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Dec 13th, 2015
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  1. You're not sure what drove you up the mountain, but you sure had a fleeting moment of regret as you crested the top and slipped; you'd heard the story about other kids disappearing too but never quite believed them. As you fell your thoughts raced; would.. however.. this ends be better then your life on the surface..? As you hit the ground with a thump your consciousness briefly fades as you glare up to the moon lit sky.
  3. Unsure of how long its been you slowly pry your eyes open, your bones ache and head pounds, confusion taking place as you tug wildly at your covers only to stop as you realise the silky sheet beneath your fingers are.. Well, sheets. Steeling yourself you slowly recline into the bed, the dark room proving unsettling as the sheets are evidently not your own. Slowly raising up you spot the door gently creaking open, a beam of light beginning to light the room which gives you a view of the well kept room, evidently kept very homely and clean.
  5. You rub your eyes and glance up once more, the figure now standing in the door and groping the wall idly until it hits a light switch, illuminating the room and bringing attention to.. her. Clutching the blankets you slowly examine her, a little at ease as she's evidently no "monster", but a rather motherly being. As she steps over and sits on the bed you sit up to, still silent as she sits besides you. "Are you hurt, little one? I tried my best to heal you, but I am not too sure.." She trails off, taking your hand and examining your arm. You gently shake your head and she gives a wide smile, holding the palm of your hand in hers, thumb gently brushing against the back of your hand.
  7. Sitting momentarily in silence you try and gather your thoughts, everything you've been taught seems to be.. Exaggerated? "Umm.. My name is Toriel; do not be afraid, I found you among the flowers.. You looked like you were hurt.. Did you fall..?" You give another meek nod, glancing down to her gentle hand as she continues her gentle strokes. "I take care of the ruins here.. And I guess I should welcome you to your new home!" She gives a happy smile, something about your presence gives her.. Hope? Happiness..? Purpose..?
  9. "There is a lot to discuss, Innocent one, you should rest first as tomorrow I will have to tell we'll have to make some snail pie and oh, oh, we could could visit the spiders and get some treats, or, perhaps even head to Snowdin and get your books from the Librarby!" You can't help but submit to her cheery demeanour, her apparent wild excitement sending her into ecstatic joy, when she finally realises that she's rambling on she quickly places a hand over her mouth, suppressing a light giggle as her mind races. To help her settle back down you lean in, quickly raising your arms and wrapping them around her, her thick plushy garment collapsing as you squeeze her. Perhaps this is better than your old life?
  11. With that same eager smile she raises her hand around your back and rests it over your shoulders, gently pulling her closer into her, bowing her head to press her lips against the top of your head in a light kiss. Holding her close for a moment you enjoy her sweet scent, gentle mixes of cinnamon and butterscotch permeate her well-kept clothes, much like the rest of the room. Slowly bringing the hug to a close she pulls you tightly against her, burying your head into her chest as she rests her head atop yours for a moment, drawing in a deep breath through her nose as she gives a sigh of content before begrudgingly releasing you from her gentle grip.
  13. She rises from the bed, hand gently ruffling your hair as she leaves you. "Goodnight, little one. I'll see you in the morning for breakfast!" She gives you another brief kiss on the head and departs, toggling the switch and closing the door. Feeling rather at ease with your new predicament you gently curl up underneath the sheets and rest your head, feeling the residual warmth of her comfort you're easily drawn into a gentle sleep.
  15. ...
  17. ....
  19. .....
  21. You awake a little while later, not as late as you might have hoped as you rub your still groggy eyes, still dry and and clear you estimate it hasn't been long at all.. Seemingly minutes.. But what's more prevailing is the muffled sounds permeating through the thin walls of the abode, raising to your feet you try to quietly pace off to the door, idly groping your way in the dark room and eventually flicking the switch, giving the room a quick glance over you notice several odd things.. Five pairs of shoes, an empty frame and various items of clothing.. Odd, but you continue regardless..
  23. Stepping out into the lit hall you idly meander down to the source of the sound, finally exploring the abode as you reach a door; light spewing from beneath it, quietly still you step up and press your ear to the door, that familiar voice is talking.. To herself..? You can only make out small snippets; "I can not let them leave this time.. They will end up like the others.. But I can not keep them here.. The ruins are no place for a child.."
  25. You gently pull down on the handle and push the door open a sliver, peeking through you can see Toriel with her head in her hands, a solemn tear rolling down her cheek as she rocks in her large chair, stopping and pausing erratically as her mind is wracked wit h thoughts from every part of the spectrum.. You can only imagine what she's on about.
  27. Scratching at your chest you gently come to realise that she's on about you.. That perhaps she needs you more than you realise it? If you've mad her this happy by only being in her presence.. What would leaving her do? She must have lost so much before you, would it be the right thing to do..? Something about you can't accept the thought of abandoning her, it wouldn't be the kind thing to do, right?
  29. Taking a deep breath you step through and clear your throat; glancing up to her with your hands together. "O-Oh.. Child.. You're awake..?" Steeling herself she wipes her eyes as you move closer, standing besides her. This time, you take her hand into yours and glance over her, once she's settled slightly you ask her what's wrong. "I have already lost so much.. I can not afford to lose another to him.." She trails off, trying not to meet your gaze as you idly stroke her hand, eventually telling her that you won't leave her, especially not like this.
  31. "I appreciate it, little one.. But I cannot keep you down here, it is not really a nice place to live.." You try to assure her through sleepy eyes that where you have come from is.. Well, that's your story, but she's still eager to empathize. As you talk and concile one another your body begins to weaken once more; sore and weary from the fall she's quick to realise, standing to her feet she catches you before you can fall, holding onto your weakening body from behind as she reclines back into her reading chair, as you fall you gently wrap your arms around her back, pushing into the plush fabrics of her gown and bringing your head into her chest, she repeats this with your frail form, one arm curled around and placed on your back, her second hand gently cradling your head and holding it against her, fingers trailing through your thick hair as her head bows to place those familiar kisses on your head.
  33. It doesn't take much longer until you fall asleep, all the worries of the world melting away in her grasp.
  37. ((As someone with manic/clinical depression, reading/writing about Toriel makes me realise how hard life would have been for her when all the humans between chara and frisk arrived, I mean, thinking about how her hopes and dreams fluctuate with each new one.. It's something I really wouldn't want to be exposed to.
  40. I cut this one short as I was sleepy, but writing helps me feel better, whether it's smut or not (my first smut one was and the first kinda thing I'd ever written, so if possible please send any feedback to
  42. Also, I'm really uninspired, so if you've got an idea or something please send me them! Writing helps me to feel happy, especially when someone actually likes it, the more specific the better though ^^))
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