
Pain: 2

Apr 16th, 2016
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  1. Your gaze passes over many as you sit at the edge of the table, your feet swinging about as you examine the various people in the now buzzing crowd. A young man with beautiful hair and golden eyes with a crescent moon and cheek stripe tattoos on his face begun to inch his way out towards the door, clearly discomforted by the crush of people. A glance to the other side of the room would almost make you get your ass off the table and dart straight though the crowd to a young man with a fucking PERFECT fashion sense, those heel, that hair... you wanted to run your hand across his scalp and play in the fluffy pink goodness.
  3. Hell you were just about to swing your legs down and head right over there when your gaze shifted.
  5. Only to be caught, transfixed like a rabbit before a striking serpent, by brilliant, golden eyes. Your breath hitched, tongue darting out from between your lips as you took her in. Tall, her calves were long and gloriously chiseled, as if craved straight from stone by a greek artist of mythic proportions. Her sleek, feminine curves were only complimented by the perfect abs which dominated her ripped form.
  7. And then she smiled. Teeth like daggers gleamed with bot menace and promise... dangerous in their own right and in what they suggested about their owner.
  9. You’re pretty sure that silence there just now was your heart skipping beats.
  11. Your legs were moving... wait… you hadn’t ordered that.
  13. You were fairly sure…
  15. … mostly…
  17. Ok so it might have been your lower brain giving the orders. Who were you to counter man them?
  19. The power of those abs were truly compelling.
  21. “You’re staring you know.” A deep yet very feminine voice spoke, contralto tones which went well with the hormonal rush which was her abs and chest. “... you know I’d think you were incapable of meeting my eyes I you hadn’t done it already once.”
  23. Geez… your eyes were barely on level with the bottom of her breasts, big and heaving as they were. But even with their presence you barely noted their size as anything but anecdotal, it was all about those smoking, rippling goodies which lined her stomach which were catching your attention. The subtle shifting reminded you of watching Pride Kat’s move, perfect chiseled, and dangerous.
  25. “I think I’d be staring into your eyes if I could reach them… but those abs just make it hard to focus.” You spoke without a hint of irony in your voice.
  27. A laugh resonated, its sultry tones as dangerous anything else about her. “Oh man... where do they make more like you and can I keep em?”
  29. “Sorry mam, one of a kind and proud of it.” Oh right… you should probably look at her face some time. Or maybe just stare at her boobs instead.
  31. “Clearly then I should be holding on to you instead then.” She tittered away, bringing one sharply clawed hand to her lips to almost hide her mirth. “Keep you on my shoulder as a good luck charm, neh?”
  33. “Maybe so. I’m light baggage.” You admitted with a cheerful smile. Ok so this wasn’t going quite so bad….
  35. … Woops…
  37. You were in the air, hanging from the scruff of your neck even as the giant of a young woman held you up into the air, bringing you face to face with a dangerous grin.
  39. “You know you’re a cutie pie... I could just eat you all up.” She laughed, and you laughed too... a bit more of a nervous sound than what you’d expected to come out of your lips. “Unfortunately though, I tend to play pretty rough. Most of my toys don’t last long. You look like you’d break before I could get any real fun out of you.”
  41. You stop for a moment, feeling challenged as you pout. “Don’t assume I’m a wilting lily. I’m probably the toughest person in the room.”
  43. An eyebrow quirked. “Oh really. Here I was thinking you were a just a pretty face and cute little booty.”
  45. Ok so you weren’t good at these compliment things... most of the time back home you were in with the others shouting insults and tackling the roughest patches of even the more intense games. You’d never had the speed or size needed to really be great at full contact sports, but dammit you were a nimble creature, and you’d gotten really good at taking a hit in a way that wouldn’t leave you hurting.
  47. Probably why developing that permanent ability had come so easily to you.
  49. “Maybe I should just make you put me down then.” You glared, your pride a bit more sensitive than you’d like to admit.
  51. “Make me?” The girl laughed a bit more, you were currently in the process of deciding if you liked it or not as she bounced you up and down in her single handed grip as easily as if you’d been doing the same to a piece of paper. “How are you going to make me if I don’t, hon?”
  53. You grinned.
  55. Your free energy was naturally low, you’re body’s build concentrated most of your magic into improving your dexterity, and reflexes, it left you very little for freely manipulating as you wished, but you did have some control over what was within your personal space, infact you dared say that you had more control over that than most would…
  57. Your energy flared, as you concentrated it against the hand which held you using your intrinsic ability, Frost edge, as the catalyst, and frankly you were Good at base transformation, as you concentrated the transformative energies of your intrinsic against the skin of the hand which held you.
  59. “Oh fuck… ow... shit…” You found yourself flat on the floor face first, dropped like a hot potato in an undignified heap. Not like it hurt or anything at all, but you scrambled up hoping no one else around in the room had been paying attention to that.
  61. You weren’t so lucky, but at least they turned back away once they realized it wasn’t anything big going on.
  63. “Ok. I don’t know what the hell that was but ok… you definitely made me.” She spoke with a bit more respect in her voice. “You made it through my sharp skin pretty easily.”
  65. “High dexterity, I can work more energy at smaller points than most. And I have some talent with transformation.” You nodded at her wonderful abs with a sage look upon your face.
  67. “I’m power combat focused myself. Enhancement’s my mainstay but I dabble a bit with transformations as well.” You couldn’t help but feel like her smile had gotten a bit less condescending and a bit more inviting. “I haven’t had any other students yet who could get though my innate like you managed there.”
  69. “Yeah you pack a fair bit more energy density than I’d have expected to work though.” Techie talk! Yay!
  71. “My passive at work, it ramps up the densities of energies I can store and distributes it into my muscle and just under my skin. Works with my intrinsic pretty well.”
  73. “The sharp skin?” You nod your head. “Let me guess, it’s a shaping mechanism right?”
  75. “Yeah, you’ve got this pretty well covered. Not just a cute face eh?” She grinned and mussed your hair.
  77. “Well yeah… kinda got stuck with extra basic technical classes cause figuring out how to use my affinity was a bitch and a half.” You acknowledge even as you allow her to continue playing with your hair.
  79. And then as if remembering something, she looked around the room biting her lip lightly.
  81. “You know, this isn’t a great place to be talking techs. Future rivals in the room and all.” She glanced about, her golden eyes darting to and fro.
  83. “Ah… I guess you’re more worried about that than I am. But then what if I were one of those rivals?” You smile, finally having something on over her.
  85. Your disappointment is tangible as her laughter comes back.
  87. “You’re too cute to be my rival little girl.” She grinned then picked you up again over your now vehelment protests, and slinging you like a small sack over her shoulder before smacking your rump to elicit a sharp yelp, as you ineffectually pounded on her back. “Right let take this to the cafeteria. I haven’t eaten a thing all day.”
  89. “I’m a Man!” Was your indignant, but ignored demand. “Geeze… twice in one day?”
  91. She simply laughed and walked out of the room even as you hid your face from the eyes which followed.
  93. Mortifying you all the way to cafeteria, even as you ordered your meals and she finally slung you down into a seat next to her.
  95. “Bloody hell woman…” You pouted petulantly. “A man needs his dignity you know.”
  97. Her laugher continued in its deep contralto pleasantry.
  99. “I think you’d be much more dignified in a nice dress. But that’s just me.” You were getting to rather like that sharky grin. There was just something about a woman with a mouth full of chompers like that which set a boy’s desire for danger on edge. “So. You know I almost feel embarrassed for not asking before, but what’s your name cutiepie?”
  101. “Thorley Marshall Barker. Most people back home call me Marshall.”
  103. “I think I like Thorley better, not as common.” Her grin continued to linger. “I’m Mercy. Mercy Lesmerci.”
  105. “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” You take her hand in a cheesy gesture and motion as if to give her fingers a kiss. You were kinda surprised at the blush on her face when you rose up from that position.
  107. “It seems I’m just a sucker for a proper gentlemen.” She laughed again, her eyes now focused ever more intensely upon you.
  109. “I do aim to please!” You responded with your own ridiculous grin.
  111. The rest of the evening went by fairly swiftly, pleasantries swapped as you both started talking more about channeling, entertainment, your likes and dislikes. You were pleasantly surprised to find that she was all in all quite the engaging person.
  113. You found yourself really enjoying her company.
  115. And her occasional overtly forceful advances, such as insisting on feeding you, pushing you about like a doll and the occasional comment about dresses and leashes. She avoided talk about her family though, despite a few hints as to the origin of her unique features being inherited traits.
  117. “You know. I’d call this a pretty good first date, if it was romance that we were looking for here.” She spoke, tearing off the last bit of meat from a rather large bone. Watching her eat was fucking fascinating. Though she’d said the same for you... It wasn’t your fault you were still hungry, that gathering room had only really had finger foods there, and those never satisfied anyone.
  119. "I don’t know… I treat everything as a romantic encounter.” You grinned, wiggling your finger cutely then reaching over to wipe a bit of food off her chin, before placing it back in her mouth. You kinda liked how the teeth ground against your skin when you tried to force one to cut you to no avail.
  121. “That might be a bit hard on things once we have to group up with five people, unless you want to make an orgy instead of a party.” She teased, bopping your forehead lightly.
  123. “Why not both? I’m Pro debauchery!” You dodged the hand coming to smack you upside the head.
  125. “Come on, be serious. Lets call this a nice first date or something… I’ll give you my contact, you give me yours and we can both sleep on it. See who else we can connect with before the end of the week right?” You kinda liked the serious look on her face.
  127. “Definitely. I like the idea, approval given.” You agreed cheerfully.
  129. In the end she escorted you back to your dorm room; you felt like if something here was backwards, but went with the flow.
  131. “You know. Let’s call this the first date after all.” You tall companion said as you both reached just outside of your door, then pulled you into a kiss, deep and searching, her tongue exploring the inside of your mouth invasive and uncaring of your personal space as she’d been all evening.
  133. You were especially surprised by the hand on your ass, kneeding it in a slow grind… and the other hand between your legs, massaging your crown jewels.
  135. You were breathing heavily, erect and aroused by the time it was done.
  137. Ready for more of Anything at all.
  139. Then she stopped, and smiled, backing off and fixing her shirt. “Something for you to think about tonight ok?”
  141. You nodded dumbly as she walked away... leaving you blue at the prospect of the rest of the night.
  143. … fucking cocktease.
  145. You couldn’t help but smile fondly as you entered your room. You had some porn on your PDA to catch up with it seemed.
  147. It was a long, long night.
  150. ][-][-][-][
  153. Morning.
  155. You were still a bit blue as thoughts of Mercy still danced in your brain, your mind hovering over commanding your PDA to call her or not... Geez, now you were acting like a little virgin after getting their first taste.
  157. You rolled your eyes.
  159. Ok so first week of Prometheus would be essentially free. You could come and go as you pleased to any class you liked, figure out what would be best for you as you attempted to understand what you could do.
  161. On the other hand it also gave you the free time to do some extra social hunting. Figuring out who you wanted to group with and getting them on your side as quickly as possible. You figured the more ambitious people would be keeping an eye out for the most useful and least objectionable people they could find, forging alliances and planning class structures to take advantage of such.
  163. Idly you wandered out to breakfast staring at your PDA deciding on your day.
  166. [-][-][-][-][-][-][-]
  170. Acquired Link to: Mercy LesMerci (Combat Specialist)
  175. Plan for the day? (Choose 3)
  176. [] Seek out Interesting people (May choose this multiple times)
  177. -[] What are you looking for?
  178. -[] Look for someone you've already met (Write in)
  180. [] Check out the running classes
  181. -[] Hunting
  182. -[] Fundamentals of Channeling
  183. -[] Combat
  184. -[] Technical Creation
  185. -[] History
  186. -[] Politics
  187. -[] Art
  189. [] Write in?
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