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Apr 25th, 2018
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  1. HelpfulStranger999 - Today
  2. Who are you?
  3. aids - Today
  4. Why does it matter?
  5. But I think can guess what this is about already
  6. HelpfulStranger999 - Today
  7. Harassment is one thing, and drama is another, so it's good to see what's what.
  8. aids - Today
  9. I thought so
  10. there are some argues between me and pupper
  11. Long story
  12. HelpfulStranger999 - Today
  13. I'm listening.
  14. At least an overview
  15. aids - Today
  16. Ok Ill make it shorter
  17. Pupper and me were friends for a long time
  18. and he was a staff member on one of my old servers
  19. This is how it began
  20. Once the admins stepped waaaay over the line
  21. And he took responsibility for it and he was understandably pissed
  22. So now I faked that I am taking a break from discord and that I gave this acc to someone else, so people would leave me alone for some time and I could just have peace
  23. He started guessing I am faking it
  24. Then some arguing occured
  25. I got pissed and revealed myself
  26. And then a lot of well...
  27. Cursing between us
  28. and that leads to here
  29. (I forgot to mention we blocked eachother)
  30. HelpfulStranger999 - Today
  31. Why are you following Pupper then?
  32. aids - Today
  33. Im not
  34. I was in discord stop way before this
  35. HelpfulStranger999 - Today
  36. Oh right
  37. Duh
  38. aids - Today
  39. But he wants us to not share a server, and I reminded him that we still have a mutual server
  40. Which is discord stop
  41. Im not "following" him
  42. HelpfulStranger999 - Today
  43. Ahhh
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