event Summary:** Psi-7 is tasked with providing assistance to the research focused Site 72 in Brazil. Their Agents have been going missing, leaving mostly scientists and medics at the site. The strange part is that no one remembers the missing agents. The only proof of their existence is documents of their employment and their personal belongings. Psi-7 is there to try to uncover what is causing the disappearances and taking care of it. They explore the Site and get no useful information from anyone due to their memory loss until they head to containment. There is a human like anomaly with no face who tries to get their attention and get them to give it a pen and paper. If they do it will give them vague hints about the Singing Flesh due to it's low intelligence. They eventually get a lead when the Singing Flesh strikes and attacks someone in front of them. If they roll well enough, they will get clues about it or even be able to begin pursuit. This will repeat two more times if they are unable to find and defeat it in which case it will grow another head and start screaming in it's home in the basement.
  3. **Predicted Difficulty:** Predicted difficulty: Easy-Medium
  5. **Run Description:** Psi-7 is briefed about a research site that is having difficulties with missing agents.They are sent off on a plane quickly and arrive with no difficulty. They get a ride to the site from Cat who greets them warmly and informs them about the situation. Agents are going missing, but no one remembers them ever existing. The only record of their existence is their belongings and personnel records. They arrive and meet the guards on site, Robert and Erik. When they come in the two are arguing about whether they should keep their guns in case this anomaly can alter minds beyond what they know.
  6. Erik wants to lock the guns up, while Robert doesn't feel safe without them. If no one intervenes, Erik gets angry and storms off, leaving Robert there with them. The party can assist one side in their arguments if they like to change who stays, but this wouldn't affect their guns since it would take some time for all the guns to be rounded up if they support Erik. If Robert is left, he tries to assert himself and orders them to talk to the local Cryptozoologist to see if he's figured anything out. If Erik is left, he tells the party about his father who he doesn't remember and suggests they check out his room. They are also told that the missing agents have rooms they could investigate. If they check out the rooms, they find Erik's father's journal, which is mostly normal, except for some scribbling in the back that simply states, "HOW CAN IT"S MOUTH OPEN THAT WIDE?" This is referring to him seeing the Singing Flesh swallow someone whole. Nothing else in the rooms is of note. If they go to the research labs, they find Steven who tells them about his theory that a monster is causing this due to the fact that their best agents are being killed. He unfortunately doesn't have much to go on and suggests they check containment for any additional clues that might be there since most of the guards refuse to go down there anymore.
  7. If they go to containment, they will find most of the anomalies pay them no mind, except for an anomaly that looks human, except for it's smooth face, devoid of any features. This changes when anyone approaches, as eyes open up on it's head equal to the number of people in front of it. It slams against the glass to try to get their attention and if they party pays it any attention, it will attempt to make hand gestures to communicate. The players roll a DC5 Perception check to decipher what he's saying. If they pass, they find out it's asking for a pen and paper. If they comply, it draws a picture of a stick figure being swallowed by a giant mouth and an arrow connecting the stick figure to a question mark. It's up to the players to figure out that the reason he knows this is because he has no ears. It's at this point the players will notice another eye will open up on the anomaly, but a loud noise sounds from where they came from and the eye closes again.
  8. If they follow the sound they will find Robert fell down the stairs trying to find them. He's twisted his ankle and can't stand. The players Roll a DC4 Perception check to notice that everything is suddenly quieter than before if that's possible. Then, the Singing Flesh lunges out and will swallow Robert whole. They then roll against it's Silent Song effect and proceed from there. The Singing Flesh will retreat to the basement regardless, where the players can confront it if they do well on their Silent Song rolls. If they do poorly, they are encouraged to bring their findings to someone, who will direct them to an old storage room, where they will find signs of a struggle. If they investigate enough, they might find that a vent has been forced open. If they ask Cat about it, she informs them that all vents run to the basement. Erik will tag along, and they will poke around the basement, unaware that the creature has nearly finished digesting it's food. They will all have to roll a d10 against a d10 I roll, and if anyone matches my roll, they bump into the Singing Flesh and can make another save against it's Silent Song. If no one finds the Singing Flesh, it attacks Erik and he rolls against Consume with a MEL of 4. If he beats the roll he will run off to go grab a gun, although he will forget about the monster before long. The players get another Silent Song Roll at +1 to resist and will most likely start the final fight. If they do not, they are called into an office by Cat who asks them what they've learned. Halfway through, the Singing Flesh has eaten Steven, and if it had consumed Erik it begins it's transformation. If not it becomes late and the party has to sleep. In the middle of the night a nameless NPC is killed and the transformation begins, leading them into the basement for the final fight. After beating the Singing Flesh, they can save anyone who it had swallowed shortly before the fight began, such as Erik in the Basement or Robert in Containment. Steven figures out the logistics behind the Singing Flesh and gives them a report to take back. They are shipped home and the run ends.
  10. **Outcome:** The Singing Flesh is dead and the players have solved the mystery of the monster, but the mystery of how the monster came to be at the site remains.
  12. Simon Romanov: a Russian man with a balding head. A jovial man who thinks of the foundation as a family. He is protective of other agents. Gives too many bear hugs. He stands at 6 feet 7 inches. Simon was a member of the Russian Mafia as hired muscle. He never actually hurt anyone for no reason though. He was eventually recruited by the foundation to work for them.
  15. Cathleen "Cat" Hayden: Researcher. Anomalous Armament Specialist. A redheaded woman, she gets excited around anomalous weaponry and whenever her site gets a new weapon in, she's the first to test it out and see what makes it tick. She's just as much of a fan of the mechanics behind weapons as the damage they can cause. She knows first hand how dangerous they can be. She was testing a rather powerful explosive when it went off unexpectedly and blew her right arm off. She didn't let it slow her down however, and got it replaced with a mechanical arm as soon as possible. She even decorate it with hot rod flames. She can come off as a bit hostile, but mellows out a bit once she gets comfortable around you.
  17. Robert Pavlovsky: A guard with dark brown hair who was as good as any other before the Singing Flesh appeared. He saw his best friend get eaten right in front of his face, and doesn't even remember it, nor his friend. This has caused some mental issues, causing him to become panicked, and cracking under pressure. His right to bare arms was revoked after he shot a hole in a wall when a spider dropped onto him. He runs at the first sign of danger, even if it will make the situation worse.
  19. Steven Cunningham: Cryptozoologist. He spent much of his time before the Foundation travelling the world in a camper van, trying to prove the existence of cryptids. One day, he was proven right when he encountered Agents capturing one of the beasts he was so interested in. After realizing he had found the creature without any resources at his disposal, they offered him a job. A light brown haired man, he wears glasses that are taped together, since he always ends up tripping on nothing.
  21. Erik Moreno: Guard. He joined up with the foundation alongside his father. Before they joined they were part of a private security firm. He idolizes his father and wants to be as goof of an agent as him. They worked together as guards on site 72 until the Singing Flesh appeared. His father was eaten by the Singing Flesh, and the son doesn't remember him. This has caused him to lose his drive, and not care about his own well being anymore, although he doesn't realize that. He has black hair.
  25. **Name:** Singing Flesh
  27. **Purpose:** It is the cause of the missing people/murders that are happening within the site.
  29. **Nature:** A beast driven by it's orders, which is to kill and consume everyone in the base. It cannot speak or be reasoned with and it will not falter in it's mission.
  31. **Description/History:** A creature that resembles a white piece of flesh with a thin neck. It's face has black empty eye sockets and a mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. It's flesh is malleable, allowing it to fit through small areas, however while it is digesting it cannot fit into these places. It's about the size of a person, and it's jaw can unhinge to swallow things whole. Once it has swallowed something, it takes an hour to digest.
  33. **Other:** It has no great physical strength and relies on trickery to catch it's prey. It's more tried and true method of staying undetected is it's "song". It can produce a noise that resembles a garbled tune that alters the way the mind perceives things. As long as it sings it's song, no one can register it or it's presence. If you have seen it, your memory of it fades to nothing. When it feeds, it must stop it's song for a short time to devour it's prey. Once it has it's prey and starts it's song back up, it's singing is frantic and is easier to resist. This could mean anything from not being effected until it's song starts back up in full force, to being able to remember details you normally wouldn't due to it's effects. Once it has devoured enough prey, it may grow more heads, increasing in strength. By the time the players arrive, it is close to gaining a second head. It the players allow it to eat 3 people while they're there, it's song will stop as it grows a new head. It will make a screaming sound while it does, informing the players of it's whereabouts. This is a method to keep the run from dragging too long, at the cost of having to fight a stronger monster than if they had found it before.
  37. Single Head Version:
  38. **Physical Health:** 5 (7 if 2 heads) .5/7
  39. **Mental Health:**
  41. **Physical Defense:** (5 if weak pcs)
  42. **Mental Defense: **5
  43. **Agility:** 1
  44. **Strength:** 3
  46. **Melee:** 5 (If combat capable PC) if weak pcs
  49. Double Head Version:
  50. It gains an additional attack
  52. **Skills:**
  53. Silent Song: As long as the Singing Flesh Sings, it cannot be seen or observed. Nor can you remember it or it's victims. Players must make a MDEF roll as soon as they enter the site. Anyone who rolls over a 5 feels a sense of wrongness but soon become accustomed to it's song and the feeling goes away. Once it has consumed someone and starts singing again, the players must make another MDEF roll. Depending on how they roll, they remember or don't remember certain things if they were observing the Singing Flesh feed.
  54. (Change MDEF Values to party. Change 6 to whatever the average MDEF of the party is)
  55. <0: They forget all about the Singing Flesh and it's victim
  56. 1: They remember someone was standing in front of them but can't remember who they were or where they went
  57. 2: They remember who they were talking to, but can't remember what happened to them
  58. 3: They remember who they were talking to and remember that they were attacked, but can't remember what attacked them
  59. 4: They remember the event perfectly
  60. 5: They remember perfectly and are able to perceive the Singing Flesh until it's song reaches it's climax again.
  62. Consume: The Singing Flesh makes a contested MEL roll against it's target to swallow them whole. A swallowed target is unable to fight back. It will never use this ability against PCs
  63. **
  65. **Engagement Style:** It jumps out of hiding once it stops it's song and attempts to consume it's prey. Once it's prey is consumed it starts it's song again and retreats. If cornered, it will lash out and fight to it's last breath.
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